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Rain, Rain, GO AWAY! — Swift River 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The constant pouring of rain had done nothing to help Corinna Tainn's eudemonia. Everyday, it seemed, she returned home to her den to sleep dripping wet, with no relief in sight. It was disheartening. While the thawing of the world around them was a reminder that winter's grasp was not permanent, it was a dreary affair. The world seemed awash with gray and brown, and in Corinna's opinion, she wore those particular colors far better than did mother earth.

Gray ears twitched atop of the damp female's head as she heard the sound of her Second, calling from near the den. The message set Corinna's hair on end, and all present thought was lost as she took off towards the call. The rains had not been as bad last year, and Swift River had avoided any dangerous side effects of the incoming spring. That was a danger that they had by keeping their den so close to the water's edge. But it wasn't even the physical damage that Cori was worried about. Racing towards the call, her mind was solely focused only on the lives of her cubs. They were frequently away from the pack's den now, but even so, they did often return there to sleep at night. If one of them got caught with no way out...The possibility was not something she could allow herself to consider, but it fueled her pace.

Green eyes took in the forms of all of the wolves present immediately, instinctively taking a roll call of who was where. Naira, Kisla, Triell, Ice. They all seemed to be okay. But there was a frantic scrambling around the entrance of the den, and with her heart sinking, Corinna raced towards the action. "RIHAEL!!!!! FENRU!!!!!!" The mother's cry was undeniable, even over the growing roar of the river, which was threatening to break its bank at any moment. Lunging for the den, she caught sight of her oldest son beginning to push his way out. Triell was in the way though, so she could only continue to yell. "Grab him!" It was more of a bark than coherent words, but as soon as they left her mouth, she heard the cry of the youngest Tainn female. Whirling around, fur sticking out, she barked loudly, lunging towards the devastated river bank. Triell would be able to Rihael and Fenru, but who would get Kisla out of the murky water? Racing towards the bank, she barely kept her footing, green eyes desperate as she lost track of her only daughter.

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>There were two pups in the den, but she was sure Triell could get them out. It was then she heard the scream. Looking up in confusion she saw Corinna race to the banks of the river and her heart sunk through the floor of her stomach. <b>"No."</b> It was a whispered command for the river to give back what it had taken as she raced after her leader and friend.

As the small head broke the surface, memories of being taught to swim rang in her head, dont fight it, swim across the current, but the girl wouldn't hear her over the roar of the river, and her head went under again. Something deeper pushed her forward as she threw herself into the icy currents. She gasped for air as the shock of the water hit her and she continued to search for the almost grown pup.

Seeing the small head break the surface again, she turned her boy so the current could carry her closer, quicker between her own head bobbing above and below the surface. It was so rough but she finally caught up to the younger wolf and when her head broke the surface she seized her by the ruff of her neck to stop her from going under again. Now to get out again. They had been forced far down the river, but at least they were still alive. For now.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
{powerplay pm me to change}

    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Triell was oblivious to the world beyond Fenru, and Rihael. He could their voices, both of fear trying to conquer the pouring rains. If they'd been small whelps he would have dragged them out in an instant. He would obstuct the escape route if he entered the den making a harder time of this mess. Where would that lead them? Fenru was uncertain what to do, but Rihael was bold taking command of the situation demanding his brother needed to climb. When Hael's head appeared, and he could not quite gain enough footing to escape it was then Triell climbed half down, grabbed the boy by the rough of his neck, and dragged him out to safety. He was vaguely aware of Corinna's voice in the distance, Ice, and Kisla's own calls of distress. After he got Hael to brief safely he went back to the den, digging his claws deep into the mud to anchor himself to help his second nephew. No hesitation when he saw Fenru he grabbed him by the rough of his nape, and pulled with alll his might to get him from the rising mud, and water which wanted to suck him in. The water would have no victums today, but their home.

He soon released Fenru next to Hael and checked them both fo any damage. There was no blood, and they were both quite alert to Triell's own wide eyes. It was in that moment he saw how much the water was raising, and how they would be having to swim too if they stayed. His yellow-orange eyes quickly searched for dry land, somwhere high and safe. He saw the high grounds to the south, but then remembered how Sacred Grove was surrounded by water. It was the east that they needed to run. Quickly he nudged his nephews. "GO! Up there!" He encouraged, his muzzle pointing where the land drew up flocked with more rocks, and ancient trees. The river was erupting, but it would not reach that high. And then with aimed sharp nips at their haunches to keep them from being frozen with fear he ushered them to get moving. The heavy rain continued pounding against his back, and he watched their figures before trying to see what was happening at the rushing river. He could not see anything but running colors of his family. It was then he realized someone had fallen into the river, and his heart fell. Kisla...

It was no doubt where Corinna,Ice, and Naira were. How well could they swim? Triell raised his head letting out a howl as loud as he could muster. Hael, Fenru, and he were safe and headed toward the direction of Riddle Heights. The Tainn was caught to continue to follow the boys, or to help the others. Far as Triell knew Ice could not swim. Corinna could, and Naira had never mentioned not being able. His dark ears pressed to his skull, and he pushed himself to run trying to keep up with his nephews. It would do no good to save them, and have the water wisk them away too. Damn Indru. Where was he? If he were here Triell would not be trying to decide who to help. When his hard muslces pressed onward, and he was bounding with Fenru, and Rihael to saftey he waited to hear the call for him to come back to the river. Or better yet everything was fine, and they were going to join them.

(This post was last modified: Mar 30, 2012, 08:51 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<i><3 This boy needs/needed all the help he can get.</i>

<blockquote><i>"Fen, we gotta get out of here! Climb!"</i> Rihael's voice ordered him to move. The forelimb that was no longer out of the water, plunked down into the floor of the now flooded den and a single half-step brought him to turn about. His brother's attempts of trying to get out of the den sent waves of ice cold river into his face. The younger Tainn pushed himself forward with his muzzle tilted upward as he coughed. He watched as Rihael was removed from the den and Uncle Triell's figure emerged in the entrance. Desperate to reach the surface, he flailed about until a set of jaws clasped around the scruff of his neck. A string of whines greeted those around him but he did not have a chance to look around.

The dark youth nudged his nephews toward a landing in the distance where the water would not be able to reach them. Another command was barked at him to take action. Fenru could barely hear it over the heartbeats in his ears and the roar of the river. Seeing the water rise and come this far into the land was <i>terrifying</i>. It was as if someone had angered Mother Nature, maybe even taunted her to show the wolves of the River the extent of her power. Triell's teeth grazed Fenru's hind leg; and, it was all that was needed to set the pup back into motion. Following after his brother, he raced to the side of a venerable timber. Quivering, he collapsed to the shallow depression between the gnarled roots. His fearful eyes resting upon only his brother at first then the scene unfolding before them where the pack den was starting to get swallowed up by the river.

Though the frigid water just barely nipped at his skin and thoroughly drenched his pelt, Fenru shivered, the whole of his lanky frame vibrating from the rush of adrenaline. He shifted his legs in order to keep his balance. <i>Where was Mum? Dad? Weren't his uncles coming, too? Or Naira, or Ice? Or...</i> Before the thought could even form in the forefront of his mind, the name he had not taken into account left his jaws in a panicked shriek, <b>"<i>KISLA!</i>"</b></blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Damn it all to seven hells. The scene unfolded before him like something taken out of a nightmare, the downpour increasing until it was nearly tropical in intensity - visibility dramatically reduced, bashing against his lashes and forcing him to blink too rapidly to properly analyze what happened. From somewhere, Kisla's voice rang out and Ice's head snapped around. He could see her outlined against the rain, and relief flooded his heart. "Thank god, you're-" he began, but got no further. In the blink of an eye, she was gone, crashing into the roaring embrace of the river, Corinna bursting onto the scene and racing towards the banks with Naira hot on her heels... A horror more real then anything he had ever felt before gripped his heart, paralyzed his body as the loyal second threw herself into the water after the disappearing girl. "Shit," he muttered as Triell hauled Rihael out of the murky den, shaking his head. Where the hell was Indru? Or Marsh? Curse their blasted male second! Growling under his breath, Ice dashed towards his black friend, trusting Naira and Corinna to manage Kisla between the two of them.

He drifted up like a pale ghost beside the yearling as he hauled Fenru from the den, pale eyes quickly scanning them before they were off again, moving - the large male ground his teeth together as he slogged through the water, the current trying to tug him in some other direction. Thoughts faded as the need to move took over, and despite the male's aversion to water, he was braving them without hesitation. There was no room for doubt at a time like this, but what fugitive thoughts crossed his mind were full of anger directed at the self; that he'd been too far away to help Triell, or even Kisla. He couldn't really help his less than ideal starting position, but...

Fenru collapsed on the roots of a tree, but he wasn't far enough away; the danger wasn't past.. yet the youth was clearly exhausted by the ordeal, and suddenly he was shouting his sister's name. Ice heaved himself out of the water, thrusting his cold nose close to the kid's ear. "Ssh. Naira got her," he said reassuringly, hoping that it was true. If not... well, he could deal with that later. Saying "Oh, well, maybe she drowned" didn't seem ideal. Restlessly he cast his gaze about, before nudging Fenru. "Get up, Fen, we need to get to higher ground." There was no immediate threat here, but who knew just how good rivers were at climbing mountainsides? He wasn't going to take any risks, and blinking heavily, sought for Triell and Rihael. They needed to get them to safety, and relocate the rest later. No point in risking the boys lives too, with Kisla already having fallen into the river... Trying to mask the worry in his voice, he addressed Fenru again. "Just a little higher, come on," and gave him another encouraging nudge, before sidling up to the black male. Ice's eyes scanned the slope above them, settling on some likely rocks. "I think we can weather it out there," he said, shifting his weight on the roots. "Once we've gotten them up there, I could go back down, try to find the females, see if I can get them up here as well?" River or not, Corinna would likely be in a frenzy until she knew that all her children were safe...
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Kisla was unaware of the commotion around her now – of Corinna’s desperate cries for her nor her brother’s panicked holler of her name. The water swirled around her head and stung – the numbing cold attacking her senses before her head emerged from the river depths. Gasping as she broke the surface, her hind paws scrambling upon the river bottom to push herself up, the Tainn female’s hind paws would not grasp at the river bottom with the stronger current, and as her wide eyes caught sight of the silver pelt of her mother, Kisla was about to issue a cry for help before she was torn under again, her grip swept from her completely.

Just as the water churned her upward once more, the burn in the girl’s lungs was undeniable and a surge of fatigue struck her. Her limbs flailed less, and as a feeling of peace was beginning to settle on the young wolf she could barely feel the grasp of teeth to her nape. Cradled close to Naira, Kisla’s world went dark.

sparking up my heart

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna heard the splash of her Second hit the water, moment's before she herself jumped into the freezing rush. The cold took a moment before it hit her, but the longer she was in the water, the colder she became. Gasping for breath, she continued to yell for her only daughter. The water blurred her vision, but she made out the figure of Naira, and then, Kisla. A wave of relief hit Corinna, but the panic was quick to return. They had to get out, all of them. Throwing herself into the current, she moved in a diagonal direction, working with the current to push her towards the opposing bank. Throwing herself up on dry land, she didn't spare the time to shake herself dry.

As soon as her paws hit earth, she dashed forward, losing her footing momentarily in the mud. Righting herself, Cori dashed towards Naira and Kisla. Green eyes were rolling about in their sockets, trying to take hold on anything that could be useful, she seized upon a young sapling that had been knocked over, barely clinging to the muddy earth. The current would drag it out of its hold soon, but there was still time. Racing past the two wolves in the water, she forced herself to not look to watch their progress. She had to get ahead of them before it was too late.

Dashing into the sapling, Corinna threw herself against it, straightening it out in the water. Forcing her weight against it, she panted for breath, but forced herself to turn her head around. Catching sight of the Second, she howled, her voice high and shrill. If Naira could angle herself and Kisla towards the branch, it would halt their progress enough that they could climb out before the current dragged them even further downstream.

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She felt the young wolf go limp in her jaws and not for the first time, she was grateful for her giants of ancestors. While she had been considered on the smaller side where she grew up, here she was bigger than most, and had the added strength to go with it. Swimming across the river and away from her home, she dragged the small girl towards the far bank. Unaware Corinna had followed her into the water, she was initially puzzled to see the silver blur on the opposite bank, forcing a tree into her path.

Relief washed over her, as she was quickly beginning to tire. The young wolf in her jaws, the current and the physical exertion she had been putting herself through left her limbs feeling weak. The tree in the water helped to push her towards the bank and into a small still culvert where the young wolfs mother was anxiously waiting.

Her legs shook as she made sure the young girls head was placed high on the bank, collapsing as they both laid half in and out of the water. A quick once over told her at least the girl was still breathing, but they still needed to get to high ground and she couldn't drag her much further, she could hardly raise herself. Panting heavily she took a moment to catch her breath before turning to her leader. <b>"She passed out, but she's breathing. We'll have to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn't breath any water in."</b> Her voice was little more than a whisper, but they still had a ways to go before they were safe from the raging river.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

He was happy his nephews did as they were told, aware how far from safety they were. He only wished he knew what was happening at the river, if he could help better there if he was there. He continued counting his steps, washing the flash of the lad's silver coats to help him follow, remembering he could not leave them alone. The rain continued pinging into his skin, he wasn't sure if he was becoming more sensitive to it or numb. He lingered near Rihael, and Fenru trying to keep the own fear from his eyes. Fenru was screaming for Kisla, and Triell stepped forth to utter words of assurance when it was Ice giving them a piece of mind. Though he wasn't sure how large of piece it was. Triell believed there was something more, and his bright eyes drifted to Ice boring into his silver eyes if he might see what Ice had. He could not, and merely panted looking behind his shoulder to the roaring river. It had been his friend, and rain had quickly turned it into the enemy. Ice was right they had to keep moving.

"Ice is right boys, we need to keep going," He warmly nudged the side of their cheeks after ice. "Come on, lets see how fast you can run," he offered hoping to make some kind of game, or give them something to think about beside the awful water, and how scattered they were. Triell nodded his agreement. Surely they would be safe there. Then Ice offered what Triell was really worried about, what he wanted to do but was too torn; he'd go back for the ladies. "Sounds like a good plan," his lip twitched, but the Tainn couldn't smile. Damn rain.

"Lets get moving, the sooner we get there they sooner you can see your mum," he said in the most upbeat tone he could muster. He could not promise them more, but it was something. He started pumping his legs, keeping close to his family, he did his best making sure no one tripped on the rocks.

(This post was last modified: Apr 07, 2012, 07:09 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>The boy, though in the clutches of both fear and hysteria, tried hard to take in what Ice and Triell were saying. Naira might have gotten Kisla to safety but Fenru would not believe it until he saw the deed with his own eyes. The guardians coaxed him to get up and keep going; Uncle Triell's suggestion of a game did not even reach him. He hesitantly turned around and after placing one foot in front if the other, a nudge from Ice and a promise to see Corinna got him trailing after Rihael again. Scrambling up towards higher ground (only slipping twice on the rocks' slippery surfaces), the pup eventually slumped down in the sodden grass, curling and tucking his limbs underneath him. His ears kept close to the sides of his skull; the anxiety written all over his face and pelt just waited to be erased by something more than the nudge of a frigid nose or the sight of a comforting smile.

<b>"W-where's Mum?"</b> he whimpered after some time, sounding and looking much younger than he truly was as he looked up at Triell. Though as quickly as his gaze went to the golden-eyed man, his eyes eventually settled to the River below, still trying to see if he could spot Kisla, Corinna, and the rest of the pack through the misty downpour. He squinted and blinked a few times, swallowing the string of names he desperately wanted to call out once more. The roar of the swelling stream was much less apparent from here and he realized now that yelling for them would not do anyone any good. Vigilantly, as he shook and stared from the shock that was settling in his veins, he waited for the rest of their family to follow.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 13, 2012, 08:09 AM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)