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The Unexpected Apprentice — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>And so into the Grizzly Hollow packlands they went. The strange scent became overwhelming as they passed the borders, though Volkan did her best to shrug it off with a humble expression as Elettra inquired as to Kanosak's prior medicinal knowledge. She began to <span class='word'>remit</span> somewhat, pale eyes taking in the green forest around them as they pressed deeper into the woods, but soon found herself surprised with Kano's ongoing speech. <i>Well,</i> she thought with a small, quiet chuckle, <i>guess we picked the right wolf for the job.</i> His descriptions of plants and their uses were foreign to her, though she kept her ears open for the one medicinal herb she did know about— and, to her slight surprise, Kano looked her way.

"—Oh." she said. <i>Me? Okay.</i> Shrugging to herself, she broke away from taking in the scenery to let her icy gaze cross the Second for a moment as she spoke.

"Well," she began, "The only one I know is, uh, my Clan called it Bloodwort." Admittedly, it'd taken her a second to remember the name; who'd have thought she'd need to tell anyone about this? She supposed it was useful knowledge, though, and went on after a second, feathery tail swishing at her ankles as the three wolves walked. "It's this sorta white flowery plant, and if you chew it up and stuff it in a wound, it's pretty good at stopping bleeding... I guess it's the only plant we bothered to learn about, 'cause I guess bleeding was kind of our only problem," she finished with a small laugh. If the Aquilas knew one thing, it was how to stop yourself from dying from battle wounds. But, unfortunately, it was the only bit of knowledge she had to offer. "...And that's all I got," she finished resolutely, gaze finally crossing Elettra in search of approval. Maybe, especially compared to Kano, she could use some healing training after all...</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 19, 2012, 06:54 PM by Volkan.)
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
...And as quickly as she had question, he would answer, allowing himself to go through not only the plants which he knew of, but what they did as well: willow, dried mushroom tops (but what kind of mushroom, she wondered?), snapdragons (wild and colorful looking flowers which had faces looking like snakes- for she knew not of a dragon), houseleek, blue and black berries, pine sap and the common spider webs and then....dwarf fireweed. This one, Elettra herself didn't even no of and her more so interest perked with her ears as she listened to his words. "I didn't know this..." She would admit delicately, a mumble over her lips before Volkan would speak up. Her attention would turn to the younger woman a moment, nodding as she finished in her mild approval. "I have heard of this, but I don't think I have ever used it..." Much she had learned of, a lot, despite all which she still knew of, lost to her memory, if only due to the fact that she had not come across a region which harbored the plant mentioned....
Now, she pauses, taking a sniff as she lingered with the root of her home. Luckily, she had made her infirmary separate from the family's main pack den, so others would not come home to two strangers-from another pack- centered in the heart of their home. "Excuse the lack of room." She would speak, as she approached the den site, dug out along the side of a small hill within the forestry. Outside, there was a collection of flipped over shells, oysters and clams, filled with water from passed rainfalls, used for mixing herbs when needed. She would step within, moving all the way across the open area until she turned to lay at the far wall.
The room was much fitting for Elettra and one patient where she may work on them and allow them to rest away from the others wolves. One more adult wolf would fit, with little space left, providing a more cramped area. She would understand if Volkan wished to stay outside, with her head poked it to view and listen, which would be fine by her, but allowed them to decide for themselves... The floor is covered with furs, feather and fluff from previous kills, anything to make the guest more comfortable during his or her illness. Next to her, was a small off branch, another hole dug out where she stored her herbs, seed and root alike. It smelt thickly of it in here and this is where she waited for them to settle before she began.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>As they approached the den Kanosak observed intently. <i>Shells? This far from the ocean?</i> A new respect crossed his features, He had only ever seen the ocean once and it had been beautiful and terrifying all at once. He had spent some time with a lone male there, pairing up to hunt together for a short while. He remembered the time fondly and wondered if any of his family members had ever made it so far... Upon closer observation it was obvious they would not all fit within the small infirmary and the scent of herbs and roots was thick on the air, as it had been in his grandmothers healing den.

He stepped back slightly indicating Volkan should take place inside the den and he would look on from the entrance. It was the polite thing to do after all, and he thought the young wolf would gain more from up close observation, whereas he generally relied more so on his nose to identify what it was he was seeking. </blockquote>
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>At Elettra's response to her only contribution thus far, Volk kept silent, smiling a little to herself. On one hand, she felt a certain smugness that she hadn't expected to for actually having contributed something to the conversation. On the other, if Elettra didn't know about it, it probably didn't exist in Relic Lore... and that meant that, just as she knew, Volkan really was far from the Aquila domain. Even though she hadn't had a reason to even think about finding Bloodwort since she'd left, it unnerved her, now, that the only healing plant she knew of was now irrelevant. <i>Maybe I should pay attention,</i> she resolved, exhaling in a small huff as she, Elettra, and Kano reached their destination.

The Grizzly Hollow female apologized for the size of the den, and as she watched her enter, she saw why. It seemed there would only be room for two of them to fit, unless they wanted to get cozy. Volk didn't necessarily care, but it seemed Kano was making room for her to enter, and she looked at him quizzically for a moment. "Suit yourself," she remarked, throwing him a shrug as she ducked down to enter the den.

A million and one oddball scents hit her right in the face, and combined with the sights of all the strange, whimsical herbs and other tools, Volkan felt like she'd stepped into a dream. "This place," she mused as she settled in, "All these smells! What is all this stuff?" She couldn't help but smile for the soothing nature of the place, and she turned around awkwardly to face the front, figuring she might as well get comfortable next to Elettra if she was going to pay any attention. Finally she settled to her haunches on the soft floor, taking the idle time to blow a rogue feather from the tip of her nose. Waiting for Elettra to begin their lesson, she looked eagerly back out at Kano. Would Elettra be pissed if they stole the whole comfy medic den idea?</blockquote>
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
With a quick gesture between the pair, as Elettra made herself snug against the back wall, close enough to dip her head in and out of her 'storage bin' it would seem although Kano had originally been here to learn, it would be the younger Volkan which made her way inside. With the younger, smaller woman, there was plenty of room to work.
When Volkan fully entered, making her way towards her and exclaiming about the smells, a small, subtle chuckle came over her. Little did she smile or laugh, but the otherwise usually serious woman could not help it now. Such things she had grown up around- fighting and healing, fighting and healing... It was obvious it was more new to Volkan and by this, El was eager to teach.
Volkan, now comfortable next to Elettra, would let the older woman know she was ready to learn (who at first did not seem interested at all), as well as Kano. Elettra didn't mind the other woman close to her and though she had yet to trust her fully, had never felt a need to be weary of her now, or in the previous time they had met up. "Let's start." She explained, dipping her muzzle into the dug out storage bin. Her muzzle would shift to what was dead, old and now useless. Whilst some herbs needed to be dried to use, others were not and the winter had taken it's toll of what she had to teach others, surely something Kanosak would understand...
She would pull out a root then, fitted with a wilted, withering top. But it was not the plants top which was much interest to her, but the root itself. She settled it before Volkan's feet where across the way, Kano would have a full view of the herb. "I have only just found this, in the thicket of secrets. It's Ginger; its soothes the stomach and reduces fever." After she was finished, she would let the plant lie there for them to look over closely and sniff out. It was fitted with heart-shaped leaves and (though most had died and fallen off by now) reddish-brown flowers. "This," she mumbled, showing off something else and settling it before her and Volkan. "Is White Fir bark. The trees can be found at the outskirts of my home here in the cedar forest. They are the trees that make up ghastly woods and the grove, too, though I have only smelt them- not been there to see for myself. It can help with healing cuts and sores and if eaten, relieve joint pain." It is here, where she would nudge the bark into Volkan's direction. "You two may take this. Its much more common, so easy to find." Also, this way, they could better remember if they had something to take back home with them.
She paused a moment then, before once more her muzzle dipped into the off-den and she pulled out a long woody weed, fitting with bright yellow flowers. It had only recently just bloomed and she settled it down. "Found in the Hush Meadow, Goldenrod. I know not all it's properties, but It has worked well when chewed to relieve sore throats and toothaches." Once again she would turn away, her head gutting into the small opening along the wall, shuffling deeply through it until once more her head popped out, this time harboring more then one plant within her jaws.
She would settle them down before her, nudging each one with her nose until they were separated from one another, so Kano and Volkan may easily see the differences from one to another as she spoke of them, pointing with her muzzle at each as she went. "Found in open and sunny areas, to try the meadows and the open hills. I found this one in the wildflower glade in the thicket of secrets. It is Angel's Breath, which will help against vomiting, diarrhea and helps with fevers and chills. Feel free to take this with you as well." Now, pointing to the next... "Bramble twigs may be chewed into a fine syrup, and will help someone to sleep. The roots, black cohosh, are very important...chewed up, the twigs can aid with relieving pain and child birth, though is helpful with a poison snake bite, so lessen the effects and give them, a better chance..." Even if it had not worked on Theodore... "Do not use in pregnancy unless the wolf is in labor as it will cause a miscarriage." She would add there after.
Once she was finished here, she would stop. She had already offered them six different things, all to hopefully expand Kanosak's knowledge from what he already knew, now allowing him the help he needed when it came to snake bites, labor, toothaches, need of sleep, vomiting, and the like...There was little else she had in supply, not that he already knew, but she would be willing to give whatever else she might have, or even name things off her head (even if she didn't have it) but wished not to throw too much at him at once.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Urgh, sorry ladies! Kano fled in fear of his sisters hormones and took my sanity with him!

<blockquote>As each new plant was presented, kasonaK took note of its scent, where it had been found, and what ailments it would treat. With each different plant that was presented, his respect for the dark lady grew. Even nakloV seemed entranced by the offered teachings and he was relieved to see she was enjoying this after her initial dismissal of the offered learnings.

A small smile of pride crept into his face, and a pang of guilt radiated from his gut at the sudden memory of similar lessons at home. He hadn't noticed the resemblance until now, with the imposing dark lady so like his grandmother Shadow, and nakloV so similar to little Ani. He had done a terrible thing, leaving her without explanation, but he had done so so she wouldn't have to leave. Now was no time for reminiscing.

Not only was the lady knowledgeable but she was generous too, and his respect for the woman deepened with each word that passed her lips. Eyes alight with the precious offerings, especially in the snow covered landscape, his head dropped low in thanks. <b>"Your knowledge is even greater than anticipated and your generosity even more so. Thank you Lady. Your lesson has not nellaF on deaf ears."</b> he thanked the healer genuinely. Perhaps nakloV would have her own thanks to add, or questions to ask.

It was a silly thing but there was a niggling feeling in his stomach that he needed to get home, but before he could do so they would need to fulfil their side of the deal with a hunt. The sooner, the better in his mind. He just couldn't shake the feeling he was needed.</blockquote>
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Lol at the backwards "Fallen" xD
<blockquote>Ginger. She'd heard of that one before. But— White Fir bark? Volk tilted her head, her curiosity piqued, as Elettra slid the piece of wood over her paws. Gingerly she leaned forward to sniff it; its scent was overwhelming, and she pulled back with a small snuff, eyes widening in amusement in Kano's direction. At the healer's direction for her to keep it, she removed a paw from beneath it and placed her forelimb over it almost protectively, mostly so she wouldn't forget it when they left. Healing sores and cuts, huh? That was good to know. The next one was for sore throats, toothaches, lame stuff like that. And the next one sort of blurred by her, as this was certainly a lot of information for a first-timer to take in all at once. But the "important" one, per Elettra's words, she did take note of: the black roots, aiding with childbirth. Volk winced at the word, but made a mental note to relay this information to Aeylen one way or another.

After the whirlwind of information, Volkan blinked a few times, her pale gaze finally settling on the Creek's Second once more as he thanked Elettra for her services. "Yeah, thank you," she added honestly, still examining the strange piece of bark at her paws. "I hope this knowledge won't come in handy," she added with a small chuckle, "But. Y'know." It was going to at some point. Having nothing further to add, and pretty sure she'd at least noted the locations and uses of the white fir bark and the black bramble roots, Volk shifted a little. The den, even with its intoxicating and soothing aromas, was getting stuffy, and she was starting to grow restless. Shiftily she looked from Kano to Elettra, wondering what their next move would be— assuming it might be the hunt, but not desperate to seem too impatient.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Kano was quick to offer his thanks, both making her prideful by her vast knowledge in the herbal remedies and, smiling, if only the slightest, to him mentioning her being generous to them. Little did such words fall towards her, or at least as of late where mainly she was given grief. Even Volkan, who otherwise seemed uninterested said her thanks, still grasping the piece of white fur bark under her paw.
She nods, her smile turning to smirk at Volkan's words/ It was nice to think that her knowledge would not need to be used, which meant a healthy pack and no injuries, but Elettra knew very well that such a thought was only mere fantasy. Shifting her gaze between the two, she offered a light shrug before lifting into a low crouch within the den. "Well, shall we hunt, then?" It seemed the lesson was over, Kanosak having thanked her for her services for the time being but whether or not he visited again would in the long run be up to him. For now, she was finished and sought to gain her portion of the bargain. "We shouldn't a need to go far. I smelt a trail of white-tailed deer just on the outskirts of the cedar forest this morning..." And so, the hunt would begin.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>Nodding his ascent, the golden male backed up from the entrance of the lady's den to allow the two dark women to emerge into the fading light of the afternoon. It had been a productive day and he was more than happy to end it with a hunt. It felt like forever since he had hunted with more than a one other to accompany him. This should be a nice refresher before he returned to the Creek to try and entice Kashikoi and Kinis to join him for similar. The two would do well to bond and learn from one another.

Setting a comfortable pace, he accompanied the ladies back off the Hollow wolves pack lands, unable to stop the relieved feeling as his muscles relaxed once they were clear of their borders. Although they had been invited, he was grateful that he hadn't needed to explain his presence to one of the many males he could scent everywhere. It would seem the Hollow was a larger pack than their own. Finally reaching a scent trail, he began to follow his nose until the deer came into sight. Now how to go about this?</blockquote>
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Wordlessly Volkan followed Elettra out of the den, climbing out into the air in one swift movement. Once she'd emerged, her tail gave a satisfied flick at her heels; the fresh air was a welcome change from the stuffy, aromatic cloud inside the den. The bark still in her jaws, she followed Elettra just behind Kanosak, pale blues taking in their final glimpses of the Hollow's pack lands. The dark wolf mentioned deer, and so Volk kept an eye (or a nose) out for the specific scent she knew so well.

Soon it began to seem that Kano was on to something, though, so Volkan followed at his heels, slinking low across the soft forest floor. Sure enough, they came upon a herd of deer after a few moments. A smile tugged at her lips, and with a quick glance at Elettra, she acknowledged the brief deja vu this gave her. The two females had hunted together before, and had actually worked quite well together. But now Kano was in the mix, too.

But they wouldn't have trouble bringing down one deer, she thought. The question would be whether or not one deer would leave enough meat for the Creek wolves to take after Elettra claimed the larger portion. Quickly she tried to work out a way of killing <i>two</i> animals, scanning the herd. A few young, a few does. All looked healthy. Silently she gestured toward the young deer nearest her, then searched the faces of her hunting partners for clarification.</blockquote>
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