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Something Wicked — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Hannah who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nyx Rua
She had wandered around Relic Lore for a few days, wanting to get a feel for the land she was in. She needed to know her way around in case something goes wrong when she tries to kill her brother. She padded through the woods, her paws making no noise as she moved through the shadows. Nyx had been trained to stay hidden until the moment she wanted to be noticed. Now that it was breeding season and she was in heat, she had been tense and irritated.

She hated the fact that puppies would be born soon and hoped she would never have to deal with the little brats. Suddenly she picked up a scent she absolutely loved, blood. She ran in the direction the delicious smell was coming from. A pack of coyotes surrounded a doe as they tore into its flesh. Nyx snarled and leaped, bitting into the neck of one of the mangy dogs and didn't let go until it was dead. She attacked two others, breaking one coyotes leg as she ripped open a deep gash in another's side. They quickly ran off, not wanting any more killed which left her alone with the doe. Nyx quickly looked around, trying to always be aware of her surroundings before she ripped into the deer's soft belly.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis had been casually wandering around the area. It’d been a little while since he had first travelled here and it was a change to see that spring had started to appear at last. Today had been much warmer then the last few and the shine was shining brightly in the clear blue sky. Pleased with the weather and the silence, Rhysis had taken a seat upon a felled tree and had been watching the birds making a nest in the tree above. It was a curious sight to watch and he was utterly fascinated with the methods they used. They chatted to each other as they worked, each pair of birds had their own sounds and they seemed so excited at the prospect of spring.

Everything changed the moment a group of coyotes decided to hurtle through the area. The birds scattered from fear, leaving their constructions for the time being. With a raised brow, Rhysis noticed a few with injuries, nothing fatal but defiantly the sign that something had had a go at them; he could only come to the conclusion there was another wolf nearby, no other animal could do such damage.

The dark male gave a sniff of the air, and detected the faint scent of blood upon the air. He hadn’t noticed it before, he’d been too distracted by the nest building to care much and with a full belly he hadn’t been looking out for a meal. Still, he supposed it wouldn’t hurt to see who had done the damage... it could have been a few wolves, maybe a familiar face. Oh! Maybe Triell was nearby- this is where Rhysis had first met the wolf and it would be good to see how the other male was doing, especially with how they left things.
He followed his nose, allowing his paws to trot carefully upon the floor as not to trip over hidden roots and step of sharp stones. The snow was slowly starting to melt but the world around him was still barren and bare; here and there buds had grown almost overnight, ready for spring and he tried to remember the names of them but failed, especially when his eyes landed on a lone female feeding on a deer’s belly. It was obvious she hadn’t brought it down herself. The carcass was littered with teeth marks and claw marks... so she’d stolen it from the coyotes? Well, that wasn’t very sporting but he supposed beggars couldn’t be choosers.

He kept his distance at first, merely watching and making sure he didn’t know her face. He was certain he hadn’t met her before and for the time being he didn’t want to interrupt her meal, tasty as it looked but he was in no mood to chase another female; he’d had quite enough of that lately thank you very much. Instead, he took a seat upwind so that his scent would carry over to her, but he was far enough away as not to pose a threat of stealing her meal and there, he simply sat and watched.


[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Hannah who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nyx Rua
OOC: This should be interesting :P

Nyx gorged herself on the doe's delicious flesh, happy to be filling her stomach with something other than rabbit for once. She stopped eating once she picked up a scent. Nyx hadn't noticed it before but it was male. She looked up and saw a black male, a little larger than herself and probably her age too. He simply sat there, watching her. What was so interesting about her to make this male stare? Or perhaps he was just hungry and was hoping she would share.

Her emerald green eyes examined the stranger as she licked the blood from her lips. She smirked as she spoke. <b>"See anything you like?"</b> Nyx absolutely loved teasing males. She walked close enough to the black brute so he could pick up her scent, wanting to see what the effect of her being in heat would have on him. <b>"If you're hungry you can have some. I've been sick of feeding off of only rabbits for so long. It was nice to stumble upon a pack of coyotes that took down a doe. I've been craving venison for months now."</b>

The black bitch decided to toy with the brute some more. <b>"Now what is a big, strong brute like yourself doing without a mate during breeding season?"</b> Thinking it was rude of her to not have introduced her self yet. She also began to consider the possibility that her brother had met this wolf, she gave the male a sly smile before speaking. <b>"I'm Nyx by the way. Perhaps you have met my brother, Thanatos. And no, I'm not looking for some disgusting, mushy family reunion. I feel like you may be able to help me, I came to Relic Lore to kill my brother. Perhaps if you help me, I'll help you with <i>anything</i> you need."</b> As she said the last bit, Nyx stepped forward and rubbed her side against his, brushing her tail against his neck as she did. Nyx turned to face the black brute again, waiting for any form of an answer.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis silently watched as she gorged herself and whilst his belly might not yet be growling of hunger, he found himself licking his lips on occasions. He’d been thinking a variety of things as he observed, such as where he would head to next, who he was hoping to run into and general thoughts of nothing. They were quickly stopped however as the female sauntered over with that twinkle in her eye, he inwardly cringed.

Her greeting did nothing to make him look twice at her, and instead he looked past her to the doe which she had offered. He wasn’t going to turn down a free meal anytime soon. <b>”Oh yeah... something here looks just divine.”</b> he said before getting up and trotting past her towards the doe with every intention to eat; he wasn’t going to say no and whilst he might not be starved, he could still eat. Though it appeared she was going to follow and keep on talking as they went- he had been listening, he always listened but nothing had caught his attention as of yet. He had met a wolf called Thanatos, but only briefly and hadn’t hung around for long enough to make him memorable. Her mention of breeding season had him rolling his eyes for he was above such things; whilst his instincts may know what he needed to do, his mind would probably never co-operate and the very mention of it had him rolling his eyes. Clearly this female had a screw lose... hell what female didn’t have a screw lose in these parts?! He said nothing, he just wanted to eat in peace... but apparently that wasn’t going to happen.

Everything changed when she touched him. As soon as her fur made contact with his own he lost it. With rubber lips pulled back he turned his head to face her and snapped towards her rear- it was more then a warning, he wanted to hurt her. As the tail came up he thrust his jaws towards it, hoping to catch the plume in his mouth and give it a good chomp. A deep, fearsome growl slipped from his throat and hackles rose all along his nape and spine. Inside he was screaming out, his skin felt like he’d been burned where she touched him and he felt physically sick. He had nothing to say, his warning was all in his outburst.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Hannah who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nyx Rua
Nyx watched as the black brute walked past her and began to eat the doe. He seemed to have little or no interest in her, which didn't really bother Nyx. She enjoyed toying with others and their emotions rather than having an actual conversation.

As soon as she touched him, he completely changed. He snarled and turned to face her. He snapped his jaws towards her, trying to clamp his jaws down on her tail as it brushed against his body. Nyx was faster than his powerful jaws. She leapt out of the way, her tail coming with her before he could grip onto it. He growled at her as his hackles rose. Nyx chuckled a bit at his reaction. <b>"Oh calm down. I merrily wanted to see what your reaction would be. Clearly your a wolf who enjoys solitude and silence, and you hate being touched. You're strong and not willing to let anything slide. You're my kind of wolf. I've been considering forming a new pack here once I've dealt with my brother. I have no intention of having an actual mate but I will need a strong wolf willing to lead beside me. If your interested, great. It wouln't happen for quite some time though. If you still would like a fight though I think that could be arranged. I haven't had a good fight in a while."</b> Nyx said all she needed to say and waited to see the brute's reaction.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
OOC: Just so you’re aware its usually courteous to let your wolf take a bit of damage when attacked, even if its just a nip and a bit of fur being torn off, you can't really just say "she is faster and moved quicker out of the way" because that's technically godmoding :)

<blockquote>He’d missed her tail, but he was going to try again. He didn’t like to be touched; she’d crossed the line and quite frankly he was pissed. It didn’t matter that she didn’t know, her entire manner, flirting and all over him made him feel physically sick and despite the fact she offered to share her stolen meal, he felt like a fly in the spider web, drawn in and then trapped as if it had been her plan all along. He wasn’t going to play her silly games. She thought she knew him, understood him, obviously he must be a real stereotype as he kept on attracting the nutters who wanted to bask in his bad boy ways... Ironic really that he got more attention being himself then when he tried to play nicely.

With his handsome head lowered, hackles raised and body tense, he faced her head on whilst she spoke. It was all garbage to him, he wasn’t interested in the offer in the slightest. He had his plans and he didn’t want to share any of it with a female, especially not this one. <b>”I’d rather claw my eyes out then run a pack with you.”</b> was all he said before he kicked off at the ground and headed straight for her, turning ever so slightly as he got closer.

There was only a short distance between them (I’m assuming? You didn’t really say) and with a powerful thrust his tall, heavy weight came at her. With jaws open and canines at the ready, he ducked his head down and tried to grab a front leg. With his shoulder and nape hidden beneath his winter coat and hackles he could afford for them to have a bit of exposure whilst his front leg snaked behind her own to try and trip her. He wanted to break a leg... her leg to be exact.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Hannah who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nyx Rua
OOC: Thanks for the advice, I didn't realize I was doing that and yes there was only a short distance between them. I had meant to put that in but I must have forgotten. I think that's better. If you have any more suggestions please let me know :)

He seemed to become even more pissed off as she spoke. She smirked when he said he would rather claw his eyes out. <b>"So that's how it's going to be? Than this will be fun."</b> This is what her savage father had trained her for. Fighting and killing. When he was alive he used Nyx as his personal assassin when he wanted another wolf killed quickly and quietly. She focused all her attention on the brute as he headed straight for her. He was able to bite down on her left front leg and as he went to trip her she willingly fell onto her side to avoid a broken leg. It still twisted as she fell and there was a possibility that it was sprained but she ignored the pain for now.

Her other leg was still in his jaws. She tried to bite down on his right leg, just above the ankle as she laid on her side. Nyx would try to rip through the flesh with her teeth, hopefully injuring his right leg. She lashed out with her free paw, trying to scratch his abdomen, right in between his chest and belly. To her, this was just another training exercise.
(This post was last modified: Mar 06, 2012, 10:11 AM by Nyx.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<s>Mk before I reply, I’m a bit unsure where she is? You said she fell to the floor and he has her leg, so how can she reach his belly and push her body towards his if she’s on the floor and yet she’s somehow trying to snap down on his neck? If she’s on the floor she couldn’t snap downwards as he’d be above her... Just need to clarify that as I don’t want to have him doing something he couldn’t physically do.
When it comes to fighting, it helps to be as detailed as possible. So say which leg is kicking him, is the the back left, front right etc. How did she fall onto the floor, was she on her back or on her side? Just a few tips- if you edit your post with more information, keep it as detailed as possible its easier to have a mess free fight. :)</s>
Must better! I can clearly see where the attacks are positioned now. :)

<blockquote>As she fell he ensured to keep his grip, with the limb between his teeth he began to bite down, hoping to at least splinter the bone with the force from his jaws. He almost had enough pressure when the wolf turned into an ankle biter and went for his leg. With his own limb stuck in her mouth, and her limb stuck in his mouth it appeared they were at a momentary stalemate. Whilst her other front paw took to scratch at his chest, there was little damage due to his winter coat being thick and the angle she was at the floor should mean there was little force behind the scratches- what concerned him at the moment was his leg within her jaws. He needed to free it, fast.

His puppy training had always been tough, but now that he was full sized and everything was bigger, he found that the amount of pain never changed; it still hurt like a bitch and reaching adulthood hadn’t change anything about that. He had always assumed when he was bigger, fighting would hurt less but it was proving to be just the dreams of a small pup... as usual.

In a flash, he let go of her front leg and from his position above her, he moved his head up, thrust his free front paw onto her shoulder to try and keep her pinned and clamped his jaws downwards her eyes, hoping to catch her around the face and sink a canine into one of the fleshy eyeballs- the pain would be excruciating and he hoped that the shock of the impact would be enough for her to scream out, in which instant he would pull his leg free. It was going to be sore for a few weeks, he’d have to hunt down Naira and her plants to help fight off infection... if he got it free at all that is.
(This post was last modified: Mar 06, 2012, 10:27 AM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Hannah who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nyx Rua
All of a sudden, the brute let her leg go. Figuring it was only fair, she released his leg as well. Nyx was about to get up, thinking the fight was over when his jaws closed around her head while she was still on her side. It seemed his goal was to sink one of his canines into her eye. He barely missed it too, his teeth were barely even half an inch away from her ice blue orbs.

His teeth dug into her skull and she yelped in pain, frantically thrashing her paws towards his face, trying to get him off. She began to hate the black brute more and more by the minute. If she wanted him dead she would have done something similar as he was doing. All Nyx wanted was to get away from the bastard at this point. She growled at him. <b>"I already let you go! Release me asshole!"</b>
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>As soon as his own leg was free, Rhysis lifted up the limb and held it up, it wasn’t quite out of her reach but it was kept close to his chest. With his teeth having just missed her eye he didn’t see much point in carrying on the attack, but he gave a last squeeze of his teeth, hoping to leave a nice little scar as a reminder not to try it on with him again. With a snort, he released her head and limped backwards quickly. Panting, he snarled and bared his canines to her again as he spoke. <b>”You let me go? Psh... you’re out of your depth with me little girl. Run home before I change my mind about letting you go.”</b> he growled between breaths.

In truth, he wanted to get his leg taken care of as quickly as possible, he couldn’t afford a lasting injury, not when he didn’t have the support of a pack around him like he had when he scuffled when he was younger. Even though he had been forced to fight, they had good healing techniques on standby to keep their fighters in top condition, but now he was alone and fending for himself the thought of losing the use of his leg was daunting. It was lucky the female had taken over the carcass still lying close by- he could use that for a few days to save on hunting and really rest up the joint.

<b>”And this is mine now... show up again and I won’t let you live to tell the tale.”</b> he said, though all the while his defences were up encase she decided to give him another shot. He’d hoped he had proven his point enough to make her think twice about coming back to it. He would need that food to sustain him until he could track down the plants he needed or Naira to help him recover.

He glanced back to the female who had yet to say anything, but as soon as eye contact was made, Rhysis offered a stern bark and the wounded girl bolted, leaving Rhysis alone with the kill.

(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2012, 09:17 AM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]