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Redheart — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Out of no where a white female came charging in. The other male almost went for her throat before pulling away. He told her he was having issues and to take cover? What was that supposed to mean. Either way, Thanatos backed off, not wanting to fight a female. He watched the two closely still but he showed no signs of aggression.

<b>"Calm down. I'm done fighting. Just stop before you hurt your friend."</b> He sat down and waited to see if they would attack or leave it be.
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
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Ismeme Theos
Isa looked back at Rolu who tried to attack her. Why would he do that? He told her to take cover but it wasn't his voice. She tucked her tail between her legs and looked back at Rolu, afraid.

The black male backed down, refusing to fight once she got there. Did he not want to fight a female? Either way, he sat down and told Rolu to calm down. Hopefully he would, she didn't like seeing him like this, out of control.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
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Silver Wintercoat
Silver ran on coming closer, she was in range now to see Rolu's eyes. Where had she seen that before, then it clicked, she had meet a wolf named Romain who first appeared to her like that and he had told her to go away, to save herself and she had ran. Running closer she jumped over Thanatos at full speed aiming to tackle Rolu no matter what Rolu had helped her with.

She spread her jaws waiting to sink her teeth into a leg or side if her plan did not work. Then changing her direction she landed in front of Thanatos her fur bristled, making her look twice her size. Growling like a large cat, kinda foxish, she said,<b>"Back down Rolu or I will attack you!"</b> Noticing his eyes again she laid her ears back to.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
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Rolu Whitetree
Rolu was watching form inside his head, yelling and fighting for control. Rolu's body went in for the kill no matter what even going in as the male sat down. He fought for control as the monster scent his body to attack the wolf, just then a silver wolf jumped in growling. Rolu knew it was Silver after a few minutes, trying to pull away he finally got control he yelped as the pain came back to him all at once.

Rolu collapsed and whimpered his vision starting to go black. He looked up at the wolves, and he looked over at Isa with a worried look. His monster voice yelled at him as he stuffed it back down into its cage. His vision was blurred and he breathed heavily not able to speak. He was rather having problems thinking and keeping conciseness. It had been a long time since he had endured pain like this.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Thanatos watched as Silver came out of no where to defend him. Had she followed him there? It seemed like it. He watched as the male yelped in pain and collapsed. He didn't think he had injured him that bad. Regardless, Thanatos went to the male to see if he was alright. <b>"Come on kid, I didn't injure you that bad. You're alright. Just give it a few minutes."</b>

Thanatos looked at Silver and licked the blood from his muzzle before he stepped forward and rubbed her neck in greeting. <b>"Are you alright Silver?"</b>
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
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Ismeme Theos
Ismeme rushed to Rolu's side as he yelped in pain and imediately started freaking out. She turned to face the black male just as he nuzzled the silver female. <b>"You, you bastard!"</b> She rushed him, attempting to tackle him. She spoke before she attacked again. <b>"Look at what you did to Rolu! My Rolu!"</b> She snarled at the black male, furious that Rolu was on the ground in pain and all he had were a few scratches on his muzzle.

Isa lunged at him, going for the throat. At that point, she was ready to kill.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver pushed herself between Thanatos and the whites female. She had seen this type of thing before with a pair of foxes. Moving like a barrier she moved to take the full on hit from the female. "So Rolu found someone new," she thought.

She snapped at the female making herself look bigger than she was again, but she already knew that the wolf was smaller than her so it really wasn't needed.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu heard the voice from the he-wolf and grinned, it wasn't that it was bad, but it was because the pain had come back all at once. Then, he saw Ismeme freak out and he struggled to get up his legs felling wobbly and said,<b>"Isa, quit it. I'm fine, just a little off guard that's all."</b> He nodded at the male wolf and looked over at Silver. Blood still flowed down his check, but started to slow. His paws where a sticky mass of blood from his under belly. And yet he felt like he could go another round or two.

<b>"I was just warming up when you came Isa,"</b> Rolu growled mostly at the other male. Rolu knew he was in bad shape, but he had been in a worse state then this once and had killed the other wolf with under 7 minutes. He was just rusty, but still he couldn't deny the he-wolf that stood in front of him was good. A worthy wolf to die by. Licking his chest to lay out the fur he growled a small warning at the male just in case. Then he sat down letting his stained under belly show. He looked at the battle scared male in front of him and asked,<b>"What is your name?"</b>

He glanced at Silver and lifted his head higher than usual. He knew know why she had protected him so, she was in love with the male. Rolu could see it in her eyes. He made no move to tend to his wounds, showing no weakness was what he was taught to do.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos chuckled when he made a statement to the white female, Isa, but still clearly meant it for him. <b>"I'm Thanatos. And it would be best for you if you didn't challenge me again."</b> Thanatos had been in more fights than he could count. Most ended in death. He had even killed the members of his birth pack after they attacked him and killed his mate. This, Rolu, wouldn't be able to defeat him.

He turned his attention back to Silver. He licked her cheek and circled her, making sure she wasn't injured at all. <b>"I brought down a buck not too long ago. I was going to call for you, figuring you were somewhere nearby. Are you hungry?"</b>
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
Isa stopped when she heard Rolu's voice and quickly went back to his side. She licked his cheek where blood was still trickling down. Isa nudged him when he growled at the black male again, trying to get him to stop and calm down. <b>"Come on that's enough fighting."</b>

He sat down and Isa noticed the wounds on his belly. She sighed at looked into his eyes. <b>"Come on, let me clean those for you."</b> She nudged his shoulder with her nose and stared at him, hoping he would listen to her.
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