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Your gift, she gives. — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Van who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lanx Australis
As the sun began to creep slowly below the horizon, tucking the earth into a twilit blanket, Lanx crept out with deliberate slowness into the expanse before the lake. Her long, stilt-like legs drew her forth languidly, as if pressed through water, not quite like the usual march of a stalking wolf. The carriage of the sable-furred woman was impeccable, natural, and she could suddenly move with such swift purposefulness, that it was easy for her to sweep along without being noticed. Much like a fox, there were glimpses of her in the shadows expanding from the setting sun, but once the sun had set and her world was cast into perpetual blackness, she was still.

She regarded the purple-gray clouds for a long moment, blue eyes roving the stars and constellations that she’d become so familiar with over her travels. The stars had never failed her—not the moon, either—and she looked at it now, the bright round orb of her most verdant prayers. She sighed, deciding finally that she could venture into the open, and with a swift prayer into the crisp night air, she loped out into the clearing and descended cautiously towards the lagoon. Upon reaching its bank, she gazed longingly at the moon’s reflection, but her fancy passed and she bowed to take a drink.

Her eyes watched the ripples form and her ears kept in tone with her surroundings.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
The moon was to rise soon after the sun was finished going
to bed. The earthy wolf silently stepped along, broad figure
blending with the bracken surrounding the lagoon. Pakuna
was a bit hungry, and figured that doing a bit of fishing would
satisfy her hunger. Heedful eyes watched the clearing for any
signs of life- deer, rabbits, any critter. After pausing for a few
moments (although it felt as if it were for an hour) she finally
stepped out of the edge. Hackles rose and her body froze up
as a dark wolf slipped out into the clearing and towards the
lagoon. Mind whirring, the she-wolf wondered whether or
not she should speak to the creature. Why not? Her encounters
so far were far from dangerous, so this wolf may just be another
addition to her acquaintances, or perhaps a friend, as a wolf
named Gladius had become.

She came forth now, paws gingerly touching the emerald
grasses. The sun was a canvas of purple hues, a beautiful
sight to see indeed. Ears remained perked as the creature
paced herself, slowly approaching the female. The air was
still, and she felt as if she was being watched by the creatures
within the forest surrounding the lagoon- just as she had watched
this wolf for a moment.

"Oi, 'ello there." her voice was gruff, nothing beautiful. It
was still recognizable as a female, but it seemed to show her
rough and lonely past.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
A female wolf with golden brown fur and unique emerald eyes stood in the bushed rumaging through her herbs as the sun set, leaving the sky in a dark blue color. At the moment she had feverfew, lavendar, and a few stems of enlighten empress. She wasn't use to gathering such a large amount of herbs in a short amount of time, but she was guessing it had to do with the her joining Copper Rock Creek pack, giving her more time to stay in one place, and to gather more herbs. She had recently encountered an older wolf, male, he was quite the gentleman and she had eagerly helped him when he was injured.

The scent of another wolf brought the brown furred female back to her senses. The scent smelled familiar and the thought urked her. All the other wolf's she had met outside of her pack besides Victorian had not been kind to her and this one was female, a good sign, but if it was Niara or Athena things could turn bad quickly, but from what she had heard the two females had joined Poison Path Pack and what she scented definitely wasn't Poison Path. Maybe lone wolf, which wouldn't be a bad thing.

Sniffing the air once again the female looked out of the bushes and was delighted to see an almost familiar face. Nina crept forward her pawsteps light as she approached the wolf from behind. She didn't want to startle the other female, but she also didn't want the other female attacking her either. Nina spoke suddenly, softly, <b>"Excuse me, but who are you? I don't believe I have seen you around these parts before."</b> Nina's soft voice almost sounded like a whisper as she spoke. Tilting her head slighty her body position remained tense just in case the other wolf decided to leap.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Van who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lanx Australis
The quiet rustle of grass being pinched beneath careful paws alerted Lanx to the older woman’s position just before she spoke. The wraith froze, her muzzle an inch from the rippling surface and her icy eyes boring into the brown wolf almost scathingly. Privacy had been desired, but it would seem Fate had other things in her hands for Lanx; and just as she began to accept this and calm down, another voice (however furtive) from behind, gave her a vicious start. Snapping her head sideways to eye the other brown she-wolf—though this younger one had a golden sheen in the moonlight, while the other appeared dusted in coal—she lifted her lip threateningly, and backed away from the edge of the lake.

She suddenly felt threatened. Though neither presently held their body in that way, the simple fact that they looked rather similar and bore adjacent scents on their pelts was enough for paranoia to set in. She now stood in a position that set the three of them in a sort of obtuse triangle, or rather in a position where she could see them both equally and guard against them. She’d had no real time to consider them individually until now: and she quickly decided she didn’t know the first arrival, though a spark of familiarity struck her when she gazed at the slightly younger woman. They both had green eyes, interestingly enough.

If neither of you bear me ill will, you may approach, she said finally, after a pregnant pause in which she found her bearings on the situation. She was not afraid, but cautious—however, this would not deter her conversationalist persona, nor her desire to figure if she truly knew that young woman or not.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The youngest female tilted her head towards the middle aged one as it seemed. The two of them seemed to have the same scent pattern and she could only assume that the wolf was in Copper Rock Creek pack. She had never seen the older wolf around so she had no clue as to if the wolf had just been wandering in Creek territory or not, but by the smells of it she could only assume that the female was from her pack, the scent from her seemed much stronger than her own, probably due to the fact that she was older and had been in the pack longer. Before answering the older wolf NIna crouched down and pinned her ears back onto her head as a sign of submission to the older wolf from her pack before briefly turning to the other wolf.

The sylph stepped forward hesitantly before approaching a few more steps. "Thou's name is Nina, yours?" The way the female spoke sent shocks through the smaller wolf's body. Thou? When had she ever used the word thou? Shaking her head slightly she glanced back at the bushes behind her where her herbs were before glancing back at the newcomer. She couldn't shake the thought that she definitely knew this female though. She had a time outside of Relic Lore and the wolf looked extremely familiar, but Nina had never seen this wolf inside of Relic Lore. Perhaps she did now her, though she shaln't be sure quite yet.

OOC: Sorry for the weird words today I'm having a weird day.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna smiled as Nina showed submission to her. She personally thought
it was quite silly, but she nodded in appreciation at the younger wolf. Looking
back to the ebon wolf now, she dipped her head in a polite manner. "Aye,
no harm here. Jus' lookin' to fish."
Oh, how she wished her voice was
sweeter like a proper female's...she would sound so much nicer. Her emerald
eyes observed the dark wolf who seemed a bit on edge. She did not blame her.

Quickly looking back to Nina, the smile returned "Copper Rock Creek, eh? I
be venturin' a wee bit from it, need a break, ye know?"
Hopefully the wolf
would be able to understand her strange way of speaking. Most of the wolves
she had come in contact with seemed to be rather curious of her voice. She
stood still, the light of the sky changing before them. The sun's fire was now
gone, and the moon had shown its face. It would watch all of the Lore as it
did every night, observing the wolves that thrived within the land it over-
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The other wolf made the female feel slightly at ease, she had emerald eyes much like herself. Blinking her eyes she watched in amusement as the wolf smiled at her submission, something she didn't see everyday. The way the female spoke brough confusion into Nina's mind, but she didn't comment on it, probably had something to do with where she lived before she entered Relic Lore. Nodding her head as the other female spoke she couldn't help but repress the urge to look around, but kept her eyes steadily on her packmate.

"Oh, I understand, miss,'' the golden brown female spoke in a soft voice, keeping her eyes cast away from her packmate. It was a sign of submission and needed from her point of view. With small eyes the female looked at the ground as the slight crow of birds echoed throughoutt the forest.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.