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In their steps — Riddle Heights 
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Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
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<blockquote>She couldn't remember the last time she had rested, or caught anything larger than a rodent. She had been trapezing the ever-changing landscape, never travelling in one direction for longer than a few days, never stopping for more than a night. The wolves there were volatile, suspicious of strangers, and never hesitated to chase her off when he got too close. If only she hadn’t left her sister.

Something was pulling her east, until she had crossed the line the humans called a state border. Walking over that line was almost physical and she felt something inside break. She knew now she was never returning home.

She had been traveling since the snows first melted and now they were melting again. She could feel it in the wind and taste it in the water. Her static coloured coat thickened and lengthened, then began to thin again in patches, making her appear ragged and malnourished, but she thanked her mothers ancestors for the added protection it had given her through the colder months.

She awoke with the sun, the pull had changed directions again and she sighed. She could never predict what way it would take her each day and she had no idea what was it was that was drawing her in. She took in her surroundings, paying attention to the landscape for the first time in weeks. It had changed from the dense forest she had known all her life to sparse rocky slopes.

She shook her head in resignation and began to follow her feet again, she had lost her siblings scents months ago and was sure she had been turned around on more than one occasion. Where the joy and love of her family had once been, there was now a dull ache in her chest that was refusing to go away. She fought to push it down. It was a hinderance and would come and go at the most inconvenient times.

She continued onwards and upwards, nimbly leaping from boulder to rock shelf and down again. It seemed to go on forever, up and down, onwards and upwards. She was beginning to tire when she suddenly realised the peak was in sight. She grinned for what felt like the first time since she left. She knew it wasn't but it still felt odd after such a long absence from her face.

Below was a fertile landscape beginning to peek its way through the slowly receding snows. She could see the forests and lakes and meadows, and the looming mountain that looked over it all. She imagined what the view would look like from up there and decided one day she would have to make the journey. She settled himself on relatively flat topped boulder and enjoyed the last of the afternoon sun. There were plenty of small crevices and nooks she could crawl into if he needed shelter for the night. Tomorrow, she would travel down the other side of the sloping landscape and try to find some food amongst the trees. For now, she intended to enjoy the view and rest while she could.</blockquote>
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Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
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Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    always hoping to find something quicker than heaven.

They had not been very successful in finding something to eat, and it had lead Arlette instead to want to explore in the safe company of her mentor. Did the mentor know what he had unbridled?

"Come on Kiche, we're almost there!" she called over her shoulder, before making another flying leap onto the next rock step. Her claws scraped against the hard, rough texture as she began to slid. There was nothing ungraceful about it, she caught herself, and climbed to the next effortlessly. It was almost like she'd been born to climb the rocky hills. And so badly she wanted to get to the top. There was just something in her that had to get up there, see the world below. After all the times she had ever stared at the high, taunting peak she just thought if she could get close to it, one time, she might feel like she accomplished something. It was probably silly of her, but she had no problem confiding in Kiche if he questioned her choice. He wasn't worldly like everyone else, he had a mysterious quality setting him apart from how he viewed things. Sometimes like Hocus and Trisden might. It was something she had greatly missed. She quietly mused, maybe Hocus would one day be a teacher just like him. With a broad grin she wiggled her tail, and was able to merely walk about a slanting trail.

Her muscles were starting to burn, her breath short and hot. It was good with the sun in her face, and the breeze at her back. She momentarily paused surveying how far they had ventured, and she thought she spotted the turquoise tinted trees of home. Pride swelled her chest, and she took a huge gulp of the fresh air. It was lovely to be alive. Her bright yellow-green eyes found Kiche, and she grinned. "It's beautiful...up here," she murmured not believing this was the first time she had come here. Though in reality this could have been the front yard, the playground of her home if things had been different. She did not know this, and quietly skipped up the next incline when Kiche almost appeared to be catching her. What pep she had in her step today!

The young lady was cautious, and when the climb appeared harder she slowed, being very picky where she placed her paws. It was getting a little harder to chose good from bad. Uncertainty soon found her, and she hung back wanting now to follow Kiche instead of lead.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
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<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>thought I was all done for the day, but I'll just get something quick up. NO MUSE. or well, plenty of muse... just no real motivation to express it. Kind of powerplaying the "hunt," just tell me if it bothers you switch</span></li></ul>
Hunting was a <i>disaster</i>. When the teacher had made the offer he had neglected to realize his utter lack of expertise or experience. They had wandered aimlessly through the woods for what seemed like infinity. Occasionally, Kiche caught the scent of something warmblooded on the wind. More often than not, though, it was Arlette that caught the wisps of rabbit or deer or <i>whatever</i> on the wind. She was patient enough about it, and didn't seem to notice his inadequacy... However, the ignorant teacher found that he was becoming increasingly frustrated by his failure to share anything new with his student. It was actually Arlette who did the majority of the teaching, and that was a big blow to his pride, though he tried not to show it.

When the youngster seemed to abandon their pipe-dreams of prey for exploration he had to exhale in relief, feeling the pressure to preform slide from his shoulders. Exploring. <i>That</i> was something he could do, although he wouldn't admit that was because <i>anyone</i> was capable of adventure. Good humor slowly crept back into the corners of his mouth as he trotted alongside the daughter he didn't have. Every once and a while, he stole secret glances at the willowy, silver girl, wishing with every ounce of his being that he could give her the whole world. Though he had a hard time showing it —if only because he spent so much time <i>avoiding</i> the children— he loved Arlette, Hocus, and Trisden dearly. He lived for these moments.

Like twin moths to a flame, Kiche and Arlette found themselves being drawn to the mountains, though the each had their own secret reasons. Scaling the jagged peaks brought him closer to the sky, closer to God. But Arlette... he stole another secret look at the Hollow girl as she frolicked among the rocks as if she were a mountain goat. She was so nimble and surefooted where Kiche was clumsy but diligent. <i>She doesn't know,</i> he told himself as he watched her dance across precarious cliffs and rises. Arlette was born here... somewhere... wasn't she? It wasn't often that it crossed his mind, she fit in so well in the Hollow... But to see her here, so <i>at home</i> brought the secrets to the surface of his mind. Not wanting to trouble her, though, he shoved them aside. "<b>Would you just <i>hold up,</i>?</b>" he called out after her, completely winded, "<b>I... I... need... need to <i>rest</i></b>"

[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>She heard a masculine shout to slow down and scrambled from her perch. It would appear whoever was approaching was downwind, as she hadn't yet managed to catch scent of them. Taking a gamble she crawled to the front of the small incline and crouched, hoping they were approaching from the vast expanse behind her, rather than in front.

It was then that she spotted the small crevasse and quickly darted forward, belly low to the ground, just in time for the wind to shift and two wolfish figures to come into view. A small yelp escaped her mouth and she froze. She hated the open with no trees to hide amongst. It had been a stupid idea to ever leave her home amongst the dense trees.

With any luck they may not have heard her yelp, but knowing how keen her own hearing was, she doubted it. Shuddering while attempting to regain control of her body she looked away. Maybe they were just a figment of her imagination? If only she could slip forwards, just a little further... but it was useless. She was stuck there.</blockquote>
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Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<i>not at all Sarah x) I figured it was open for interpretation</i>

    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

She sported a grin, and giggled as Kiche asked her to stop.Trying to not be so amused by his slower movements, she swiftly bobbed her head, and sat down to prove she would not go further. She rather he lead on any way, though she would not quite say this. She really wasn't sure where to go next, or if it'd be better for them to go home. The mountain the hills lead to looked daunting the way the sharp, cold peaks cut into the clear blue sky. She was not brave enough to take their dare, and see what was a top them. In fact she wasn't sure if she would ever be ready to venture that high. Had anyone been up there? A shudder caused her shoulders to trembled, and she whipped her tail around her body for cover. Then licking her lips, she swiped a paw from the back of her skull over her ears, trying to smooth her wild fur. It was long in many places, and quite unruly where the wind at whipped it into unkempt points. She had never really cared what she looked like, now her coat was shedding she wanted to look like she tried to take care of herself. Tongue hanging out in a sharp pant, her white tail beat fiercely at her side when her mentor pulled himself to the ledge she was on. Momentarily she danced in place until he was safe enough she thought she could greet him. She did so with a lick to his chin, jumping back in playful bounce. If they'd had room she'd been tempted to play. They did not, and she made herself sit down once again so Kiche could rest.

Her yellow eyes stared across the vast range, and her heart steadily pounded in her ears. She was eager to know if her mother, and father had been up here, and why they didn't talk about it. Had Trisden, and Hocus made it this far? Her black nostrils twitch loving the scent of the air, when she looked to Kiche for a single second seeing if he would be alright. Quickly as she looked to him her attention was back to the Ruins of the Wildwood. "Have you been here?" She asked, the hesitation clear in her meek words. In the distance a high pitched scream woof like thing broke against the quiet of the breeze. Her ears pressed to her skull, and she crouched, slowly turning to scan the hills behind her.

"Wh..what was that?" She whispered, afraid to move.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>I have a feeling this is going to be hilarious xD</li></ul></span>
When he finally pulled himself over that final ridge, it was all he could do not to collapse in a heap at his darling’s feet. For a moment, he could have sworn he had seen something –a flash of grey, a figure—but it was gone in an instant. Suspiciously, his amber eyes flicked left and right as he swung his head around. But there was nothing. Turning back to Arlette, he found her grooming herself, which was gallingly nonchalant from where he stood –winded and cautious, concerned only for their safety. Worrying about how one looked, well <i>that</i> just seemed ridiculously superfluous to him… But after all, Arlette was a child of boundless energy and heedless pride. And little did she know it, she was <i>home</i>. As the silver child reached up to greet him, Kiche felt a sinking feeling in his stomach that seemed a lot like shame. <i>She trusts me. She trust all of us… but she doesn’t know… she can’t know.</i> The red male forced a smile onto his face as he watched her jump back, almost as if she wished to frolic. Not like that wouldn’t have been <i>suicide</i>.

Arlette’s sudden question roused him from his brooding, dark secrets. “<b>Have I been where?</b>” he said abruptly, his attention turning towards the direction she faced –that dark, charred forest. A sorrow welled up in him as he stared at the mixture of surviving trees and burnt remnants. There was also a flicker of memory that danced before his eyes of a strange white wolf he had pretended was his lost love… The shame deepened. Silence stretched between them before Kiche realized he had not answered her. “<b>Oh. There… yes. I have.</b>” But he didn’t know what to say on the matter. There were a lot of bad memories there –and not all of them were his.

A yelp broke their quiet, thoughtful reverie. Immediately, Kiche was back on his feet, tail raised and ears straining forward as his eyes scorched the stone. Arlette’s fear made him even more cautious, more protective. “<b>I don’t know,</b>” he whispered breathlessly, looming over her. But it was his duty to find out, wasn’t it? Clearing his throat and searching for any shred of confidence, he added, “<b>Do you want me to go look?</b>” But inwardly he berated himself for his cowardice <i>of course you should go look!</i> Gazing down at her soberly, he hoped she would stay put.

Lifting his snout skyward, he tasted the air. <i>Heathen</i>. Just how he had missed the scent was obvious –he was a ludicrously bad tracker. Now that he could smell her, though, Kiche was on guard. Slowly, carefully, he followed the scent… With a small flicker of surprise, he discovered it lead into a crack in the mountain side, a deep fissure that could hardly be called anything more than a crevasse. “<b>Hello?</b>” the priest called uncertainly into the darkness, unable to see if the wolf was really in there. It was so narrow that he almost doubted it –his nose had been wrong before. “<b>Are… are you in… </b>” He stopped suddenly, resolving to be more firm, “<b>Show yourself.</b>”

[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yeah, Ani makes me laugh. Silly girl...

<blockquote>Oh no! They had found her and now they were going to eat her. She crawled as far back into the shadows where she knew her colouring would work to her advantage and curled into a tiny ball, tail tucked over her eyes in the hope the nightmare would end and she would open her eyes and be <i>home</i>. At the demand to show herself she contemplated yelling back <i>No!</i> but then perhaps they would come down in here, where there was barley space for one. Setting her jaw stubbornly, at least it wasn't so open down here, she uncurled herself and got all four spindly legs beneath her.

Crouched low, tail tucked and ears pinned back, she took shivering steps towards the lip of the hole, slowly inching up until her dark and light fur was illuminated with streaks of the sun her head inched out of her hiding place until her nose was almost touching that of the reddish coloured wolf. He looked like Taqqiq, a thought that would offer her tiny frame little solace now. Golden eyes flicked away from orange as she continued to shake uncontrollably, her bushy tail tucked away from sight in the still dark hole. <b>"P-p-please don't eat me..."</b> she almost squeaked, closing her eyes as she waited for the impact of teeth on her throat.

<b>"Th-this is the only way out and I can't come any further while you're standing so close..."</b> she almost whined under her breath. She really wasn't comfortable and true, if they did plan on eating her, she was only making things easier for them by reducing the need for them to drag her from her hidey hole. If she survived this she was going to run far-far-away and find herself a nice hollow tree like she had back home. But the nearest trees were forever away. If only she could stop trembling so...</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 18, 2012, 12:18 AM by Aniu.)
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Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

Quite the docile creature her ears folded against her head at Kiche's quick remark. He probably was not meaning harsh, or bad from it. The young lady couldn't help feel she'd interupted his thoughts. Meekly she titled her muzzle in his direction before seeking out the most empty looking place of Relic Lore. It was sad, and she actually recalled being there once. For a hunt? She picked her brain flipping through her memories, and could remember being afraid of the dark trees. She curled her tonge in her cheek, and shook her head to shake away the black shadows of her mind. An ear tipped upward, and she calmly bobbed her head. He offered no more, and she didn't ask. She wasn't ready to have those questions answered.

When the hidden spy was about she was happy to see Kiche was quick to react. He was quite intemidating compared to herself, and seeing him more assured helped her collect her head. It could just be a stupid bird startled by their appearance right? Then again she didn't really like birds so much. She stiffly bobbed her head upon his question, not quite daring to speak with unknown ears about.

With her frame kept lowered she ambled over to stand to the side of Kiche while he inspected the crevice. She could smell a wolf too, and her nostrils twitched trying to pick up the details. Definately female, but why was she hiding? It was hard to wrap her head around someone else being scared, especially older than herself. Why would they be fearful? Confused, her eyebrows pressed together, and her body unfolded itself in her moment of courage. She stood tall beside Kiche, happy he was demanding answers.

"Eat you? Why would we eat you?" She blurted, her brows knitted together more than they had been seconds ago. Idea of a wolf eating another wolf was just sick and wrong. Her yellow eyes shifted to Kiche's knowing he would not eat wolf either. The wolf was obvious in stating she couldn't show herself with them in the road. Was this a trick? Supsciously her ears pressed back, and the edge of her muzzle wrinkled in dislike. She did not want to be attacked easy. She wasn't sure what quite to do, and worried eyes looked to the bright orange of Father Kiche. What should they do? A quick idea popped in her head. "I'll climp up there okay," she whispered in his ear, letting her eyes drift up to the top of the stone. Arlette could be safe, and escape or she could pounce in the fray if there was a sign of trouble. Without waiting for answer she sprang upward, scrambling above the pair. A wink, and feline sway of her tail she waited for Kiche to let the stranger free.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'><ul>LOL forgive me. Kiche ran away with himself AND me.</li></ul></span>
At first, there was no response. Kiche wondered if perhaps he was just overreacting –perhaps there wasn’t really anyone else here, maybe his senses had betrayed him. It wouldn’t have been the first time. Just as the ginger male was about to turn away, however, some scraping noises caught his attention. Suddenly, he was face to face with a little girl with a salt-and-pepper complexion and golden eyes that flickered with a terror that mirrored his own. Surprise rendered him incapable of even a yelp of surprise. Rooted to the spot, he merely stood and stared.

When he noticed that she was shaking, his hard stare dissolved into pity and uncertainty. And then she spoke. It was like being smacked in the face by his own fears. It was like looking down on a smaller, feminine version of himself, who was so terrified of this brutal world. <i>Maybe she… Could it be…</i> The saint, so gentle and jaded, so desperate for something he <i>knew</i>… Deep inside his soul, he let her words be the spark that kindled a hope he had denied himself: <i>maybe… maybe she comes from my… my home.</i> Not <i>his</i> home exactly, but any home. A <i>human</i> home. Mouth agape, his fire-and-brimstone eyes gazed hungrily at this creature and saw only himself. Perhaps it was wrong of him, but he was half a child and knew little of wrong and right.

Arlette hadn’t stayed put. Had the teacher been less distracted, he would have had the time to shoot her a glare of reproach. The little, silver changeling voiced his own questions for him. Kiche, of all the heathens, was the least likely to eat anyone –though, the same could not be said for some of the wolves who lived in the Hollow. <i>She sure is lucky it’s me who found her, and not Elettra.</i> Surely Elettra would have eaten this poor girl without a second thought. While he had never actually witnessed a heathen sacrificial ceremony, part of him still believed they could exist if he looked hard enough –but the other part of him realized he was being ridiculous.

The grey girl’s small voice rose out of the crevice once more as a polite, deferential request, and Kiche found himself half in love with her already. He lost control of his imagination, and suddenly he was standing in a different reality. This girl… this poor girl, she was so broken, so sweet, so gentle. She was… she was almost like <i>Aisling</i>. The heartache was too much, and he found he could hardly breath. Completely and utterly distracted by this extravagant incarnation he had created, the red man barely heard a word Arlette she said, only noticing that she had left his side and was now scrambling up the rocks. At that point, Arlette completely disappeared from his reality. That was when he noticed that he had been so lost in a reverie that he hadn’t given the poor girl the space she asked for. Berating himself, he shuffled backwards generously, coughing awkwardly. “<b>I… I wouldn’t dare eat you, little dove. Please, come on out.</b>” </blockquote>
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote> There were two of them. That much was certain, and while the other may be younger she couldn’t help but fear she had stumbled into the heart of pack lands, given that they both smelled exactly alike. Her eyes opened a crack in time to see the males hard exterior almost melt in front of her eyes. A flash of white shot in the corner of her vision but she quickly clamped her eyes again, not wanting either of them to take it as a challenge.

She knew she had to get her breathing under control to stop the shaking that was about to consume her completely but with each breath in she smelled <i>pack, pack, pack</i>, only further inciting her panic. She hadn’t smelled any markers, didn’t mean to intrude, but she knew from experience ignorance was never an excuse.

With her closed eyes, her hearing was heightened and the only give away to their plan had been the distinct click of claws on rock to tell her she was now effectively surrounded. Her imagination got the better of her, and instead of the two wolves that she could scent, she imagined an entire pack now had her surrounded. Mouth opened as panicked pants began to escape from her chest. Angling her head at her paws so nobody would meet her eyes she allowed herself to open them.

<i>“I… I wouldn’t dare eat you, little dove. Please, come on out.”</i> The voice was so gentle. So kind. So unlike the rage-filled growl she had anticipated and she held her breath in shock. Head finally poking above the lip of her haven, she looked around quickly before letting out her breath in a sigh of relief. There was no army here to tear her limb from limb. Still unable to control the shudders of fear running though her body she knew she must reek of it, but that was the least of her problems for now. She must be trespassing, otherwise why would she encounter two wolves of the same pack here?

She hadn’t yet sighted the second stranger and her mind ran away with images of a wolf the size of a grizzly bear, about to pounce on her from high and tear her to shreds. Regardless of her fears though, they wanted her out, and she felt the need to oblige. Scrambling from the hole, she automatically dropped to her back, focusing her gaze on a small pebble not a wolf length from her face. It was a blueish grey pebble with streaks of yellow. It reminded her of one of her mothers mismatched eyes and she pined for home. The scents, the sounds, the trees. Despite her best attempts, a pitiful whine escaped her chest.

Then she didn't regret it. The less of a threat she appeared the better as far as she was concerned. </blockquote>
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