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Rising with the sun — Poison Path 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
Sorry for the slight Power Play, feel free to ignore anything I've said if its out of character.

<blockquote>She hauled herself from her den before the sun began its ascent into the sky to light the day ahead. She had been spending a fair bit of time observing the other two members of her pack. Athena seemed to have the most reliable routine of the pair. Every morning and every night she would make her way to a place Naira already considered <i>Athena's Place</i>, and she watched the sun rise and set.

It obviously held some significance for the girl and after her conversation with Rhysis the night before she felt the need to join her. To watch the first sun rise on the new life she had finally come to accept. As the slightly elevated boulder came into sight a small smile passed the leaders lips. In stark contrast to the darkness around her, the small white wolf stood out like a beacon. Making herself comfortable on the next bolder over, she laid down and waited for the first day of her new life to begin.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon

She woke up at her usual time to set off towards her spot in the mountains to watch the sunrise. The land was still covered in darkness, but the white female did not mind, she was quite used to it. For as long as she could remember, she used to do this every morning with her mother. Her tawny mother would wake her up in the early morning and travel with her into the mountains near her home. There, they would watch the sunrise together. On occasion, they would watch the sunset together, but most days her mother was busy running the pack. That was how Athena became so attached to the mountains and the sun; they were the only things she had left of her mother.

White, triangular ears caught the approach of another behind her. Flicking her head back, her amber eyes laid upon the tawny leader. A smile crossed the white woman's face and her tail began to thump on the stone she sat upon. She lowered her head, in respect for her new leader as Naira made herself comfortable on a boulder next to her. Turning her eyes back on the rising sun, she watched in awe as the colors of the horizon changed from dark blue to vibrant colors of orange, red, pink, and the occasional streak of purple. It never got old for Athena. She never felt more alive than when she was watching the brilliant sun rise and set everyday.

"Isn't it beautiful?" The awe-stricken female asked. No matter how many sunrises and sunsets that she watches, they always amaze her. She was in complete eudemonia when she watched them.
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote>For the first time since they left the River wolves, she finally felt at peace. No pangs of guilt, no longer holding onto the past. It was a new day. She was ready now.

Turning her eyes to the sky, she watched in awe as the vast expanse filtered through nearly every colour imaginable. She could not remember ever just stopping to enjoy the sunrise, although she took great pleasure from listening to the earth under her paws, and smelling what may follow on the breeze. She had always felt compelled to immerse herself in her surroundings, but she was yet to do so here. She would have to take the time to get to know the earth beneath her paws more intimately. She could easily see what compelled the white wolf to awake so early every morning, and watch the event in reverse each night.

She allowed herself to become lost in the beauty of it. She had never seen so much open sky before she left her home, and after viewing this wondrous event she began to believe perhaps the sparse wooded area that concealed their home wasn't such a bad thing after all. She would be able to enjoy this sight more often. Drawn from her thoughts by the other lady's gentle voice a content smile crossed her face. <b>"It truly is."</b> she responded, not bothering to suppress the awe in her own voice.

After waiting for the sky to settle into its pale shade of blue, the leader rose and shook herself, running over the tasks they would need to complete for the day but not overly bothered about getting to it right away... after all, Rhysis didn't seem to want her worrying about anything more than the lives that were forming in her stomach, which was growling hungrily. She had hardly eaten for days. <b>"Care to join me for a hunt?"</b> she questioned her companion.

While she had been considering a sparring session, food seemed much more appealing right now, but she would need to run some drills later in the day. She had been growing lazy and her father would be disappointed if he knew she had forsaken the routine he had instilled in her from such a young age. She planned on raising her own children in a similar fashion but wasn't sure how their father would take it. Some may consider it a little regimental but she had turned out just fine... They would worry about that at a later date though, a small smile crossing her face imagining the arguments that would ensue as a result.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

As the sunrise finally finished its brilliant show, she could not help but look over at the tawny woman to see how she took the scene. Her face looked peaceful, more happy than usual. She assumed when they ran away, the former second felt terribly guilty and may have felt that this was wrong. In reality, Athena felt the same way until she realized that it was for the better. Naira would certainly be chased away if the River wolves found out when she was wandering in their lands pregnant. Her cubs may have been killed and that wasn't right in woman's eyes.

Every living thing had a right to live and that is exactly what the white lady was trying to do. Now it was Naira's turn. She should let go of the past and move onto the future. She could not be a nervous brake down when her children came along. She had to be a strong role model that her children would grow up being. There were no short cuts in raising children and Athena knew that the older woman had it in her. If she was wrong, she’d help her leader find a way to find that inside herself.

The mention of a hunt made her realize how hungry she actually was. She had not eaten more than a squirrel for two days. Indeed, a hunt would be perfect. Smiling, she said, "Sure, I'm quite hungry, anyways." She jumped down from her perch, gracefully and waited for her tawny leader to follow suit.
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Mule deer live in the mountains too. I can see her getting sick of goat if thats all they can catch!

<blockquote>She was silently grateful Rhysis hadn't passed his command she hunt nothing larger than a rabbit down through the ranks yet. She may as well enjoy the opportunity while it lasted. Goats were a plenty on the mountain, having had few predators in the lands for quite some time from what she had managed to gather from Angier. It would have to do for them she supposed.

Silently dropping from her perch she walked along casually at the white lady's side, scenting the air as they went. A small growl escaped her chest at the fading scent of wolverine. They would need to do a clean out before the cubs were born, and then an unexpected scent crossed her nose at the same time. It smelled like deer... but... different. Moving forwards cautiously, the creature in question came into sight.

It looked like a regular doe, with the exception of it's ridiculously oversized ears, they were almost as large as her head. Perhaps it had been chased up here by a herd for looking so funny? But there was more than one. The youngster at her side, perhaps just shy of a yearling had the same ears, and so did two others that were in this funny looking herd. They seemed a little darker than the deer she was used to seeing as well.

Looking to Athena questioningly, she wondered what they were. Having lived in a dense forrest all her life she had no idea what exactly the creature was. But it looked mighty tasty to the wolf who hadn't eaten for days.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2012, 09:37 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
100th post!:D

As ariaN jumped down to her side, she smelled the air, searching for any prey near them. The fresh scent of deer filled her nostrils. They were not the deer that lived in the woods of Sacred Grove, but they were an odd looking species that liked to live in the mountains.

anehtA knew exactly what they were. They were Mule deer, having hunted them since she was little with her mother. They were a bit harder to catch, but they were as delicious as any other deer that lived in the flat lands. Glancing over at ariaN as she looked at her, she saw the questionable look on her face. She must have smelled them too.

"Mule deer. Very odd looking compared to regular deer," she said quietly as she glanced back at the two deer a little ways away from them. There were two. One looked younger than the one at its side, but wasn't lacking in pyknic structure. They looked well fed, but the smaller one looked like it was walking with a limp. Perfect.

She stalked forward with ariaN at her side. The mountains did not give them much cover, but the bushes and occasional tree gave them at least something to hide behind. The wind was thankfully in the favor and they stalked forward without the deer knowing.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
You and nellaF got my 170th!

<blockquote>They would need to keep this between themselves. There was no harm in dragging the leftovers to store in one of the many potential cache's but sisyhR couldn't know she had been one of the wolves to pull it down. No matter.

She was quickly gaining her mountain feet. Having been raised on flat ground all her life, it had taken a little adjusting on the tawny lady's part. Making up a large part of her reasoning behind patrolling as much as she did, so when the time came, <i>now...</i> she would be less likely to break her leg in her pursuit.

anehtA was the faster of the pair, and ariaN knew it would make more sense for the smaller lady to chase the pair towards her so she could ambush them. She spotted a large boulder that she could hide behind and lunch herself at the smaller deers neck. Yes. That would do just fine. Voicing her plan to anehtA, she didn't wait for the smaller wolfs acceptance before making her way cautiously to her position. She was so hungry she couldn't fail. She didn't just need it for herself, but for the new life that was slowly taking shape inside of her.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Athena nodded at Naira's plan. She was already mentally planning this anyway since she was the faster of the two. She glanced behind her, making sure the tawny female was hidden behind the boulder before she advanced forward. As soon as her leader was safety hidden, she crouched down behind another boulder, watching the two deer. She waited until their eyes were averted somewhere else and the wind was not shifting towards them.

Escaping behind the big boulder, she advanced forward stalking behind the deer. She was trying to get around them so she was in front of them, so they would veer towards Naira. The wind stayed breathless until she was by their sides. The wind decided to make her presence known by blowing her scent straight towards the two deer.

The two deer caught only Athena's scent and thrust their heads into the air. Athena took her only chance and tried bolting in front of the deer, trying to make them move towards Naira. The older deer saw the move coming and abandoned the yearling at her side and bolted the other way. The inexperienced, yearling bolted straight towards the jaws of the waiting tawny woman. An unavoidable death.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>All her senses were tuned to the sounds of the deer. She listened closely as one ran away from her direction but the other ran straight for her. She was unused to the rocky terrain, and the way the noises bounced off her surroundings confounded her momentarily. She launched perhaps a split second too soon.

Growling in frustration as the fleet footed beast altered its course she launched after the animal, snapping hungrily at its flanks. Now she would have to inch her way to its throat to deliver the final blow, but any injury she could cause on her way there would be a blessing later on. Tearing at chunks of flesh as they chased, the animals bellows of pain only spurred her on. She was so hungry.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

As the deer sprinted towards Naira's hiding place, all the white woman could hope for was that Naira would be on point. However, Naira jumped out a bit too early and the deer veered away from his new predator. With both of them behind the deer snapping at its ankles, eventually one of them is going to win. It would either be the deer running freely with its life or the wolves taking down the deer and having another meal for the family. Athena was determined that they were going to be the ones that would win.

The white woman was right behind the deer, but as she was forced to jump over a boulder, she lost some of her momentum. Naira was now the one directly behind it and Athena was slightly further back. Kicking off the rocky surface, she propelled herself towards the two. She was now right next to Naira, but with her new momentum and downward slope, she raced past Naira and was running along the side of the deer. In a fluid motion, she leaped upon a boulder as they ran past it and leaped onto the deer's back. Her claws dug into the sides of the deer's hide as she tried reaching around the deer's neck for it's jugular. This made the deer slow down a bit for Naira to use her strength to take the deer the rest of the way down.
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