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Getting To Know You — Lost Lake 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The borders in the mountains were untouched with foreign scents, so she made her way back down to the lake. She wondered what her other pack mates were doing. She had not seen them on the borders, well besides the occasional sisyhR. ariaN was forbidden to patrol, but anehtA caught her at times. Her other pack mate, avA was nowhere to be seen. The white lady never saw her on the borders or even in the mountains. Something was up and anehtA was going to find the underlying cause of it.

With another male in the pack, ddeJ, she was taking some time to get used to his scent. She showed him the den and where he could put his goat, but she has not seen him since. Maybe it was because she spent so much time paroling the borders that she always missed them when she came back towards Lost Lake. Either way, she needed to get to know the two to make sure she saw they were worthy even if it wasn't her decision to decide if they were worthy or not.

As she came down the rocky, slope, stopping at an outcrop overlooking the lake. She spotted the dark female by the shore. It was finally time. Time to meet the subordinate and get to know her before she started judging. She gracefully jumped down from her perch and walked towards the female. Her tail and head were slightly higher than she usually held them, but she was showing the girl her dominance over her. "Good afternoon," she said in her French accent to the girl. She stopped by her side looking over at the lake for a moment before she looked back her with stern eyes. Yes, she may be smaller than the other female, but that does not mean a thing.
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 08:29 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Large white paws stepped with skill along the side of a small rocky cliff. Since
his successful goat hunt (although tumbling down the side of a small mountain),
ddeJ had gone out and practiced his scaling abilities. He had been introduced
to the den site, which was a lovely and well hidden area. He knew he would
enjoy it here once he was fully accepted. He lifted his large head up as a wind
blew through his fur, carrying the scent of the small wolf anehtA....and another
scent. He did not recognize this one. Grunting almost inaudibly, ddeJ padded
downwards, soon touching down on soft dirt and grasses.

The creature brought himself along, right ear tuned in to the surrounding noises.
Birds sang their beautiful songs, and pesky squirrels dashed up the trunks
of trees surrounding the lake. The wolf continued to scent the cool spring air,
following the smell to the edge of the lake.

Pale eyes blinked rapidly as the sight of anehtA and another wolf came into
view. The wolf cleared his throat, nonchlantly walking out into the clearing.
He approached the two females, his face apathetic. "Afternoon, ladies."
ddeJ said, his voice smooth. He had a handsome and deep voice, one that
sounded just as his father's does. He dipped his head politely, tail flicking
in a manner of greeting towards the wolves before him.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
There was little sunlight that day - giant, billowing clouds had formed overnight and were now rolling through the grey sky. Its reflection in the moving waters was absolutely stunning, which was why one found the amber-eyed female sitting near the shore and watching the fabulous display. There was plenty on her mind these days. She spent a lot of time exploring the caves and crannies of the mountains, which would explain why she was hard to find. It wasn't that she was avoiding interaction with her packmates - there had been a new one added to the roster, she remembered - but she was still just handling things.

That was why she was somewhat pleased to see the white wolf approaching from the rocks. She held herself like her position, which didn't irk her, although she did wonder about the three founding members' past in that pack they had ditched. sisyhR had saved her life so she owed him. ariaN was extremely kind to her and they got along well. But she knew nothing of their second in command, although she must have impressed sisyhR and ariaN enough to be given the position immediately. As the white female stopped near her and gave her that look, she suddenly felt less like getting to know her. She responded to her severe gaze with a decidedly blank one, although she did say politely, "<b>Nice to see you, anehtA.</b>" avA imagined they were all underestimating her. She supposed it was expected. They didn't know a thing about her, but they had all come from the same place unlike her. <i>Whatever</i>, she decided, and turned away from anehtA before her cold look caused her to be visibly irritated.

Along came another wolf, carrying the freshly placed scent of the Posion Path wolves. She welcomed his distraction, noting his size and the sea color of his gaze. avA stood as he began, turning her body so she was adequately facing both the white female and the newcomer. The dark female lifted her chin and greeted, "<b>We haven't met before. My name is avA.</b>" Hopefully he would come off less guarded than anehtA had. She didn't want the extra distress that came from untrusting wolves. Yet she showed none of her inner turmoil to her company - outwardly she carried nothing more in her expression than a polite smile.
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 01:58 AM by Ava.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Her amber eyes flicked back out towards the lake and the covering sky. Bellowing, dark clouds filled the once baby blue sky. So much for sun and the sunset tonight. Maybe tonight she would get to her den early and she could get more sleep than usual. She could not help but wonder if the upcoming storm would be overly dangerous. She did not want something to happen so quickly into the pack's making. It would be too devastating.

She glanced back at the female as she greeted her, her black expression blank. Her own eyes narrowed slightly, but soon after she relaxed herself. It was hard to relax around wolves she does not know. Her guarded shell always overrides the friendly, caring side around unfamiliar wolves. It was just something she could not control just yet. The arrival of the newest member made her even uneasier. Soon though, she would get used to them and maybe she will not be so guarded. Turning herself to face both of them, she greeted him with a dip of her head. She was bit more comfortable around the new wolf as she was the one to introduce him to the lands. ddeJ seemed all right when they made conversation on his tour, but she did not know him that well to be completely comfortable.

Deciding to make conversation instead of awkward silence, she began to speak of the upcoming pack meeting and hunt. "You may or may not know this, but there will soon be a pack meeting and hunt. Your appearance is mandatory." She said her accent slowing with her words. She softened her gaze as she looked over the two subordinates. If one of them did not show though, they better be prepared for sisyhR' wrath.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
ddeJ nodded at the dark wolf as she introduced herself as avA.
He returned the polite smile, although he truly had no urge to do such a thing.
His eyes remained cool as he parted his jaws to allow his words to escape:
"Name's ddeJ, ma'am." As he introduced himself to the dark pelted lady,
he curtly dipped his head- it was a tradition of the males in his birth pack to do
so. Curious eyes wandered back to anehtA as she informed the wolves of an
upcoming meeting and hunt. The word hunt made his sore muscles seem to
become even more tender from the damned goat he tumbed with. ddeJ
listened to her words, and smirked with a slight flick of his black-tipped tail.

"Sounds good to me, miss anehtA" he said lightly, accent rolling within
his tones. As the sun hid behind deep slate colored clouds, the wolf sighed
almost inaudibly. The mountains were so...different. The beast was adapted
to life on the great plains, where one could see prey from a mile away. A pang
of sorrow shot through his heart like an arrow, but he quickly shook it off.
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 03:05 AM by Jedd.)
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
The tip of her dark tail twitched a little as she glanced between her company - no, not even her company, her <i>packmates</i>. Oh, goodness. avA couldn't allow their interaction to continue on so stiffly. They would have to be cooperative if they were to live with each other, but avA couldn't stand for the bare minimum. Her family pack had been one big happy group of wolves (well, for the most part) and she didn't expect to create a family out of these random wolves but she could at least hope to make friends, or at the very least get them to not hate her so much.

She nodded her head back to the male as he identified himself, although she didn't figure herself to be much of a ma'am. Her gaze then "<b>Yes, I would expect as much,</b>" she quipped and "<b>I'm quite eager for the hunt as well.</b>" A devilish grin cut across her usually feminine and sweet expression - she had a delightful bloodlust within her and was particularly excited to finally exercise it once again. A pack hunt would certainly make her feel like she was finally home. It would be especially more interesting to have her first hunt within the mountains - she had a daydream in her head once where she leapt from a huge boulder and sunk her teeth into the neck of a huge moose, but that was unneccesary to share with their group.

avA suddenly angled her feminine form toward the mountains and slunk forward a few paces, her dark head tilted curiously. Then she threw a glance over her shoulder and questioned openly, "<b>So anehtA, ddeJ, were you raised in mountains at all?</b>" She looked back toward the rises of stone as they disappeared into the grey sky. "<b>I personally wasn't, but I can't help but find this land absolutely fascinating.</b>"
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 03:31 AM by Ava.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The white girl nodded at Jedd's response. It did not really faze her much being called ma'am. Her family used to speak formally like that, so she was quite used to it. Ava's reaction was different. A grin replaced her blank expression and excitement visually shot through her black body. At least she had blood-lust and she was not some lazy scumbag that could not hold up their own.

The black woman's question was unexpected, though. Indeed, she was raised by the mountains, but not in them. Although, she took trips almost everyday to them to watch the sunrise or sunset with her mother. "As a matter of fact, I was." She told the little group. She loved the mountains more than anything around. The mountains transformed a simple area iinto a magnificent landscape worth looking at.

"Ever since I was little, my mother and I used to climb up into the mountains and watch the sunrise or sunset together." She said softly, looking up at the mountains as she spoke of them. The sunrise and sunset were the only things that she had of her mother now, ever since her father took everything she had from her. Ripped it right out of her grasp before she had the time to appreciate it.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
The deep gray wolf listened intently as Athena spoke of watching the sunrise and
sunset on the mountains. He almost tilted his head in an interested manner,
but he remained still. Turning towards the mountain in which he had a tumble
on, he almost began to grouse. He closed his lids, rolling his eyes lightly.
Reopening his eyes, he looked back to the females before him.

"I lived in great, vast plains. Really haven't had much of an experience with
Jedd shrugged slightly, almost regretting revealing such information....
for what reason he did not know. His massive frame turned to Athena, and his
next words came in form of a question "Miss Athena... If you don't mind me
asking... How did this pack start? It's quite small...."
He did not care how she
answered this question. In all honesty, he did not know why he asked it- perhaps
just for smalltalk.
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 09:20 PM by Jedd.)
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
However small the incident might have been, Ava looked upon Athena with a new light upon finding their equal mountain appreciation. She glanced over toward the smaller female and mused quietly, "<b>I envy you, then,</b>" and looked upon the male wolf as he spoke, though he didn't respond to her so much as he talked toward Athena. She twitched her nose slightly. Was her presence so unlikable? She had to wonder. She put a delicate distance between her and the other two, lifting her head and looking past them. Well, one day somebody would know her worth. A flash of a memory struck through her mind of someone who had found her striking, and a strange mix of jealousy and sadness bubbled in her veins as her amber gaze turned to the sky.

Luckily, Jedd's question was intruiging to her and she turned her attention on Athena. The interest was clear in her eyes, as she wondered about their history in their previous pack. She had walked blindly into this pack, but Athena had known the leaders before. The first time Ava ever saw the white wolf or their tawny leading lady was that night that they had been assembled with utmost urgency. Whatever snippet of information Athena was going to share, she was quite eager to hear.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

So Jedd was a Great Plains guy, no wonder he had a southern drawl. Athena then wondered if Rhysis came from the wide-open plains like Jedd. Maybe she will ask him some time when she gets the chance to talk to him. Jedd's question was unavoidable, he would in time ask one of them, so might as well tell him now. She, too, would want to know how their pack formed if she did not have to knowledge. She looked at both of her pack members before telling the tale of the Poison Path pack's creation.

"Naira, Rhysis, and I were all in the pack called Swift River. Naira had been their second, while Rhysis and I were only subordinates. Rhysis was planning to leave peacefully and I was going to come along with him, but the night that we left Swift River, Naira and Rhysis conceived. We knew then that we had to get out before the River wolves found out and tried to kill either Naira or Rhysis, so we ran and we picked up Ava on the way." She said. She did not go into detail about Rhysis's plan, she did not think Rhysis would like that very much, but instead told them the basic story of the beginning of Poison Path.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||