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Roaming in rage — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
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Lupus Sol
Clear — Current Temperature: 33° F/1° C

Slowly a slender cream figure slipped into the clearing, ears flattened against his skull, tail twitching side-to-side in an agitated mannor. Sol had quite a bit on his mind at the moment, mostly that she-wolf and the male he mat up with earlier, they were going on a hunt and Lupus had simply strolled forward and he was being attacked by words then when his back was turned physically attacked. How dare that female treat him in such a way? Now that the thought was clear, Sol wish he would have struck back, instead of squirming free like a worm. How pitiful he must have looked, lunging away from a light-framed she-wolf? The wolves yellow gaze narrowed on the ground, angrily watching his large paws rythmically stride forward. He found his mind stuck on that one thought, something made it sour in his mind and it took him a while to figure out why. It was just like his old pack. After he swore never to act that way again, he just did, a weak coward, trying to escape, but still play it off cool, like everything was under his own control when in reality it wasn't. A scowl pulled at his face, leathery lips cureling back with rage at himself, revealing white fangs as his head swung to the side and the wolf stepped in the opposite derection. <i>That's it. I'm done. For now on, I will be different, no more old me. I will be what I always wanted to be. A genuie bad ass. And with my new attitude, I need a new name, I already told thoughs two my name was Sol. So for less confussion, I'll stick with that.</i> any would have disagreed with his thoughts, but, no one was around that could tell him he couldn't.

The wolf glanced up, a blankly worn smile now tugging at the corners of his lips. Rather pleased with his disicion that was made. Mostly scattered willow trees. Sol hated the sad, dropppy looking things. You would think they could at least appear happy once in a while, even if they were doomed to a long life of standing inone spot..Growing at an extreammly exiting rate. But no, they had to appear soooodipressed. If he could the hudson bay would have done away with them al ong time ago. His yellow eyes glazed over blankly as he turned and took in his other surroundings, ears lifting to listen for any prey. He was now beginning to actually get hungry and that could be a problem.
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
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Accailia Sora
The encounter with Triell and Sol and how it ended left Accailia hating herself. She attacked Sol when there was no reason to and she made Triell think she was a shadow. She shook her head. What if she changed? Maybe that would help. She could go by Lia like she did with Fallen. Accailia knew that if she ran into Sol again she would apologize to him and maybe try to get to know him better.

Accailia lifted her muzzle in the air, picking up the scent of a rabbit nearby. She raced after it, trying to catch it. She leaped forward, tackling it and pinning it down. Accailia bit into its neck and didn't let go until the body stopped moving. Accailia was about to dig into the rabbit when she picked up the scent of a familiar wolf, Sol. She picked up the rabbit and headed in the direction his scent was coming from. She slowed down when he came into view. Accailia walked closer, making a little noise to announce her presence, and stopped a few wolf lengths away.
Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lupus Sol
Attitude lightening slightly Sol lifted his large paw and shifted it forward, his weight following forward untill he was at the point of tipping, he was it a relaxed standing position. Satisfied with his sttance his shory transparent whiskers twitched as his eyes met with anouth willow tree. Glaring harshly at the tree as if that would cause it to change into a...Happier form. All in vein for no tree would pick up on another creatures disapointment, it was as if they wern't living, just going through their life untill one day they fell. Sigh forming in his maw he prepared to breathe out when something caught his attention, the distant crunch of an approaching beast. His ears twitched foreward by instinnt then swivled about swiftly to find the owner of such noises. Round crainium rolling to the side fouriously in an attempt to catch a glimps of the offeneder and there she was. That white meanacing creature that dared atack his before. The one that would now have changed his whoe attitude toward life and the way he behaved.

How did he not sent her before, he kept a sten vigil on the she-wolf that was now halting a little ways away. His expression black, hidding his thoughts and feelings. If he wasn't carful to keep his face stony a scowl, glare, or maybe even tooth-barred growl would surface. Even if he wanted to get her back, but crush her this time, he wouldn't want her to attack first, he wanted the first move if it came to that. The thought of attacking the white wolf brought a small, musty consealed grin to his face, he was already planning on luunging at her throat. Once he had her injured enough he would toy around with her for a while, making it all ore fun for himself. Bushy tail flicking off to the side in agrivation that the she-wolf darred come to find him after her wrong-doing his smiile fadded and in return his yellow eyes narrowed on her figure. Weight shifting back evenly, ready for what ever she darred throw at him. A rabbit dangaled from her jawws, how long had she been here? Surly he would have noted the noise she would have made killing it if it were here. Short whiskers twitching Sol figured she killed it a little ways away, out of his range to hear and spotted him later.

Silence passed over his for a while as she did not speak, his ears twisted back and lay against his skull, a smalll scowl finnaly making its precence known. After a while anger again built up and he wished she would state her buissness and get away from him. "WHat do you wnat now?" He spat his tone was sour, demanding, and his voice was rather high. A grumble forming in his throat, preparing to let out a low warning growl, but he held it back, their was no need for that yet. If she didn't get on her way though, it would surly turn into a full out battel roar. Head tilting forward, he made the point to stand tall and loook down at her, his pride had been hurt earlier and now he demanded it be returned to its previous state. Even if the only way to get it back was to kill off oanother.
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
Accailia stood there for a moment, unsure what to do. He clearly was pissed at her, and with good reason. Slowly, she crept towards him, head lowered, ears flat against her head, and tail lowered. She didn't want a fight and she hoped she made that clear. She dropped the rabbit in front of him, knowing she risked him attacking by being so close so as soon as she dropped the rabbit she quickly backed up.

She looked up at him and met his eyes as she spoke. <b>"I'm sorry for what I did. I don't know what came over me."</b> She gave him the rabbit despite how thin she clearly was. Accailia was almost on the brink of starvation, her body was basically just skin and bones. She knew if he attacked she wouldn't stand a chance and would more than likely loose her life. Accailia knew the risks but she still felt she needed to apologize to Sol. <b>"I should have never done what I did and I am deeply sorry for that Sol. I know you more than likely wouln't forgive me but I needed to say it."</b> She looked back down at the rabbit, positive she wouldn't be able to catch one anytime soon and would more than likely starve to death before spring hit.
Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lupus Sol
His ears twisted back as she nearedd, his head lowering in a reaady position, but there was no attack. Dropping the kill and backing away he snarled at her attempt to say she was sorry. "Fool. I don't want your kill or your sorry. I can hunt for myself, infact I am offended by your offering, do you dought my skills?" His teeth barred, ears back, bushy fur standing on end. Lifting a paw he kicked the rabbit back toward her angrily. "See what youv'e gon and done. First you attack me then you came crawling back like a weakling to say 'soorrrrry', get over yourself." he snapped standing tallagain. Looking down at the thin female.

Tail swishing in agaitation from side-to-side Sol looked away, yellow eyes glazing over dull on the horizion. Whiskers twitching he took a few steps away, back turned to the she-wolf.

OOC-Sorry I'm lazy today and I really needed to respond.
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
OOC: You're fine :) I'm struggling at the moment too. My muse isn't speaking to me at the moment.

At first, Sol seemed ready to attack as she grew closer until she backed up. His teeth were barred and ears back as he spoke to her. Accailia didn't realize what she had done would only anger him more. <b>"I didn't mean to offend you and I know you can hunt for yourself. I don't doubt your skills. You're a decent sized wolf and you appear to be strong. I know you're more than likely a good hunter."</b> She backed up again as he kicked the rabbit back to her. She became insulted with how Sol spoke to her. <b>"I had gotten carried away when I tackled you. I did not attack you, you were never in any danger. I wasn't going to hurt you I simply yelled, that's all. And no, I'm not a weakling. I happened to pick up your scent and decided I owed you an apology for the way I acted. I never came crawling back. And how would I <i>get over myself</i> when I did what was right and apologized for my actions?"</b>

Accailia was beginning to get pissed off with this male. He had no respect whatsoever. Sol turned his back on her and took a few steps away. <b>"Is that what you always do? Turn your back on others who are trying to talk to you? It's flat out rude. This is why I yelled the other day, you have absolutely no manners. You seem to automatically assume all wolves are stuck up. Perhaps you should take a look at your reflection and see who the stuck up one is."</b> She paused for a moment, furious with the same wolf again. <b>"You take no help from others when they offer it. You don't seem to want to have any form of interaction with other wolves. You're completely rude within the first few minutes. And you wonder why I yelled at you. Sol, you deserved every bit of it. It's obvious you were a pack wolf before you came here, the scent still lingers on your hide. Yet you seem to hate every pack wolf. Are you just a hypocrite? Or are you angry because you were kicked out of your pack and you decided to take it out on everyone else?"</b>
Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lupus Sol
Grin broardening across his muzzle the male truned on a swivle to again face the she-wolf as she replyed back her asumptions. His tail becoming still, yellow eyes focused on her words. A augh was ready to erupt from his throat when he spoke. "Haha, what you asume is wrong." he was refering to her hypicrite speach, "I was a pack wolf and when I was in my pack I enjoyed being one, but once my father was killed I realized somethihng, packs are cruel and unjust." His ears twisted back against his head and the male leaned back onto his haunches to sit. His bushy tail wrapping around his flank, the tip resting on his large paws. Head slanting ever so slightly to the side eyes dull, he hated his past now. When he was a pup Sol wished for a past everyone would remember, but now, only at a year old he wished not even he would remember it. It wasn't the fact that others feared his story, infact no one really would care because it happened to others all the time, but to him, it was the worst thing to ever come to his ears. Simply because it happened to him. And it turned out all the stroys of heros that overcame hardship were just that, storys. Just one of moms many storys to get pups to sleep at night.

"My father was alpha, and a good one too. He was carful and wise, keeping everything fair and everyone fed and happy, but of corse, some wolf couldn't be happy with what he had. He had to take away what everyone else was enjoying. Killing my father meant he took his place, that was the way it worked at my pack and that wolf turned things inside-out." His head jerked to the side as he looked away-a scowl pulling at his face durring the time, he was sure to make it dissapear before turning back to the female. "I was kicked out for the soul reason that I was my fathers pup and I could maybe be a threat to the new alpha. And I did just what he said, run, run away, look like a fool and weakling infornt of everyone left in my pack."

He was calm, but a sharp tone waas held in his voice, "Yes, I guess you would have to say I turn my back on everyone. It's true and I plan on keeping it that way. Why face the truth when you can walk away and not have to deal with it, although I supouse if you don't eliminate the problem it will show up..again." Sol was obviously refering to her at the end. "Yes, I am stuck up, but only because wolves can't give me two days to try o adjust to this place. And I am not a hypicrite, my point of veiw has just changed!" words incresasing in voulume he soon had birds flying away from their pearches in the trees, his fur raised and him again standing.

It was a jumble of words, unorganize and out of place. He had skipped out a part and was continoued to talk utntill ha had another chance to add it in. Sol didn't care though, even if he was normally carful with his words, his anger had him mixing them up in all defirrent ways. At least it was out there though, she could maybe realize it and leave him alone, he wanted nothing more than to be left alone now. It would be nice to be jus with thought.
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
OOC: Sorry it's short, I have to study

Accailia listened to what Sol had to say. She looked him in the eyes before speaking again. <b>"You know you're not the only one who lived a hard life. Yes it's terrible what happened happened to your father and I am sorry for that, but you don't need to bottle everything up until you explode. It's better to face the truth rather than always run away. That way the past can't ever come back to hurt you. It also helps if you have someone to talk to, even though I can tell you would prefer for me to leave."</b> She paused before she spoke again. She was calm this time, all the anger left as she screamed at him earlier. <b>"The reason I had been so..skittish around you before was because of your eyes. They are the same as the wolf who killed and ate my sister when we were still pups. I had been hiding so he never noticed me but I still remember those eyes. I'm sorry I..I was scared when I first saw you. I took the anger for the wolf and combined it with the annoyance of how you had been acting and I took it all out on you. I never should have and I am very sorry for that."</b>

She knew nothing she said to the cream coated wolf would change his mind about her. The only wolf she had really even gotten close to was Fallen but she knew him before she came here and she hadn't seen him for a while either. Maybe she was meant to be on her own.
Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lupus Sol
His ears flicked up as he again settled himself, whiskerstwitching as she added a tibet of her life into the reply. "Not all wolves deal with problems the same way.." he paused with thought of what to say next, he wouldn't accept her apology her continual sorrys ment nothing to him. "I use to be a coward, but youv'e helped me realize that. Now I am done, I will fight." his gaze fell hard on her. 'My eyes?' he questioned to himself, why was that a reason to be scared, thinking about it though, a wolf he knew had a mental break down because he smelt something familar from his chieldhood. Still, it hardly seemed sencable to Sol.

Sitting again as he finnaly seemed to calm down his gaze drifted behind her, he sat in silence,,,tail wrapping around his side. Silence setling over him, he had no intention of speaking again, hopfully she would pick up on that. Maybe she could just sit there too. He wouldn't mind her if she didn't chatter so much. Turning his head slightly he looked away.
Played by Hannah who has 7 posts.
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Nyx Rua
Nyx had been extremely irritable lately. She needed to blow off some steam and rip into flesh. Her ears pricked up at the sound of voices. She padded towards them silently, seeing a thin, white <i>female</i>. How she despised females. There was also a young male with a cream pelt. She crouched down behind the male and when she got close enough, she leapt over him and landed right in front oh his face as she took off towards the white female.

The young girl would be easy to kill. Her body seemed fragile and she appeared to be on the brink of starvation. Nyx leaped for her, hoping to tackle the white bitch to the ground. If she succeeded she would lash her claws out at the girl, trying to scratch her face, chest, and belly. She wanted to rip this wolf to shreds. Besides, she needed to make a name for herself her in Relic Lore.