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ceasefire — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
Remy had barely placed her paws back on the ground when the male completed his roll and leapt back to continue. Her mossy eyes were vivid and alert, tail swishing behind her as she watched him closely. It didn't take him very long to regain his breath and to lunge for her again. Instead of immediately leaping away, Remy held, waiting to see what he was aiming for. Jaws parting wide, he was once more coming toward her front half - she half-bristled to think he was going to rip out more off her hair, and then quickly tried to reverse the reaction. But instead of heavy combat he leaped, jaws chomping on one of her red ears as he sailed overhead.

Remy whirled as quickly as her large body could to face him as he came back to the ground, charging forward. She would come immediately in front of him and quickly duck her head slightly, with her nose attempting to bump the bottom of his chin. There was only enough force in the action to cause his jaws to click together - an unpleasant surprise of an uppercut - but not enough to do legitimate damage or cause a lot of pain. With a little laugh she would back up immediately and watch him, slightly crouched, to see how he would retaliate.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
The male could only hope that he had gotten the female's ear. As he quickly turned his body back towards her, his tongue hanging out, he didn't have time to comperhend what was happening before Remy was in front of him and with a swift uppercut of her nose Ash didn't have enough time to get his tongue back in, and the loud click of his jaws infered that the female had definitely gotten him. The taste of metallic was in his mouth and he quickly spat as if to get rid of the taste. Watching the female, slightly light-headed, he saw her back up and crouch down, laughing! THe little bitch was laughing.

With a quick shake of his head he lunged for the female again and using his hind legs he pushed forward and onto his back side, using his momentum to propel him forward, under the female, clawing at her belly. He could only hope that the quick attack had succeeded before he spun back around on his belly and propeled himself out from underneathe her only hoping that he could get out before she decided to sit on him.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
Remy's intention had never been to get a rise out of the male, but seeing that she had didn't in any way displease her. Eagerly awaiting his next move she swayed on her feet. For a wolf of such size she at least understood the importance of being quick on her toes, although 'quick' was a word only the most generous would use to lie about her ability to speed. Her strengths lay entirely in strength and endurance - she could fight for a good amount of time in close range, the ideal wolf to be a guardian or warrior, although she had difficulty keeping up with the fleeting herds of deer and could be outfoxed by those with crafty little paws and a smaller body. Luckily, Ash was not that sort of wolf. A quick once-over with her pale green eyes told her he was a great piece of work just like she, which she much preffered to scrap with; there was more wrastling usually and less sneaky, sharp attacks.

He charged and slid to get beneath her. Remy lifted herself off her front paws to make her stomach more difficult to get at, but she felt the rake of his claws on her delicate underbelly nonetheless and responded to it with a fierce snarl. She wouldn't allow him the time to crawl out from under her, and instead let her entire body weight drop down to the ground, attempting to catch him while he was trying to roll from his back to his front and escape. As long as she made contact with any form of his body, she would press all her weight down and her large jaws would part, snapping to grab a hold of some form of skin. She did not intend to break any and draw a bleed, just to grab a good hold. She would go from there.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
The male had mistaken his goals and was too late for the female's weight crashed down on his back paw before he quickly found the snapping of the female's jaws on his back paw. With a fierce snarl he trashed his legs and used his other back leg (the one that wasn't caught under him) to try and push the female off of him. He didn't mean to make contact with her face and if he did then he didn't mean to rake it too hard. With a small growl he continued to push, he had to get his paw free.

With a blink of his eyes it started to rain coating his pelt in heavy water. His thick fur clung to his pelt as he continued to try to shake the female. This scrimage was about to turn interesting. Ash didn't exatly favor the rain, his mood was starting to take a very sharp turn.

((Sorry for short reply, I'm having a writers block moment with Ash right now.))
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
(its alright!)

Remy only held on to the paw for a second, taking the first swing of his leg without offense. It was a rough kick, but he was a large male - <i>gentle</i> fighting wasn't easy for big creatures. Then she endured the second kick, and the third, before her face became sore and she let him free with a dark snarl. Instantly she backed up, tensed on her feet. Dark lips pulled back to reveal her sharp teeth, nose wrinkled while her ears pulled back. The fur on the back of her neck was steadily rising, following her dark-tipped tail. The rain didn't bother her temper like it was doing for Ash, though her blood was boiling at a similar rate without the addition of an irritant. "<b>Fuck is your problem?</b>" She snapped, stepping forward and puffing out her chest. Well, she had only intended to <i>converse</i> without words but now it seemed they were arguing. Cold eyes were locked on to the male as if he were prey. Should he advance, Remy would rise to fight him off - she was damn angry now, and a little blood on her tongue might very well soothe her. But if he backed off, she'd take it as well. Truthfully she didn't plan on turning their scuffle into violence, and she wouldn't - it was his decision now.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
The male had accidently kicked the female more than he had intending to do so and he had definitlely pissed her off. He had let the rain get to his mind and he did not realize what he had been doing and had accidently "hurt" the other wolf. With a wince he watched as her face wrinkled up and he bared her canines at him, how attractive. Tilting his head slightly he watched her actions carefully to make sure she didn't attack. Her words registered in his mind slowly.

With a irritated growl he muttered, "It's the damn rain, sorry." He didn't argue with the female, he was okay with a scrimage, but he didn't like arguing with female's they were always so hormonal. Though he couldn't really say that out loud for HE was the only one being hormonal at the moment, but he couldn't fight with female's it just wasn't his manner. He honesly hadn't known what side of the family he had gotten it from. The male quickly crouched down in a defensive position just in case Remy would attack.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
(lmao at his hormonal comment!)

The first thing to go were her shining teeth, lips slowly relaxing to cover the most threatening sign in her angered stance. While the drops of water fell gently on her thick fur she surveyed the male wolf, who didn't seem so malicious in intent as he had a moment earlier. None the less she remained tense on her large paws, hackles risen as high as they could go. Remy nearly spat at his excuse - the <i>rain</i>?! Really! What could possibly be so excruciatingly irritating about the rain? She reared her head and stared him down, although there was less of that dirty stare in her eyes this time. The female didn't speak at all for a few moments, allowing her vicious temper to recede and her boiling blood to cool down. He'd been a decent wrestle, at the least, although thinking about his foot raking her face was less than pleasing. She still couldn't make out if she could approbate him just yet.

Finally she snorted and shook her head, turning immediately away from Ash. The pale she-wolf loped through the grasses to a settlement of a few bushes and two tall trees a couple of yards away from the creekside where they had brawled. Stepping beneath the blanket of leaves, she shook the rainwater away from her body and glanced at the male. "<b>Are you coming or what.</b>" She questioned so stalely it was almost a statement. Regardless of its tone, she had attempted politeness, which said a great deal for Remy.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Ash watched the female carefully as she relaxed slightly, second by second. Remy looked slightly irritated with his answer, but it was true, he was pissy because of the rain, he acsolutely hated the rain. With slightly disappointment she watched as she turned away from him, shaking her head and shaking her pelt as she got under the umbrella of leaves. Luckily there was something to dry off under. Her next question shocked him, the female wasn't being a bitch anymore, thank the high heavens.

Following the female under the leaves he shook himself, water droplets flying everywhere as he did so. His now dried fur stuck up in places, giving him the image of looking bigger than he really was, due to his thick hair. WIth an annoyed snort he sat down quickly, licking his fur back to the way it would have been originally.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
Happily avoidant of Ash's own water droplets, Remy picked a spot of cool, dry grass and lowered herself to her white belly. Scrapping had made her heat up so the dry ground and gentle green blades were soothing to lay upon. Fidgeting around she made herself comfortable, lowering her head to lay upon her large paws. So close to the ground her dark nose picked up on the rich scent of the earth brought out by the falling rain, whose scent complemented the grassy area. Relaxation showed in her moss-colored eyes, staring across at the creek as it began to ripple from the falling water. Remy remained like that, silent for a while, enjoying herself as if she were sufficiently alone. In fact she forgot about the other male's presence for a while, until her wandering eyes roved across the terrain and fell upon him once more.

She snorted a little laughter at his mussed up fur as he was grooming it, not caring to notice she was likely similarly disheviled from wrestling with him. Her gaze flickered from him back on to the calming scene in front of her. Remy wasn't likely to press for more information from the guy. He seemed pretty damn irritated and would likely just irritate her the same if she asked him questions he wasn't interested in answering at the time. Her red ears remained vigilant in case he said anything, though she wouldn't blame him if he didn't.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
After he had groomed himself to look as normal as he possibly could he settled himself across from Remy, his dark green eyes surveying her closely. He should apologize for kicking her so harshly but how to say it. He wasn't one to apologize much, but this was a srimage, not a regular fight. Going over his answer once more in his head he spoke slowly, "Apologies for kicking your face so hard, I got carried away." The male had definitely gotten carried away with the small scuffle.

Turning his head to the side slightly he watched the small creek water flow waiting for the female's response. He didn't expect the white lady to answer him, she just didn't seem like the typeto accept things like this easily. His eyes slightly drooped as he stared, giving him the impression of an exhausted wolf. CLosing his eyes slightly as he thought silently to himself, for a moment completely forgetting the other wolf across from him.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.