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Aboria — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>The moon was high in the sky, but clear sight of it wouldn't be seen by the small wolf picking her way through the dense woods. The black and white flecked lady melted between the dense trees finally confident in her surroundings, her golden brown flecked eyes the only break in the darkness beyond the occasional lance of moonlight piercing the carpeted floor of her surroundings. It felt like home.

A sigh of relief passed her lips as she brushed against a rough tree trunk to loosen some of her shedding coat. Being in heat was stressing her, making her flighty, and the open spaces she had to cross to get here had her even more on edge. It was hard to tell if the fur loss was entirely seasonal shed or if it was stress shed. A ghost of familiar scents, so like her own crossed her nose and her ears flicked forwards with interest as she stalked forward. The abandoned den hadn't been used for weeks, but traces of her sister still remained, and the passing scent of her brother. Could they be so close?

The earthy sounds of the woods were natural to her, so she almost didn't notice the rustle of leaves or the telltale crack of a branch under absent-minded foot. She may be small but when she wasn't trembling in fear of open spaces, she was as fierce as her siblings. Ignoring the passer by may be the best course of action for now, as the lady was hungry, her small form belying her true experience.

Often mistaken for a yearling, nobody expected her to be so proficient, fast or dexterous... so when a nesting quail broke cover and she launched, it would be expected she may miss, but powerful jaws closed on delicate frame, crushing the life from the colourful bird. She would not go hungry tonight.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 18, 2012, 12:26 PM by Aniu.)
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
-pounce- :D
<blockquote>Something inside Volkan felt strange. Despite the trees beginning to sprout their <span class='word'>vernal</span> blossoms around her, the weather was still cold, and the sun's brightness overhead did nothing to warm her lithe body. Instead, the neon ball in the sky irritated her, forcing her icy eyes nearly shut as she moved aimlessly through the Ghastly Woods.

A lot was on her mind, and more than ever, none of it made any sense. The pack meeting had completely thrown her off, and she couldn't shake it from her head. First, there was the idea that Rhysis was <i>here</i>, and searching for her— an idea which had paralyzed her at first, but was slowly yet surely beginning to settle into fact inside her mind. There was also the screwed-up hierarchy within the pack. As of the meeting, that asshole Rolu was still in existence, a fact which greatly annoyed her. In addition, flowery, happy, shiny Wille was still Aeylen's Second. What had begun as an inkling of the idea of dominance in Volkan was now beginning to rear its ugly head. And then there was Triell. At the thought of the dark male she felt something now familiar stir within her, and it pushed a grin across her face, making her glad to have at least one positive thing in her life.

Consumed with her thoughts, it was a surprise that Volkan even caught wind of the other wolf nearby. From her scent, she was a female, a fact which pretty much smacked the gray girl in the face. It was a scent she couldn't recognize, so she went to work following it as it soon became intermingled with the unmistakable odor of blood. Drawing nearer, Volk peered through the trees. And what she saw made her lift her brows somewhat. This wolf... looked kind of like her. A lot like her. Thoughts tracing back to her weird meeting with Ranger months ago, and with the nagging idea of Rhysis at the back of her mind, Volkan approached the stranger quietly. This couldn't be another Aquila around here, could it? She hadn't really encountered many wolves with the same washed-out look she had, but maybe it was just coincidence.

Noting the bird in her jaws, Volk realized it had been the source of the smell of blood she'd scented. The sight of it made her stomach growl, but for now, she ignored it. "Nice catch," she offered casually, stopping finally to stand her ground a few wolf-lengths away from the other.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2012, 06:39 PM by Volkan.)
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Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Haha! Volk and Naira need a thread so Naira can tell her all about what a wonderful wolf she <i>thinks</i> Rhysis is! XD *cue Jerry Springer*

<blockquote>The voice caught her by surprise and she flinched, dropping the bird at her feet, and crouching low on the verge of rolling over in submission. Her previous encounters told her the stranger probably wouldn't want to eat her, but she wouldn't hesitate to beg for her life if she had to. Golden eyes darted, searching for the source before her eyes settled on her own reflection... standing up... but how could that be? Perhaps lone life had finally taken its toll and she was slowly going mad...

Slowly inching up, puzzlement was painted clearly on her face, she lifted a paw, ears flicked forward intently, studying the spectre in detail. At least she felt more at home in the trees... She used her keen nose to tell her the ghost was not a ghost at all, but a wolf. A wolf who looked scarily similar in appearance, but taller, with cold tinted eyes of blue... just like one of her mothers eyes.

The memory of home wretched at her gut and she struggled to not whimper at all she had left behind. Nobody made her leave after all. <b>"D-do I know you?"</b> she questioned the other wolf quietly, ears flicking back readily in submission, her tail couldn't be tucked any further if she tried. It was something in her scent... or perhaps a scent that clung to her that put the small lady at ease. It almost smelled like <i>home...</i></blockquote>
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Baaa sorry, muse has been inexplicably low lately. D:
<blockquote>Volkan pushed her thoughts and questions surrounding her crazy life aside for the moment, studying the other wolf. <i>"D-do I know you?"</i> Head tilting at a curious angle, the Aquila female briefly pondered the question. It was actually possible. Having wondered the same thing, secretly hoping they weren't somehow related, she threw the other wolf a shrug with a swish of her tail. "If y'have to ask, then no," she remarked matter-of-factly. No shame, Volkan grinned at the joke she'd cracked. It seemed unlikely that she could have yet another long-lost sibling wandering around Relic Lore.

But in all seriousness, they might as well introduce themselves. Volkan fought to keep her eyes off the other wolf's kill, vowing silently to catch something for herself the minute this female left her sights. "Volkan Aquila. What's your name?" In the second of silence that followed, she watched the other wolf carefully, in case any facial signs began to show recognition at her mention of the Aquila name. In case this were to happen, Volkan steadied herself, feeling her paws dig a little farther into the soft earth, just in case her last name incited some sort of rage... as, she figured, anyone who met Rhysis would hate him, and she wouldn't be surprised if he was giving the Aquilas an even worse name.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 29, 2012, 07:02 PM by Volkan.)
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Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>The name stirred no memories for the foggy female. Surprisingly a small smile crossed her face at the joke the other wolf cracked. It was true, if she had to ask then they didn't know each other. She never forgot a scent but there was still something about this wolf's that called to her.

Taking a moment to find her voice she had to think on how to reply, her contact with others had been minimal, and she was out of practice at small talk. <b>"Ani. uinA Kannannaq, but thats a mouthful. I was always grateful my name was nice and short. Not like Chulyin or Taqqiq."</b> she added with a small smile. <i>Or kasonaK...</i> the thought to herself with the ghost of a smile. If it hadn't been for her golden brother she would have never left her home, and although she had all but given up hope of finding her siblings, deep down she had the feeling she was close. Closer than she'd ever been.

Deciding to take a chance on a wing and a prayer, she gathered her confidence to ask the question that had been gnawing at her gut. <b>"Have you met a wolf called ariaN? Or kasonaK?"</b> She held her breath awaiting an answer. She didn't expect there to be any recognition from the spectre girl, the similarities still startled her.</blockquote>
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>A smile was the most noticeable reaction that nakloV's name received, and she breathed an almost visible sigh of relief. Her tail picked up a slight wag; this female seemed nice enough, and it wasn't every day you met a wolf who was virtually your twin. "uinA," she repeated resolutely, figuring she'd best remember her first name, just in case. At the comment about the names, she nodded briefly, her pale gaze wandering elsewhere momentarily; she'd never really given much thought to names.

The other female asked a question that seemed to cut the silence between them. It was a question with which Volk wasn't completely unfamiliar; many wolves in Relic Lore asked for news of their friends or siblings, it seemed. Of course, the girl herself wasn't one of them. But luckily, she had some happy news for this female— or, she hoped it wouldn't be the opposite. "...Actually," she replied, her voice taking on a cheery tone, "Kano is the Second in my pack, Copper Rock Creek." For the moment she simply smiled at uinA, unaware if this information would receive a smile in return, or something else...</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>It took a moment for the words to sink in. Her brother had found a pack. At this... Copper Rock Creek. Her tail began a slow wag, gradually increasing in pace until the whole back half of her body was swaying with the force of it. Bird at her feet forgotten, her paws could hardly remain still on the ground beneath her, almost as if it were heated and she was dancing to save herself the burn. An excited whine escaped her chest. She had found one of them... well not quite yet but it was a clue!

Struggling to get herself under control in front of the wolf who had shared this valuable jewel of information, she felt she needed to thank her somehow. She was clearly in her debt, and a scrap of a bird just wasn't going to cut it. She had scented plenty of large game but had dismissed it as an impossibility. She was simply too small. <b>"Thank you..."</b> she panted sincerely. <b>"Wanna hunt?"</b> It was the closest she had come to being herself yet, excitement and adrenalin coursing through her veins. But of course, she would understand if the other wolf refused. After all, she had a pack to help her hunt.</blockquote>

bahaha sisters in law and they don't even know it...
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Volkan couldn't help but smile, albeit a little perplexed, at Aniu's happy dance, uttering simply, "...It's no problem, really!" with a jovial expression. The taller female lifted a paw, laughing a little, a genuine twinkle in her cold eyes as the relief that she hadn't somehow betrayed Kanosak to an evil predator set in. She was glad to at least have helped, though she wondered why Aniu hadn't pressed the issue further; but, she figured, there would be time for discussion after the hunt that the other wolf had proposed.

"Dunno if I've ever said no to a hunt," she replied, her tone of voice adopting a mischievous air. With a quick swish of her tail, she motioned for the other wolf to follow her— they'd be heading North, in the vague direction of the Creek, though Volkan wasn't sure if Aniu would pick up on that. "These woods are a little, well, dead," commented the lanky, achromatic wolf, examining the forest around them, "But if we head North a little ways, the prospects'll be much better, I think." Not that she would lead the other female to the Creek just yet— but if it was indeed a Kano reunion she was after, at least they wouldn't be far. Pale eyes on the other, she hesitated a moment before starting northward on their course.

"So, is Kanosak your... friend?" She decided to ask out of curiosity as they began to travel, just as, you know, some light conversation.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 03:05 PM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>Deciding that she liked this wolf was easy enough under the cover of the dense forest. She happily bounded after her reflection wondering once again if she was simply going mad from loneliness. Closer inspection showed some small differences between the pair. She was clearly older (in her eyes, most took her for little more than a yearling), and the younger girl was taller. She had golden eyes and the other girls were a startling blue. In fact, beyond their matching coats, there was very little similar between the two. It was like looking at what may have been if everything about herself had been reversed.

<b>"Oh, no, we're not friends..."</b> she said wrinkling her nose as she thought. She loved her brother dearly and his absence made the young wolf feel... incomplete. Realising she had let the silence drag on somewhat awkwardly she hastily responded. <b>"I mean, its more than that. He's my brother... It's like part of myself is missing. I love him and he left and didn't say goodbye. I just want to know he's ok..."</b>

She realised she may be gushing a little and let herself fall silent. She wasn't sure how far north they were going, but it seemed appropriate to continue with small talk. <b>"What about you? Do you have brothers and sisters?"</b></blockquote>
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>At Aniu's initial response Volkan furrowed her gaze, choosing to direct her attention forward instead of making eye contact. Not friends, huh? Instantly her mind went to her own experience with her sibling, wondering if somehow something similar had happened with Aniu and Kano. Maybe they'd had a falling out? But, after a moment, Volkan's mirror image explained the rest, and the taller of the two females let out a small sigh of relief, her face spreading into a smile. Well, wasn't that sweet?

Then, Aniu's question hit her. Being directly asked about her situation never failed to make hot blood rush through her body, but she did her best to continue onward as though nothing was wrong, as though the question hadn't fazed her. "Somewhere, I do," she responded surprisingly nonchalantly, though the silence that followed her words would be a clear indicator that she wasn't prepared to talk about them. <i>Somewhere too close to here,</i> she thought to herself. There was Rhysis, of course, and then Ranger... explaining <i>that</i> would be agonizing.

"Kanosak's doing well," she asserted, happy to direct the conversation elsewhere. "I think he likes it here. He's taken up learning about healing, and he seems to make a good Second, too..."

She'd trailed off because a particular scent had crossed her nose: deer. Volk stopped in her tracks, cold eyes finding Aniu to see if she'd noticed it, too...</blockquote>
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