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gather round — Swift River 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Hey everyone! Lots of new faces, so this is a chance for everybody to gather. You'll need to post in order to collect your points. After this, there will be a pack hunt. Please make your first round replies by <b>3/22</b>.

Gone Tomorrow

Night was rising, the sun having just set beneath the horizon. Fully alert, Corinna Tainn had not wanted to let precious time be wasted. A cool breeze whipping around her, she cast her green eyes over the rocky pile that was the Swift River den. Her three young ones had long since outgrown the space, but it was sentimental to her regardless. More and more lately she had found the area covered in the scents of the newly accepted wolves into Swift River. It made her uncomfortable, knowing that there were so many strangers running around the place. Swift River, more so than the other packs in the area, was a familiar oriented pack. Living amongst strangers was not a way a family operated. Nevermind that most of them had probably never properly met each other.

So stepping up in front of the den, the lead female tilted her head back. Her alto voice slid up the scale, beckoning for the wolves of the River to find her. It was a request, but there was a bite to it as well. It was not an optional meeting, but a mandatory one. She needed the whole pack to be here, not only for the meeting, but for the hunt that they would have in the morning. It was time for the Swift River pack to prove its worth, not only to the leader, but to themselves. Her howl fading away into the night, Corinna let her head fall back to its normal position. Slipping down on her haunches, her green eyes looked into the night, waiting for the first of her loyal followers to arrive.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It felt to him, like he was never far away these days.

The howl broke across his ears like a wave upon the rocks, shattering what fragile concentration the buff male had had. A cool evening wind, reminding him of winter not yet having released its full grip on them once the sun had set, blew through his dense fur. Disappointment rang inside him as he heaved himself up on all four - he'd been set up for some stargazing, finally having found a moment of peace and quiet. With the sun just setting, it had been promising - too long since he watched the simplicity of a sunset, of the sky deepening and the faint clouds being painted brilliant scarlet. The sky was truly a thing of wonder, if one but remembered to look at it more often.

But, he could not clutch to this, not turn it into a grudge. Corinna was not to blame for a mere coincidence, an unfortunate timing on either her part, or his. He wasn't quite certain which of them that had chose a bad moment. Shaking his large head, the thickly built male trotted off through the Grove. He'd been sitting in a glade just off the borders, so it wasn't strange that he showed up quite early. As he rounded some more trees, steadfast paws hitting the soft ground at regular intervals, he saw her, their leader, queen and mother; Corinna Tainn. Ever elegant, even in the deepening dark, she sat regal in front of their - our - bastion, the center of the pack. The den was, in a sense, their beating heart, even though the pack seemed to be scattered across the face of Relic Lore a lot of the time. Pushing philosophical whimsy back into some dark, remote corner, he glided onto the scene like a bank of drifting fog.

"Corinna." He breathed her name, a hushed greeting, yet one that conveyed warmth; familiarity. Respectfully the pale gaze lowered and he ducked, his entire body crouching for a step or two as he acknowledged her superiority. Strange to think that he once had been wary of her - she, their guardian, their protector. She was a strong female, and he was willing to follow her and her mate to the end. With a to him unfamiliar swelling of fierce pride in his heart, hot and solid enough to nearly melt him, he sank to his haunches at a respectful distance in front of her, eyes downcast. For a brief moment, he had the feeling that they could overcome anything and everything.

Perhaps that feeling was what pack meant.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Light ecru eyes began adjusting to what would soon be the
nighttime's darkness. Finn had just been accepted into
Swift River, and she was not to let any of her new pack-mates
down. Auds fluttered quickly as the echo of Corinna's howl
flowed like a sonnet through the trees. The gray she-wolf
took a breath in, bounding forth. Heart began to increase
in blood production as she felt herself grow anxious. She was
to meet her pack-mates for the first time tonight.

Swiftly, the four year old appeared in the opening, acknowledging
Corinna's presence by dipping her head and lowering her floccu-
lent tail. The small frame of the wolf ambled forth, her white paws
leaving shallow prints behind her. Chocolate eyes fell 'pon Ice,
a wolf whom did not carry the scent of alpha, but rather a sub-
ordinate. She let a friendly smile slip onto her ebon lips as
her gaze focused on the wolf whom she had never met.

" 'Lo" she said, western voice sounding rather melodic.
Yes, she was anxious, but she was more so excited to meet the
wolves in which she would be living with.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Some herbs were best collected at night and it was with this in mind that the tawny lady padded through the Grove, her nose telling her stories her eyes in the night would not. While her night sight was exceptional, what she was seeking would be hidden until her nose led her to it. <i>There...</i> It was not a native plant to these parts, but with the two-leggers cultivating all sorts of plants, they could on occasion be found where birds had scattered their seeds to grow.

The small white buds were beginning to unfurl and her eyes were alight with wonder. The little white flowers smelled amazing, and while they held little medicinal purposes themselves, they could be used to sweeten other concoctions that weren't so pleasant on the tongue. She was drawn from her reverie by the familiar howl of her leader. Cursing under her breath that she had chosen tonight to ramble, she plucked several bunches of blooms from the vine and made hast to the heart of her new home.

She realised she must look comical, bounding into the meeting with flowers in her mouth, a sight Rhysis was not unfamiliar with and she smiled around her bouquet as she approached Corinna to nudge her chin in greeting, nodding to Ice and openly staring at the new addition, her tail raising a fraction instinctively. After a moment her head tilted in greeting before taking a seat to Ice's side, but not too close. After a moment she decided to decrease the awkwardness a little by sitting the perfumed flowers at her paws. She was interested to see what this meeting would bring to light.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 19, 2012, 01:02 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>It had taken a few hours for evening to fall and, somewhere not too far from the den, Fenru Tainn had spent the better part of his day attempting to recreate the feat he had achieved before a certain ivory girl poured a bit of rain on his parade. He sat patiently at the base of a tree, half-glaring and half-observing the branch where a nest of sparrows warily stared back and twittered nervously between one another. A meter or so to his right sat a twig of peculiar berries. Whether or not the birds in question had use for them or ate them Fen had not considered but, either way, he sat and waited, trying to be as still as possible. <i>C'mon,</i> he beckoned to them in his head. <i>Come down and have a chat... I've a gift for you.</i>

A familiar howl shattered the air and the pup's eyes widened as the pair of birds took flight, abandoning their half-built home. <i>Mum...</i> He sprung onto his feet and let out a rather anxious yip. <b><i>"I'm coming!"</i></b> he barked, weaving through the trees with a lope that ate up the semi-defrosted ground. His pace slowed as he neared the clearing and when he stepped forth, he tiptoed past a large silvery male and two mottled females. He kept his eyes trained on his mother, certain just by scent alone that the male was not his father nor one of his uncles and neither the ladies were his aunt. He crept to the space in front of Corinna with a gently wagging tail and pinned back ears. He tenderly bumped his nose to her chin then took a step backwards and reclined onto his belly. A small, simple whine emitted from his throat in greeting as his plume-like tail continued to wag enthusiastically. His ears perked up again as he fondly gazed up at her. It had been a while since he had been able to just sit down and enjoy the company of one of his parents. His brows rose to express his curiosity. <i>Yes, Mum?</i> he seemed to wordlessly ask.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Gathering himself together he was aware of a piercing sound somewhere outside his body. What was that? A groan sounded, and he stretched his limbs. He needed to wake up, could not quite get his body up to spee. So blinking his honey colored eyes he pulled himself upward, smacking his dry lips. Corinna's voice became more real, and his ears flipped foward hearing it in the distance. She was gathering the River wolves together, and it sounded important. It was short, and died as he had slept through a good part of it. His black nose crinkled, and he grumbled to himself. He would have been right at the den, but lately he hadn't felt very comfortable in the one he'd dug himself. It just seemed to suffocate him with the past, and it's narrow dirt walls had him feeling like he could not escape. Instead he chose to sleep in a huge fallen log that was completely hollow surrounded by the Grove's beating pulse. It was away from the main den, and not quite near any paticular border. He was hiding out these days, the feminine scents beganing to drive him crazy.

He crawled out of his cozy burrow, and stretched his cramped muscles. Once confident he was awake, and not about to trip on his own nose he began to canter toward the pack den.

Once there oddly enough there was more familiar faces than strange. This made him smile, and his tail beat the air behind him. Ice,Naira, Corinna, and Fenru. Wolves he knew well, and trusted. It was Cori who had his attention, and he sauntered her way with his head, and tail lowered. Then he would offer her a lick to her chin before taking up a seat by Fenru. He would smile at the lad, and affecionately bump his ear. He was not so little any more. The dark man soon raised his head, his face smoothing ready to listen to what was said.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Everything was so different here. The sights, the smells and as day slipped into night even the landscape seemed to change. The forest was alive during the day, humming with something he just hadn’t been able to figure out yet. He wasn’t sure if he was still happy with the decision, but having joined the pack he had found that food was a little easier to obtain with some help, and that being able to rest peacefully, without feat of an ambush from a stranger, had allowed his mind to relax a little which was a nice feeling. In truth he missed his log in the Wildwood, something that had been his own but since he had come to the area he had found a suitable place to nap. He didn’t have a <i>den</i> yet, but he had somewhere which he silently called his own. He’d been settled beneath the trunk of a large tree, nestled almost invisibly amongst its roots. Half awake, half asleep, with his head elevated but his eyes closed and enjoying the last few songs from the birds before they were replaced with the hoots and screeches of the night flyers. Though instead of the hoot of an owl, the howl from a wolf filled the air as the sun slipped away.

Instantly roused from his sleep, his ears twitched and searched the cause. It was a summoning and almost instantly he picked up movement across the pack lands. The wolves were gathering. He’d only had a brief tour, since coming to the pack he’d taken time to himself to allow himself to adjust before he met anyone else. He wasn’t to keen on diving straight into the thick of it and had given himself time to adjust. He’d even avoided seeing Naira since she had shown him around, just wanting to be alone and away from her and that scent of hers. It appeared now though, a meeting with the pack was imminent and he had to show his face. He might not enjoy being part of a pack, but he knew the way it worked and what was expected for him. He might be dead inside but he knew social etiquette and what was required of him. So, he too rose to his feet and followed his ears, nose and memory to the main den sight of the grounds.

As he approached, he was assaulted with a variety of smells. He picked out three which were familiar, Naira’s of course, the lead female and if he wasn’t mistaken, Triell was still here. It might have been some time ago since he had met the black wolf, but he never forgot anything. His grey eyes were greeted with the faces of those wolves as his tall figure slipped free from the woodland and out into the clearing. Three he knew, the others he did not. What he did know however, was his place here at the bottom of the pack. He didn’t dwell on it, or grumble about the position. At least he was here. He paced silently, avoiding eye contact with Naira as he approached the lead female and lowered his form to try and appear smaller then the lead female, which was hard to do as he towered over here but the gesture was there. With a hidden grimace, he bumped his maw against her side in greeting and respect before he sauntered off to sit amongst the others.

Naturally, he headed straight towards Naira but ensured to give Triell a bit of a cocky grin and a dip of his head in a greeting, with a lash of his tail he seemed excited to see him. For some reason, he was glad to know the wolf was still here. He was grateful for his help with the beavers but he had also been a stand up guy. He didn’t feel guilty for telling the truth about his sister and obviously he hurt his feelings, but there was something about him Rhysis just liked.
He almost ignored the other wolves other then a glance over each of them, he had very little interest in them for now and he wasn’t here to make friends. They weren’t important to him and with any luck they’d get the hint to just leave him alone.

From there, he moved to sit beside Naira. Quite close, but there was enough distance to keep them from touching. He let his eyes land on the strange male that she sat near, and he instantly felt his skin prickle at the thought of her being so close to another. Inside he felt a need to attack the male, but his brain knew better and instead he merely ignored him and move to sit the other side, decliately avoiding the flowers she had placed at her paws. He almost held his breath as he settled, trying not to smell her too deeply or that damn scent that was clinging her to. Stupid spring. He didn’t say hello, just gave her a sideways glance and a half smile before he turned his attention back to the lead female and waited for the meeting to begin.
(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2012, 11:04 AM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
As evening crawled across the horizon of Relic Lore, the golden she-wolf released a smooth sigh. Her bright green eyes cast up to the skies, noting as darkness descended that she should find herself closer to familiar terrain. Nearing adulthood, Kisla was far more intrigued with the aspects of adventure and familiarizing herself with her home and hunting than anything else, and so the girl spent most of her days doing just such. Having little luck in the hunting department from her inexperience, it still did little to deter the tawny wolf, who instead would use her failure as encouragement to press herself harder to learn.

Trailing along the river edge, her eyes noting the light ripples of the quiet waters, Corinna’s beckoning call stirred the youth’s muzzle up, her ears perking forward to listen. Without answering, Kisla loped back to the den site at a steady pace, arriving after a handful of other wolves had as well. Her eyes catching to each adult, noting the unfamiliarity of many of them, the girl swept up to her mother’s form, lifting her muzzle to bump beneath the silver she-wolf’s in respect and adoration. Setting beside uncle Triell and Fenru, the girl leaned against the dark fur of her uncle, her teeth moving in to preen at his chest playfully as they awaited the meeting to begin.

sparking up my heart

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The new experience of being in a pack, other than her family’s small pack, was a quite new to her. The smells and new landscape were especially new to her. Being newly accepted, she had the task of getting used to the land and the scents that constantly filled her black nostrils. Sacred Grove felt like no other place she has ever set foot on. The land felt full of life almost a sort of humming was felt underneath her pads as she ambled around the foreign soil. It was precarious, but she welcomed it with open arms.

A requesting howl broke the silence of the dusk-covered land. Athena had been resting on a large boulder in a little clearing, that she had found while exploring along the river. Earlier on, she had the urge to watch the sunset before finding a suitable place to sleep for the night. As always, the sunset had been beautiful, a sight she could never forget. Now, she had to reluctantly abandon her perch and abide by her new leader’s request.

Gracefully jumping down from her perch, she lopped through the lands towards her leadress’ beckoning call. She had to force back a conniption that was threatening to escape her. The wind ran its cool fingers through her long fur as she made her way through Sacred Grove. Her soft amber eyes glanced around looking for any signs of other pack wolves, while her nose caught the fresh scents of those answering the call of female. She started to fear she would be the last to arrive, but she calmed her thoughts as she came up upon, what assumed to be, the Swift River den and the gathering wolves.

As she neared, she eyes first laid upon the lead female. Her nose, on the other hand, singled out four familiar scents. The first she picked up was the strange male she had met on her first day here in Relic Lore, but his name she did not know. Indeed, it was not very familiar, but she had remembered him and their meeting in Fireweed Rise with the other two wolves. The other smell was Naira’s, the nice woman that had helped her with her injured leg and had greeted her at the borders when she was seeking acceptance. Triell’s scent overflowed her nostrils, as did Rhysis’s. What? He’s here? What happened to Copper Rock Creek?, she thought to herself. She had known that the black brute had sought out the acceptance here at Swift River, so she frantically searched the group for his lumbering figure making sure she was not hallucinating. Her eyes finally found him, sitting next to Naira. How strange…

Focusing herself back on the matter at hand of greeting her new leader, she lowered herself in respect for the noble woman. This was not quite hard to do, since her tiny size made her seem like a mouse compared to some wolves. She gave the female a lick on her chin before taking a seat at Rhysis’ empty side. Being careful not to sit too close to him, she turned to him giving him a slight smile before turning her attention back on the regal lady before them.
(This post was last modified: Jul 12, 2013, 06:53 AM by Fenru.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
<blockquote>Muddy and matted, Rihael clambered out of his very own shallow hole in the ground as he heard his mother's voice ringing clearly in the air. He didn't waste much time shaking himself off. Clumps of dirt flew from his thick coat as he bounded off, limbs unnecessarily carrying him at maximum speed, the speed at which he pretty much did everything. By now, he knew the drill: this was a meeting. Tail beating the air behind him as he excitedly wondered what new faces would be sitting in the circle this time, the eldest of the young Tainns reached the River wolves in record time.

Throwing subtlety to the wind, Hael burst into the meeting, his steadily waving tail still flinging dirt to and fro. Taking a quick glance around the scene, he noticed a few wolves he'd never seen before, studying them each in turn on the way to approaching his mother. Grinning at the idea of making her muddy, the kid, who was now nearing her size with each passing day, lifted his head to nuzzle the bottom of her chin, mimicking the respectful gesture he knew was customary. Without another word, and not stopping to survey the damage he'd done (if any), Rihael then zeroed in on his siblings, picking a spot purposely close to Kisla, and leaned against her, hoping to brush some of his mud onto her soft, luxurious fur.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 21, 2012, 06:24 PM by Rihael.)
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