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ceasefire — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
The sun had long been warming the earth beneath her paws as she stepped from the cove of trees she had taken refuge beneath last night. Their thick blanket of leaves had blocked the apparently brilliant streams of sunlight from coming near her, which had in turned cause the warrior-figured female to oversleep. Having no responsibilities to tend to, she didn't really mind the extra hours she had gotten. Her trip hereto truly hadn't been too long, but extra rest was appreciated by any wolf when they could get it. Nature demanded a great amount of its creatures, Remy remarked to herself, as she loped foreward and lowered her head to the gentle-swimming creek and began to take her fill.

Nearby she could smell the presence of a pack. Well, that was an understatement. The land on the other side of the creek absolutely <i>reeked</i> of that combination wolf-and-territory scent that came from the formation of a pack. Her mossy eyes remained watchful on the packlands as she drank, for the pale-colored she-wolf was of great size and stature, but even she wouldn't want to engage a border patrol. Remy was resistant to authority by her own stubborn nature, but she was no fool. A pack she would find on her own time, later, but the this beautiful afternoon was just begging to be enjoyed, stress-free. The pale wolf sprawled out in the sunlight, which was a comical sight indeed - she was no sylph, but rather a warrior-bodied girl - but if anyone were to say anything she'd turn her violent temper on them.

One white paw draped over the creek's edge, a dark claw creating a consistant blockage in the creek's gentle flow. Her pale eyes watched the water adapt, while her red ears twitched, in case anyone came to interrupt her sunbathing time.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
A large dark brown wolf looked around the area, the stench of borders was clear to him and he was making sure to keep clear of them. As the male approached another area of the land he sniffed the area slightly. Pricking his ears his green eyes shown with delight. Another wolf to talk to maybe. Sniffing the air again he could tell that the wolf was female and definitely not from the pack the wolf had recently encountered from the smells of it.

Approaching the area cautiously he scaled the area and came to an area that was pretty nice, average. A large wolf was sprawled in the clearing, and if the scent of life and the small fall and rise of the female's chest didn't reassure him that the wolf was alive he could have thought the wolf was dead. Approaching the wolf cautiously he howled softly and shortly to signal that another wolf was in the female's presence.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
Water continued to swirl around her outstretched paw, floating out of her vision in a way that was transfixing. Remy's body was completely relaxed, her soft green eyes half-closed, but her mind was still on high alert. She smelled the male wolf as he approached the area, paying it no mind. There were plenty of wolf scents all around the land, yet she hadn't been bothered since her arrival and figured she probably wouldn't be once again. Yet this time, Remy was wrong. The smell suddenly grew closer and the withdrew her paw from the water, muscles tensing for her discovery. The gentle padding of pawsteps came within earshot, and she knew she was no longer alone.

The girl was already whipping around by the time his voice sounded, legs straight and tail raised to show her dominance. Her wary expression faultered only once, when she blinked with surprise. Well there was a wolf of her size. She surveyed him slowly, taking in account his strong legs and tough physique. From what she could tell, they'd like be an equal match. Remy lifted her head and waved her black-tipped tail behind her like a banner of pride, snapping, "<b>Whaddya want.</b>" It wasn't anger in her voice so much as irritation. She had loved the warmth of sunlight on her back and being bothered gave her a slight attitude, even though she necessarily mind the male himself.

She stared, awaiting his reply.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
The male watched the female with a slight bored look to him. Tilting his head he watched as the female got up from her basking spot and flicked her tail back and forth. She was obvious kind or full of herself for the look she was giving off what seemed to be the dominant side of her. The motion didn't phase him for he was a lone wolf, not one of the pack wolves. Ears pricked high and forward, tail stiff and high, with his posture upright he looked slightly taller than the smaller wolf as he looked down upon the wolf as he spoke with a rough, deep, loud voice, "Apologies, miss. I didn't mean to disturb your peace; I was hoping to have a conversation with someone."

The male wolf studied his surroundings carefully, his light green eyes traveling the area carefully. The trees around them were nice. Spacious. Giving off enough space to let the wind blow and the sun to shine through the area. The cool stream nearby would be a great place to go for a dip if someone were to be overheated. With more evaluation bushes held the very berries that could quench one's hunger.  Taking another chance to speak he asked cautiously, "Your name?"
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2012, 04:53 PM by Ash.)
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
The large she-wolf kept a scrutinizing eye on her companion, and though she no longer bared her teeth the female did not back down from her dominant stance. They were equally sized, she supposed, though that never meant an even match. She raised an eyebrow slightly as he described his purpose, scrunching up her nose. Conversation? That's what he had gotten up in the morning for? She smirked, shaking her head and looking away from the male as if in disbelief. Perhaps she just thought it strange to value friendship. Didn't value much, but she did put a great deal of worth on respect. And thus far she had little basis to go off of whether or not he was a respectable wolf. Manners did not impress the female - words were nothing more than that. Easy to make and easy to fake. But to perform an action you didn't mean was much harder for most wolves of any moral character. That was how she liked to judge her friends and foes.

Her mossy gaze returned to the male, snorting loudly. "<b>Ain't no miss,</b>" she laughed at the thought of being described as such. She paused for a moment, watching him survey the surroundings before admitting, "<b>Remy Geddes.</b>" She was a little surprised at herself for giving out her real name at all. Usually she figured if she would never see the wolf again then he would never have a use for it, and therefore why bother?

None the less, what had been done was done. Twitching a red ear, she awaited the ephebe's reciprocation.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
With slanted green eyes the male at to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Though he wasn't going to do so, he felt tempted to. With a small cough he turned his attention back to the wolf as she spoke her name. Remy. Ash scented the air slightly testing her scent and commiting it to memory. The female was still being dominant, the proud fool. She could get beaten for that if she ever joined a pack, which what he had seen from the wolf right now, she would not be a sociable pack mate to look forward to talking to. Though the wolf seemed to still be slightly irritated her could see her visually relax as her fangs were no longer bared at him.

With a blink of his eyes he spoke again his deep voice rumbling, "I see. I am Ash." The male didn't feel the need to tell this female his last name, even though it may be a way to find his sister, he felt that telling this particular wolf would be a danger to him. With a small flick of his ear, the sun started to get covered by dark thunder clouds. Ash glared up at the sky, it was suppose to be such a pretty day too. Unfortunately it seems as though it might rain sooner or later. Ash didn't particularly like the rain, it got his thick long fur tangled and it was cold and damp leaving his fur heavy.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
"<b>Ash,</b>" she repeated back with a simple nod, mossy green eyes scanning the area around them with an almost bored glaze. There was a stir raising from the pads of her paws and snaking through her legs, making the she-wolf feel entirely restless. It was as though her paws had become glued to the creek's shore while a great wind pushed her forward - she didn't want to resist it, but she couldn't move. Perhaps it had stemmed from her irritation, or something similar, but it didn't matter for it gave her a fantastic idea.

The brutish girl gave a gruff growl and took a step back, lowering her head slightly. "<b>You want conversation? Then let's converse without words,</b>" she propositioned, the black tip of her tail twitching in the air. A sly smirk appeared across her pale face, stretching nearly from ear to red ear. Despite the relentless energy in her muscles, she wasn't out to hurt the poor guy just for wanting company. Maybe she found it silly, but that was her perogative. She figured a guy like him would be fine with a friendly spar. No winners or losers, just a little released steam. Besides that, Remy had the idea that if he knocked her around a little the way she intended to do to him, then she could prove to herself he was worthy of her time and could perhaps attempt to hide away her snide bitchiness.

Remy snorted and motioned with her cheek for him to come forward. "<b>I'll give you the first hit,</b>" she offered, the twitch of her tail increasing in frequency. The excitement was growing within her - she could only pray he would find the idea as appealing as she did.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
The male cocked his eyebrow at the female at the words she spoke. Converse without words. First hit. Sounded god enough to him. A small scuffle wouldn't be bad, relieve some of the worry he has been having over the past few days. Maybe he could possibly get more out the way the female was. As the female positioned herself Ash mirrored the action slightly and tilted his head to the side. He didn't want to hurt the female, but she had been the one to ask for a fight. With a quick blink of his eyes Ash shot forward going for the female's side.

One of the things about long hair that he actually knew about was it was a bitch if someone pulled your hair out, mainly when one still had their winter coat. With small snaps at the female's sides he could only hope that he was biting hard enough to cause some kind of rouse from the female. Ash's playful eyes quickly turned to serious ones. His eyes seemed all the more slanted as he growled, the growl rumbling inside of his chest as though he was singing.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
Remy grinned wildly as her invitation was accepted, tensing her muscles and locking on to her target. His rumbling growl was just more fuel to her flame, tail swishing behind her as she studied him. Remy wasn't able to take in much, though, because he wasted no time in lunging for her. Seeing his parted jaws, she immediately began to crouch, preparing to spring away, but his lunge was a little too short to get flesh - he must've not meant to. Instead of running away, Remy remained in her position to see his course of action, static until the metallic click of his jaws sounded extremely close to her shoulder. In return she pushed off of the ground to take a new position just a little bit away from him before she pounced.

But, Remy hadn't calculated his move entirely correctly. His teeth grasped onto her the top hairs of her fur, and she herself tugged them out when se dodged his jaws. Her muscles twitched in reaction to the pain - if you could call it that. It wasn't like jaws sinking into her flesh, it was just really small, painful pricks. The sting lingered longer than she wanted to tolerate, thanks to the top layer of skin having the highest concentration of nerves. A growl escaped her throat and she snorted, instantly pissed off for about a nanosecond for the pain he had caused her. Then the red hot flash died down into more adrenaline and she wheeled on her large paws, leaping with all the strength she could muster to barrel her head into his side. She was just aiming to knock the wind out of him, not to actually shove her body into his, so whether or not she made contact with him she would rear back up on her hind legs and give a playful swat in premeditated retalition.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
The male watched the female with slanted eyes awaiting her neck move. He had apparently caused her a brief pain, for she stood in place for a second longer than most and the slight twitch of one of her muscles gave it away. Remy looked pretty pissed at revalation of what he had done finally dawned on her. With a small snort from the female she leapt towards him, guessing that strength was on her side he growled as the impact of the female knocked into him. Air pushed its way out of his lungs as the full compacity of Remy crashed into him. With a small grunt he crouched down and rolled over to the side quickly before jumping to his paws.

He now had his breathe back as he watched quickly his eyes scanning the female. Though he didn't have speed on his side he lunged for Remy, using his strong hind leg muscles to propel himself forward before attempting to snap at the female's ears as he soared over her before landing heavily on his paws behind her. He whipped around quickly waiting for the next round of her attacks. He was still unsure if his snapping had any effect on her, much less if he even got her ears.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.