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Wise Men Wonder While Strong Men Die
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Baaaa sorry guys! I assumed there wouldn't be a posting order after the first round...?
<blockquote>It wasn't long before the other members emerged from the forest, each figure one by one stepping out of the darkness, though the sounds of their approaching stirred her nerves. Kashikoi and Kanosak arrived, the latter taking a seat beside her. She shot him a grin, glad to see he considered her high enough on his list to have taken a seat by her. She noted, surprisingly for the first time, that Ruiko wasn't here yet - but he soon arrived, along with... Rebecca? Volkan narrowed her eyes slightly, wondering if Ruiko knew about what Rebecca had told her about her previous exile from Swift River. Somehow it struck her the wrong way.

But she directed her attention to Ruiko, fighting the urge to go forward and greet him. Instead she stayed put, as an unfamiliar male entered the scene - which didn't surprise her, given that she'd recently come across an entire group of wolves with the Copper Rock Creek scent. They weren't strangers anymore, though, and as Wille entered, Volk watched her carefully. So this was the first time Aeylen was meeting her, too? That seemed strange. All of this was just... strange... but, she supposed, it'd have to do. Because now, they were going to be family, no matter what.

And finally, Kinis. Her tail began thumping the ground lightly, though Kinis seemed perturbed. She could tell intuitively that his choice not to approach the leaders had been a conscious one. Was the pack not living up to his expectations? Because... if so, Volkan thought, they should have a chat. She made a mental note of this as Aeylen started speaking. And then, things got somber real fast. A particular thought crossed Volkan's mind then, but she did her best to battle it away, knowing that of course it couldn't be <i>him</i> Aeylen was talking about... still, she didn't realize the glaze that crossed her eyes as she descended involuntarily into the dark pit in her own stomach, the one that tore at her every day.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>So lost in thought and his own concerns, Kinis did not notice Volkan's cheery reaction to his presence. He attention was on Aelyen, who had clearly called the gathering together. He ears pricked forwards as she stood before them, regal and strong, everything Ruiko deserved, and began to talk in a most serious manner.

Instantly, a pit of dread formed in his stomach; what was going on? Had he missed something? These were very serious words indeed. Maybe he was just not used to pep-talks, or motivational speeches, for Aeylen's display was quite something, and he could not help but wonder what had necessitated it. Indru had never spoken quite like this. Perhaps it was a Tainn thing.

Guilt mixed with the wariness as she spoke of being a strong unit, and he knew that he was behaving like a weak link, and hated himself for it. But he would not betray them, that he knew, even the faces he was not familiar with. His leader's final line forced him to suppress a low whine; he had been making mistakes, if not of the kind that she was implying.

As her eyes moved from face to face, as did Kinis', curious to see his fellows' reactions to such a speech. He almost did not want to speak, afraid of broadcasting his ignorance, but betraying his need to know was not feasible; meekly, he looked to Aeylen, ears back. <b>"Has... something happened?"</b></blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna's heavy tan paws brought her towards the group,
her pale green eyes falling upon the female leader.
Whether or not the leader saw her, she dipped her head
respectively. She was brand new to the pack, and willing
to do whatever she had to in order to prove her worth. Auds
were perked as she listened to the alphess speak. Pakuna
was glad she had walked towards her now packmates
right as her new liege began to speak.

Muscles rolled beneath her thick pelt as she came within
range, seating herself on the edge of the group of wolves.
She would introduce herself after questions were asked.
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2012, 02:51 AM by Pakuna.)
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>There was a wolf that Kano had not yet made acquaintance with, he pinpointed her scent so he could track her down later and make his existence known. His liege's words sent a jolt through his system, and he felt now was the time to raise his concerns, or never.

<b>"There has been a persistent scent testing the borders for a few days now. Male. I am yet to catch sight of him, the scent always seems hours old when I pass it. It would seem our <i>new friend</i> Rolu</b>" he struggled to keep the growl from his voice. He hated the male and he would not have it unknown to his family how hard it was for him to remain civil in his proximity, <b>"May have some information on who it is that is leaving their stench behind..."</b> he took a moment to observe his family one by one. He was stepping on dangerous ground but he would not have his family vulnerable if he were to leave for any period of time. <b>"I believe you mentioned a name?"</b> he questioned when his eyes locked on the other males, his tone hard, challenging him to repeat the drivel that had sprung from his mouth on their first and so far only encounter.

Aeylen's words of trust had not fallen on deaf ears, he loved and trusted all of his family but one who was yet to prove he was worthy of it. Now the wolf would prove his worth or not. As far as Kanosak could see there was only one chance the other male had of redeeming himself in his eyes, and this was it.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2012, 01:40 AM by Kanosak.)
user posted image
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
<blockquote><i>"Has...something happened?"</i> Though it had been some time since she'd been in proximity to her young brother in law,<i> Kinis'</i> voice was no less familiar now than it had been the day he'd bounded through the river to join she and Ruiko. Her eyes fell upon the man for a moment, taking a good look at a face she'd missed more than even she knew.

But, before the female could address his inquiry, Kanosak had stepped forward to offer words that absolutely caught every dimension of her attention. She had encountered several scents on the borders, a number of which had weighed heavily on her mind...<i>but</i>- what was <i>this</i>?

Immediately upon the utterance of his name, the tawny red female, with a glint of malice to her cold gaze, turned to face Rolu - a wolf she'd marked herself when he was first accepted into their ranks. Ears now flattened, a ridge of fur erecting down the length of her nape and back, the words she spoke would not come from her mouth, but from she shewolf's menacing eyes. <i>Now,</i> they demanded from him.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2012, 08:30 PM by Aeylen.)
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<i>figured i better join since it's offical he's in CRC now.</i>

    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

He had not met the female leader of Copper Rock Creek, when she called for all to come there was doubting it was her voice. The blond brute was farom his home, and high in the mountain that protected the pack's backside. It wouldn't do well for him to miss the first gathering of his new home. He had mingled very little since being accepted, and was ready to see each wolf who would be ally, and possible friend. It would do him no good if he rushed recklessly down the rocky turf. The moon laminated his trail, and the sharp traps he could avoid. He was here to serve, and in one piece. Slowly, much more than he liked, he climbed down the face of rock to answer the call.

He only arrived to catch the whisper's of some unknown male testing the limits of their home. His interest was sparked, and his brows furrowed in both bewilderment, and small anger wishing to know the immediate threat to his new home. It was not his place to demand it from the one they were staring at, though if given the chance to pummel it from him he probably would. That was merely an old job, and old habit. He was a new wolf only knowing Kanosak, and Ruiko so instead he did his best not to draw attention to himself. He caught the displeasure in the second's voice, and to let his eyes bore into the large brown, and gray male wondering if this was some kind of ruse...if he was an enemy . Vander was mindful to keep his body low in respect of all those above him. When he glanced to get a good count, he noticed Pakuna was there too. He was surprised, but said nothing nor did much but turn his head back to his leader's waiting for knowledge.

Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
Isa had not met very many of her new pack members yet. She heard the call from the female leader and immediately began to make her way to the den. She wasn't too far away and she ran until the others came into sight. Noticing Rolu sitting on the edge of the group, Isa went and sat down next to him. She looked around the group and realized she knew more wolves than she had originally thought. She realized the two wolves she had just recently run into were there and probably joined not too long ago as well.

Isa listened as everyone spoke and her ears perked up as Kanosak turned his attention to Rolu. He said Rolu knew who was testing the borders of her new home. She stared at him, having never thought he would keep something from him pack. Especially if it was someone dangerous trying to get close to the pack. Isa looked around the group then back to Rolu, keeping her mouth shut even though she wanted to protect him. She sat quietly and waited for him to speak.
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Now, this was the real point of the rally. Meeting her fellow pack mates, several new face, and report the border incidents. And questions? Not for this wolf. She was afraid to make a fool of herself. Then she shifted her weight from her other paw to another. A new wolf stumbled in, Ismeme. Wow, what a leap of faith. Ismeme sat next to Rolu. She was fidgeting as if she wanted to holler something. One side of Wille's brain was absorbed in her thoughts, while as her other side picked up the main points of the conversation.

Threats? Who were there threats? Was rogues going to challenge for leadership and send Relic Lore into chaos, with a cruel system of a bureaucracy and harsh rules? As the Kanosak's stepped up with his report, it seemed that everyone eyes were battering the silver male's skull. She then shifted her gaze, as well towards Rolu, curiosity prickling from her pelt.
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2012, 04:49 AM by Wille.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The regal male’s gaze locked upon Kinis and Volkan, his thoughts silent as he cast them the briefest hint of a smile; the corners of his lips twitching with the upturn. Along with his mate, the Leader held the two yearlings above all others – they had been his family when he had first left Swift River, and had remained loyal by his side since. Without the two of them, the Creek pack would not have existed.

Aeylen’s words were strong, and the tawny male fixated his gaze upon his beautiful mate, feeling a surge of pride for the headstrong female – she was looking to unite the pack, the dutifully, Ruiko remained quiet for now. The words she spoke were true – Copper Rock Creek was quiet only for a few weeks before a sudden onslaught of lone wolves began to litter their borders. Welcoming many of them in, Ruiko knew the pack would soon be at a maximum limit, and he would soon be turning them away. The lands could only sustain so many of them, even with the warmer weathers coming.

Kinis’ hesitant voice was only the first to break out among the group before him, and Kanosak was quick to deliver a few interesting words to the regal wolf. As attention turned to the male Rolu, Ruiko’s emotionless mask broke finally, his wolfish brows lifting. “Rolu,” he spoke strongly, suggesting the male best explain what Kanosak meant.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Ooc so sorry it took so long x.x ive been extremely busy in real life

Kashi watched as all the wolf gather around the she wolf and her mate. He had never seen this many wolves together at once and it made him feel uneasy. He tried to place each scent with each face but it just left him confused. Theres so many of them he thought to himself. He knew he must smell strongly of fear right now. Cowering slightly he listen to what was being said.

"what do you meen those with deviant intentions?" he didnt like the way things were going. It was a grave message it seemed but also that something was being hidden. No self tolerance for mistakes? What mistakes were they doing something wrong? With uneasiness mounting he could hear some other the other late arrivals questioning too.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.