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New Days — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The sun overhead shown overhead, streaming through the many trees and leaves. The area around here was nice. Many trees and a nice little spring, which was nice to cool down in every once in while. With many bushes, berries, and herbs growing everywhere this would be the perfect place to live. A new home opened up many opportunities for a wolf, mainly if a wolf recently entered and joined a pack. Though a medium sized female lay basking in the sunlight, her golden brown fur gleaming slightly from a small dip she had just taken in the spring.

The female hadn't seen the friend she had met earlier upon arriving in Copper Rock Creek pack. She felt as if she owed the wolf thanks for talking to her about the ack. Kashikoi was his name, a polite, young wolf she had met upon arriving in the pack. She hoped the young wolf would be nearby and hopefully soon she woiuld encounter the other wolf.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
The day was peaceful and warm with the sun shining above him making him feel more then a bit warm with his unsheded winter coat. To cool of Kashi decided to go to the creek for lack of a better option to cool down. He was still a bit drowsy after his uneasy sleep the night before. It was often in those times that his memories seemed most prevalent. He stopped suddenly at the edge of the creek at the scent of a wolf. Taking a moment to find out who it was he found the scent to belong to Nina he believed and she had the smell of the pack on her as well.

His guess was found correct as he saw her come dripping slightly out from the creek making her golden brown gleam. it seemed like he wasn't to first to have the idea to cool off in the creek. Knowing that he was of dominant rank to her even though she was larger made him uneasy. Keeping a dominant stance as he walked up to her was difficult for him having never done it.
"Nice to see you again Nina."
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
As if the wolf God's had answered the sylph she turned her head in the direction of the voice that had spoken. The voice seemed slightly deeper since the last time she had seen the wolf, and known she had to be the less dominant one. Getting up from her position on the ground she lowered her head and crouched down in submission as Kashikoi greeted her. Licking the younger wolf's chin in greeting she replied in a soft voice, "Same to you Kashi, it's has been awhile, no?" Nina kept low as a sign of dominance as she waited for the younger wolf's reply.

It was kind of weird having to act like this around Kashi, though it was required it was different. When they had first met she was the one looking down on him and now here she was crouching underneath him like a mouse waiting to be caught by a cat. With a small flick of her tail she got rid of the last remains of water that were clinging to her bushy tail fur.
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2012, 12:38 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
The <span class='word'>Ephebe</span> felt uncomfortable feeling dominant over this larger wolf that he considered a friend to be. <b>"We haven't seen each other since last season."</b> He said somewhat simply. This didn't feel right making himself, a small wolf, seem bigger than a larger one. <b>"If It's alright with you, you don't have to show dominance if we aren't with other wolves alright?"</b> He knew he was challanging age old rules but it just didn't feel right to him to make one feel as he had in his old pack.

He felt as if something else should be said so he said what came first to his befuddled mind. {B}"Have you been well? With the pack I meen." ugh he was terrible at small talk, it didn't suit him. He stepped into the cool creek and layed on the soft layer of silt and smooth stones as he cooled considerably. He looked up at her waiting for an answer.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Watching the younger wolf closely she lay down comfortably on the ground as Kashikoi's comment echoed in her head, You don't have to show dominance if we aren't with other wolves. The comment was a relief to Nina's ears, instantly giving herself the feeling like she did belong in the family and that she did have friends in the pack. The comment was definitely going against all the wolf rules when it came to dominance, but they were friends right? It should be okay.

With the question the younger wolf asked she watched as he walked over to the creek and lay down in it. She was amused to see that the younger wolf at the same though as she did earlier in the day when it was extremely hot. In a soft voice, the female answered the ephebe's question, "I have been quite well. The pack suits me, and I think everyone is getting used to having a new healer. I haven't met everyone quite yet, but I'm getting there. Volkan mentioned finding Kanosak again to see what the healer from Swift River pack, I believe, taught them from their trip. How have you been since the last time I saw you, you have grown."

Nina commented on the younger wolf's slight growth from their last encounter, though what he said was true, the two hadn't seen each other for about a season, and the time apart she was sure the two had changed much sence then. With a small lick of her paw the larger female brought her paw over her head a flattened her fur that was currently sticking up on her head.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Closing his eyes as the relaxing water of the creek flowed gently through his fur. He opened one eye so it didn't seem like he was ignoring Nina. He listened closely to what she said about her being a healer, needing to meet the pack, being well, and apparently he grew. All these thoughts raced through his head as he considered how to best answer her. He found he was at a lost for words with her.

"Ive been well, didn't realize that i grew though." this was all true but he knew that two teaches would be better if he was planning on becoming a healer. He had to word his question right to better his chances. "Could you um.. teach me to be a healer? Kanosak is going to as well, but i figure its best to learn as much as possible." It was a bit sloppy but he hoped that his words ran true in her head. He offered a faint wolf smile as he got up out of the water and shook dry his fur from the wetness that clung to him.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The golden brown wolf watched the younger wolf curiously as one of his eyes popped open, staring at her. I didn't make the female uncomfortable, but it reassured her that she was being listened to. The words that followed her speech surprised her. The young male had not realized that he had grown, strange, but not uncommon, she was almost sure that another pack member should have seen this, but then again they must see the young wolf everyday making the growth spurt barely noticable, that or Nina was just a little bit more observant than the other wolves in her pack. The next words that came out of the young wolf's mouth shocked but delighted her. Kashikoi becoming a healer? How wonderful, she would love to help the younger wolf.

With a reassuring smile at the smaller male she barked in a soft voice, "I would be honored to teach you some of the ways of a healer, Kash. Have you talked to Aeylen, or the other leader, about it yet?" Curiousity laced the female's words and soft emerald eyes watched Kash as he offered a small smile to her, which she kindly returned, as he got up from the small area of water and shook his pelt try. The female's coat was just beginning to dry, so she quickly took a few steps back so her golden brown fur wouldn't get wet again. After the water droplets fell she was sure enough going back to lay in the position she was in a few moment prior to the small splashing.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi chuckled slightly with a wag of his tail as she moved desperately out of the way to remain dry. Before his smail downpour of droplets she seemed both surprised and excited that he wanted to become a healer wolf. She said she would be honored to teach him. He had never heard anyone being honored to teach him anything. It took him a minute to recall who Aeylen was though before he remembered that it was she who called the pack meeting.

He looked up at her with some confusion. "Aeylen is a healer? I thought she was the Alpha's mate." This small revelation was clearly an eye opener for him. If this was true then the pack would have four healers which was about half of the pack as far as he could recal. "Uh when can I start learning Nina?" He was eager to start making a name for himself and be able to help the pack in some way.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The larger female wolf wagged her tail slightly at the younger wolf's enthusiasm. With a small laugh she twitched her ears as the young wolf spoke of Aeylen before confusion crossed her features, "Oh, you don't have to get permission from the Alpha's to do something?" Though she had never been in a pack she thought things of this sort would be in order. With a small smile she was overjoyed to hear that the younger wolf wanted to start now and addressing her with her name, it was different, most wolves talked to her, but never mentioned the other wolf's name unless there were more wolves around of course.

With a small flick of her tail Nina's small voice echoed slightly, "Anytime you wish, but I honestly want to know what you already know so I can get a basis of where you are, and if you don't know many we can start with some basic herbs for wolves," Nina spoke before adding after, "For physical and mental injuries and disabilites." The older wolf smiled slightly before flicking the younger wolf's ear lightly.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
He thought about her question of if he had to have permision. The thought had never occurred to him while in this new pack. He knew that in his old pack they had to ask for permission to do anything it seemed. "Im not really sure..." He was sure that they didn't have to ask because Kano never asked if he could teach him first as far as he knew. Oh well if he had to ask he was sure they would let it pass for something as useful as healing.

At her next question he sat down as he thought of all that he knew of healing. The only experience that he could truly remember was when he first met Kano and he tried helping that one wolf. "All I know is very little. I know that willow branch is bitter but dulls pain and that moss can stop bleeding somewhat." He lowered his ears feeling like he ought to know more about this stuff if he was to learn it. Well no time like the present he supposed.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.