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gather round — Swift River 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

anehtA listened to everyone as they introduced themselves and appointed what they wanted to do. Some wolves she knew while others she did not. However, she soon would get to know them, hopefully. She was deciding what she was going to say when it was her turn, but she soon ran out of time. It was her turn to speak, so she tried to calm her nerves and speak with ease.

"I am anehtA and I would like to offer my skills of hunting and fishing. Also if there is any need of assistance with the children, I am always available." She spoke her words strongly, not stuttering once. All of her words were true and she could not wait to prove them to everyone. This was her chance. Her chance to actually be something.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Kisla tilted her muzzle up to her mother at the affectionate greeting, her eyes gleaming as they stole a quick glance to Corinna’s own – eyes that she herself had inherited from the beautiful leader. The quiet of the meeting for her would only last so long; Rihael’s presence came within view, and while the pale tawny wolf only casted him a quick glance, it wasn’t until the boy pressed to her side and slid mud upon her well kept fur that she realized he was covered in the substance.

Eliciting a half growl half grunt of annoyance and play, the girl’s ears pinned back, and just as she was about to retaliate his mud attack with a clip of her jaws to his ear when Corinna’s howl rang out once more, calling for their elusive father. The man did not play a close role in Kisla’s life it seemed; even with his return, she still knew very little of him, and the realization of their relationship had only dawned upon her as she grew. Mellowed with the absence of her father once more, the youth instead pressed her slender figure closer to Rihael, seeking silent comfort from her sibling despite his messy appearance.

Each wolf began to give their leader an answer, and as her swarthy uncle mentioned helping with the teaching alongside Naira, the she-wolf could not contain the grin that smoothed upon her lips, all thoughts of her absent father disappearing. She couldn’t think of any other wolf she’d rather have teach her the ways of Swift River.

sparking up my heart

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Short meetings are short! And the best kind. This is the final round of the meeting. Please post by <b>April 10th</b> as either an exit/leaving post or continued pack interaction if you'd like.

Gone Tomorrow

Having fallen silent after her cry for Indru and her call to attention to the wolves in front of her, Corinna was content with listening now. Her ears were straining themselves, hoping that Indru would answer her call. It was strange, looking around at the wolves in front of her and realizing that few of them even knew the original founder of the pack that now housed them. He had been scarce, for which reason she could not make the definitive announcement that Swift River would be bringing new life into the world this summer. But she was easily distracted, green eyes rotating in their sockets to fix upon Ice. He stepped up first, immediately introducing himself to the rest of the crowd. His second statement was to her, and as he requested the position of guard, she couldn't help but smile at him. Ice's scent was almost as strong as her own along the borders, and she was more than happy to give him what he wanted. "Of course, Ice. Your care for our borders has not been overlooked. I thank you for that," she told him, her voice kind and soft.

Tail brushing the ground behind her, she flicked her head as words came at her from the other side of the circle. This time it was a female voice that caught her attention, the cool voice of Naira. The Second was quick to speak of her medical skills, and Corinna was pleased to see that she had decided to persist on teaching the near yearling wolves the ways of healing. They had discussed the prospect a few days ago, and Cori was more than happy to turn her young ones over to Naira's tutelage. Though before she had time to confirm Naira's request, Triell spoke up, requesting also to be made a guard and to help out with Naira's teaching. Not hiding the pride that she felt, Corinna nodded her head enthusiastically. "Triell, you're more than ready to become a guard. I'm sure Ice would more than appreciate your help. As for you and Naira, I absolutely want those three," she paused, shooting a stare over at her three cubs, "to have some medical training. Anything you'd be willing to teach them, they need to know."

One by one, the others also spoke up, her green eyes focusing on them each in turn, a nod acknowledging their requests. "Yes. In the next week or so, I'd like to have a pack hunt. Angier, Rhysis, if before then you'd like to accompany Triell with the children, they could use some pointers before joining the rest of the pack. Finn, Athena, I'm leaving it to you to track down our potential prey. There is a deer herd that is known to live in the Grove, just beyond our borders. They're vulnerable this time of year, if you can confirm a potential prey animal, we'll follow." Falling quiet, she looked around the group. Green eyes met Marsh's dark brown ones, and she smiled softly at her silent Second. His aversion to speech made meetings difficult at times, but there was no need for that. His place had never been disputed. "Marsh, I would like you to accompany Ice and Triell to keep the borders safe." It was a simple directive, but one that he had been doing since his arrival into the River pack, more than a year ago.

Finished, the lady looked at Rihael, Fenru, and Kisla again, surveying them intently. Almost fully grown, it was only her mother's eyes that made them out to be the youngest of the pack. There was so much for them to learn though, so much to be done before she could let them out from under her watchful eye, even now. "Find Uncle Triell, and Angier and Rhysis - have them help you before the hunt if you're worried about it. Though, smart ones that you are, I doubt it will be a problem." Rising from her place, she nodded her head at the wolves around her, tail wagging above her back. Woofing softly, she adjourned the meeting. But she didn't abandon the den site, but rather walked towards her family of Tainns. Licking Fenru's ears, she groomed him for a moment before turning her attention to Kisla, nudging her creme cheek, looking at Rihael. "What in the world have you been up to?"

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
His heart swelled with purpose - and with pride - as she acknowledged his request, a dorky grin breaking his serene face as he ducked his head. A whispered Thank you and he allowed others to take the floor. Naira, Triell, the stranger Angier, the kids, Rhysis... He listened, the words flowing like water around his head. Plenty of guards, Naira was to teach her medical skills, and some hunters. Corinna intercepted the speeches here and there, and at the mention of his own name, the River wolf snapped his head up, before landing his eyes on the black ephebe. Of course! he wanted to shout - border patrols with Triell for company was like to be a lot more awesome than border patrols without him. Talk turned to hunts, and Ice's worshipful eyes landed on Corinna again. He wasn't an excellent hunter, for he lacked the speed to catch up with fast prey, but he was strong and not so prone to break if heavy things fell on him or hit his ribs. Of course, taking a kick to the face wasn't at the top of his "most wanted" list and would likely hurt him badly, but other parts of his body were more solid. In short, he couldn't chase things good enough to save his sorry ass, but he could bring heavy things down.

Indru's absence from such an important thing as a gathering struck him hard, again - even though Corinna handled Swift River beautifully in his absence, it was... disturbing. He was here, he was there, but quiet most of the time, as if a lot was on his mind.. and at times like these, he simply wasn't here at all. It worried Ice just as much as it frustrated him, but he still had faith in the man that had brought him here - faith that he knew what he was doing, and would return with all of his heart and mind soon. What use was Indru's body walking among them, if his mind was clearly elsewhere?

The meeting was over and Ice's tail gave some happy, erratic twitches before he got up, stretched (which just might've made him wriggle his front paws in under Triell's behind, just for fun y'know) and gave the black youth a friendly shoulder-nudge. Despite their misadventure with the fish, he felt a close bond to the Tainn yearling. Then, he leaned in, over and through the wall of Tainn's in front of him, to give Corinna's cheek a lick before he disappeared in the evening gloom. With a steady sway of his tail he padded over to some nearby bushes, all thoughts of stargazing forgotten as he ungraciously sprawled on his side, watching the Tainns through half-lidded eyes. For now, he was content to stay on the sidelines, and doze.
.ice aesir

[ Ice exit! ]
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Triell tried not to think about Indru's absence, and to a point he managed. He was enteratined by the young Tainn children, and was quite eager for what Corinna was about to say. He regally held himself, honored by her words, and happy to help the young ones. He nodded his head, but said nothing as everyone took their turn speaking, and listening. Once, and while his eyes would direct over to the newest River wolves still bemused about their reasons here. Worrying about it seemed a waste, and he perked up at the plots of a hunt. He was more than glad to help the pups, and tipped his head accepting this task as well. In turn he looked to them, and beamed knowing they should be excited yet fearful. A good dose of each would keep them safe.

Then his orange tinted eyes turned to Ice wondering what he was taking from all this. Whatever it may be he was caught up in his thoughts, silent, and pondering over the process. Triell quickly grinned at Marsh, before becoming still.

The meeting was called to an end his mind was put to rest. Everyone was here for the most part, and there were no tragedies today. If only to find Indy, and see what was wrong. Triell was perfectly content to sit with the pups, watching as Corinna mothered them, listening to their stories. He was only disrupted by Ice, and had to jump at the touch of his rump. His dark ears flattened, and his nostrils flared. He stood with rigid muscles, and than playfully took a snap as the silver male disappeared. He returned to his place, stretching out on his stomach, and eventually resting his own eyes.It was good to be home, right where he belonged.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>When Corinna addressed him, he nodded dutifully. There was a pack hunt to plan out and he was offered the chance to interact with the children, sharpen their skills and prepare them for the roles they would take in the next few months. Her attention then went to the rest of the pack and tasks were handed out. He listened attentively but as the end of the meeting drew near, his eyes went to the trio of pups and the before also taking his leave. Indru hadn't shown up like he had hoped but if there as was one thing that had to be done, Angier had make his presence in Swift River worthwhile. Whether Indru - or Corinna - thanked him or not in the end was no longer the goal; instead he would stay just long enough to ensure that the Tainns' legacy truly held their own. Whatever it took - minding Corinna's orders, helping feed the pack, guarding Swift River's most valuable members both young and old - he would do it all... starting now. After one last glance towards the rest of the pack, he picked up the beaver he had brought, then placed it by one of the pups' feet. Without even staying to hear another word, he dismissed himself and began to make his way back to the part of the Grove where he could have sworn he smelt an abundance of rabbit highways.


Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>As the others began to disperse, Naira watched new grey female closely. She would need to take time out to get to know this girl, but for now, there was a border to check before bed. Careful not to brush against the dark wolf at her side (she knew he was funny about physical contact) she offered Athena a small smile before heading back into the trees. She hardly knew the white woman but she was another she would need to take the time out to get to know better.

Pushing that to the back of her mind for now, those were thoughts for another day. She hadn't forgotten the way Rhysis almost collapsed in front of her and highest on the list of her priorities was finding a cure for his headaches. She would need the sun to find her herbs though so set that task aside for tomorrow. Melting into the surrounding forrest, she made her way back to the borders. One could never be too diligent.</blockquote>

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Soon after Corinna finished speaking, the others started to disperse. According to Corinna’s speech, she and another named, Finn, will have to seek out potential prey for the pack hunt. It could be an easy or hard task and soon they will find out. However, for the time being, there was a den to go back to and sleep to recover before she would have to prove herself. She returned to her feet as Naira began to leave, shaking off the debris that lay on her fur. Giving Naira a smile in return, she gave her leader another quick glance before heading out to her den.

The moonlit woods gave the land a spooky feel, but Athena with her nighttime walks was quite used to it. She found her abandoned fox den with her boulder where she sat upon to gaze at the sunrise and sunset, slightly a ways; she crawled into her cool den for the night. With her muzzle pointed towards the entrance, her droopy eyes began to fall and darkness fell on her and the world around.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Corinna instructed them all – a beacon of light that guided them despite the heartache she must have felt with the absence of Kisla’s father. The girl preened her attention around, her eyes falling upon each member as the silver Leader spoke to them, noting the warmth she felt for each wolf who was apart of her family – by blood or by loyalty.

As the she-wolf directed her words to them, the youthful she-wolf cast a shy glance in the direction of Triell, Angier and Rhysis – two wolves she knew nothing about (and the dark one was quite intimidating, if she was honest with herself) and the very familiar uncle Triell. With a nod to her mother, the young girl knew it was likely she would only be seeking her ebony kin, but for now her eyes were lulled back up to her mother’s beautiful face as the she-wolf nosed at her gently. Her ears flickering to the direction of Rihael, a small snort escaped the young wolf as she tilted her muzzle, her tongue smoothing away the mud that her brother had effectively planted at her shoulder.

Within moments of cleaning, the girl would settle down by her family, her attention rapt upon them as the others about them drifted away from the gathering.

sparking up my heart

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>The dark male stood as he was addressed. It appeared she had given the guardian role to Ice, the male he had met and considered somewhat dumb, too good perhaps for such a role. He believed it to be a poor choice but it was not his place to say. Instead he had been put on pup duty- oh what fun. Peeved with the role, he held in the snort he had forming in his nose and instead nodded when it was his turn.

As the others left to do their chores, Rhysis followed out Naira, though ensured to give a final glance to see which direction Athena had left in. He would have to keep her close, she might prove valuable in the future. Now was not the time for action, with pack life he was healing, gaining weight as he needed to. Now was the time to shut up, put up... and do as he was told.

As his paws neared the clearing he looked towards the pups gathered, meeting Kisla’s gaze. Though she looked a little scared at his very appearance, he felt an inner smirk rear its ugly head. Good, fear was power and feeling a little more satisfied that he would make some fun out of this shitty situation, he left to pick out a good spot for some puppy fights. He’d caught up with Treill and this Angier later...

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]