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I want to meet pack&growl at ones I've met.
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Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver was amazed at the he wolf, for he seemed to actually like her compainy. Unlike most he wolves she had met. She Was happy to know that he would take care of her if needed. She could already see that.

She was glade for his compainy and the he-wolf begain to grow on her. She looked at her shoulder and said with a hint of discust,<b>"If I ever see Rhysis's face again I-I'll rip it off for him!"</b> She was surprised by herself, expecially in her sudden change. She leaned on Thanatos wondering if he had met the bastered wolf.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
His head snapped up when Silver mentioned Rhysis. <b>"Rhysis did this? Why?"</b> He was trying not to get too angry but it didn't work to well for him. Thanatos growled softly. <b>"I knew he was pretending to be friendly. If I ever see him again he's getting the same wound he gave you."</b> He shook his head, calming down.

Thanatos licked her shoulder again and rubbed his cheek on hers. <b>"Please find me if you ever decide to go looking for him. I don't want you getting hurt."</b> He looked her in the eye, hoping she wouldn't go looking for him at all.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver was surprised by his sudden anger about Rhysis.<b>"No, he didn't I actually ran inot a tree. It was when I still didn't understand wolves. Lets just say I ran like a coward before anyhting seruose happened. I'm not proud of myself for fleeing, and this is what I have to remind me of it,"</b> Silver said bitterly.

She turned to Thanatos and cooked her head after he had told her not to look for him,<b>"Why not he desirves a good beating," then she paused, "what he do to you?"</b> the female asked more calmly. Silver still cooked her head waiting for his answer. Then, she licked his shoulder grently picking off a piece of surviving grass from the slop.
(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2012, 09:18 PM by SilverWintercoat.)
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos nodded when Silver finished explaining how she had gotten her injury. <b>"There is nothing wrong with fleeing. Sometimes it's best to flee than participate in a fight."</b> He had known from experience. There were so many times when he wished he had fled instead of standing his ground.

<b>"He didn't do anything to me. I met him for a short amount of time and he was nice, but I feel it was all an act. There was just something about him that seemed familiar. He was acting like my brother. Pretending to be nice so you wouldn't see what he was planning. I don't know maybe I was overreacting."</b>
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver listened to him and was alittle surprised at his calm ness again.<b>"Maybe we should consider intarigating Valiant. When I last saw him he still had a small scent of Rhysis on him, I'm sure. But not as much as before,"</b> the female said remembering the hunt she had had with him.

She grinned at him knowing that she had thought she was over reacting when she had met him.<b>"It's not just you I had the same feeling about him. Weird uh?"</b> she asked openaly. She sighed, more of from exastion, from here earilyer trek here. She laid down playing with Thanatos's tail and yawned. She waited to see if he would say anything else.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
<b>"I met Valiant not too long ago and I didn't pick up any scent of Rhysis. Maybe it would be best to leave things the way they are. If Rhysis does anything that threatens Grizzly Hollow though I will go after him."</b>

Thanatos nodded and laid down beside Silver. <b>"I wouldn't worry too much about Rhysis. He isn't much of a threat to a pack made up of so many strong males."</b> He nudged her chin with his nose as he spoke. <b>"I could go for a nap. You wore me out."</b> He chuckled and looked into Silver's eyes. <b>"God you're beautiful."</b> He didn't realize he had said that out loud at first.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
OOC: I think we could both post one more time and then end it. Then maybe pick up with it later on, like after that pack meeting is done with?

Silver nodded at him finally agreeing with his protests of Rhysis. She looked at Thanatos again and she had a fluttering feeling in her chest. Looking away shyly she heard him speak. She looked at him and saw his face, she laughed with glee as the male looked surprised at what he had said.

The nap comment made he at little drowsy. She yawned again flicking her eyes to the slop again. She knew what Jaysyek would be scared of, almost as much has she had to think about it. Breeding season, well pupy season. That's what Silver liked to call it, the female never said breeding season around any one before, and was glade not to. For once she was glade she wasn't an alpha.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
OOC: Sounds good to me :)

Thanatos moved closer to Silver, his side pressed against his and licked her cheek. <b>"I don't know about you but I'm taking a nap."</b> He smiled at silver and laid his head down on his paws, his eyelids getting heavy. He brushed his tail up against hers and slowly drifted off to sleep. He hoped she would stay there with him but there was no reason she had to stay. He really enjoyed her company and it felt like maybe there was already something between them.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
-Okay then. :)

Silver put her chin on top of his and mumbled an okay. Grunting her agreement she slowly closed her heavy eyes. The last thought that went through her mind was how she new she had just found someone to cling to, someone she connected with. She opened her eyes and looked at Thanatos once more. Curling herself closer to him she finally feel asleep.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow