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walk the line — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

His stomach was growling, and hurting with hunger. The measly fish he'd got had long been eaten away for his energy, and he let out a short snarl of displeasure to silence the noisy workings. He wouldn't fill it if it was squeaking, and gurgling. He was bound to run into another wolf, he didn't want it echoing his state of being. He was dead set on getting something by the end of the day, and he followed along the remains of the creek hoping to find some sort of hint where something larger came and went for a drink. He was getting desperate, and willing to try anything he came across. This point in life he rather die of pain, and blood loss then hunger. Eventually his stomach had to start eating away at itself or he wished it would. He had been quite fit before the start of winter, and now his shoulders were not as prominent with bulk as they had been. This aggravated him greatly. He didn't like looking like a creature who was failing, and he could not take lone life much longer. He craved some kind of company, any kind of companionship.

A harsh sigh, he sauntered forward thinking he should get a drink. His nose could not pick up anything, but the faint comings and goings of other wolves. He began to doubt many meek animals ran across the paths. His golden eyes fell upon a collection of rocks, and when he stopped to look he saw the pool. It was covered with ice atop some of the stones, and around the edge. The water ran freely, and he went for a closer look. There was something about it that calmed his nerves, and he forgot about his hunger by watching the water.

(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2012, 03:34 AM by Vander.)
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
Ismeme had grown lonely since she had come to Relic Lore. She had given up trying to find her sister and only wanted to see a friendly face now. She wandered into Cedarwood Forest and looked around. Her stomach growled, Isa hadn't realized how hungry she was until then. She had become very thin but she wasn't on the brink of starvation, not yet at least. She searched for any scent of prey and picked up the scent of a he-wolf instead. Wanting a bit of company, she headed in the direction his scent was coming from.

She stopped once he came into view. He was standing by a pool just staring down at the water. She smiled as she spoke. <b>"What's so interesting in the water?"</b> She teased him a little, not trying to be rude, just playful.
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

His blond ears twisted back at the soft crunch of snow, and his nose crinkled soon catching the female's scent. In no hurry, he continues to stare at the water not sure about his sudden company. He had wanted some, and figured he couldn't well ignore her or remain quiet much longer. That would be rude. He rolled his weight onto his haunches, and turned to better face her. By scent, and sight she was younger than him. Something told him she was close to passing her adolescent years, and her regarded her with a blank stare. "Never seen it before," he responded keeping his deep tone, smooth yet void of much else. That was just Evander he liked to keep himself a blank, and most unreadable. It was better to keep a low profile, he wasn't one to pettifog.

"You know, a lady like yourself shouldn't travel alone. Don't you think it'd be wise to find a pack?" He quietly added with a sudden swish of his tail. If she was close to her second birthday, he was sure males would flock to her like bees to wildflowers. So young he figured it would not be a wonderful surprise. He could be wrong, maybe she liked such attention. For himself he was not looking forward to the upcoming season, but controlling his hormones had gotten easier with the years.

(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2012, 03:49 AM by Vander.)
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
Isa watched him, curious. He stood with a blank stare on his face. She wasn't able to read his expression, Isa couldn't tell what he was going through his mind. She didn't know if he didn't want her there, if he was bored, or anything. She was debating turning around and leaving until he spoke again.

<b>"I am currently considering joining Copper Rock Creek. I could manage fine on my own though. I'm still alive after months on my own so clearly I do well enough without a pack. What about you though? You don't want to join a pack?"</b> She sat down, looking him over. He appeared to be at least two or three years older than herself. He had a cream pelt that covered his large body and gold eyes that appeared to have some green in them. <b>"I'm Ismeme by the way, or just Isa. What's your name sir?"</b>
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

Ah, so she was considering a pack. He'd never insinuated she was stupid, or unable to take care of herself. It seemed a waste to be so young, have her whole life ahead of her, and be like him. A loner uncertain where he would sleep, or get his next meal. He offered her a simple bob of his head. It was nice to see not all young wolves were foolish, and stubborn. Or not entirely. He sensed she could be if he pressed the issue. Something he didn't want to do, but he was afraid she was missing the point of his words.

"I'm sure you can. Looks like you've been so far. I just meant breeding season is not time to be on your own. I haven't been here long, but darkness lurks in every corner of the earth." He said, if again she came to the wrong conclusion he wouldn't explain further. He himself wasn't sure why he mentioned it, or why it should bother him. He supposed internally it did, and it had to do with the facts of his past. Attentively he cocked an ear at the rush of her name. He tucked it away, just in case he would need it later. Though why she offered it, or wanted to learn his made him suspicious. It was just ingrained in him not to trust. "Evander, miss Ismeme." He went by Vander most times. He didn't much care for all the ee, and never had. Since she didn't mention a last name, he wasn't about to share his own. He actually thought about changing it. He hated his father, and he hated the name he'd put upon him. He was not about to live up to his pathetic legacy.

"Oh, I might join a pack. I'm a bit particular with such things...."

(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2012, 02:38 AM by Vander.)
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
Isa looked at the male a little confused. Breeding season? Why would she need to worry about breeding season? She didn't have a mate. And even if she did, only the leaders could have pups so the breeding season had nothing to do with her. If she joined a pack She would care for her leaders future pups but she wouldn't have any of her own.

<b>Any idea what pack you will join?"</b> The older male didn't seem too interested in her or in talking. She figured she would at least try to get him to warm up to her. She had been wanting some company for a while now.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
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Pakuna Atea
Hope yall don't mind if I join?

<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'> The she wolf panted softly as she lifted her head. Cream colored maw was soaked scarlet; she had just killed a rabbit. The rather plump creature lay still at her feet, dark eyes glazed over with death. The earthen toned wolf licked her maw before lowering her head back down to the kill and ripping into its stomach. Steam arose into the air, evaporating into the cool late winter air. She enjoyed the small meal, for any meal to her was a good one. Ivory fangs tore viciously at the creature, its pelt becoming stained with its own blood that once pumped through its small body.

Aside from the rustic scent of blood, Pakuna thought she smelled something else- t'was not prey, but other wolven. She continued to feast for several more minutes until the wolf decided that she was satisfied. With a pleasant sigh, she swished her tail, deciding to venture towards the scent of the two other wolves. Cream colored paws stepped lightly on the melting snow, leaving a perfect trail of her prints behind. She gazed around the beautiful forest, naked trees stretching out like veins across the blue sky. It was quiet, but with the quiet she could now hear faint voices. <i>Ah</i> she thought, <i>so me nose does not lie.</i> Cautiously, she continued forth, green auds looking to see where the wolves were.

Within a few moments, their figures came into sight. Pakuna took a breath in, and leaned against a thick tree trunk, watching. </span>
(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2012, 03:24 AM by Pakuna.)
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<i>not at all :)</i>

    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

What he was trying to mention was lost on her, going right over her head. Oh, well. He tried to be the nice guy, and had failed. A third attempt seemed foolish. She might think he wanted her or something. He did not want to try to fix that. Damn, he hated talking. He hated explaining things. Maybe she was only a year old, and wouldn't have to worry about it. He closed his jaws trapping an exasperated sigh. This was why he avoided company, there was little to do with strangers but wrecking havoc on his nerves. He was meant to do, more than listen, and speak. He hadn't been equipped with the best skills when it came to socializing. He hadn't gave up so far, and cantered his sleek head at her question. "No, not at the moment. I'm looking into it though." He wasn't too keen on snoopy about, and wanted to look like he could offer something. The packs around here could be quite full, and picky who they let in.

He struggled to find a something suitable to say. Again small talk was not his talent. She seemed more interested in this encounter than he did. He could not settle on anything to mutter, and he wasn't sure if he heard more paw steps or merely the movement of the forest against the breeze. His body became rigid, and alert. He lifted his tail, letting his eyes scan the area. This was what Vander had been raised for. Being aware of his surroundings, and on guard. His brown nose wrinkled, and he lifted it to the air. The air spoke nothing to him, and he began to question reality. His brows creased against his eyes, he held still, and kept quiet. There was nothing. "Huh,"he said, feeling like he had spaced out. He turned back to Ismeme to see if she felt something too.

Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
OOC: Hartt is actually Ismeme's sister that she originally came here to look for. If you want you can have Pakuna mention her name at some point.

She eyed Evander, curious. <b>"Could you tell me what you meant about how I shouldn't be alone during breeding season?"</b> She had no idea what he meant. At the moment, there weren't any males even interested in her. He mentioned that he had been looking into joining a pack and wasn't sure which one. She was sure any of the packs would be happy to take him in.

Isa could have sworn she heard paw steps and looked around, trying to find the source but saw nothing. For a moment she thought she was going crazy until she looked over at Evander and it seemed he heard something too. He was alert, tail up and searching their surroundings.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>
Pakuna could tell that the wolves were unsure about if something was around them or not. Releasing her breath, her mind began to whir, deciding if she should appear before these two or not. <i> Don't look too bad...</i> she thought, grunting almost inaudibly to herself. Her green eyes focused upon the two as her mind continued to buzz. Her experiences with other wolves in this new land seemed to be going well so far, so why not?

She stepped forward like a ghost, quiet and cautious. She wasn't doing it purposely; it was just how she was. Her muscles rippled beneath her thick pelt as she walked forth, her eyes scanning the surroundings once more before coming back to the two infront of her. She wasn't sure if she should greet them or not. Once again, being unsure, she just stood there. By scent, she could tell one of the wolves was a female, and one a male. The male seemed to be a bit older, around her age. He was quite handsome, and she smirked lightly to herself. It had been awhile since she ran into another male wolf. It had always seemed like she was running into females.</span>