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Vindicated — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Where was he now? Time seemed liquid as he tried to get used to this place again. Day melted into night and back again. It was awful. He'd need to force himself to sleep when the moon rose and wake up when it fell. He wouldn't get anywhere, wouldn't even survive to find who he needed to, if he didn't sleep and acclimate himself. Regardless of how much sleep he got, the gray male really wasn't sure where he was. The trees were weren't as tall as those in the dense Cedarwood Forest, but they were certainly wide and beautiful, with long flowing branches that nearly brushed the earth. Willow trees. That's what they were. Alexander moved slowly along the edge of the lagoon, pale eyes drifting downwards to watch the movement of his paws as he limped along.

The counting began again. One, two,...three. One eye squinted as he tipped precariously towards the water, focusing far too hard on counting and not hard enough of remembering that he only had three working legs. Straining, he managed to collapse onto his hindquarters, rustling a few willow branches and they swayed into his face. Round ears flicked, and he shook his head, able to see to the lagoon again. Stretching forward, he lapped up a bit of the water. It tasted...Earthy, probably because of all the branches constantly floating in it.

The flavor didn't bother him, and he lapped up a bit more before settling back on his haunches again. It was a lovely place. And the trees would make for great cover. Thankfully the sun was beginning to set, the perfect time to put his schedule into motion. Hunger still gnawed at his insides, but it would have to wait until the morning, especially after the journey from the mountain to here. Rising onto his three good legs, Alexander moved towards the trunk of the tree, and laid down, his front half twisting around, pushing his muzzle into his legs for comfort. Though his eyes were closed, his ears were perked and alert, keeping an ear out for trouble, at least until he fell asleep.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Though the tension by the disagreements of her and her leader had remained, the pair had somehow found a way of lifting this, if only temporary. Jaysyek and Elettra had somehow managed to stick together like glue- in hiding, of course. It seemed, neither pair was ready for the breeding season, which hit them hard like a rock to the temple. Elettra's irritation was higher then it's natural, if not by her hormones, then the rogue men to surely bay at the boarders for feminine attention. Though Jays had made her decision of who she wished to stand at her side, it seemed she had not decided who to yet love. Elettra did not question her leader on the subject, never the best with romantic emotions and so only in silence for the most part, did they keep each other company.
For the moment, however, she was alone, and with her loneliness came her leave from the lands. Though danger outside of her home could be easy enough obtained, with so many males in her pack and two of which she did not trust, she sought her chances beyond the boarders of Grizzly Hollow.
Traveling antipode of her home, she fled to the willows, which she frequently visited, a favored landscape in her eyes- both close to the lagoon and close to meadows, it supplied much water and food to be considered a high profit land, should she ever take one of her own. But how nearly fearful she seemed of the breeding months, a reason to leave to form her own family seemed far unlikely, even with her growing age. Just nearly a week ago, Elettra Archer had turned four, though seemingly even wiser beyond her ears, of course.
For a moment, she would be certain she was alone this falling day, as she made her way towards the lagoon, settled on the outskirts of the willow lands. A 'plop' as the unknown male fell to the ground to lay under one of the many trees, caught her attention, allowing her to know she had been fooled by her thoughts of solitude. Instantly, her body would tense, ears flattening to her spine as her head would twist around to meet the creature to the noise...a wolf.
Her muzzle crinkled, a low warning growl offered into the dusted man's direction. It was not of anger, or hatred, but pure weariness towards the stranger. After all, any man within his age (and seemingly looking older because of his grim state) would know the season at hand and if not, surely to smell it literally rolling from her pelt- more to heightened this year, despite her dismay. Perhaps much as Jays, Elettra too was physically ready for a family, even if she was not emotionally. Elettra would keep an eye on him, her silver gaze unwavering in their cold stare as she kept moving forth slowly to the water's edge. Though he was far too skinny, matted and dirty (caring for himself in such a way Elettra felt as though he was a peasant to her royalty) she would not let foolishness overtake her to underestimate him, even if initially she was sure she could take him on. In her state, who knows what he body may force her to do.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
He'd barely had a moment to close his eyes before a hushed growl floated towards him. Before he could open them, he was smacked in the face with a smell. Then his eyes opened, wide, searching, though he didn't move. Another memory flooded his head, making him dizzy for a moment, and he got to his paws, the fur along his shoulders rising. The type of scent it was was certainly familiar, but it didn't belong to the wolf he knew. It was quite different. Unrecognizable, really, though he thought he could detect the faintest scent of Grizzly Hollow. He focused as his thoughts settled into place, finally seeing exactly who was there.

He wasn't sure who she was, exactly, but clearly she was on edge. Alexander couldn't blame her. His teeth grit as he forced himself to think past the smell. It was hard, very hard. <b>"P-pardon me,"</b> The man muttered, dipping his head, trying to keep his voice even. <b>"But...Are you from, from Grizzly Hollow?"</b> The words were quiet and strained, and he took the slightest step forward. The decision was an instant regret, so instead, he sat, his bum leg shifting awkwardly beneath his lowered form.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Instantly, the man would lift (taking not to favor one of his back legs, she noticed though knew little to nothing of the Midnight pack and it's members, she would not make the connection) to his full stance and the hairs along his back would raise, causing her own hackles to lift and her tail to lift up a bit higher as her body would freeze in placement once more. She would shift, if only to view him further and face him head on as he took the moment to examine her.
Clearly, Elettra would be left to only think the worst of this. However, when he spoke and questioned her, the fact that it caught her off guard was obvious on her face, with a twitch of her ear before it fell back against her skull. The curiousness she felt was quickly turned defensive when he stepped forth and another growl echoed through now a now parted and marred expression. Instantly however, he sat, his bum leg moving out awkwardly in which her eyes would turn to once more. It had grown horribly wrong, without an ounce of proper care, and the medic in her blood yearned to know how it had happened. Not to mention, had someone looked at it, would leave El to wonder who was the fool to have done such a horrid job.
Having him seated, however, allowed Elettra's body to lax in the slightest by his sign of lack of aggression, as well as his polite words, however pathetically choppy and mumbled they were. For the moment, she could only be left to pity him, then to admire as others had seasons upon season prior to his accident and the fall of his pack. "What is it you seek from the Hollow?" She would question, her tail swaying delicately as it fell from it's dominant posture, though leaving her to instantly regret the suggestive maneuver.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Every so often he would twitch, usually in response to her own movement as he had to exhale heavily, though as quietly as he could muster. Obviously his advance hadn't exactly been an "advance", and he started slightly as she growled again, the corner of his mouth twitched as he stared at her almost blankly. He shifted his leg again, trying to pull it closer to him, feeling slightly vulnerable before this growly girl. It was a silly thing to feel. Even half starved, he was quite large. Not easily pushed over. He had no intention of fighting her, of course, not with that smell wafting off of her. He had a feeling that things could quickly get out of hand.

Pale yellow eyes fixed upon her swaying tail, only half hearing her question. The words were a million times more important than that action, and Alex looked up, hindquarters shifting again. What could he ask her? Would she be willing to answer him? Hope. That was all he had. <b>"Are they okay? Jaysyek and Borden?"</b> He hoped that the pale girl was still alive and well. Borden was a different story. Despite Alexander's feelings towards the male, it was hard not to revert to feelings of friendship. It didn't matter now anyway. Midnight Plateau had fallen with him and that mountain lion. The fate of his children was unknown though. He'd have to make his way to the Hollow, then Swift River. They had to be alive still. There was a pleading edge to his voice, though his face still held that blank, controlled stare.
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2012, 02:39 AM by Alexander.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He kept his placement which was far enough from her, enough to keep her calm, to having lowered that tail to now lay rest to her hackles, once prickled up at her spine. There was plenty the man could try to do to her, if not by the breeding season, then by hunger alone. Though definitely supporting an unhealthy weight for his height and size, pure adrenaline alone would be enough to take the advantage of a fight when it came down to feeding. Elettra was just lucky enough she did not have food and that although he did indeed look hungry, perhaps not enough to eat her.
When he answered her question, it was with another of his own. He had only asked of her questions, none of who she was, name or otherwise, but his tones despite this were nothing but polite and calm, if not hesitant. He questioned of the well-being of Jaysyek and Borden, certainly knowing the two of them and now, led her to wonder of how long it had been since he had seen them. After all, only just days ago she had met up with Angier, whom didn't even know his brother had been missing for months on end. "Jaysyek is fine." Or, as fine for the time being she could possibly get, she assumed. But nothing was mentioned on behalf of Borden, savor a small twitching of her muzzle and narrowed gaze of silvery tones. Any friend of Borden was a foe of Elettra.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
He swallowed, the seconds that ticked by before she answered felt horrendously long. That was no fault of her's, oblivious (or so he assumed) to Alexander's situation. But the answer he was given was satisfactory. She was alive. She was fine. His shoulders dropped as he let out a sigh of relief. Of course, she had said nothing of Borden, but he could overlook that for now. If Jayse was fine, then perhaps her mate was as well. Alex dipped his head, utterly thankful to the woman for her simple answer. He hadn't noticed the narrowing of her eyes. <b>"Thank you so much,"</b> He said simply, pulling himself up again.

<b>'Who do I have to thank?"</b> Alexander asked suddenly, surprise suddenly causing color to flood his eyes. How rude of him to not even ask her who she was. What did she matter? But that wasn't true at all. Though he didn't know her name, he was already thankful to have her here, the bringing of good news, no matter how vague. He hadn't even expected an answer at all. But there it was. And there was hope as well.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He was thankful, for whatever small of an answer she had offered him, though her words were vague and she on purpose left out Borden all together. Perhaps, he did not know of the situation at hand, of how Borden had left for so long, about the death of two of the Hollow's sons (including one, that was actually his own whom by all El's training, did her best to try and heal!), Borden's return and now, Kade's rise of power...
He would dip his head down respectfully and, as respectful she could be to strangers by an act of elegance, she would dip her head in response to him. "My name is Elettra Archer." It was spoken as graceful as ever. "Grizzly Hollow's second." And this was spoken proudly just the same. "And you are whom?" She might as well ask her own question, since she had already answered three of his own.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
He smiled as her name was given, breaking the bleak, lifeless expression that had been on his face just moments before. As if a tiny ray of sunshine sparkled down through the willow branches, even as it began to fall. <b>"It is a pleasure, miss Archer,"</b> Alexander said, the smile beginning to grow lopsided. What luck! She was the second of the Hollow! Of course any information that came from her would be accurate, right? <b>"I am Alexander Dieudonne,"</b> His voice trailed off just slightly as he spoke his last name, unsure of what other formalities to offer. He was nothing now. <b>"Ex-leader of Midnight Plateau."</b> The words sounded flat and follow. His expression fell again. It was out, it was there. Unavoidable and painful.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He is alight, if only the slightest, to her name being offered, causing the slightest of smirks to her expression. Rare did she smirk, an off set of a smile, and even less, did others have the capability of making her smile. Too often then not her expression was blank and heartless, if not marred with irritation, anger, or disdain. But as the sun fell, it would alight whatever life was left in the older man, as well as cast a glow over her own body, glowing the subtle hints of silver and gold flecks in her coating amongst the abundant grays and black.
He would mention his own name then, long a strong; Alexander Dieudonne. It seemed a name to be proud of, as her own title and, to her interest, familiar. Even more so, as he mentioned being the ex-leader of the Midnight Plateau, a pack she knew little of, though knew none the less. It had fallen not long after she had arrived to the lands and quickly rose to the top as second after Vlarindara's absence. She had heard of the attack of the cougar, their leader's tumble from the mountain with it and the result laid two more children to the Hollow- Arlette and Theo, god rest his soul.
Not only would a grim expression pull over his lips, but one laid to pull over her own at the thought of the boy and the news his father, now realized to still be alive, would take to it. Guilt would not overcome Elettra that she could not have saved him, yet still she wished she could have done more for the young boy. Sighing, and forgetting her reasons for straying from men for only a moment, she would make a few steps closer into the man's direction slowly. "I assume you'd like to see your daughter." Arlette. For the moment, she did not mention Theodore, for obvious reasons. Perhaps it was not her place to mention the pup's death, unless directly asked of her now. Though it had been she, Raigo and Jays which had raised the girl, it was only due to the thought of his death. Though Arlette knew Borden to be her father, Elettra hoped Alexander would be willing to break the truth. After all, he had to be a much better father then Borden was to them. Perhaps if Borden hadn't run off and they had antiquity set up a search team for Prosper, Theo could have been better watched, and wouldn't have died...
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2012, 04:10 AM by Elettra.)