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Until Morning — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>They headed back towards the den, sniffing as they went. they were growing closer to their prey and the golden male began to slow, lowering his form as he went. There were a small herd, bunking down for the night, the does grouped closely together while the stag kept watch. A young buck was on the outskirts of the herd and clearly testing the patience of the stag. <i>Well perhaps we can take that worry off his mind...</i> he thought to himself with a small smile, motioning to Wille with his nose that <i>that</i> would be their target, they would just have to be careful of the budding antlers.

His muscles coiled, ready to spring he launched himself from his position and charged straight for the young male. The stag was quick to react, rousing his does with a bellow and leading them away at breakneck speed from the snapping jaws of the golden wolf. The young buck was startled, allowing Kano to land a solid bite on the creatures flank, tearing flesh and coating his mouth with the sweet taste of fresh blood. It would take a few more bites like this to sufficiently weaken the animal for a killing blow and turning himself to follow in its wake he began to snap at the animals rear legs, landing more blows than he missed. He started to inch up the deers side, seeking his mark on its throat...</blockquote>
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Then she saw what was their target. It looked young, with its so called antlers shorter than the others. Kanosak jumped so suddenly, while Wille was still her daze. This animal looked as if tasted good. She shook her head and jumped alongside, absentmindedly to help him. What should she do? Quickly scanning what Kano was doing, she jumped into action.

The buck had taken off, but they both quickly dashed after it. Kanosak's mouth was bloodstained as he just had tore into its flesh. She snapped at its legs as he had done, while Kanosak was trying to land a lethal bite. She was a little more <span class='word'>remit</span> than she should be in a hunt. But what would you expect of her? Here she was, doing her best in a hunt with an animal she never had hunted or in fact seen before. Mentally, wishing herself luck, she pressed forward once more.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>Wille seemed a little at a loss of what to do. Surely she had participated in a pack hunt with her family? Even loners were considered a pack once their first litter reached a year. No time to worry on it now. They were doing so well, the young buck beginning to falter from a combination of fear and blood loss. He could only run so far and the smaller wolves had stamina on their side.

It was a sizeable kill, one they would struggle to drag home with its current weight, the closer they could chase it to home, the less distance they would need to drag it, and so the golden male kept at its shoulder, herding it closer to the pack borders. Sure he could go for the killing blow now, but it would mean more work later. <i>Just a little further.</i>

Finally they were within dragging distance, summoning up his last burst of speed he pushed himself further forward to try and land a blow on the faltering animals neck. Victory was close.</blockquote>
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Okay, finally a free day...whew. Sorry.

Again they were chasing the buck faster. Her breath was becoming more chopped, Wille was on more of the side of quick burst rather than continuos running. Her parents said, she might have had asthma. But certainly, for sure Wille had more stamina and speed than strength.

Kanosak could've clearly delivered the buck's last breath, as she peered closer she realized what he was doing. Save the work, and just run a little faster to bring him closer to the borders. Good thinking. Wille had been too absorbed into her nervousness she wasn't thinking of any practical ways of bringing down the kill.

She burst forward once more, with hope beaming from her insides. She was know by the buck's belly, nipping it to bring it forward. Hopefully, she had not done anything to ruin Kano's chances of bringing home some food. Please.

Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wrap it up after this one?

<blockquote>They were finally close enough. Gathering all he had left, the golden male pushed forward, hitting his mark and hanging from the beasts neck as he bit hard, searching for an artery, or aiming to crush the animals wind pipe. It would seem the beast was not so keen to come down though and the golden wolf ran the risk of becoming trampled under its hooves. Shaking his head violently from side to side as best he could while hopping his rear legs along with the running beast, he was being dragged.

A growl sounded deep within his chest. He refused to let go. The beast was now gasping for breath, he could feel it begin to falter under his grasp. Just a little longer. He just had to hold on. His rear leg had been cut open on a small rock, but he paid the pain little heed, adrenalin still pumping though his slender frame, urging him on. Just a little more. As the deer finally faltered, it tripped forward and he momentarily lost his grasp to prevent himself from being crushed, but he was quick to get back to his mark, biting deep to end the struggling beasts life.

They would eat well tonight and have plenty left to stash in one of the caches. Deciding the front half of the beast would be easier to drag home than the back he gave his companion a steady smile. Waiting for her to begin eating first. After all, it was the gentlemanly thing to do.</blockquote>
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Sure. :D

Soon. It had to be soon now. The moon was beginning its descent, and she know they had spent the wonderful night together. She had faith in kasonaK. With his prior knowledge, strength, and speed it seemed like he was destined to catch the creature, whom elliW was unfamiliar with. kasonaK sped forward, elliW know just watching starting to feel as if she was a burden. And then, it happened. The final blow was landed.

Kano was careful not to be the beasts landing pillow, as the larger animal collapsed. She felt a rush of pride. Not for herself, but for the golden honey male she had joined with. Her friend. She had almost done nothing- except for tiring the beast. Her offered a smile, and she shot one back. She took a small, delicate bite of the animal, savoring each and every bite. kasonaK was a gentleman, and a great friend. She was happy. She was home.
