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I'm drawing circles don't you know — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
be friendly, but cautious
you're gonna have to count your losses
easily attracted; the danger is to get distracted
I'm drawing circles, don't you know;
Protect the seed that longs to grow to a garden.
Pardon the territory... I'd fight for you.
- Morgan Page, "Fight For You"

- - ♠ - -

<blockquote><i>Night; Clear — Current Temperature: 46° F/8° C</i>

The afternoon and come had come and gone only to watch as Borden Lyall strode along the edges of Grizzly Hollow. Only in the dead of night did he seemingly find the solace he seemed to be searching for. His pace slowed but the rolling motions in his gait did not cease. His heavy footsteps rustled the newly sprung grasses, frightening any forest creature within ear shot. Woodland creatures scampered higher into the branches, weary birds took flight from their perches, and deer leapt into the depths of the thickets that signaled he had come to the edges of the Thicket of Secrets. His eyes scanned the darkness and his ears twitched at every sound. At any given moment he was well aware that Kade could nearby or Elettra could burst forth from the shadowed foliage in attempt to thwart whatever he had been planning these past few weeks. He had been a marked man to begin with, to acknowledge fear now would do nothing but to raze everything he had worked towards to the ground.

He slinked into a hedge of Solomon's Seal then peered out into a clearing where the half-moon generously bathed and illuminated the area in its beams. <i>Here?</i> he questioned himself as he scanned the area for any pitfalls - sharp stones, slick mud from the spring showers, large boulders, broken tree branches. His nose twitched but he did not dare to move just yet. A heedful fox caught his scent and went racing away in the other direction with a snap of a twig. Borden allowed a rather bold growl to bubble up from his ribcage before creeping along the edges of the small glade. It was a tad too small for his taste but, given his stocky frame, he knew he could make do with what little room he had to shuffle about. After all it was not space he was relying on to begin with.

His dilated pupils and forward turned ears confirmed with a thorough sweep of the landscape that he was now alone. This encounter in particular had been rather overdue and the time had finally come to welcome it with open jowls. He lifted his muzzle to the cold spring air, taking a few deep breaths before releasing an eerie song into the night. Kade Attaya, the Hollow's <i>chosen</i> patriarch, would be summoned at all and any costs. Perhaps it had been Borden's good luck to have avoided the dark leader for this long, to seem at the very least anything like a <span class='word'>fugitive</span> servant under his reign, but now the displaced leader of Grizzly Hollow had returned to reclaim what he had lost. To prove even further that only he alone could fill the place at Lady Jaysyek's side.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 30, 2012, 09:26 AM by Borden.)
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>The silver lined grasses of the clearing before him swayed in the current of the wind, though the world seemed frozen in time as the Lyall's song swept through the darkness.

Not so mcuh as a blink would be exhibited by the stoic figure, who clung to the peace of the serene scene he would be quick to leave behind. It had indeed only been a matter of time before this was to come, this <i>interaction</i> whose loose ends had left Grizzly Hollow ripped from its foundations. A brooding aggression had been wound so tightly inside of him, each coil slowly coming undone as winter languidly slipped from the land. To this point, the Attaya male had endured more sorrow and ridicule than he had a taste for, and he had yet to come to any one conclusion about how matters concerning he and Borden would eventuate.

But <i>one</i> thing was certain. He <i>loved</i> Jaysyek, in <i>every</i> sense of the word, and wanted her to be <i>happy</i>, and not without everything she had ever dreamed. Now it was time to put this <i>shit</i> to rest.

Not even the silver of his thick coat was discernable as he glided throught he obscurity of night, attentively regarding the uneven ground of the thicket with agile steps. The rustling of dead foliage as it was swept from the damp earth was perhaps the only sound that would accompany him as he encroached on the Second's chosen battleground.

Though the brilliance of the moonlight served to illuminate the forest, he would not require it. Moist nostrils would flare as his adversary's scent filled the air, and the rough texture of his tongue would sweep over the ivory spectacles that had sealed the fates of many with distaste.

With the distance between Grizzly Hollow's fueding patriarchs <i>finally</i> closed, not even the end of the world would compare to the <i>monstrosity</i> that would take place here, should either man falter.</blockquote>

Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The Second's neck craned downward slightly, the fur along his shoulders rising into intimidating points. His ears drew forward at first, then flattened against his skull. His pale eyes narrowed. This was it... no going back... no more thoughts or planning. At this very moment, Borden was certain that once Kade arrived on the scene there would probably be no more time to prepare himself. The fury and jealousy that he still harbored within him roared and crackled as if a wildfire had sparked inside his rib cage.

His rounded ears flicked upward upon hearing someone approach and a vicious growl shattered the air with renewed vigor; his gaze instantly turning towards the direction from where the sound of his opponent had risen from. Borden's lips curled upward and he took a slow step forward, his tail waving proudly above his lower back. In the encounters prior to this ultimate confrontation, he had opted to take the offensive, to play on his diplomatic and corporeal skills; this time around, he felt he had to trust his instincts on choosing a more defensive tactic. For all he knew, Kade might have primed himself for this very hour; and, after all of Borden's time just brooding on it and <i>scrambling</i> his way up in rank, he very well knew he had to <span class='word'>caparison</span> himself with fearsome display if he was to be seen as the Attaya's contender.

He dug his claws into the cold earth as he tucked his chin slightly inward, releasing a threatening snarl. He might have conjured enough guile to <i>claim</i> breeding season for his own bloodline but it did not mean he was about to abandon the rest of his scheme. This... <i>chosen</i> leader would be <i>disposed</i> of first. Borden would not stand to see Grizzly Hollow flourish underneath any other's lord's reign. His muscles tensed, his lingering growl just daring his rival to attack.</blockquote>
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>His snarling could be heard before the Attaya's pale eyes would fall upon the back of Borden's figure as he stood in wait. A thin, bristling ridge would instinctually erect down the length of his spine as he emerged without hesitation from the shadow in utter silence. Despite the rage that had plagued him for months, he was absolutely <i>emotionless</i> now.

So this is what it had come to? It was almost as though he were meeting Borden for the first time, having never seen him in this...<i>light </i>before. It was an impressive front, and the Second was going to need <i>every</i> inch of intimidation, every ounce of energy, and <i>more</i> than his vicious snarling to contend with <i>this-</i> a man who, in <i>every</i> way, had <i>nothing</i> left to lose.

A cruel glare would sweep over the Lyall's features as he imagined just how he'd look after he'd flayed him alive - after he'd been made to look like Kade's insides must have.

His steps would stop just short of striking range, eyes locking to those of the man who, in some ways, had <i>already</i> won the only thing that was truly important.


It was no greeting, nor did the cold tone of his words hold any respect but for the hatred they shared.</blockquote>
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The moment a dark figure emerged from the shadows, the Renegade merely clenched his jaws, still flashing his teeth. He stared into Kade's moonlit eyes as the vibration in his throat quieted. The black-tipped tail at his back rose then curled back into place. The two syllables that made his name broke the silence but Borden did not return the sentiment. He plainly <i>glowered</i>... After all this time he had expected Kade to make a move - to have Elettra scold him, cue Raigo to fight for his rank back, to angrily lash out because Jaysyek's scent had subtly shifted - and, yet, here he was, just within reach; Borden could not even think of wasting his energy in striking first.

A snort sounded from his flared nostrils and he took a step back. Once again, he braced himself. It took him several seconds before he could find his voice... and something worthwhile to say. <b>"We both know the reason why we're here so let's make it quick,"</b> he hissed. A growl wove through the last few words but it curbed as he immediately added, <b>"And, I'm sure you know <i>exactly</i> what I'm after..."</b></blockquote>
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>The Lyall's words were quick, and the Attaya's reaction was <i>electric</i>.

A single bound closed the excuse of a space inbetween; the coal coated male gathered his weight, rolling it back upon the robust hind limbs that had sped him forward as he dropped his body low to the ground. The movement of his tail served only as a perfectly calibrated counterbalance, swaying little as his forepaws lifted to accomodate the strike that would be expertly aimed straight for Borden's dark featured face. A moment of calculation was all he needed to tuck his muzzle protectively over his throat and figure the angle before viciously striking downward from his position in an instant - a blow that, if not evaded (granted the limited space), would surely tear into the breadth of the grey-pelted wolf's snout.</blockquote>
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Slight PP(?), will edit if need be; and, sorry, kinda partial to Bord's face. 8c Typing in a hurry 'cause I've work in a few.</i>

<blockquote>As quickly as the dark male struck, the Lyall angled his face away with a snarl, though where Kade's muzzle was supposed to land was replaced by a hefty portion of Borden's neck. Sharp pain radiated from where teeth pierced his thinning winter pelt and, in return, the Second made to snap the other way. To make his own strike to whatever part of the Hollow Leader's body he could reach; there was no time whatsoever to <span class='word'>reconnoiter</span>, the possibility of snagging an ear or a part of the neck or shoulder would have to do. Anything to get the brute a good distance away in order for him to set the stage for a weightier attack.</blockquote>
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
I'd tried to leave it open ended, so the reply is just fine?

<blockquote>Borden's mindful action had been disconcerting in the slightest, as it was nearly all he wanted at the moment to rip his snarling face off, but nonetheless he'd managed to land a moderate blow to the side of his adversary's neck. The feel of the scattered strands of cream and grey hairs along his jaws and snout (residual from the strike) were like a trigger, churning ancient memories of confrontations long settled. The distinct taste of canine blood was revolting, and the miniscule splatter along the roof of his mouth did, at least for a moment, deter him long enough to compromise his defense; a bolting pain thundered through his shoulder and back as Borden's teeth sunk in. Like each of his battle marks had, in time the wound was sure to leave a minor scar somewhere beneath his charcoal hued fur. The assault had only served to fuel the fire, and with a clear mind the male quickly snapped quickly in the Lyall's direction, buying himself a moment to reposition. A hindleg was in reach, but he would hold back - from the corner of his eye he could see the Second's next move coming fast, and he couldn't fail to be ready...</blockquote>
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Amidst the snarling, while every fiber in Borden's being wanted to dismiss and possibly critically injure Kade, his mind was set alight with questions... even as his adversary's jaws snapped dangerously close to him. The last two clicks of his jowls managed to snag parts of his pelt which jolted Borden further onto his train of thought. Though he had physically readied himself to strike out, he snorted repress a fresh growl that was building in his throat. His lips remained curled to show off a menacing display of teeth; his nose and muzzle continued to twitch as the dark man took up a better stance. <b>"What's it to ya?"</b> he spat, eyeing Kade demandingly. <b>"WHO'RE YOU TO DEFEND JAYSYEK FROM ME?!"</b> The words came out gruffly with the air of a leader's tone; and, although the Lyall dared to waste the time he could have spent in aiming for a piece of Kade's hide, he braced himself for an answer - physical or verbal.</blockquote>
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Pardon me.

<blockquote>What a pompous, <i>self-righteous asshole.</i>

It was clear that Borden did <i>actually</i> have some things to say after all, though the first few words from his loud, demanding mouth nearly went in one bloody ear and out the other. His own muscles throbbed in waves as the dark figure stood nose to nose with his enemy, and in a few, <i>extraneous</i> moments of <i>civility</i>, he had no problem subjectively answering the would-be leader's <i>ridiculous</i> and irritatingly rhetorical inquiry.

<i>"What's it to ya? WHO'RE YOU TO DEFEND JAYSYEK FROM ME?!"</i>

To him it was only <i>every little, single fucking thing</i> that made his life a shred of the living hell it was before he'd met Jaysyek. It was - <i>she</i> was, and is - <i>everything</i> he gave two shits about. And <i>yes</i>, he <i>loved</i> her, but it was never his intention or desire to straggle her from her other half, this ugly, snarling psychopath with the pale glare. She was <i>depressed, alone, struggling</i> for <i>so</i> long because of Borden, who he knew nothing about until he'd resurfaced. Jaysyek had never mentioned a mate, until he'd already returned to Grizzly Hollow, leaving his disgusting scent strewn across it. For months upon months he'd seen the dischord in her broken eyes, and he'd <i>felt her hurt</i>, every time. Who didn't, or wasn't impacted in some way by Borden's irresponsibility?

So who was he to defend Jaysyek?

A <i>loyal, supportive, loving, friend</i> and companion, the one who <i>actually was there</i> for her when she felt alone and abandoned and hurt. Yes, <i>Kade</i> was the one to watch the tears well and drip from her heavy eyes, the one to keep her safe, <i>to keep her children safe</i> - <i>not</i> Borden, until now, apparently. Though he knew full and well that he was no leader of Grizzly Hollow, he would be, and was, for <i>Jaysyek</i>, because she needed <i>someone</i>; he endured day after day of ridicule and judgment <i>only</i> because of her. Everything he is was because of her, and he owed her absolutely <i>everything</i> he had to give. <i>That's who in the fuck Kade was</i>.

Though his posture remained tensed and ready, the snarl on his muzzle would fade into a dark, stern glare. Borden had certainly <i>earned</i> his mate and pack back over the previous weeks, but did he truly deserve any of it, or this position that would rectify his true return to power? <i>Could</i> he be the leader, father, and husband that his family, and this pack needed? Was Borden the man Kade believed he could be, somewhere behind that...disturbing, ugly mug?

His next words were slow, crude, and <i>deadly</i> serious.

<b>"I am the one who was there when <i>you were not</i>. <i>I</i> am the man who held <i>your</i> shit together when <i>you</i> had <i>failed</i>. <i>I</i> am the man who would not let her fall, and <i>you did</i>."</b> He was trembling now. The rage, the hatred, the bitterness were exploding from every outlet, but his burning silver eyes smoldered upon Borden Lyall with an ironclad resolve.

<b>"Borden, <i>you</i> are <i>everything</i> she needs. <i>Quit fucking around and be </i>that<i> man</i>, for Jayse, and for the kids. <i>For Grizzly Hollow</i>."</b> <i>For me</i>. <b>"You are <i>strong</i>, and the past does <i>not</i> have to define the path of your future."</b>

With a heavy sigh the Attaya would raise his head high, not having taken an eye from the man who was in the spotlight now, and his tail would lower from above his back to a slightly elevated position. He was done fighting; even if he wanted to rip Borden's eyes out for being a jerk, he would refrain in hope that, somehow, the Lyall would <i>open his eyes</i> to the reality that, now, <i>they all needed him</i>.</blockquote>