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Getting To Know You — Lost Lake 
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Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd listened to Athena, fascinated by her response. There had to have been
more to the story, but he would not question her any further. "Well, that's hella
interestin', I must admit."
he said in a light manner. He nodded softly before
continuing to speak. "Well, however this pack came to be, I'm still gonna be
there for my pack-mates...but when the pups are born, ain't no one convincin'
me to take care of 'em. Never been much of a pup man, I'll tell you."
released a hardy chuckle, slightly rolling his pale eyes. Tail flicked before he seated himself.

The creature could honestly say he enjoyed this pack so far. The wolves
were friendly- Rhysis, though, seemed to be a bit rough around the edges,
but he did not blame him. With the pack just forming, it was very necessary
to be overprotective and cautious. Although new to the pack, Jedd felt in his
cold heart that it was his job to defend his new pack-mates.

His eyes crept over to Ava, waiting to see what she would say about what
Athena just spoke about. They had picked her up along the way. What were
they like? Were they paranoid, not knowing where they were going? Was
the conceiving, the running off....was it all premeditated?
(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2012, 03:29 PM by Jedd.)
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Her expression was kept static while she listened to the story, though inwardly she was making connections of the loose wiring of knowledge she knew. Rhysis had pointed out his <i>pack</i>lands, and he said it in such a tone that implied he was uninterested, or disdained, or anything but satisfied with his current situation. Now she knew that was Swift River whose borders she had come dangerously close to when they stole away in the night. She hadn't known Naira had been the pack's second, and suddenly she found herself wondering if that was what lead to her guilt the one day that Ava and her leader had gone on a run through the mountains. Not only did she desert her home, she deserted her responsibility and betrayed a trust worse than had she been but a subordinate like Rhysis or Athena. Ava did not judge her leader - she felt sympathy instead. A mother could not be taken from her pups more than a wolf could not skip out on the pack.

Ava finally looked up, over the mountaintops and toward the rest of Relic Lore, while a chill befell her spine. Out there was a pack who hated their guts. She assumed they wouldn't take kindly to the new pack, since wolves weren't apt to forgive betrayal easily, but with the extra details now in her knowledge Ava was certain of conflict in the future. Brows furrowing, she tilted her head in an unreadable expression, some sort of upset beginning within her chest. Was it fear? No, not necessarily. The feeling in her limbs was adrenaline, but from what? Was she nervous for the first attack? Was she anxious for it to begin so she could fight as a loyal wolf? Was she worried for the unborn pups? For the wolf who had saved her life? For the guarded wolf who they clearly trusted? Or even for Jedd, and herself, for their affiliation? She couldn't tell entirely if she wanted peace or if she wanted to fight. She had too many damn <i>feelings</i>.

A calculated glance passed between the small female and the large female as she re-entered the conversation. A little smile appeared on her enigmatic face and she shook her head at the man's pup comment. Ava hated them as well, but she would not mention it. A young female such as herself, of whom they knew nothing, would certainly be stuck watching the young at some point. Jedd's eyes suddenly met hers, and she realized it was her place to say something, and it certainly wasn't the pups about which he wished to hear. She was certain Athena wondered as well just what unfortunate hole in the ground they had pulled Ava out of that day.

"<b>I am nothing more than the fourth pillar, a support beam to get the pack started,</b>" she said calmly, glancing away from the group momentarily. To ease the irritation that was bubbling in her stomach, she cracked a sly grin and once more looked at her comrades. "<b>For now,</b>" Ava added a little strongly. She was not disposable.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Apologies for the shortness and lateness<3

A lovely laugh escaped her maw as Jedd finished his comment. Although, she hoped she would not be the only one looking after the pups or she would be exhausted. They would have to take turns looking after them if they liked it or not. It is the way of life. You do not get your way all the time. As Ava spoke her comment, she turned to her and smiled at her sly looking grin. For now. Hopefully, this would be true. She would be more than just a pack member, but part of the close-knit family they all hoped to create.

"I, on the other hand, love pups, but both of you will need to help out with them if they take after either of their parents. They are sure to be handfuls if they do." She said, laughing lightly. She had a feeling none of them are going to be easy to take care of like any pup. They are all sure to be rambunctious and rowdy, but hopefully her calm demeanor will help keep from being too much of a hassle.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd rolled his eyes in a playful manner. "Those little scraps of fur.
I can already see the trouble they'll be getting into..."
his voice wand-
ered off as he turned his head, gazing at the lake they stood next to. It
was beautiful. He had the urge to swim in it, but he was currently speak-
ing to these two females, and did not want to be rude. Tail flicking, he
brought himself low to the ground, white belly soon touching the earth.

He lay now, one paw atop of the other in a polite fashion. His eyes now
watched the sky, watching some sort of waterfowl fly in a V shape across
the wide open blue canvas. Wide open canvas- it was like his homelands.
The plains. He felt a slight tugging at his heart, a yearning. Swallowing hard,
he looked down now, waiting for someone to speak.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
A delicate smile masked the pain that ached in Ava's heart at the mention of caring for pups. The last pups she ever loved had been her baby siblings - Patak and Pakshi. Their lives had been taken when a pack on the border had attempted to take over Feather Valley. Worry grew in her belly that if Swift River came for their revenge, Naira's little ones would be in danger. She was thankful that Athena admitted her love for the little ones. As the second highest wolf it was important for there to be a great deal of support from her to the leaders, in every aspect of the pack - even puppy care. The black subordinate edged her sadness away, allowing herself to laugh gently at the idea of mini versions of Rhysis and Naira scampering around the mountains. She tossed her head in Jedd's direction and agreed, "<b>Oh most definitely. <i>That's</i> something to look forward to.</b>"

She watched as Jedd relaxed on the ground, eyes then flickering to the birds that <span class='word'>caparisoned</span> the sky above. Their reflection in the lake's surface looked like two V's approaching one vantage point. They were going somewhere, and she couldn't help but imagine it as the birds flying toward their future. She looked back to her comrades, now viewing in her mind's eye their future. "<b>I could be an excellent scout. Or hunter. You know, besides pup sitter,</b>" she mused out loud, grinning at her joke. Athena already had a position, but her and Jedd were yet undecided and she couldn't imagine that the thought hadn't crossed his mind yet.
(This post was last modified: Apr 13, 2012, 12:51 AM by Ava.)
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd smirked at Ava's reply. He honestly did not want to take care of
pups. They were too energetic and rowdy for his likes. He kneaded the
earth with his paws thinking of the pups being raised in his birth clan.
He really never had the responsibility of taking care of them- it was
usually the females who did. If Poison Pack did not grow within the next
year, though, he would most likely be watching the damn critters.

Sleep pulled at the wolf, and he felt his lids droop. He wished to just curl
up in a ball, tail over nose, and fall sound asleep. Jaws parted, his ivory
fangs exposed as he released a yawn, pink tongue outstretching for a brief
moment before snaking its way back. He looked to the females, blinking slowly.
"Well, ladies, it was a lovely talk- I don't mean to be rude, but I must get some
rest. Climbing these damn mountains is quite a task for me."
he smiled gently,
lightly. Curtly nodding his head, he turned away, heading slowly back towards
the den site.
[[Jedd exit.]]
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
(I hope you don't mind me jumping ship but I figure since we have that other thread we might as well wrap this up and collect our points :p)

Ava's eyes turned from the flying fowls at Jedd's sudden exit, peering curiously at him. It honestly wasn't really dark out yet... but she accepted his excuse with a mild shrug. The mountains were indeed quite different from the plains and he likely was tired from the transition. Ava herself found these days to be quite hectic, although she couldn't quite say the mountains wore her out... but they did take an awful lot of time out of her day, exploring and leaving her scent on the territory, as well as trying to find food. "<b>Goodnight!</b>" she called at him as he disappeared from the gathering, her voice accompanied by the <span class='word'>macaronic</span> squacking of the obnoxious birds flying over head. Ava stared in the direction he had left for a little while longer before she sighed and turned her amber gaze on Athena, a polite smile playing along her lips. "<b>I guess I should get some sleep as well. There's always more work to be done in the morning.</b>"

She stood and stretched her legs, nodding in the small white wolf's direction. "<b>See you, then.</b>" There'd be time for them to get to know each other later.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Yup, no problem. I planned on ending it here anyway with all the craziness and all going on.

She laughed at both comments from Jedd and Ava. So they weren't much of pup wolves. She personally loved the little fluff balls. They were always a promise of life and hope that the world would be better. They were calming to Athena for some reason that she did not know. It was a trait that she always had.

With Jedd's exit, she knew Ava would followed suit. She smiled and nodded politely to both of them. As Ava made her leave, she too decided it was her time too. However, she was not exactly tired yet. A walk around the lake should do the trick. Turning around, she gracefully made her way around the lake calming her mind and trying to welcome sleep.
(This post was last modified: Apr 13, 2012, 10:56 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||