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walk the line — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

He heard her question, somewhere running into his ears. He was on edge waiting for something to pop out at them. He'd witnessed a cougar jump on a fellow wolf before, and didn't plan on living it. It hadn't been so lovely to witness, and it's weight could easily crush him, never mind her. Swiftly he shifted himself back to get a good glance at the nearby branches. A cat was not going to take his life, no way in hell. They were empty, and he tried to breath easy. Puh, yeah right.

There the sound was again, and he turned in time to see the blur of movement. He wasn't sure what it was, and his ears pinned to the back of his head. The rush of adrenaline started to pump through his veins, and he yielded his snout to protect his vital throat. She almost appeared to blend in with the bark, and the brush. If he squinted, or was half blind he would not have seen the wolfess before him. What did she want? Company like the rest? Golden-green flecked eyes settled upon her with much an intensity he hadn't shown in some months. "Hello," he replied, hoping she was the friendly sort of lady. He wasn't sure he had tolerance for more than two females at once.

He briefly let his eyes wander to the pale girl, remembering she had asked about his earlier statement. "Because, not everyone soul is good and plenty won't pass up the opportunity of using a fair maiden." He took a moment to firmly stare, hoping that might get his point across. How more blunt could he be? This wolf might have some say, and he rotated his head back to her.

Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
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Ismeme Theos
Isa finally spotted the she-wolf heading towards them. She almost blended in with her surroundings. Evander seemed to have forgotten about Isa altogether once he noticed the other female. She was beginning to feel less and less welcome. Evander already didn't seem interested in having her there, let alone talking to her. The moment the she-wolf showed up his eyes lit up.

He turned and answered Ismeme's previous question and stared at her like his answer was obvious. She was only a year old and hadn't even been around many males, not that they gave her much more attention that Evander did. He clearly seemed annoyed as he turned his head back to the new female. Isa looked down, clearly she was no longer welcome. <b>"I'm sorry Evander. I'll be leaving. Sorry for bothering you."</b> She turned her back on the two wolves, knowing that they probably wouldn't care at all if she left.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
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Pakuna Atea
Pakuna watched cautiously as the white wolf turned her back on she and the other wolf. <i> She looks familiar...</i> she thought, blinking slowly and tilting her head slightly. Shrugging it off, she continued forth, now about ten feet away from the two wolves. The male had casted out a greeting, one that reeled Pakuna in. She felt obligated to speak now. <b> " 'Ello there"</b> she said in her gruff tones. The scent of the two wolves continued to be pushed towards her by a slight breeze. The breeze had a hint of warmth, though, signifying that spring was indeed on its way. Her bushy tail held still as she peered at the male, observing his golden-green eyes. Eyes always told a lot about a wolf, she always thought.

She now stood there at ten feet away, paws weighing down on the melting snow below. She did not want to be too close for the wolf, for what if they were attack? You could never trust anyone from just a greeting.
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

The attention upon the latest wolf had put the younger girl in want to leave. He ground his teeth, and than his jaw went slack. "Ismeme do what you please, and think what you want" he muttered with indifference. He had no time to make amends with a stranger over some small little thing. Woman. He'd never understand them, and would never attempt to try. He was only being wary with his eyes more intent upon the new comer because he wasn't sure of her intent. While Ismeme he had counted out as a threat, the other he could not be sure.

His other ear cupped forward at her rough tone, and he was not quite surprised her tone matched her outer appearance. She appeared tough, and sure of herself. The mottled brown, seemed to be the imagine that matched the voice. The brute would have been more surprised if it would have sounded high, and sweet. "You lone wolf, lookin' for some company too?" It wasn't the best question, but he wanted to break the ice. He couldn't pick up any strong scents upon her, but she was not close enough for him to thoroughly check. He didn't just go around sniffing everyone at close inspection, and for the time being would assume she was a loner like him.

Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
She nodded to the new female and turned back to Evander. <b>"Perhaps I will see you another time Evander. Good luck figuring out which pack you want to join."</b> She said her goodbyes and turned and walked away, padding through the melting snow.

(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2012, 07:04 PM by Ismeme.)
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

Pakuna looked at the female in slight confusion as she began to pad away. <i>Interestin'...</i> she thought, bringing her gaze back to the cream colored male. He asked her if she was looking for some company as well. To this, she said <b>"Eh, if ye would call it that. I be seein' what kind o' wolves live on this land."</b> she stopped walking now, standing still. Eyes scanned the wolf, seeing him in more detail now that she was quite close. He was a good size, but was he friendly? Pakuna seated herself, but was most certainly ready to attack if this wolf was to act in an aggressive matter.

She parted her jaws <b>"Name's Pakuna.</b> She sounded rather blunt, for the dragging on of the winter seemed to make her that way. She had enough of seeing this landscape of white everyday; it was time for green to appear, greens that would match the tone of her eyes.
(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2012, 11:30 PM by Pakuna.)
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

I hope not, he thought silently in reply to her words. If this was how she handled things, he wasn't eager to be meeting up with her, let alone being in the same pack. He had patient for things, but not her kind of problems. Silly girls were on his list. He let it go, he wasn't one to waste time dancing around, and pleasing others who meant nothing. His large shoulders shifted, trying to relax, and his attention was fully upon the lady who had remained. It was much better he only had to deal with one stranger at a time now. She might prove more reasonable, and mature there the first. Really being out numbered was never a particular thing he was fond of, especially by women. "Smart thing. Are you have any better luck than me?" He asked, gesturing to the female who had just left because of his lack of reason to want her attention or give his in return.

Kindly she offered her name, and he tipped his head sounding is off, "Vander." He wasn't even going to say Evander again. He squinted slightly not to look like he was glaring, before he decided to recline to his haunches in a peace offering. She did look as bored as he was within these lands, and he wondered if she too wanted a purpose. It was probably why he felt more interested in her, he was always more able to want to pay attention if he could relate.

Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
[ooc; I'll just act as if this was before Pakuna joined crc, since I had begun posting when she was still a lone wolf. Edit;; I see Vander is in crc too :). ]

Pakuna listened as the male spoke. "Aye, would't call it luck."
she said simply. She was quite bored, and supposed that running
into this wolf would keep her occupied for the time being. Pakuna felt
her muscles relax as she noticed the male seemed to ease off. Her
auds twitched as he introduced himself. "Vander, it be a pleasure."

Pakuna looked around, pale green eyes taking in the snow covered
surroundings. The only good trait of the winter was the soothing silence
it brought. As the white sheets covered the earth, the animals of the
forest and fields seemed to be hushed. The trees sagged with the
weight of the powdered white flakes and sometimes gave way. The
snow now was melting, plopping off of trees and piling up on the
ground below. Animals were preparing to emerge from their burrows,
to soak in the sun's rays once more. "Been a long winter" she

(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2012, 08:37 PM by Pakuna.)
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<i>that's what i'm doing to, since i was uncertain if he would be accepted or not. ^^) lol yes they are both in CRC now.</i>

    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

"I'll find out whether bad or good," he replied with a half smirk. He doubted to see that girl again, and if he didn't then it would be good luck. The bad was not finding anyone worth talking too, or any information about these parts. He sighed, coarse and loud from his his dark brown lips. He shuffled his steps, and twisted his ears back letting his eyes drift upward toward the tree branches, and patches of blue sky. It could be worse, he thought. Dying from boredom was maddening. The brute's paws were itchin' to be moving rather than merely holding him up. She didn't look too awfully thin, and he concluded she had to be some kind of decent huntress by the single observation.

Rolling his head back down, he kept a clear mask. "Likewise," he responded, and if anyone looked hard enough they might see the raise of his lip in the tiniest of grins. He might change his mind about it later, she had helped him escape one form of company and for that he was grateful. A deep chuckle echoed, and rolled in his throat. "No kidding. I could do with some green grass, and sunlight." Something to do so I don't go insane. He thought, but had already sealed his lips. A clearing of his throat, he mindfully drew a step in her direction. He was testing of coarse, and wanted part of his curiosity answered."You haven't been in these lands long, have you?"

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2012, 12:06 AM by Vander.)
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

Pakuna's sharp eyes caught the slight grin that pulled
upon Vander's deep brown lips. Seeing this, she
smirked a bit, a bit of coyness intertwined with it. "Nay,
been here jus' a few days"
she admitted, flicking her
brown and black flocculent tail. "Ye been 'round here
awhile? Ye looked damn bored, I'd say."
she released a
slight rumble from her throat, which was actually a small

Pakuna turned her head, eyes looking to where the white
female had exited "Seemed like that lass was irkin' ye a
wee bit, I'd say."
The shewolf yawned, ivory fangs exposed
before her jaws clamped back down and ebon lips con-
cealing them once more. She lifted a hind leg, briefly
scratching behind her right ear before looking back to the
male before her.