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The Story — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Dark shadows littered the area of Relic Lore. The sun had gone into hiding, while the moon came out to play. Darkness ruled the land, sending any critter into hiding, while the predators came out to cause trouble. The sound of running paws interrupted the mysterious and deadly silence of Ghastly Woods. The sound was caused by a distant white figure, running blindly through the drooping trees.

No idea why she was running or even where she was running, she just ran. It had been a long time since she had used her long legs to this extent. She welcomed to feeling actually. The mud beneath her pads, wind through her luscious fur. She was defiantly a beautiful sight to see in a land of blandness.

No sounds came from her maw, but inside was a whirl of thoughts, swirling inside her to no extent. Thoughts about all the horrible things she had done. The lies she’s created. Everything was a fraud. She was a fraud. But, what if she had done the right thing? By killing her father, she didn’t let her mother die in vain. Hadn’t murdering him, just like he murdered her mother, brought justice for her family? Or did it serve as an injustice?

Questions on top of questions, swirled through her head, creating a massive headache that she couldn’t escape. This was the story of her life. She was a murderer, but had rightful cause. She was a liar, but had the right reasons. This was the story of her life, but was it going to be the final story? I swear to god, I’ll find myself in the end. She vowed to herself, continuing to try to run away from her past.

How can something so beautiful, be so ugly?

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
I’ll start this before Rhysis bumped into Naira and hurt his paw as we’ve not concluded that thread yet. :)

The moon was a pretty sight tonight, especially as the air was much warmer and the dark beast didn’t have to hide within the depths of his den to escape from it. The warmer weather gave the lanky male more freedom, he wasn’t confined to the area of his den in case a snowstorm should hit and he’d be left without shelter. With the end of winter and the welcoming of spring, he was able to travel further, sleep beneath the stars and live like the bachelor he really was.

The first place he wished to visit since the weather had improved was the area he first travelled to when he discovered the lore. It was the place where he had met Triell, a young black lad who he had since discovered belonged to the Swift River pack. Without knowing it, that young wolf had saved his life and helped him last through the winter by showing him where beavers could be found and they had been a staple diet for him whenever he managed to make the long trip back here. Despite their fishy taste, they had kept him alive and he had made it through the worst of winter completely alone- he truly was a born survivor. He could almost laugh at the idea, his father had trained him to survive as soon as he was able to walk but had wished for him to die upon his exile from his pack...it seemed his father had taught him a little <i>too</i> well and here he was, living, healthy and looking forward to life.

With an outward smile at himself, Rhysis slipped down from the fallen tree he had been resting upon. For the past hour, he had been watching the moon and listening to the sounds of the forest around him. Whilst he might be the evil character around these parts, he did have a quiet and thoughtful nature somewhere in there. He appreciated nature, the seasons, the world around him. From the smallest insect and how it could carry such a heavy load, to the bright rock in the sky which illuminated the forest around him.
As his leather pads touched the soft floor, a white blur streaked through the undergrowth before him. It was a distance away but with the moonlight shining down brightly the pale shape was not something you could miss. The newly adult male took a tentative sniff of the area, tasting the scent of the other upon his tongue. He knew the scent, not well but he it was familiar. Pieced with the colour of her fur and the size of her... it deduced that it was the little white wolf that Valiant had brought to him. He didn’t know why she was running, the air around him told him that she was alone and she wasn’t being chased. She wasn’t on a hunt, as there wasn’t enough chaos to be heard of a frantic creature bolting for its life- it appeared she was just running.

Rhysis liked to run...

With a push from the terrain, he consumed the terrain beneath his paws as he took chase of her. He didn’t want to catch her, he wasn’t going to make a game of it, but he wasn’t going to turn down a good run, especially when he was in such a good mood. Besides, she hadn’t been too bad before. She was quiet, with a bit of an attitude and a hated for the other female which he could appreciate the feeling.
So, soundlessly he ran. His strides angular as it tried to compensate with his tall height but his long, spindly legs made short work of the ground beneath him as he ran, following the path she had taken with his nose until she came into his sights. He said nothing, made no sounds other then the rhythmic drumming of his paws.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Alright, no problem(:

The dark world was a blur in the white girl’s eyes. The only thing she could see clearly was the path through the trees before her. Her small size allowed her to slip underneath low tree branches, without having her long fur ripped out. The brilliant moon illuminated her path, making it easy to run without hitting things. Ghastly Woods was a new area for Athena, never traveled to this dull place, but for some reason she found it fascinating to be here tonight. The dark shadows almost slithering out to get you while the light from the moon enlightened the whole place. With the snow it would have been beautiful, but with it gone the weather was constantly getting warmer. Something Athena didn’t mind.

Slipping through two large, barren oaks, she sprinted even faster. She was enjoying this too much. The wind in her fur was a welcoming feeling as was the sound of her pads thumping rhythmically. Her stride lengthened, showing how powerful her hind legs could be. She felt on top of the world. Nothing was holding her back, not even her past at this moment. She found freedom in this like she always has.

Her triangular ear flicked back as it detected something moving behind her. Her world had been peaceful until this moment. Still running, she titled her head to the side to get a look at her pursuer. By the looks of it and smell of it, it had to be the black male that she met a few days ago. Rhysis? No idea why he was in these lands, she slightly slowed her pace. Hopefully, he wasn’t too behind to not be able to catch up with her, but from what she observed of him a couple days ago, he was built for speed. Surely, he’d catch up sooner of later.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote> Slowly but surely, the white lady drew into his sights. It appeared she had slowed her pace slightly though he didn’t know whether it was from exhaustion or to allow him to catch up. He hadn’t been quiet in his chase, there was no point trying to sneak up on her, he didn’t play games like that.
Within no time he was drawing close to her rear but kept his distance as he followed her across the land. He didn’t say hello, he didn’t feel the need to and he was quite happy with the silence. His long strides consumed the land, eating a path before him with ease. He might be tall and a little gangly to look at, but when he ran he looked the most natural thing of all. His handsome face was serious, eyes never still as he analyzed the terrain as he saw it. His footing was never off and his speed was held back to keep just behind her, it wasn’t a race after all.

Soon enough he began to slow, his muscles were alive from the run and he didn’t want it to end, but he couldn’t talk whilst running. With his pace slowing he had hoped she too would stop so that they could have a chat. It seemed the last time they had met Rhysis didn’t even have a chance to learn her name. The other female had been vexing and he simply wanted to say his peace and leave. Now he supposed he should get to know the female as she was a candidate to be the leader of their little gang. It was important that this female was suitable, for the position and for him. Whilst he wasn’t going to be any more then second he was going to be running the show. He had a suspicion that Valiant had began to work out the relationship, Rhysis the brains and Valiant the brawn but it was a partnership that so far had worked without a fault. This female would also have to follow the lead of Rhysis... he had to know her better.

<b>”I never got your name the first time we met.”</b> he said simply once he had drawn to a complete stop.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

An amber orb glanced behind her white body as the male finally caught up. He wasn’t that bad of a runner. He didn’t take very long to actually catch up to her, which she was relieved about. No words were spoken from either of them, which wasn’t a problem. A quiet run was fine with her. Her eyes searched the land in front of her, always searching for the right path to take. The occasional faint scent of wolf would waft into her nostrils. None were familiar, but she hasn’t met many wolves since traveling to Relic Lore. Only the rare bump ins now and then.

Her ears twitched backwards when she heard his pace slow down. Either he was too tired or he wanted a conversation with her. This should be good. She thought with amusement. The last time they had met, it didn’t go too bad, well besides Hawke’s bitching and complaining. They didn’t get too many words in, so this might be the time when they could actually get to know one another without the interruption of Hawke’s moaning. She slowed down her pace, shortening her strides to match that of Rhysis’. Soon enough, she came to a gentle stop, turning herself to face the brute.

Keeping a wise amount of space between them, she faced him ready for the oncoming conversation. ”I never got your name the first time we met.” Of course, the one thing she didn’t do was introduced herself. ”I’m Athena,” she told him, debating whether or not to tell him her last name also. Deciding to leave that part off, she went back to being her normal self, quiet and attentive.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Sorry its just a little one! Introductions are so tedious. xD

<blockquote>With a short nod he placed her name next to the image of her face and features in his mind. He kept a record of everything up there, stored away somewhere. His mind was cluttered with junk, stupid facts, days and weather combinations, locations, scents and so much more. It was a wondering he had space for yet another face and name but he had no trouble locking them down. With a curt nod he tilted his head. She really was so tiny, especially in comparison to his towering height. He felt somewhat like he was talking down to a child, despite the fact they were a similar age.

<b>”Athena.”</b> he said with a slight nod, more to himself than anyone else and with that he lowered his rear to the terrain with a silent thump. He had a relaxed pose, unafraid of the little wolf; for some reason he had an image of her attacking and bouncing right off of him into a tree and that was enough to make him chuckle slightly. <b>”You’re very quiet Athena. Were you not so white one might mistake you for the wind.”</b> he added in gest rather than spite. He supposed it was a refreshing sight to know that not all females were tall, lumbering, unfeminine creatures these days and whilst he didn’t find any substance in beauty, he could see how the little wolf might tick all of the boxes for someone like Valiant. She was what he called a Trophy mate- someone to show off.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Relaxing slightly, she sat down on her rump silently. She didn’t totally trust him just yet. They had just recently met and weren’t hostile towards each other. Like wise they were supposed to be working together or so she thought. Nevertheless, she doesn’t let her guard down that easily, even under these circumstances. Although, since they weren’t hostile towards each other when they met, she was able to relax somewhat.

He said her name again in his southern drawl. How odd of a pair they were. One spoke with a southern tongue, while the other spoke with a French-British accent. Interesting, she thought to herself. Her eyes started to drift from the dark face to observe the beast in front of her. His built was obviously built for speed, with his lanky stature. He most certainly would be much faster than most males around here. Her amber orbs only found subtle hints of silver flecks in his black fur in the moonlight. A most interesting twist. The amber orbs once again returned to the black face of the man that stood before her. Hints of ice blue mixed in with his grey eyes gleamed in the moonlight.

Wow, she thought believing slightly that she could get lost in his eyes. When they first met, all she saw were dull grey eyes, but in this light they were absolutely alluring. She tried to evade the affect his enticing eyes had on her at the moment and concentrated on other means. His laughter brought her back to the real world. ”You’re very quiet Athena. Were you not so white one might mistake you for the wind.” Uncertain at what he may be have been laughing at, she paused a moment before answering. ”Being quiet is much more soothing to the ears whereas being loud and rambunctious is not all that appeasing.”{B} She had met a couple wolves like that before; they had always succeeded in giving her a migraine. She paused slightly in her response, and then continued, {B}”Were you not so black one may believe you for the a mere shadow.” She added, chuckling slightly.

Ooc: It’s alright & yes, pains they sometimes become haha
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote><b>”Ah, so you do speak then.”</b> he said with a smirk as his velvet ears flicked towards the sound of her voice. He’d never really noticed her accent, but then again she’d never said more then a word or two. Hearing her say a full sentence gave him more time to analyze her speech. She spoke politely, but it all tied with the <i>”I’m a dainty, elegant, well spoken wolf.”</i> stereotype he saw in her. He wasn’t being mean about it, just factual. She was the epitome of cute. Which could be a problem for their pack later down the line. She didn’t look much... but could she pack a punch? He was sure he’d fine out soon enough, especially if they were going to ask the females to fight for the position.

<b>”And you have a very pretty little accent. Where are you from?”</b> he then asked with a tilt of his handsome head. He knew he was a good looking chap, there was no denying that and he often used his face to his advantage. There was something more trustworthy in a well groomed male. He couldn’t do anything more about his lanky figure and had to settle on the knowledge that he would always be a little gangly and tower above others, but he had his face and with the way she had been looking into his eyes he knew that she had been checking him over. Valiant might have appreciated the attention, worked with it, but he wasn’t quite so interested in that. He wanted to know about her mind, not her heart.

With a casual flick of his tail, he curled the fluffy object around his paws and settled down nicely. He was relaxed, ever on alert, but content to be in such a comfortable position around her.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
<333 sorry for the wait!

His words caused the tiny wolf to laugh slightly, more to herself than anyone. Indeed, she was very quiet, but she would speak her mind if the time comes to it. Her siblings were the complete opposite of her. Loud, boisterous, and dim-witted made up the main qualities of her older littermates. You would generally see Athena in the shadows, observing the play fights or her two brothers trying to gain dominance over one another. At times, she would participate in the play fighting, but she liked to stick back and watch her unintelligent, brawny siblings make mistakes. She learned valuable lessons from their mistakes and made sure she would never make them.

“And you have a very pretty little accent. Where are you from?” At first, the she-wolf had no desire to tell him of the appalling place she once called home. She had hated it there. Her father took the only thing she ever valued there, which was her mother. Her father never deserved her mother’s love. He was not even worthy to stand in her presence. The white lady thought of her mother like a god, since she had been the only one that had truly cared for her and looked past the things that her father loathed. Athena tried to hide her emotions the simple words had on her, but the pain was seen easily in her eyes as she thought of that dreadful day. The day that her father had fooled her into going on a “hunting lesson”. Her own father left her for dead when he decided to finally get rid of her by attacking her, breaking her leg and tearing her apart. He ran back home to tell her mother that she had drowned in the ocean and that he could not save her from the fatal waves. However, here she was living and breathing, but had no place to call home.

She finally mustered up the words, although her words were reserved, hiding large amounts information that she forced herself never to tell anyone; but eventually will get out, somehow. “I was born into a small family pack that resided northwest of here, between the coast and the mountains.”. The mountains had always been her favorite place to travel, even here. The view, the trek up the various cliffs always intrigued her. The mountains were a place where she could think and had no fear of interruption. She felt safe in the mountains, more than the cover of the forest even. “My whole family spoke this way, as did some of the humans that lived close by. Although, I could never understand some of the strange things they would say.” She added, titling her head slightly in question, forcing a smile on her face. The humans had always fascinated her. The two-legged beings were interesting with their strange transporting mechanisms and odd language they spoke to one another. Some words she started to understand and their body language gave her clues if some words of phrases were aggressive or friendly.

“What about you? I noticed you acquire an accent yourself, so you’re obviously not from around here.” She said with a slight smile, while gingerly sitting down. Her fluffy, white tail curled around her small paws as she waited for his response.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>At his question, the little wolf seemed almost distant. Though her expression didn’t seem to falter from its usual innocence, her eyes seemed almost glossy as she took her time to respond. Maybe he wasn’t the only one around here with a past he tried to avoid thinking of. He was patient though, one of his better qualities, and had no trouble in waiting for the little white wolf to speak again. When she did, her answer was as vauge as he had suspected it would be. She didn’t wish to talk about it and he wasn’t going to pry, it was her business and if she didn’t want to talk about it then that was her choice. He wasn’t going to need to know the details of her past, all he needed to know was the wolf she was now.

When she spoke of humans, he seemed a little confused and tilted his head to the side. Humans? He’d never heard of humans. No, wait, he had. When he was a pup, his father would often tell him spooky stories about humans. They would come at night and take you away, never to be seen again. Now he was older and he realised that cruelty behind those stories, he had always just assumed his father had made up humans. They were a myth, weren’t they? But the way this little wolf spoke of them made them almost sound real. <b>”Humans?”</b> he questioned out loud, obviously confused by the concept. He didn’t like to appear dumb, but when someone was telling him a mythical creature was real you couldn’t but be a little sceptical.

She asked where he hailed from, now that was a tail. He wasn’t even sure anymore. He ran when he was young, not really sure in which direction he had travelled and from there he went wherever his paws took him. He couldn’t even tell you the location of his homeland, other then the pack name and that it was far from here. He’d never questioned his packs placement in the world, it had been his entire world until he had been exiled and it was only on that day that he discovered there was more to the world then just his fathers territory. <b>”I’m from the Aquila pack... far, far from here. I doubt you’ve heard of it. Not many have and they liked to keep it that way.”</b> he trailed of in thought for a moment as she sat down. God, she really was tiny. He was worried that if he huffed she might blow away.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 21, 2012, 05:12 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]