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Show what you're worth — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
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Hartt Theos
Hartt was upset that with how she had acted when she first tried to join Swift River. She really wanted to join their pack. She paced back and forth in Sacred Grove, debating on asking the silver female to reconsider. As she was pacing she picked up the scent of deer. "I can prove my worth to the leader. Hopefully then she will accept me.

She ran off in the direction the scent was coming from and slowed down when the doe came into view. Hartt lowered herself so she was closer to the ground and crept forward slowly. The doe was grazing as Hartt stopped when she thought she was close enough. The doe was a little small but still much larger than herself. She leaped forward, scratching the does side and shoulder, and bit into its soft neck. Hartt held on tight as the doe bucked and tried to kick her. She bit down harder, cutting off the does airway. She kept ahold of it as it fell and didn't let go until the body went limp and stopped moving.

Luckily, the doe wasn't far from the Swift River border so Hartt slowly dragged the carcass closer to the border. She licked the blood from her muzzle, proud she was able to bring it down by herself. Hartt lifted her head and howled, calling for the silver she-wolf she had met last time. She hoped there wouldn't be a fight but would flee if the she-wolf rejected her again. All she could do now was wait and hope the alpha would come.
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
<blockquote>Rihael's large ears perked at the sound of an unfamiliar howl. Slowly rising from his perch atop a large fallen tree trunk, the kid stretched momentarily, enjoying the warmth of the late afternoon sun, before hopping down to the soft forest floor. The prints his paws left in the loam were becoming larger day by day, though Hael didn't pay any attention to this as he took off toward the source of the howl. A stranger, coming so near Swift River's territory and howling? It seemed rude to Hael, but since they were so slightly out of the pack's borders, he attempted to keep his cool as he approached the source of the noise.

The thought that it could be someone dangerous waiting for him was the farthest thing from his mind. His heartbeat began to quicken with a strange mix of excitement and anxiety. This— if nobody else had already come to find this mysterious howling stranger, Rihael would be the first one. Which would mean, this would be his first encounter with anyone outside the pack whilst alone. The fire that idea sparked burned brightly in the kid's orange eyes, and as his nose told him he was drawing very near to whoever this was, he could barely contain himself.

The closer he got, the more the smell of <i>food</i> also permeated the air, which was thick with a female scent he, sure enough, couldn't recognize. And then, there she was: a white wolf, nearly his size, though she was an adult. With, holy wow, a whole deer?! Hael's expression lit up, and he stepped proudly out of the trees, issuing her a short yip in case he didn't already have her attention. Still, the excitement of food didn't cover the particular twinge of protectiveness he couldn't help but feel, and Rihael assumed a regal, would-be dominant stature as he began to address his first ever Swift River Border Stranger. <b>"Hey stop! Right where you are,"</b> he started <span class='word'>ad rem</span>, the maturity in his voice surprising even himself. <b>"Who are you, and why did you howl at us— and who's the food for?"</b> Well, maybe he should've left that last part out. But Hael stood his ground as dominantly as he knew how, a stern eye on the stranger with the deer.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2012, 12:56 AM by Rihael.)
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
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Hartt Theos
Hartt heard the yip and focused her attention on the young wolf coming towards her. He was roughly the same size as her but appeared to be younger. She found it unusual that a pup would be left unattended. His body language showed dominance, perhaps this pup was the silver females son. He seemed very mature for his age, probably trained to become the next leader of Swift River.

Even though the boy was still a pup, Hartt tucked her tail in and submitted to the young River wolf. "My name is Hartt Theos young wolf. I am wanting to speak with, who I am assuming are your parents to request permission to join your pack." When he asked about the deer she assumed he was hungry with the way he looked at it. "The doe is an offering for your pack. If you are hungry you may have some." She smiled at the young wolf. "Do not worry, I do not intend to harm you or your pack." Hartt backed away from the deer, giving him plenty of room in case he wanted to eat.

She sat down and lowered her head, smiling sincerely to the young boy. "What's your name?" Hartt watched the young wolf. She loved pups.
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
<blockquote>Before he knew it, the female folded into submission. Rihael fought back possibly the biggest grin of his entire life, pride swelling visibly in his chest as he attempted to remain stern. <i>Okay,</i> he thought to himself as she explained her reasons for being here, just as he'd asked her to do. She was really cooperative, and she seemed nice, so what could be the harm in Mom or Dad coming here? Hael lifted his head to the sky, sending out a short howl as a follow-up to the white female's, his own stamp of approval. Though, secretly, he hoped someone would come soon, as he wasn't quite sure what to do with this female, polite though she was.

Yes, he was hungry. When wasn't he? Hael cast a glance to the deer and then back to her, and then of course back to the deer. It was tantalizing. Her words erased any suspicions he may have had about the kill, so he approached it, nosing at its soft underbelly before using his paws and jaws to tear into its hide. After the blood began to spill, he tore out a nice chunk, eagerly snapping it up as he looked back up at the female, Hartt. He appreciated the room she gave him, and seeing that it was okay, he continued eating.

<b>"Erm,"</b> he struggled to say through a mouthful of meat, swallowing loudly. <b>"Rihael. Rihael Tainn."</b> It seemed like she knew who he was already, so he couldn't see the harm in telling her his name. Besides, it was birthright to tell her, to be here. This was his home, and she was close to being a trespasser, so he deserved to tell her, right? Anyway, the deer tasted really awesome, and he grinned a bloody grin at her as he went on. <b>"Hael for short, though. My Mom or Dad'll be here soon, they'll accept you if you're worthy."</b> The presence of food had all but erased his professionalism for now, so his tone was conversational. Between gulps, he studied her for a second. <b>"...I love deer, ish my favorite. My Uncle says I'm gonna hunt one shoon if I keep practishing."</b> Another bite. He couldn't fathom why she wouldn't be fascinated to hear this story.</blockquote>
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
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Hartt Theos
Hartt smiled at the pup. Happy that he seemed to accept her. She kept her distance still, knowing his parents wouldn't enjoy having a stranger close to their pup. "I'm sure you will be a great hunter with enough practice. You will be taking down the biggest deer around soon enough." She enjoyed Rihael's company. He was an adorable pup, eager to learn.

Rihael seemed to want to have more off a conversation now that they introduced themselves. "How old are you Rihael? You still seem pretty young, not quite a yearling yet but you also seem really mature." She wagged her tail, happy to have some company. "Have you been able to hunt anything on your own yet?" Hartt wanted to get to know Rihael, he seemed like a very nice young wolf.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

What was this? A feminine howl pierced the air, and what had been an uneventful day just so happen to change by that single sound. Ears up, and wide like radar at the ready he listened to the beckoning call. He was away from home, but not too far he couldn't hurry to investigate the source. It may be for his leaders, but dome how he felt the pull he needed to be there too. A gathering of his legs, he began to bend them to his will, pushing, and pulling them into a rapid speed. He'd just see if the wolf at the borders deserved to be so close or needed to be on her way.

His nostrils flaring , and his tongue rolling from his leathery lips he did his best to reach the river borders in his haste. It took longer than he would have liked. Once the grove was in sight it didn't take long to find the scent that didn't belong, and track it to it's owner. It wasn't only her scent guiding him, but a trail if deer blood.

Distant voices bounced around the familiar setting. One particularly made his ears flatten, and very slowly whisked the black hair along his neck to rise. Hael had beaten him here and he wasn't sure he liked that. He hated the fact it was possibly dangerous for his nephew, but he admired how he had done what Triell would have too at almost the exact age.

Prowling forward with boldness, and caution he spotted the pair chatting at one if the borders marks. He assessed the situation noting that Rihael didn't seem disgruntled, and the lady seemed friendly. It didn't put him at ease, and he assumed she was merely being polite for her own sake. The black wolf Padded closer, letting his bright eyes burn into the white stranger's. "Who's your friend Hael?" he asked coolly in his deep voice.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
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Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
A voice that was all too familiar in ways it wasn't cut through the air, and Ice's ears flattened instantly as if to block the sound out. A deep, rumbling noise rolled around in his broad chest as he stalked through the Grove, an edge of anger in his brisk steps. Why was she here again? Had she not understood the last time? Through narrowed silver eyes Ice saw his home flash by as he navigated the patch of trees he'd grown to call home. Rushed breaths slipped in and out of an open mouth, worn pads touching down only to lift again as his muscles powered him like a strangely subtle steamtank through the bare underbrush. Twigs reached out to touch him, but he shrugged them off. The scent of meat - blood, gore, a kill - filled his nose and his lip curled back in disgust. Everything around this meeting had entirely put him off the tantalizing smell, and something he normally would've welcomed became nothing but an annoyance. The fact that some of his pack members were there already made it little better, and for a moment he even hesitated, but - they did not know the background story. They, most likely, only saw a young, eager female with a kill. A peace offering? The best would've been to not come back.

Still, he reined in his flashing temper, slowing down as he appeared, stalking out from the forest with a distinct fiery edge to his entire character. That, if anything, ought to tell his pack mates that this wasn't the first time this particular loner had sat upon their borders and demanded the presence of Corinna. Head and tail high, Ice entered, pale eyes resting briefly on Triell and then on the young male with his head buried in the deer's belly. The entire situation failed to humor him, and though he wanted to hesitate, to wonder if Corinna would think twice, would re-evaluate the wolf or hold to her previous judgment... This was not the time to hesitate. He forged his path to the meeting, icy eyes pinning the female. "Back so soon?" he asked in a dangerously low voice that bordered on a growl. Though, that was his only outward sign of near-aggression - he was the epitome of cold and unwelcoming, stiff in posture. "Have you learned nothing?" he demanded of her. Perhaps she would see it as a feat to bring a doe and feed Corinna's children, and see it as her ticket into Swift River - Ice saw it as a pathetic, prideful attempt to get into the pack, refusing to admit defeat. She was stubborn, all right, but Ice wasn't certain if it was positive or negative. He wasn't Corinna - he had no clue what the female Leader would think of this. All that Ice could guess was that it wouldn't sit right with her to be called for again, as if she was someone to come whenever you asked. True, she'd come when he brought Teldias, but that was different. He hadn't called out, asked for her - she'd come of her own free will.

He was mildly aware that he wasn't paying his pack mates much heed, and that to them it likely seemed strange that he came barging in like that, fur nearly bristling and glaring at the young female.. but they didn't know the story. Desperately, he hoped they wouldn't judge him for it - especially Triell. Still scowling, the large male froze in his pose, waiting for an answer, or even better, Corinna's arrival. He only hoped that if or when she came, it was with daggers unsheathed.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
<blockquote><i>Really mature?</i> Hael beamed, though the blood staining his otherwise pearly-whites might have given him a slightly creepy look. He opened his mouth to explain all about how he had hunted a rabbit with Aunt Borlla and he'd watched the pack hunt wild boar and one time he and Fenru ran into a groundhog, but someone behind him stepped into the scene. Hael's head snapped around, and it was Uncle Triell. The kid's tail began to wag quickly behind him as he got to his feet, bounding the few steps over to his Uncle to give him a playful lick beneath the chin. After this, he returned to his spot at the deer's stomach again.

<b>"Her name's Hartt,"</b> he said, settling back to his haunches. That's what she said, right? Hartt? <b>"Um, Hartt Theos. She brought us this deer! Hartt, this is my Uncle Triell. He's in the pack too, he's my Dad's brother."</b> Unaware that he might be overinforming her, or that it might not have been his place to betray Uncle Triell's name so soon to a wolf who was practically a stranger, Hael sat grinning— an expression that melted depressingly from his face as a dangerous, dark voice made Ice's presence known.

Rihael was back on his feet, lost for worst, staring between the strong male he'd learned to call a packmate and the female. What?! What was the problem? His hackles began to rise instinctively, as now he knew that apparently something was very wrong here. At the same time as he began to bristle, he realized the blood on his mouth was still there. It felt like a mark of guilt, and he suddenly felt sick to have so blindly accepted an offering from a stranger that Ice didn't trust— was he going to be in trouble? What had this female done?

<b>"...Sorry— she seemed nice— I didn't know—"</b> he managed to say in his defense, caught in the tension of the moment, waiting for Ice or Uncle Triell to say <i>anything</i>, or for Mom or Dad to show up and set things straight...</blockquote>
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
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Hartt Theos
Hartt looked over the black male who showed up. Rihael introduced him as his Uncle Triell. He seemed nice enough but still a little tense, which was understandable since there was a strange female around his young nephew.

A familiar face emerged glaring at Hartt and speaking almost in a growl. She quickly tucked her tail between her legs and submitted to the male. <b>"I..I'm sorry I just wanted your leader to hear me out. Please, I never meant to be rude when I was here the first time. I'm not here to bring harm to any member of your pack."</b> She paused, nervous around the large male. <b>"I have never been a member of a pack. As far as I know I was abandoned as a pup. I have no memories of my parents. I've been on my own for as long as I can remember, no one taught me how to act towards a pack leader. I know I was rude but I didn't mean to be. I just wanted to give your leader the deer I brought down and apologize for how I had acted before and ask if it was even a possibility for her to reconsider. I know I'm young but I've survived my whole life on my own so clearly I have at least decent hunting skills. I haven't been in a fight with another wolf yet but I would never give up if it was for the packs safety. I would protect the pack with my life. I..I just want a chance where I'm not judged for something I didn't know.</b>

Hartt backed up, having said all she had. Now she would just wait and see what the male said.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

He didn't care for the scene before him, and continued to eye Hartt with a cold, and suspicious stare. He began to wonder if all lone wolves were so oblivious or merely the ones that ventured to the Grove. Either way it didn't stop to astound, and annoy him at the lack of wolf etiquette many of them possessed. He wanted nothing more than to tell Hael to get away from her. He was afraid he might be rebelled against, and could see that outcome much worse if the boy took off or turned on him. He had to think ten steps ahead before he acted. Or least he tried. He was relieved when his nephew bounded over placing a wetness to his lower jaw. Just as quick as he came, he went back to the deer. Triell made an effort to walk up by his side, not taking his eyes the female for one moment. He wanted to add an Uncle not much caring for a stranger among his home and family so comfortably. He was about to ask her what she was doing, a voice he'd heard, not quite in that way broke against them. Triell had to tip his head to the side to really see if it was Ice. He never thought about what he might be like displeased, and now he knew. It didn't take a genius to realize the girl had been here before, and the meeting had not went well. Defensively he took to hanging near Hael. He let Ice take the floor as he was both older, up higher on the ladder of ranks, and acquainted to a point with the female in question. the further he spoke, and the more Triell looked upon him his suspicions were only confirmed by the silvery wolf's posture.

It dawned on Rihael the situation was anything, but innocent. Triell pressed his side against the lad's to reassure him he was right here for him. At the same time he had stepped closer to Hartt to shield "It's okay Hael." He said somewhat quietly just for the boy. It was not his fault, the eyes of youth were so innocent, and he doubted he had encountered many strangers. He was about to have his first lesson.

Before Triell could carry out any sort of decision, Hart spoke her piece. He listened with a steady ear cocked in her direction, the other upon Ice. He rather not go against Ice, it didn't do well for many reasons to disagree with a pack mate. It seemed very ridiculous she had known nothing about pack life, or even her parents. Had she taken some kind of fall, or injury to her head to have a memory so blank? He recalled how Ozera had fallen from Riddle Heights temporarily messing with her mind. Hart did not appear to be in any sort of physical harm to make her words truthful. If she had been rude to Cori, and had trespassed the yearling didn't see his leader, his sister-in-law just letting her back in. This whole thing with Rihael he doubted she would see as something harmless. She should know better, how had she survived this far lacking the general manners of wolf kind? Surely someone would have put her in her place. Was that there job?

His dark brows crease against his bright yellow eyes. Partly in thought, and the other because he was tired of sad excuses. He wanted to be compassionate, he didn't see why. If she was let in she'd be at the bottom of the pack no doubt, and her life would be hell. "If you were rude to Corinna once I don't imagine this will easily put you in her good graces. It certainly does not mine. Especially this way, she is very protective of her pups. You might as well come asking for a death wish." He widened his stance, and lowered his head letting his ears flatten to his skull. A low growl bubbled in his chest in warning. "I'll give you this chance to leave now, unless you dare face a mother's wrath instead."

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]