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Once upon a time, the end. — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Light colored paws carried the slender female along, her gray-
silver peltage glowing within the pale sunlight. Her mouth was
dry, begging for the refreshment of water. The petite female's
head was low as her light chocolate toned eyes started aglow
with happiness as the sight of the large body of water came into
her sight. She flicked her black tipped tail before picking up her
pace, now in a light jog towards the water.

She approached the mirror of liquid, lowering her head swiftly.
Jaws parted as the wolf known as Finn lapped at the water
eagerly. She closed her eyes in satisfaction before lifting her
gray head back up. Observing her surroundings, she stepped
to the left a few paces, before placing her small paw next to a
larger black bear print in the soft mud. She leered for a brief
moment at the print before turning her head back to the still
water. Spring was almost here. Grinning a bit, she felt a flutter
of excitement rise within her chest- how she longed for the
warm weather. Back with her home pack, she was constantly
hunting and thriving in quite a warm climate.

Today was warm, though. The sun shone brightly, and the clouds
seemed to avoid the big glowing ball for the most part. Taking a
breath in, Finn seemed to remit her muscles, pelt loosening. Her
eyes settled on the water, spying on some sunfish. She stepped
forth, paws slipping into the cool waters. Her white legs slid her
into the water until it was up to the bottom of her belly. Continuing
to watch the water, she waited patiently. A small bass pondered
about, swimming near her left leg. Shooting her head down like a
heron, the wolf parted her jaws, going after the bass. She had
barely clipped its tail fin. Lifting her head out of the water, she
released a slight laugh, and shook her head. Small droplets of
water sprayed about, glistening in the sunlight.
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2012, 07:59 PM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lupus Sol
A cream pelt slipped silently into the clearing, a medium sized figure, slim, obviously built for a quicker pace and not brute force. Jowls swung open, pink, slimmy tounge hanging out tierdly-chassing down prey could be rather exausting and the young wolf had nothing to show for it after a long, unsuccessful chase down of a deer. He, by himself could not take down and kill such large prey and recently he had had two misrable failures of large game hunting. Blinking his yellow gaze Sol caught sight of the female in the water he had set out to drink, coming to an abrupt halt. The snapping of his jaws shut caused a faint clicking noise before his leathhery black lips muffled any other sound to come out of his maw. The yearlings already messed pelt ruffled more as he began to again stride forward only managing to kick a small rock sitting in his path. Bouncing onward before splashing into the water Sol's large triangular ears twisted backwards-resting against his skull. Now he would most definatly be found out and demanded for an explaination for coming up from behind on the canine.

Before the other wolf could turn Lupus lifted his ears and head back to their original place, letting one of his large paws lead his step as he returned to his quest for water. Nearing the edge of the pool the male dipped his head, letting his jaw hang open slightly, tounge peeking out and curving as it touched the waters surface. Lifting it back into his jowls the cream-coated wolf repeated this action several times before ceasing, lifting his head allowing his ocular to settle on the female again. Head jerking to the side he curiously watched, expecting her, by now to note his presence and swivel about to spot him. Swallowing the reminace of liquid resting in the back of his throat Sol stood tall again, his long legs giving his quite some heigth over the swimming female. Bushy tail swaying slightly behind him, hopfully giving her the sign he ment no harm at the time.
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Mind if I join? :D

The female now had rarely wandered far from her new-found home lands, where she had her own responsibilities of patrolling the borders and finding intruders seeking warmth too. And she was lucky enough to find that warmth. If you had known Wille before her pack life, she was skinny only surviving on skinny rabbits and her thick coat had not sufficed for her petite build in the harsh winter times. Winter is tough for pack wolves and loners alike. But alas, Winter was almost over and signs of Spring was showing in the blossoming lilacs and many other beauties.

The lagoon was often a comfort for the white lady, with many signs of life peaking beneath the bushes and taking a quick drink in the clear source of life. And she happened to see another wolf doing so, right now. She lifted her small maw and took a breath in, taking in all the scents. There was deer, another possible hunt later, and a the wolf. There wasn't many other scents of the same wolf, which told the female she was new. Wary of the stranger, she offered a stare but kept her distance.
Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lupus Sol
The more the better ;D

Head slopping lazily to the side the pale golden wolf remained there for a while before the sound of someone approaching instinctivly forced his ears to swivel back. Blinking his yellow oculars Sol stood quietly for a while, after the pause he rolled his head around and over his shoulder, short, transparent whiskers twitching when he spotted another canine. <i>Hmm..How curious...</i> Theese were his only thoughts as he turned fully to face her without a strain in his neck. Blinking a few times the males tail swished lightly.

With everything going through his mind he couldnot, for the life of him, figure out something to say. After an awkward pause he finnaly exhaled a sigh, "Ahemmm.." was the only lame excuse of an introduction hhe could get out, he frowned slightly, displeased with himself, but let the fact pass as he pulled a smile onto his muzzle, ears pushing forward as the yearling listened patently for the new comers responce.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Suddenly, the astringent scent of other wolven entered her nose.
The female turned her head sharply, dark ears perking as a young
male seemed to clear his throat. Brow raised softly, and she parted
her jaws. " 'Lo, there!" she called out in a friendly matter. His
focus seemed to be elsewhere, and so her chocolate eyes followed
his gaze to a small white female. Her frame was petite, just as hers.
Smiling lightly, she nodded slowly at the staring shewolf " 'Lo to
you as well, miss."
Finn's voice was smooth like the glassy
appearance of the lagoon. Her old 'wild' western drawl gave her a
bit of sass to her voice.

Lady Finn now turned her body in the water, padding out of the cool
liquid. Her white limbs were soaked, paws leaving small prints within
the mud along the shoreline. Light chocolate eyes kept flickering
between the two, and Finn let her silver-gray tail flick for a moment
before she shook her whole coat out.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Nice to rp with you two. :D

Her eyes examining the newcomers, she slowly stepped forward because of the female's friendly greeting. The female seemed to mix all the colors of the forest into her, and she had brown eyes, and quite pretty too. But the accent.....wasn't it quite weird? Sort of the accent wolves have in the western america. Maybe she was from there. Her accent though was still quite pleasing to the lady's ear. It was sophisticated and pleasing. How did the wolf achieve in gaining such as ear- appealing voice? It could possibly mesmerize the males.

And the male, he was a pale as her with the same yellow-amber eyes. There was not a slightest hint of an accent, so there wasn't much she could say for the male. Anything to determine, she meant. <b>"Hello mam. Hello sir."</b> She said politely nodding her head to both, assuming they were older. Not inching any more though, until both wolves both deemed friendly.
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2012, 11:37 PM by Wille.)
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae

Finn smiled politely as the small white female greeted her back.
The water where she had recently stepped out of coruscated in
the soft glow of the sunlight. She stepped forward gingerly, ecru
toned eyes watching the two wolves curiously. They both were to
stick out like sore thumbs in the oncoming spring greenery. No
longer would the white sheets of winter disguise them. They both
possessed eyes like that of golden tokens. Finn felt quite different
from them, but did not mind.

She dipped her head to the wolves "Name's Lady Finn." she
said. She did not expect the wolves to introduce themselves right
away if they did not want to. Finn's mother raised her with strict
manners, so she always followed them.
(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2012, 01:22 AM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lupus Sol
Sol quietly listened to the greetings he had recieved and the greetings that passed by his ears, not meant for him. Amber gaze blinking he couldn't help, but turn his head to stare at the female that was once in the water, why did her voice hold that tone. Some may have found it pleasing, but to this particular male it was exasperating, annoying, how could anyone stange talking like that all the time? His tail flicked to the side slightly agitated already, shifting his paws and body so he could see bother of the females in the area. Whiskers twitching Sol guessed it was about time to lay out a responce to them, swallowing the water conregated in his maw his jowls swung open slightly, allowing a few words to slipp slyly out in his sooth, milky tone before snapping his jaws shut with a snap. "Hello..To both of you." it was rather quiet, but audable so what did it matter? Head jerking to the side the lean male shifted his gaze to the female that had most recently come into the clearing, a small, wry grin pulled back at his leather, tar black lips, "I'm Sol.." he said lifting his head slightly, chin down, he was sure to try and look down at him, something about him made him want to be incharge of the little group, just something within him, the whole thing that had drivin him to be a loner.

Finding himself staring Sol scolded himself, bringing his gaze to the floor, ears twisting back to listen for any new comments to be put into the open. His mind had quickly driffted elsewhere though. Sol's attention span was recordly short, it was suprising he had lasted this long in the conversation <i>Wow..I'm bored..Normally at least I can keep myself entertained, but right now..I am at a total loss....</i>shifting his large paws slightly the male let his weight slipp to the side, a more comfortable standing position. He was preparing to endure a long conversation in which he added little to keep it going. Lowering his head the male inhaled deeply, an act of corse, he needed a reason to lower his head and not bringit back up for a while-sniffing probably wouldn't last long without going unnoted and Sol, realizing how lame his attempt was imidiatly lifted his head.

OOC~Sorry, I have been away from my computer for a while.
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Sorry. >_<

Both offered their greetings and now it was her turn. Should she say she was in a pack? But these two seemed keen enough to notice the smells of different wolves on her pelt. The female spoke with her <span class='word'> gasser</span> accent. Finn was her name. Then the white male introduced himself. Sol, he called himself. Her tail flicked up and her chin lifted. She felt dominant, probably the only pack wolf in the group. She offered a smile before introducing herself...and her pack.

<b>"Wille Lylla. Of the Creek Pack."</b> She said slowly, blinking. She shifted her weight from one side to the other. She flicked her ear, hoping the others wouldn't judge her so quickly. She slowly pawed at the ground, slowly inching forward finding herself to look at both the male and female, then slowly turning her head, waiting for another exchange of words.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn felt a tickle at her black lips, a calling to let them rise in
anger and show her ivories. Her eyes peered sharply at
Sol, and she felt a tinge of anger course through her body.
She knew he did not like her selcouth accent- it wasn't
her fault. Grunting aloud, she raised her head and tail,
walking past the white wolf and towards Willie.

She nodded her gray head to the small snow white
female as she introduced herself. "Miss Lylla,
much obliged to meet ya."
she smiled softly, and
looked back to Sol for a brief moment. Her head snap-
ped back to Willie. "Just came here for a drink. Didn't
know wolves would show up. This place is damn new
to me."

(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2012, 02:44 PM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."