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Investigation — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Snarley who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elsa Keturah
The sight of the doe being forced onto the ground built her adrenaline further. She no longer felt the stings and sores of her travel and raced to the side of the deer, her lips pulled back in a silent snarl. Elda waited while he killed her, her gaze darting back for the fawn but she let it dart past after the other does, where it would likely become adopted. She had seen it happen before. Allowing it to grow would only bring more food later. She enjoyed the silence between them, though she couldn't tell what the dark wolf was thinking. It was too good. She had missed the companionship of someone to hunt with and it was as though being alongside a brother, though a rather quiet and worried and tired brother. Elda looked at him and wondered if she would meet him again.

He was tucking into the side of the deer, making room for her. She joined him and eagerly ate. With the taste of meat, her stomach roared its discomfort. She was far hungrier than she had allowed herself to think about. The silence continued for a while only interrupted by the sound of bones crunching or meat being ripped free. She ate until her stomach bulged and she just couldn't anymore. The starvation she had suffered from had led her to overeat, afraid of the possibility of many more weeks without food. With a round belly, she swayed over the carcass and then finally turned to walk into a patch of sunlight. She stretched out onto her side and splayed her legs, her eyes half-opened as she watched the stranger.

<b>"I'm glad you came along, though not about your situation of course. I'll be set for at least four or five days now."</b> She wriggled another stretch out of her and lay still again. Soon she'd get up and walk away from the carcass, she didn't want to stick around for the scavengers, but for now she'd let her stomach settle. <b>"I'm Elda."</b>

Elda rolled onto her back and dangled her paws over her chest. She grunted and sighed, closing her eyes and feeling the somewhat uncomfortable and very delightful feeling of her stomach digesting the food. She wondered what it would be like if she were prey. Would it be a life filled with terror? How was it that they still managed to live their lives and grow? They went about life and forgot. They had just lost a member of their family but they had moved on and would take in her fawn and be cautious for a while before forgetting. Were they just dumb? Elda smiled a little at her thoughts, which were a tangle of nonsense, and nearly chuckled. Instead she shifted and looked over at the stranger, wondering what his name could be.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

Someday you'll find me...

The gold and silver lady made her way back towards her home, goat skin full of herbs and hints of Triell still settled on her tawny cloak. The young Tainn had given her much to think on, but her optimism was winning out. None of it could really be as bad as all that. Emotions sometimes blew things out of proportion. She was convinced they would all settle down and everything would be just fine. If only she knew the half of it.

So preoccupied with her own thoughts, she would have walked straight by the pair were it not for the overpowering scent of fresh deers blood. That usually meant a predator of some sort so she took a moment to shift through all the scents it could possibly be. She was almost relieved when she picked up the scent of her mate, although a little on edge when it mingled with that of a strange female. Could it be? No.

Picking her way at a steady pace, but not nearly the lengthened strides of a lope, Naira trundled along, full white furred satchel swaying in rhythm with her steps. As she the scent of her mate grew stronger her head dropped and ears folded back, the tip of her tail swaying tentatively. She didn't approach him at the kill, instead dropped her gatherings and greeted him with a small anxious whine. She was caught, no denying it. Best to act meek and beg for forgiveness.

Her eyes fell on the lighter smaller female with kindness in her eyes, but her ears flicked forward and her tail raised on instinct. Who was this girl and could she offer them anything? It was the way her mind automatically took in all new wolves now. She needed her family to be strong so her pups would thrive. Clearly the girl could hunt but there had to be more to her than that.

Caught beneath the landslide...

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>The food went down a treat, but he didn’t gorge himself. He had to keep on the move and couldn’t afford to sleep it off as he would normally, so it wasn’t long before he was finished. He didn’t take his leave right away though, he didn’t eat too much but he still had to let it digest a bit before he could press on. In that time she took her share, well deserved with how she had singled out the animals and picked the right moment to strike, without her he wouldn’t have done the task himself.

He’d been ready to move on as she took her last bite and then turned to speak to him. She looked content, full to the brim- clearly she needed that meal. He thought briefly back to when he had met Ava, how he too had hunted for her, it was almost amusing how he kept finding himself in the same situation. Find a starving female, feed her to health and move on. Though when he had moved on last time however, Ava had followed and was now a member of his pack.

<b>”Likewise. I needed a meal to hit the road again. So thank you Elda.”</b> he said, genuinely grateful that he had run into the stranger who would help him on his way. A few steps were taken, backing away to give her speak to settled as she dropped to her back. Her guard exposed- it was curious to him how she could suddenly feel so relaxed to bare her fleshy belly to a near stranger. He didn’t have time to give her a safety lecture, he had to move on and find his female and with a grunt, he turned to leave... and walked smack bang into the very female he had been tracking down.

Her whine hit his ears, making him both feel sick with relief and anger. Where the hell had she been?! A growl escaped his lips and he was unable to contain the snap of anger he made towards her nose. <b>”Where the fuck have you been?!”</b> he suddenly snorted before taking in a deep scent. The mark was unmistakable on her... <b>”Triell... You sneak away from me, risk the young to see Triell?!”</b> Fury bubbled within him. How could she had been so stupid to run away and then mingle with him?! Honestly. She must be a complete and utter moron.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Snarley who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elsa Keturah
The decision to find a place to sleep for several hours had already been made. She would leave the carcass to scavengers and curl up somewhere until she was ready to move on. She was in no condition to run into a bear, though she was sure she could still outrun it. Her stomach worked pleasantly on digesting the food and she turned to look at the stranger as he backed away from her. Her mouth was open to ask him his name when she spotted the female behind him, dropping her bag of plants. Surprise shot through her like fire and she rolled onto her stomach, her ears up and nose working at her scent.

And then she noticed the stranger's reaction. The tension that swept over his body affected her and she tucked her ears somewhat uncertainly. She was half-standing, mostly stiff legs and posture making it clear she wasn't sure if she should say anything. His snap towards the female's nose drew her up to a sitting position and she wondered if eating so much had been a good idea. Even if she were to do something, she would be somewhat ungainly and ineffective. She tucked her head, unconsciously not wanting to draw attention to herself but still wanting to do something to get rid of the anger.

Of course this was the female he had been looking for. She was large and quite beautiful. That she was pregnant surprised Elda. Were they Alphas? The fur on the back of her neck rose. The stress and anger he was feeling was suddenly understood. He had been beyond his wits and energy worrying after his pregnant alpha female. Her head was up and ears focusing on the pair of them, anxiety stirred in her belly.

She was suddenly concerned and protective of the pregnant female. Her instincts swarmed to assist and defend. But she was a stranger and she was aware that any action on her part during this confrontation would be seen as an unwelcome interruption and she would likely get her own nose snapped at if she were to get in the middle of it. So instead she eased forward a few paces and sat down passively, attentive and waiting for the opportunity to help smooth things into something less aggressive and upsetting.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Don't mind out dysfunctional relationship XP

Wake up the dawn and ask her why...

With his vicious snap her head jerked backward, ears flicked forward and her own teeth began to peel back from pearly whites. With each word that spilled from his mouth her hackles inched higher and higher. "Clearly, I've been gathering. I did not sneak, I set out with purpose and you were nowhere to be found, just like the rest of them." she snapped back with equal fury. Her demeanor shifted quickly though and the next words from her mouth were spoken far softer. "I didn't even go near the River, Triell just stumbled across me while I was collecting willow..." That part was complete truth. She had had no intentions of running into any wolves.

Their arguing was clearly making the other wolf nervous, and although she had hunted with Rhysis, it was almost as if she gravitated toward Naira herself. A small smile crossed her face as she assessed the woman. Close to her own age, a little on the scrawny side, but then which of the Poison Path wolves wasn't? She seemed... gentle. A raised brow quirked at her mate as if to question Been picking up strays again love? She knew she could not avoid the consequences of her venture, but perhaps they could be postponed for now, in the face of a potential recruit? "What brings you to these lands?" she questioned the earthy toned female inquisitively, padding closer and settling herself on her haunches, taking a moment to relax. It was still a long walk back to their home.

A dreamer dreams, she never dies...

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
I’m gonna pull him out here and let him go brooding somewhere; Naira is much nicer to talk to. xD

<blockquote>Poor Elda had been all but forgotten as Rhysis continued his rant. She’d gone picking flowers. Honestly, she was an utter fool. He could only imagine what had caused her to go out alone, without telling anyone and thinking it was perfectly acceptable to run into the wolves who were after them. No wait, after him, for it seemed the entire blame lay squarely at his paws, but whatever, he was a big boy and he could take it, what he couldn’t take was if Naira got hurt, taken or worse, killed. <b>”What did I say about leaving alone? You didn’t even tell anyone where you were going. It wouldn’t have killed you to wait until you found someone to go with you if you insist on picking fucking flowers.”</b> he continued again, ignoring the flash of her ivories and the raising of her hackles; if she wanted to challenge him on this she could, and he would put her in his place. He was so angry right now he would quite happily drag her all the way back home by her tail if she continued to protest.

What made him even angrier was that she then had the nerve to look past him, stick on a smile and look over to Elda. He had forgotten her presence completely but glancing to her now and seeing just how uncomfortable she looked, he felt a tad guilty. She had been most helpful in all ways, even if she didn’t have any real information, and now she was witnessing two leaders and their dysfunctional relationship at its best. The fact that Naira chose to drop the argument like that prickled at his senses, he wanted to shout and snap but there would be no getting through to her. Everything he said to her went in one ear and out of the other. He wasn’t going to waste his breath anymore and if she wanted to stay out and get herself killed, then so be it. He was through of saving her arse if she was only going to turn around and put herself back into the path of danger again in a few days time.

Looking back to his female, he snorted. <b>”Whatever. I hope your stupid flowers and Triell, were worth it. I'm sure the young will be thrilled to know just how little you value their lives.”</b> he snapped before he walked off in the direction of home.

(This post was last modified: Apr 12, 2012, 02:41 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Snarley who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elsa Keturah
<i>Why? This is such a fantastic thread. :D </i>

Elda let her head droop somewhat as they argued and she glanced time to time toward a deer path that would be easy to follow. She was far too wound up to take that long nap she'd been thinking about now. She jumped as she caught Naira looking at her and lifted her ears as she went past her mate to sit before her conversationally. Uncertainly she looked between the stranger she had hunted with and his mate, unsure if she would be blamed for the interruption. She laid her ears back passively and remained as calm as she could. Elda said nothing but watched and listened as the male snapped angrily at Naira before walking away.

When he was gone, she looked at Naira and carefully considered what she would say. <b>”I ran into your mate an hour or so past. I have been traveling for a couple of months. He was stressed and looking for you so I decided to help him. But he hadn't eaten for a while, neither had I, so we decided to get some food.”</b> She paused and looked directly at the larger female. <b>”I'm telling you this because he was nearly dropping from stress and exhaustion. Perhaps he is overprotective, I do not understand the situation, but it seems there are enemies after you or him. I would like to go with you when you make your way home. I believe that he will likely regret leaving you here alone. I can help.”</b>

She was set then. While it was going to be a mess getting involved with a problematic pack, she knew that she had the ability to help and make a spot for herself with them. She would meet the others and figure out what place she would claim and she would keep an eye on her pregnant pack leader. Elda stood suddenly and looked at Naira affectionately. <b>”Congratulations on your puppies. I am sure you are very excited. I've never had any myself but I have helped care for a few litters. I just... well, you can trust me. Oh, and my name is Elda Keturah.”</b> She bumped her nose sweetly toward the alpha's cheek and wagged her tail encouragingly. <b>”I'm sure everything is going to be fine.”</b>
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote> Rhysis’ words may as well have fallen on the grass beneath her paws for the attention she gave them. She knew they were both stubborn creatures, and it was merely his worry that was making him seem so harsh. She wondered what the other tawny wolf would think of her mates small tantrum. It cause a small grin to paint itself on her face. Once again, they would argue, then make up, and everything would be peaceful for a while. As disfunctional as they seemed, she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

The tiny smile continued to dance in her eyes as she listened to Elda’s story. It would appear this may be far easier than she initially thought. It seemed as much as she willed warriors for her pack, she was gathering carers. All the better though. If there were others who could look after her pups she could fight to protect them herself. <b>”I don’t suppose you are looking for a home Elda? Although if you are, you may have some questions first, and now would be the time to ask them.”</b></blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Snarley who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elsa Keturah
Elda was somewhat disappointed as much of what she said fell to the ground. Confused, she eyed the grinning she-wolf. Why was she in such a good mood? And why didn't she reply to anything else she said? Like the switching of the wind, her mood suddenly changed and her face hardened. She looked on the pregnant she-wolf with diminished respect. Perhaps it was because their personalities differed but Elda was not impressed with the way the supposed Alpha was handling the situation with her mate. The desire to join their pack ebbed into a memory and she recalled that she would have many options available to her. That she had been so willing to throw her paws in with these two strangers surprised her. She knew nothing about them.

With a full belly and a sharp glance at Naira, she said, <b>"Yes, I am looking for a home. I suppose you should head back to your lands, but I will be leaving now. I have many miles to travel today. I hope that your problems are solved easily."</b> And she did care. The disappointment that she felt soured her belly and she longed to sleep away her sudden bad mood. She wanted the she-wolf to have it well but Elda couldn't commit herself to protecting a leader she couldn't respect.

She stood and left the clearing along a deer path, her long legs eating up the distance easily. Her ears were turned backwards in case she was followed, but she did not look back.

exit : Elda
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>A puzzled look crossed the tawny ladies face. She had listened to the other lady and had little to comment on, her story was so like so many others. It had been her mate she had been ignoring, he had a tendency to stress over nothing and she wouldn't let it drag her down. But the strange loner was treating her like a criminal. With a roll of her eyes and a shake of her head she collected her goat skin and picked up her pace to try and catch up with Rhysis, wondering if she had been one of the crazy females of which he was always referring to. If there were crazy women on the prowl he was bound to attract them and he hardly seemed to be in the mood to deal with them civilly right now.</blockquote>

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]