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Can't get you off my skin — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Ears perking, Corinna couldn't help but be surprised at the sound of the call. It was a deep voice, clearly masculine. A different sound than the ones that had recently graced Corinna's ears. She had been subject to female after female along her border. None of which had been all that welcome, though she had also not turned very many away, it was simply not in her nature. But she was more comfortable accepting males into her pack this time of year, if only because it did not fall on her to keep them in line. Her temper with the females of her pack had grown increasingly shorter. It made her feel bad, but that was nature, and could not be avoided.

So as it were, Corinna hoisted herself up and began her route towards the origin of the call. The closer she got to the borders, the stronger the foreign scent became. But in addition to the scent of the lone wolf, she also picked up the now familiar scent of Naira. A grin playing around Corinna's lips, she picked up her pace. The Second had not let Cori know that the stranger was no good, so perhaps there was potential here.

Head and tail rose automatically as the two wolves came into view. Even though she was smaller than them both, she held herself with a regal air. She nudged Naira's cheek briefly in greeting, but her green eyes remained locked on the ebony colored male. "Corinna Tainn," she introduced, not unkind, "It seems you've hit it off with my Second," Naira's position was relaxed, at ease almost - different than how Cori had seen her the last couple of times they had met along the borders. "Naira? What do you think? Is he suitable to join Swift River?"

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Slipping into submission at her leaders approach was second nature to her now, returning the nudge of greeting automatically. Now they would find out. She attempted to mask a grin at her leader's comment about the two hitting it off, it was true she had been more...controlled in the presence of others, but she found it hard to be anything but relaxed around Rhysis, no matter how annoyed she was at the conclusion of their last encounter.

She was taken aback by the question, still so new to their ranks, she didn't feel it was her place, but it was a direct question. Turning serious, she addressed her leader comfortably. <b>"I think he is capable of pulling his weight... He is a good hunter, and fighter...and has saved my hide twice now... The first time he pushed me from a collapsing beaver dam, at risk of his own life, and most recently from the unwanted attentions from an overly amorous rogue."</b> she said honestly, well aware the admission could raise questions down the track but it was the truth. <b>"I think he would be an asset to the pack, but perhaps there is more he would like to add to his case?"</b> she said as golden eyes swung back to grey.

She had spoken her piece, now it was up to Corinna, and Rhysis if he chose to add more to his case. Deep down, she hoped she had said the right thing, and hoped that it was enough.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>As the female spoke of his <i>best qualities</i> he couldn’t help but grimace. If only she knew the real him. The him that would happily watch a pup die from its own stupidity. The dark brute that wanted to murder his sister, including the half sister he had never even met. The sinister male that wanted to hide behind the very wolf that attacked her to form his own pack, so he didn’t have to conform to real wolf society. The wolf inside him that wanted to possess her, control her very soul and never let another wolf lay eyes on her. He was sure she would have a very different opinion of him then. Normally a wolf up for telling the truth, he had kept these pieces of him hidden from her, worried that the truth would take her away from him and for some reason he couldn’t really contemplate, he didn’t want that to happen.
So, he was doing what he always did best. Playing the part. Whilst everything that happened between them seemed to be natural, instinct, he couldn’t help but think that as soon as she saw through whatever happened to him when she was close by, she was going to be just disgusted with the wolf he was. He shouldn’t have cared, it shouldn’t bother him in the slightest if she never wanted to see him again... but it did.

He avoided her gaze. He didn’t want to look her in the eyes then. It felt like he would lie to her if he acknowledged the kind words she had said about him. No one ever spoke kindly of Rhysis and when you get knocked down and insulted, from birth, it gets drilled into your head that you are those very things. <i>Vile. Repulsive. Weak. Pathetic. Failure.</i> Rhysis could happily add to that list, but as he had gone to say something another scent wafted across the breeze. Another pack wolf, female, but one he had never met before. He assumed this would be the lead female. He’d heard that not many other females lived within the pack, which is another bonus to signing up here, and as soon as the dominant female broke into view and held herself in such a regal manner, he dropped into submission.

With his back on the warm ground, belly exposed and paws tucked to his chest. He felt like such a fool in front of Naira. He shouldn’t have to look weak in front of her, but he knew his place and at that moment in time it was on the floor, showing respect and submission before the leading wolf. <b>”Rhysis Aquila.”</b> he said politely with his southern drawl and minimal eye contact.

He listened as they spoke, almost as if he wasn’t there to hear it. He felt almost relieved to hear that Naira felt he was a good candidate. That would hopefully give him some credit here. He didn’t have much to add. There was no point lying. His strengths were in physical activities, as opposed to healing and caring for the pups. He made his living fighting and hunting. It was as simple as that. When Naira asked to add to his case, he felt like he had to say something constructive. He couldn’t let the lady speak for him, he had to show that he had his own mind and mouth. <b>”Naira is right. I’m a very able hunter and I have much experience when it comes to fighting. I offer my services as a pack protector in exchange for a place within your pack. I know basic healing skills and I feel I am a very confident teacher should you ever wish to have your wolves, or young, learn the skills needed to survive in battle.”</b> he paused a moment then and gave a very small smile. <b>”I’m also hoping to give my thanks to Triell, should he still be here. Were if not for that guy I wouldn’t have survived the winter and I feel indebted to return the favour in helping his packs survival.”</b>

Rhysis remained in his submissive pose. Bracing himself for either answer. An no would mean this could be the last time he saw Naira. He doubted they could meet again if he was turned away, she couldn’t come back here with his scent and her pack was obviously important to her. On the other hand, if he were to be accepted he was going to need to allow the lead female to touch him. Whilst the thought made him feel inwardly sick, he would just have to get over it and hope that the wolves in the pack would realise quickly that whilst he was a team player, loyal, he liked to keep to himself.
(This post was last modified: Mar 18, 2012, 09:44 AM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
<i>OOC:</i> I assumed that he let her touch him? If not, let me know and I'll edit my post. =) Also, feel free to respond once more and then archive the thread.

Gone Tomorrow

Head was tilted to the side, listening to Naira speak. She didn't have a negative thing to say about the black lone wolf laying on his back before them, which was all the more credit to him. Though not a family member of the Tainns, Naira was gradually proving to the leaders that she was a worthy and honorable pack member, one that they would be wise to trust. So she nodded along mutely, eyes narrowing slightly at the mention of unwanted attention. Given the time of year, she couldn't help but be suspicious, but she was confident in what her nose told her - it seemed that Rhysis had arrived before giving Corinna, or Naira, cause for worry.

In terms of able-bodied wolves, the River pack was in no short of them, but it never hurt to add more. It never hurt to have multiple wolves who were good hunters, and given that Naira was backing him up on the claim, she didn't feel as much of a need to put him to the test, as she had decided upon doing with the others. As for his other capabilities, she inwardly shuddered. The green-eyed lady wanted no part of battles or fighting, she saw it as an unnecessary. But if that's what Rhysis had to offer, than that's what he had to offer. More than the listing of skills, though, it was his mention of Triell that caught her attention. Her younger brother had grown up so much, it was no surprise to hear of him helping strangers. He had not shared that story with him, and she made a mental note to ask him about it next time she saw him.

Decision made, the gray female stepped forward, away from Naira and towards Rhysis. "Very well, Rhysis. Welcome to Swift River." Making a move to grab his muzzle in a firm muzzle grab, she waited a moment before stepping away. Indicating with her head that he could get up, she looked at her Second. "Since you know him, I'll let you show him around and introduce him to the others."

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
keeping it very short :)

<blockquote>Relief. She hadn't realised how tense she had been growing until the muzzle grab, although her stature didn't speak of it. She gave her leader another nudge of thanks as the grey lady left and turned her attention to the dark male on the ground. With a cheeky glint in her eye, but still managing to keep her distance she smile. <b>"Get up Rhysis, let's go <i>home.</i>"</b></blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He waited patiently for his judgement, debating whether he should have offered more. He hadn't even mentioned his amazing brain and the many things he could do with it, though he was sure he would have to keep a few little details to himself in that respect. Time seemed to stand still as his fate was decided. He wasn't sure how much better his hunting would get without resting his injuries and he was already to the brink of fatigue as he hadn't eaten since his scrap with that crazy ass female. What a waste of time that had been, within the first two moves he had been crushing her skull within his jaws. He wasn’t sure why he bothered to let her go, should have killed her when he had the chance.

Bringing his focus back to the current situation, he kept his eyes away from the lead female. He hadn’t had much of a chance to look her over, having thrown himself into submission before getting a good look, but he supposed she carried herself with the air of all royals. Her tone was formal, matter of fact and could be consider unfriendly were he here for that sort of thing. He appreciated that she jumped straight into business, no need for small talk and chit chat. It was a basic exchange, services for services and perhaps this wouldn’t be as tricky as he had first thought if this was how day to day life was conducted. He supposed he would have to ask Naira about her more later... if there was going to be a later.

The grey lady then stepped forward, leaving the side of the long coated female and approached him. The welcome came as relief, he would make it a little longer with their help and as she snatched his muzzle within her own he refrained from flinching or wincing as he would normally. He couldn’t show weakness here and hoped that Naira would keep that to herself. Just like that, it was done and he rolled back onto his belly and stood from the terrain, a little awkwardly with his limb injuries but dipped his head. <b>”Thank you.”</b> was all he said, never one for saying more then what needed to be said.

The lead female slipped away and he was left with Naira. He glanced back over to her and limped towards her. It was time to go <i>home</i>.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]