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Don't bring me down — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn released a slight yelp as she felt herself pushed towards the waters.
She fell in face first, going underneath the surface. It was quiet- it was like
a heaven of sorts. The underwater world, where barely any water breathing
mammals could not explore fully without running out of oxygen. Her small
paws pushed herself powerfully upwards, bringing her head above the
water just in time to hear the wolf's question.

"Hey" she growled playfully, face soaked. Her chocolate colored
eyes gazed at the male intently "I love the water... you did me a favor"
she cooed these words towards the wolf, once more in a slightly teasing
manner. You did me a favor. She always said this to give someone the
dissatisfaction of something they had done. Finn had hoped she had done
this to Ash, but she did not mean it seriously, of course- although she did
enjoy swimming. Her tail swayed beneath the water, looking like a gray
feather. The fish scattered, alarmed by the presence of the two wolves
within the water.
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2012, 02:20 AM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Amusement remained in the male's eyes as he stared at Finn intently watching the female's tail swish in the water. The words came to his ears in a rush, you did me a favor. A small smirk settled on Ash's face at the female's response. With a small gesture his muzzle was by her ear in an instant. Whispering in her ear his deep voice echoed, "Well I'm overjoyed I got the pleasure of doing a beautiful lady a favor." Being the flirt he was he couldn't resist nibbling on her ear gently.

Swimming away from the female he looked over his shoulder and winked at her before diving underneath the water. With his strong, muscular legs he pushed through the water and hopefully away from the female. Otherwise his small joke would be completely ruined and it would make him look like a fool. Needing some air he pushed upwards with his hind legs and burst through the surface breathing deeply and inhaling air.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn felt her face grow hot again as the male leaned in towards her,
his fangs lightly nibbling on her ear. She didn't know what to say nor
what to do. Her only actions were to keep paddling, keeping her body
afloat. Eyes watched as Ash dove beneath the surface, only to reappear
moments later for breath. Her tail swished slowly back and forth beneath
the water like a pup, excitement spreading across her elegant face.

"Ash, you are aware that the mating season is over, correct?" This
was a very bold yet teasing statement she made, but she did not care.
A wily grin came upon her face, her teeth baring in a toothy smile for a
brief second. She now turned in the water away from him, paddling towards
where one of the falls tumbled down into the body of water they swam in.

As she approached the water, the roar of the falls entered her ears. It
was truly beautiful. She had such an appreciation for the liquid, and she
did not know why. It had to ability to bear one's reflection, to give life and
to take life.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Cocking his head slightly to the side he watched the sylph as she paddled towards one of the falls her word relaying back to him. Mating season. That bringing ack the slight memory of his father's betrayal of his mother. Stroking towards the female his large frame quickly caught up with her quickly. Her question caught him slightly off guard as he caught up to her. Stroking next to her the falls crashing filled his ears as he looked at the female.

Speaking loudly over the falls the male spoke, "I am well aware of this, my dear." Though he was sure the female meant it as a joke the male couldn't help hide his disappointment. He had completely missed mating season for the past two years, There was always next year, but a lot could happen in a year. Touching his nose to her cheek he swam to the creekside and hauled himself out of the water and sat watching her carefully.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn dunked beneath the surface once more, hearing the roar of the falls
beneath the surface. She felt some of the rushing water pummel on her back,
and she paddled away from it swiftly. Popping back up above the water,
she brought herself to the shallow edge of the water, where she now waded
out slowly. Head turning to Ash, she shook out her pelt, droplets of water
flying all about.

"You know" she said, her tone suddenly changing "There is always
next year."
Finn said this with a small smile, one that was barely noticeable.
She walked past Ash, her wet tail flicking the side of his flank. Chocolate eyes
were now clouded with a mysterious and seductive look. Gray-silver pelt
was now dampened, her furs flattened against her small, elegant frame. She
was interested in this wolf.

She pondered for a brief moment if Ash was always flirty with females. Was
she just another one? Tossing her head lightly, she now circled around behind
him, appearing next to him. She raised a brow, waiting for his reaction.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Interest sparked in Ash's eyes at Finn's words and the small tap on his flank made his heart flutter slightly. Was that a recommendation that she was telling him? A small smile lit up Ash's face as he watched his friend with keen interest as she walked away his eyes trained on her back and she circled back around to meet the male's gaze. The female's fur almost looked like it was glistening in the sunlight and her chocolate eyes seemed as if they held all the secrets of the mysterious land. "There is always next year." The male repeated what the female said with upmost seriousness.

The slight lift of her brow lit the amusement in Ash's eyes once again. He touched her forehead lightly with his nose to indicate that he was being serious about his comment and that he could only hope that the flirtatious female was being serious.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
A gentle look crossed into her eyes as the wolf gently touched her with his
muzzle. "You know, I am not fibbing when I say such a thing." Her smile
that came across her maw was sweet, like a mother's to her pups. Soon though,
her face seemed worry. "Are you planning on joining a pack? I'm.... I'm afraid
my pack will discover my venturing away and rip my pelt off."

Her tail tucked between her legs, and she looked at the ground. Many thoughts
raced through her head, and she sighed, attempting to calm herself. She had
never let herself get close to a wolf, and this time, she wanted to...
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The ephebe tilted his head slightly at the words that came out of Finn's mouth. HE was glad to hear that she was being serious with him. The worry that corssed her features were new to him as he pressed his side against hers. "I am looking forward to joining a pack...but," the male paused hesitantly, "I do still need to find my sister." He did wish to stay with Finn, he really wanted to, but he couldn't give up looking for his sister all together. The thought of staying with Finn made his paws itch as he wanted to do so dearly.

The fear that she was showing him made him want to go with her even more, and he wouldn't give up looking for his sister, he knew that. Maybe word would travel to her about a new wolf, and then everything might actually be okay. WIth a hesitant sigh he spoke to the female, "I am looking for a pack to join, and be assured I will never let them touch your beautiful fur." Truth was obvious in the young wolf's eyes as he stared into Finn's chocolate brown eyes.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn looked at the ephebe, listening to his words carefully. She bit her
tongue, soon tasting the metallic flavor of blood within her mouth. She
nodded though as the wolf spoke of his sister. "Ash, if that is what
you wish to do... find your sister. I will always be around here."
gave him a small nuzzle on the side of his face before stepping back.
The only reason you came here was to find her, after all."

She was confused- what was the wolf to do? Yes, they were both int-
erested in each other, but they did not know each other well enough
to make such a big decision. She gazed at the ground, eyes soft
and weary. The metallic flavor within her mouth was now gone. Peer-
ing back up to the tawny shaded wolf, she waited for his reply.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Sadness was obvious in the younger wolf's eyes as he stared at the wolf. He honestly didn't want to leave her, he liked her, a lot more than he thought he could ever like a wolf. He didn't even know his sister and he would probably encounter her some time or another if she was truly here. He shouldn't have listened to what his father said because his father had left soon after Nina was born, and after two years Ash couldn't be sure if his sister were alive or not. Smirking slightly he watched Finn carefully, "Do you think your alpha will let me join your pack?"

Pure curiousity set into the male's green slanted eyes. He wasn't going to let her send him away this easily. Besides what was happening right now might just be a one time thing to her, but he wanted to stick around, get to know her better, and maybe see how the ways as a pack wolf treated him. He wasn't letting this female go and with a wink he growled playfully, "I'm not letting you get rid of me that easily."
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.