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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

This thread is backdated to a week after Naira/Rhysis left and Cori decided she and Ice were just friends.

<i>Night time</i>

Gone Tomorrow

Green eyes were wide and alert. The fur along Corinna's back was bristling ever so slightly, and her tail was lifted exceptionally high. Such was the way the Swift River leader had held herself since the scents around her had changed. The scent could not be escaped, no matter where she went. It was accompanied with a sharp tone and little patience. This time last year, Corinna had not had to behave in such a manner - she had been the only female within Swift River who was giving off the alluring aroma. That was not the case this year, as the situation with Naira and Rhysis had proved. She had let her guard down, had grown careless, and they had been able to sneak away under her nose. And unfortunately, being a mother had come to define her, and the rage she had felt that night had near destroyed her.

Of course, she was stranded, grasping at straws. She had turned down Ice's offer of fathering her pups, to fufill her maternal need. Corinna didn't have it in her heart to take her rage out on Indru like that, not knowing that he might still come back. She missed him terribly, and it was a rare moment when she was not feeling something towards the tawny brute, whether it be longing, anger, or hurt. The desires were eating away at her tonight, both the ones of her womb and of her heart, and Cori had decided to head east, towards the towering mountain range that bounded Relic Lore on its eastern side. She had never scaled the mountains, but now, she had simply wanted to get away from the rest of the pack.

Without much of a care, the she-wolf crossed the borders, pausing only to freshly mark it. Most did not traverse this way, but the escapade with Naira and Rhysis had made her far more vigilant, and she would be damned if somebody got by on her watch. Trotting forward, she left the marked border behind, entering the unclaimed land. A mile out from her home, she finally stopped, tail wagging easily in the breeze. Breathing in deeply, she took in the night air. Tonight, she missed him more than anything else. Lifting her creme head, the she-wolf howled, low and soft, for no other reason than to sing. Sometimes, she just needed to let the world know how she was feeling, and this was a night perfect for letting go.

(This post was last modified: Apr 09, 2012, 10:57 PM by Corinna.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

It had taken days, though weeks was more telling of the length of his absence, but slowly he had managed to pepper his way back across the mountainous path that had blocked him for so long. The mysterious valley to the east of the Pass was not a gradual decline into forest like the side of the Pass he was familiar with, it had been an abrupt fall and a crashing land that had seen him in the unknown territory instead of the gruelling, but undeniably more gentle, incline from the west. The storm had felt sudden and abrupt to Indru when it had struck, the weather hadn't been pleasant, but it certainly wasn't dangerous, however it seemed with each of the steps that took him further up the Serpent's Pass it had only gotten worse above him without his notice. The volatile and dangerous nature of the mountains were not new to Indru, they had always been prone to avalanches and rock falls, but coupled with the alarming storms that have happened of late the damage of the rocks only intensified and it had not been hard for Indru to lose his grip on the crumbling surface and tumble down much further than he had gone before.

Beyond cuts, bruises and an ache from a pulled muscle that still left a slight limp on his hind leg Indru had not suffered many injuries but it did not take him long to realise that crossing back from the Pass was futile, at least with the bad weather. He had howled until his voice was hoarse but the winds from the storm had tossed them away idly, not helping the distance that he already needed them to travel and he was almost certain his howls had been useless. It was worse being trapped when he knew his family, his pack, was so nearby but without an accessible route hunger soon forced him down into a part of Relic Lore he had never stumbled into before. Each day he had searched for a pathway back but for a few weeks he was forced to retreat, defeated, for either shelter or food. It was only two days ago that he had made leeway, and a new rock fall had caused a ridge to collapse into something that could almost be a slope, but it was enough for Indru to scale the Pass enough that he was able to clamber out of the hidden valley and slowly navigate the treacherous mountain once more.

His crossing had been as quick as he had be able to make it, with snatches of sleep and even less snatches of food and while it was with a clearly much more malnourished form and bloody paws he had never been more relieved to be able to catch site of his familiar Relic Lore in the distance. Rather feebly he tired to howl once more, but his throat lacked the strength to make it carry as much as he wanted from the many weeks he spent howling desperately and instead he contented himself with half loping and half sliding down the incline back home. It was on this return journey, that took longer with him leaving a blood trail with his paws behind him, that he let his anxieties about his absence really set in. He had been missing during most of the breeding season, perhaps the most important time in the year for the leading pair and undeniable the most tense. Fear curled his stomach at thoughts of what could have happened, had Corinna mated with another? He wouldn't blame her, in his absence, but even the thought left him with a ache much worse than any physical wound could hurt. But worse, had she been ousted by another? A opportunistic mated pair perhaps, and then was she injured? A tremor of fear when through him as he thought of the fate of his cubs could have faced. The thoughts only made him move quicker.

He hurried home, but it was much slower than he wanted (as any speed would be), and all his energy went into maintaining his steady lope through the exhaustion his body felt. He was easy prey at the moment, he knew it, so unaware but at the moment he was not interested in anything but smelling her fresh, uninjured, scent along those borders. If Cori was safe he knew undoubtedly so were their children. Soon he reached forest, and then even sooner he neared the borders and though if he had sense he perhaps would have approached more cautiously, in case something had gone wrong, he could not bring himself to slow down as he rushed through the Grove, covered in dust from the Pass and still leaving a blood trail at his feet. A howl, one he would always recognise, broke out suddenly from nearby, closer than he would of dared wish for, and immediately he homed in, yowling in his newly hoarse voice as he neared her, unsure he would be able to even attempt a returning howl.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

How long had it been, exactly, since Indru had left? Corinna wasn't honestly sure. He had always been prone to adventuring, the thrill of exploration sometimes getting the better of him. She was well within her rights to be angry with him, but standing beneath the weak moonlight in the shadow of the freshly budding trees, Corinna felt only the pain of loss. She wanted to summon the anger that she knew was in her blood, but she just couldn't. It was too hard, dealing with everything. The abandonment by Naira and Rhysis had forced her to realize what the time was dwindling when she would be able to partake in motherhood again. Soon the scents of her heat would fade away, and she would be barren until the next spring. And though she would wait until forever for Indru to come home, the selfish part of her wished desperately he would call to her.

Cori imagined the voice, always so strong and confident. Just the sound of Indru's voice had been enough to reassure her, even in the darkest moments, that everything would be okay. Her eyes closed, shutting herself off in her imagination. But they snapped open again moments later, when her call was answered. Not by the strong voice that she had always remembered, but a hoarse one. It was difficult to place, but her heart began to hammer in her chest. Instinctively, Corinna lunged in the direction of the sound, fur bristling along her spine. It was so close, and yet...it couldn't be. Despite the hope that began to rise inside of her, Corinna forced herself to stay calm. She didn't call back, but instead set off towards the sound. If it wasn't...him....she had to know who was howling at her borders so late.

All around her the trees seemed to crush in, blocking her path. The journey seemed to take ages, though really it was almost a matter of minutes. It seemed that she was not the only one moving though. Catching sight of the tawny beast who had haunted both dreams and waking thoughts for the past several weeks emerged. Battered and bruised, yes, but there was no mistaking who the stranger was. Broken voice forgotten, Corinna ran forward, tail wagging excitedly behind her. Meeting him, she shoved her nose into the ruff of his neck, breathing in his familiar scent, taking the comfort that had been denied to her for so long. "Indru..." it was barely a whisper, and despite all the words that needed to be said, she could only stand there, hoping that this was not merely her imagination playing tricks on her. "What happened? So much...Naira, Rhysis....cubs...the pack den...where were you?" Pulling back, Cori looked at him, broken speech conveying the sheer emotion of the moment. So many questions and answers, and not enough time for explanation.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

She didn't hesitate in her approach and neither did he, he was always so relieved, kept from her as he had been, it never registered straight away that she could be mad at him, that she didn't know what had happened. His tail waved furiously despite his exhaustion and his eyes closed in wave of contentment as he felt her nose press into his fur and he turned his head slightly to nip gently at her cheek before licking her softly around the base of her ears. She spoke then and it was here that his realisation kicked in and whined under his breath, pushing his nose against the side of her muzzle in a quick, but no less heartfelt, apology before he explained. I was climbing the pass, like usual, and it was fine when I left but by the time I reached the top a storm had hit and it's so treacherous sometimes but never this bad and I was deciding whether to climb back down or wait it out a huge rock fall had begun and I lost my balance and slipped down the other side. It came out in a rush, his voice cracking painfully both from lack of practice talking (these had been solitary weeks after all) and from the excessive time he had spent howling. I tried to climb back up, he began, slower, less panicked now, but, it's different to this side. It's a sharp, drop not this incline, and there was just no way anywhere. His tone on the last word expressed his anguish and frustration, knowing that his family were over the mountain just out of his reach and unaware had been impossible.

I tried howling—my voice, it's why it's like this—but it was useless even in perfect conditions I wasn't sure it would carry but most of the time it was storms. A exasperated sigh escaped him and instinctively he pushed his cheek against hers in comfort, reassuring himself she was safe, nuzzling into her nape. I had to eventually travel down into this part of Relic Lore I've never been in or starve and I kept trying to find away but it was only 2 days ago I managed it. Another rock fall gave me a route up and I came back as quick as I could. The run down as as basic as he could make it but Indru could only hope she would know how much he would have tried to get back. Life alone held no lure for Indru, and even less so since he had found Cori and started their family. I'm so sorry. He whispered back at last, defeated, as he waited for her to take it in.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Fur touching, mingling, Corinna felt waves of relief wash over her, satisfying the urgent feeling of loss and anguish that had tormented her. There was no hesitation in either of their actions, he greeted her just as she had run towards him. And while coming into contact with him did not remove the anger she had felt at his absence, the relief quieted it for the moment. Right now, it was all she could do to not smile and continue to nuzzle him and lick his cheek. Overjoyed, she barely heard his words, taking it in slowly, and muted, as if it was coming in through a fog. It took her more than a couple of minutes to realize that it was her mate's voice that made it sound so different.

Stepping back as she connected the dots, Corinna tilted her head to the side in her customary look of confusion. She could not fault him for the storm; hell the damn storm had destroyed their pack den, but her mind could not wrap around why he had not been able to come back sooner. Ignorance, maybe, but she had not realized that there was much worth exploring on the other side of the pass. She had never been over Serpent's Pass, and given the shape that Indru was currently in, she had no desire to. Shaking her head from side to side, Corinna fixed him in her green gaze. "I needed you home, Indy. So much...Kisla almost drowned. The rains, they flooded the pack den. Naira..." she froze, trying to remember if Indru had ever had the opportunity to met the betrayer. Surely he had been there, when she had first been accepted into the pack. "...had to pull her out. Last kind thing she did. She got pregnant, her and a subordinate, hadn't even been here a week. They're gone now, took another girl with them. I...I was so angry. Ice helped me chase them down, but, they were gone..." It was the closest they had come to losing their place in the pack, both her and Indru. It was without a doubt the time she had needed him the most. "....we didn't know what had happened. After last time...we just weren't sure if you were..." her voice broke, sadness breaking into the joy. His absence had caused pain, not only for Corinna, but for her cubs and for the rest of the pack as a whole. It wouldn't be an easy fix, and no doubt this particular conversation would have to be revisited at some point. But for now, she wanted only enough to get her through the night, until she focus again in the morning.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

When he finished she stepped back and he let her, watching her carefully but more than willing to give her space to think everything over. A hush fell between them but Indru took the opportunity to glance over here, comfort in her healthy state calming his anxieties at her being injured, and then in turn he knew the cubs were safe. If her mental state wasn't enough of a tell, Indru could smell them distinctly on her fur, mingled in with their mothers scent, and he couldn't help himself drawing in the smell and relishing in the comfort of it as he waited for Corinna.

He let her speak without interruption as she had done him, both eager to hear her voice and the information she supplied him even though his anger at himself for his absence rose familiarly again. Panic flared through him and echoed on his face at the mention of the den and more specifically Kisla and it was only rational thought of Cori being able to discuss it so calmly that kept him from interrupting. The shewolf, Naira, rung a bell but his memory of her was foggy and vague but even so it did not stop the feeling of rage she now summoned in him. To threaten Corinna's rights to motherhood was among the biggest crimes to Indru and it was not something he planned to let slide.

As her voice broke he closed the gap between them, unable not to comfort her and pushed himself against her, mingling their fur, as he tried to give her the strength he wasn't even sure he had himself. I'm sorry, he began, a whine curling under his words and he nipped along the side of her throat, I'm so sorry, he whispered again as he neared her ears, his tongue washing the fur around them lovingly. Then slowly he leaned forward to try and gently curl his jaws around hers, dominance far from his mind with the soft grip he held that Corinna could easily break, it was comfort he wished to give, a reassurance that he was back and that they were still bonded. Corinna was undeniably strong, but Indru was trying to show he could share her burdens now if she wished it.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

If there was one thing she truly appreciated about Indru, it was that he could read her like nobody else could. He knew when she needed space, and he was able to give that to her. He didn't interrupt as she spoke, taking in what she said. Corinna watched his facial expression change as she spoke, the worry on his face immastakable as she talked of the den flooding. It had been a terrible experience for them all, no doubt the most traumatic for the youngest River female. Still, the flooding and the consequent destruction had been enough to injure the entire pack's moral. It was all just so much to handle, and while Cori had the ever faithful Triell and Ice to lean on during these times of trouble, there had always been something missing.

Refusing to break Indru's hold on her muzzle, she breathed a sigh of relief, taking comfort from the simple touch. His apologies could not fix the physical damage that could be done, but the act of his being there was enough to tell her that eventually, everything was going to be alright. It would certainly not be easy, that was for sure, but it was a step in the right direction. The next step was to begin rebuilding what had been broken down, and build it stronger they would.

Gently releasing herself from his hold, Corinna licked the side of Indru's muzzle, tail wagging easily at her ankles. Perhaps the world would gradually begin to right itself, and the pack would be able to function normally. Nudging him, she took a single step backwards, towards the River pack's borders. A twinkle in her eye, she smiled at him. "Ready to come home?" It was a question, yes, but it was one that would require no answer. He had come back to her, had offered her comfort; he would surely not deny her the chance to come home. "They'll want to see you...in the morning." Woofing softly, she backed up a few more steps, the smile turning into a playful grin. For now, anger was truly forgotten.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

There was always something missing when Indru wasn't home, even if it was just a simple journey outside the borders, but when he was away for a prolonged while the relief he felt when returning was physically noticeable, he felt replenished even after his long journey home and lack of food in his stomach. It wouldn't be an immediate process but steps were being taken in the right direction to strengthen the pack to it's full capacity once more, and with Corinna so nearby and safe he couldn't be too worried.

He was relieved she could take comfort from him as he was willing to soothe her burdens in any way she needed him too. After a time she broke the gentle hold he had on her muzzle and he put up no resistance even though he was unable to resist quickly licking the side of her muzzle as she drew away from him, his infamous toothy smirk flashing on his muzzle briefly as he did so, tail waving. His heart soared to be near her again, and to know that their cubs were so nearby and safe. He loved Cori effortlessly and he knew it was only her that would ever have the ability to give him the energy of a cub when he was so exhausted previously.

If you're going, he retorted quickly at her question, a smile curling his face as he pushed himself up against her, rubbing their fur together and relishing in the fact that his fur would soon be covered with the smell of her and vice versa. Wherever you go, I go. It would be a long while before he dared stray far (perhaps even before he was allowed) as it seemed things were not in his favour when he did explore, and nothing would take him from her and their cubs now. At her next words he smiled softly, excitement filling him as he thought of the three bodies that were the only things in the world that could compete with the love he held for the one pressed up against him. I missed you so much, he whispered as he pushed his nose deep into her fur and inhaled, drawing both of their fresh scents into his nose as mixed as they now were.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Even though she had withdrawn from him, bringing space in between them, Indru was quick to follow her. But she welcomed his advances, a pleasant growl forming in her throat. Nudging his cheek as he pressed himself against her, she nipped playfully at his shoulders. At least this time, he had not returned to her in as bad of state as he had before. Surveying him, green eyes sweeping his body for wounds, Corinna was relieved to find only the signs of a hard and difficult journey, nothing that would not be healed with proper time. It was unfortunate that their healer had abandoned her post. Bitterly, a grimace swept her features, wiping the smile from her muzzle momentarily.

But it was back again at the sound of Indru's voice and she nosed the corner of his lips. "Wonderful, love. Because, I," she grinned, her smile hardening ever so slightly. "Am staying in Swift River. As are you. I'm not the only one who was worried about you. Triell, Ice...your old friend, Angier, he's here now. Besides, I don't think you'll be in much condition to go wandering." Lowering her head, she licked the top of his right paw. Turning her attention to the left one, Corinna ran her tongue over the rough surface. The bottoms of course, would be far worse, but she could deal with that once they returned to River territory.

Lifting herself up, Cori returned his gesture, muzzle finding refuge in the loose fur of his neck and chest. While his voice might not make him sound like himself, the scent she would always know had not altered. "I missed you too, Indru. So very much." Eyes closing, she let herself take comfort in the moment, not moving for a full minute, just letting relief roll over her. For the first time in a while, her mind was still and at peace. They would be alright now, of that she was sure. Forcing herself to step backwards, the green-eyed she-wolf smiled at him. "Let's go home." With a flick of her tail, Corinna bounded past him, towards the marked borders. Pausing, she half-turned, fixing him in her gaze to insure that he was indeed following her. Satisfied that he was, she wagged her tail and easily trotted forward, confident that he would be able to catch her (without too much pain to his injured paws) and be able to walk next her as they always did.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

A smile curled his muzzle as he felt his mate's teeth nip gently at his shoulder and he turned to watch her from the corner of his eye, seeing her checking his wellbeing like she had earlier. It had not been so bad, though he had ate sparingly and very small meals due to his much greater interest in finding a way home and the difficult of the terrain to hunt, he had manage to at least keep most of his physical prowess and strength and his exhaustion at the long journey home was only temporary.

At Corinna's mention of the other members of the pack, more specifically Triell, apprehension curled in his stomach. Besides Corinna and their cubs it was Triell's opinion that Indru valued most highly, he was not as certain of how his return would be received as Corinna was, but regardless he would be over the moon to be able to see Triell again. However, before he was lost in his worrying thoughts for too long he felt Corinna's tongue wash over his raw paws soothingly and he lowered his head to nip gently at her ears in thanks as she continued to clean his wounds.

As much as he didn't want her to have to miss him, he couldn't help but be relieved that she had in his absence, especially when the rawness of being parted from her and his family was still fresh. He watched her green eyes close and sighed lightly under his breath, wondering whether the happy smile on his face was now a permanent fixture. Home was not something he thought he would ever take lightly now, and was she mentioned it his tail waved as his smile turned into a grin in response, a playfully indignant yowl escaping him as she bounded past and separated them. As she looked back he saw the invitation in her eyes to follow and he rushed forward with little thought for any injuries but only to close the gap between them. As he reached her tail he slowed his pace and nipped along her side, from her back leg to her nape, as he drew pace and walked besides her, brushing his fur up against her once again as determined as he was not to leave her side wherever she was going at the moment.