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Don't bring me down — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
The sun was shining brilliantly, casting itself down upon the falls. The
rushing water captured the light, creating a small rainbow within its
mist. Finn trotted along silently, her gray-silver pelt catching the sun's
glow. A small grin was plastered on her face, for she had been wait-
ing for a lovely day such as this. The small female brought herself to
the water's edge, gazing down at her reflection. Brown eyes stared
back at her, and she flicked her fluffy black-tipped tail.

"Where ya hidin'..." she mumbled to herself, eyes intent on
the gently rippling waters. Suddenly, the shadow of a small bass-
like fish appeared, and her head shot into the water at great speed.
Ears flattened automatically, her eyes closing. A moment later, she
brought her head back above the surface, water dripping from her
dampened fur. The fish wriggled within her jaws, and clenching her
teeth together, she felt the life escape from the creature.

Finn was ever so glad that it was spring. She greatly enjoyed swimming
and fishing, and with the weather greatly improving, she would be able
to do so more often. Although it rained quite often, she did not mind, as
long as there were no harsh breezes. She was greatly enjoying her new
life in the Lore.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Through springtime Ash had happily traveled to Relic Lore since he had heard about his sister, Nina. Through the says he had traveled his large muscular frame had shrunk slightly leaving the male in termoil. Though after about a week past the male had gotten his shape back together and he was large, maybe even larger than he was when he first came here. The area he was in right now was nice and peaceful, quite for a change...something the male didn't appreciate. An Old Western accented voice made Ash's ears prick as he stood up.

Female, the voice was definitely female. Raising his head above the bushes he looked out only to see a small wolf around his age, maybe a bit younger. Taking a few steps out of the bushes his loud, deep voice boomed towards the female. <b>"What is a <span class='word'>sylph</span> like yourself doing talking to a fish?"</b> Amusement was easily noticeable in the wolf's light green eyes as he asked the lady wolf a question. It wasn't intended to be a mean joke, more of a flirtatious one.

The male's eyes quickly went to the other wolf's prey in her jaws. Fish...something he hadn't eaten in awhile. Not that it bothered him, he ate what he would have to to survive. Trailing his eyes up to meet her gaze again it didn't take to long though, she was smaller than him...much smaller than him, meaning she was much faster than him.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn felt her muscles stiffen as he heard a male approach, his voice
filling the quiet air. A sylph? She almost blushed at such a word. Turning
her head, her light chocolate toned eyes fell upon the male. He was quite
large. Blinking, she lowered her head, gently placing her kill onto the soft
grass beside the falls. "Hey, it worked, didn't it?" she quickly ret-
orted, smirking slightly. She looked back down to her fish, but did not
want to eat in front of this lone wolf.

"You don't carry a scent of other wolves. I'm guessin' you're a lone
wolf, huh?"
she questioned, tail swaying back and forth. She already
knew the answer to her question, but Finn just wished to see how the
male would reply. Her curious gaze held steady on the brute, observing
his peltage, muscles rippling beneath as he came forth. Interest peaked
in her, for she really had not spoken to many wolves since joining Swift
River. She sometimes wonder why she had joined the pack, but reminds
herself often that she had left her old clan- and would most likely never
be taken back in by them.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Amusement sparked in Ash's eyes as he studied the smaller female wolf. So far she wasn't an annoyance or a threat so he stepped slightly closer."Now what is a smart female asking me, a true lone wolf, a question like that when you already know the answer, hmm?" The reply was polite, but he knew he was being a flirt while being polite. He wanted to see how the other wolf took to him being a flirt, so far it seemed as though the female was taking it quite well. The thought of his sister quickly deserted him as he took in the female.

The lady had deep brown eyes and a nice silver-white coat on her. Though she was small she was still attractive and he knew that though the wolf was small she could definitely still pack a bite. With the clearing of his throat he asked another daring question, "And your name, my dear?" Ash put a small polite smile at the end of his words tilting his head slightly as he looked down at the fish the female had placed down.
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2012, 12:54 AM by Ash.)
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn watched him cautiously, closely. What a curious creature he was.
She did not reply to his retort of being a lone wolf, but she answered
his second question. "My callin' is Finn." she said smoothly, eyes
still upon the brown toned male. His eyes were fascinating- slightly
narrowed. She looked down to her fish as soon as she saw his gaze
fall to it. "Would you like this?" she asked, smirking in a rather
devilish manner. "If you want it, I expect to hear your name first."

She was a witty wolf, and crafty with her wording. Her mother had
always told her she was sassy, and never once did she disagree
with her. Although she was brassy, she was also very, very polite.
It was not in her nature to go about spitting acid at other wolven.

She brought a small white paw forth, moving the dead fish towards
the wolf ever so softly. That devilish look remained in her eyes, and
shined when the light's rays hit them. Dark ebon nose took in the scent
of the male to remember who he was. She continued to look at him,
her gaze not breaking his as she pushed the fish forth a bit more.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
A devilish grin lit the male's face as he heard the smaller wolf's name and as she offered for the small trade. "A wonderful name for a beautiful wolf, no? My name is Ash Hervok, it is a pleasure to meet you, Finn." Ash kept his eyes on the female as she slide the fish towards him, "Would you be ever so kind and dine with me?" Ash's small grin turned flirtatious as he talked to the female and marked her scent in mind. She smelt different of a lone wolf, though all lone wolves smelt different.

Lowering his head he nuzzled the fish towards Finn gentleman-like. He wasn't going to just let the female watch him eat, besides it was her catch all in all. The large male's ears pricked as the leaves rustled in the distance as a small wind blew around them blowing the brute's thick hair around. His thick tail curled around to his side to make sure the fur didn't get tangles. An unkept wolf was never attractive.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn observed Ash's face as the same devilish look appeared upon his
face. It was almost as if she was looking into a mirror. Offering to dine
together on the fish, Finn felt her body grow hot, her blood begin to boil.
She felt embarrassed; almost uncomfortable even. No. She was bold.
Why was she feeling this way? It was because a wolf had never act-
ed in such a manner like this towards her. Face warm, she replied:
"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Ash. Tell me, what brings you
Ah yes. Such a common question. She was to make small-
talk, though, in order to understand this wolf aside from his flirtatious

She lowered her head now, jaws nipping at the scales of the fish.
Her ivory fangs broke through, exposing the soft skin beneath. She
ate her half quite quickly, for fish was a favored snack of hers.
Flicking her tail in satisfaction, Finn raised her head up slowly,
looking at the wolf. The air was still, aside from the soothing rush
of the falls behind them. The urge to swim had pulsated through
her mind, but she would not do so in the presence of this unknown
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2012, 01:32 AM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
From the time that the older wolf lifted her head Ash ate his half of the fish in two quick bites finished the fish before meeting the female's gaze steadily. He didn't know how to answer except for telling her the truth. Opening his mouth he spoke calmly his voice ruminating around the area, "Well, I am currently looking for my sister, Nina. I have never met her, but she is my blood, and you? What is a sylph like yourself doing around here without anyone else?" The words the male spoke were true, where there was a pretty female there were usually males following their tails quickly after.

At least that is what Ash ahd seen before in his old home. Before he came here many wolves would stalk females, it often made him sick. He may be a flirt, but he was definitely not a stalker. Ash's eyes went over to the water beside them and a small smirk animated over his features as he looked back over at Finn.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
There was that word again. Sylph. He truly was a wolf of flirtatious ways,
wasn't he? Finn suddenly decided to play coy. "Oh, just tryin' to get away
from the pack for a bit. Haven't really talked to many of 'em. I sorta like being
on my own to relax."
Her small frame turned towards the water now, the
water's glistening light reflecting on her coat. She turned her head slightly,
eyeing the beast from the corner of her eye.

"You like the water?" she asked, her tones a bit teasing. She would
automatically burst out into laughter if the male had said no. She had not
met many males who did not like the water, and when she did, she found
it rather silly and humorous. She parted her jaws, panting lightly, the smooth
yet crisp taste of the clear waters rising up into her mouth. She tasted the
air lightly, appreciating such clean water. "It's so beautiful..." she said
almost inaudibly. For a moment, Finn seemed to be in a trance gazing at the
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
There it was...pack. So the female was from a pack and just trying to get away. As the female turned away from him to look out of the water he couldn't help the cock of an eyebrow that he shot at her back. Was she trying to taunt him? Well, he wasn't going to have much more time to decifer what he was going to do, but bring the wolf he was he could help the michevious grin that overcame his features. "Well getting away for awhile is always a good thing. Gives time to clear the mind and maybe meet a new wolf." With those words Ash launched himself at the female pushing her into the water with him following closely in suit.

The water had a nice cool smell and feel to it. One of the many things he loved about spring. As he treaded water to keep his face above water he could feel the fish swimming around him trying to make their escape so they wouldn't be food like there deceased friend. With a small snort Ash smirked slightly, "Apologies, I slipped. I hope you don't mind getting wet?"
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.