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blue spotted tail — Swift River 
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Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
<blockquote>Uncle Triell took off, and Hael followed close at his heels— and then, noticing that he was doing exactly that, gave the leader of their little expedition some breathing room. Hael took up the rear, his big nose probing the ground for any sort of scent. Mostly it was Uncle Triell's scent, so he strayed off to the right somewhat, noting that following directly behind another wolf wasn't the best way to track scents that weren't of that wolf. Occasionally he glanced at his darker relative, his brain a sponge for his every action; as Triell nosed high and low, Hael imitated him, noticing for the first time that scents were literally <i>everywhere.</i> There were a few that caught his attention, but his glances at Uncle Triell told him that they probably weren't important...

...And then, Hael picked up on one that was different. It was strong, salty, and fresh— blood, he just knew it! His uncle had stopped presumably for the same reason, and Hael's bright orange gaze practically bore into him as he suppressed the urge to ask, <i>Do you smell what I smell?</i> Of course, he knew he had to keep silent, because whatever it was was around here somewhere. Slowly, the kid crept forward, gaze searching through the trees for the source of the smell, but only forest seemed to surround them in all directions. His lead having come to a halt, he looked back over his shoulder at his uncle in slight confusion, ready to follow him once again Where <i>was</i> this thing?</blockquote>
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

The wolf way was by example, and Triell prayed he was being a good one to all of his brother's pups. It was one of his top worries, but he tried not to fret to much. It was hunting, and he'd like to think he'd come a long way to lead Rihael in the wrong direction. In fact, it was probably one of the best things he could do if not counting to swim. Momentarily he had a brilliant idea to take them, when the summer heat crowded in. He kept this to himself, thinking he would need their parents permission if not one or both chaperoning the ordeal. He was kinda hopeful they might like it. He really needed someone else who enjoyed the water. Kinis, and Volkan did not live close enough. As his nose worked quicker he found himself anticipating for something to chase.

Once and awhile he'd pretend to casual look at a spot ahead when he was really watching Hael's actions. He was at work, and Triell flashed him a proud smile. One day he would be a mighty River wolf, and he would live to see the day. He was very impressed by how mature the lad had become over the time they'd been tracking. He hardly made a sound, and he did not let his nose choose where he was headed. Just as he'd hoped he found the blood trail. The lad's orange eyes became more intense, and he appeared quite eager to find the wounded creature. Really they should. Whatever it was would not likely make it through the winter with injury. When his nephew scurried ahead he did not scold, but was going to let him lead. He didn't seem certain, and Triell strode forward. "There'll be more blood, keep sniffing," he whispered into the boy's ear, aware they were on a young elk's trail.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
Hmmm should we wrap this one up soons? I just noticed the date of the first post :x
<blockquote>Hael took the advice of his uncle, his nose returning to the ground as he took a few more steps forward. The wintry land was cold, and yet the kid's blood felt hot in his veins. Excitement was settling in, and he fought to keep his tail still and his posture low to the ground— he knew it was important to stay out of sight as best he could. Finally, after moving forward a little more, he found the scent again— stronger, this time! With a grin, he glanced back at his uncle, then returned to the scent again.

Gradually he picked up speed, his confidence growing, until his swift pace carried him to a halt. His ears perked as a low groaning sound sounded from nearby, and he immediately froze, staring ahead. There... there it was...! A weird sort of animal he hadn't seen before, but it looked like it had enough meat on it to feed a lot of wolves, or so he thought. It was bleeding, as the smell of its blood was thick on the air now, but he couldn't tell where it was injured. But it also looked big, and maybe dangerous. Could he and uncle Triell bring it down, or would it be too risky? Hael wasn't sure, but he was captivated, his heart thumping in his chest. Resisting the urge to look back at his uncle and ask what this thing <i>was</i>, he simply stared at it, hoping it wouldn't notice him from the short distance at which he stood.</blockquote>
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>I was thinking that :) if you want to end it next? rather them leaving/killing the elk works for me.</i>

    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Triell paced himself in steady motion behind Rihael, his own eyes wide, and ears alert to the sounds of the forest. They had to be careful, a cow elk could be near by guarding her young. Or a small herd could be near by. Nothing was worth endangering themselves over. There was no calls from mothers, and no tromping feet. His own heart would not be still, it was as rapid as their swift movements. He half grinned to the youngster, relatively pleased whether they ate or not this was another lesson to the Tainn's teachings.

The groan had Triell's thick muscle tightening into knots, and he glided forward to stand beside Hael. Both their eyes seemed to go to the injured elk at the same time. The younger Tainn had never laid eye upon an elk he realized, and briefly pulled his eyes to try to gauge the lad's reactions. It was with an awe respect he seemed to take the creature in, hopefully realizing it could easily pose a threat. The strong scent of blood made his mouth water, and his senses wanted to push him to make the kill. It was the logic side which held him next to Hael still wondering if their were companions nearby. When his black nostrils flared there was only the one elk.

"I don't think he can get up, but it's best to be quick before he knows what's happening. He looks.....miserable," Triell wasn't sure how often Hael had killed, but thought the idea of putting the prey out of it's misery might help. He often had a hard time when they didn't run. "You ready? I'll be right there beside you.." The young Tainn could try and if he couldn't, or needed help Triell would be there to finish the job. His muscles tightened ready to fly beside the boy.

(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2012, 02:33 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
Short, I gotsta go to class :c You can respond or archive, whatevs :]
<blockquote><i>"He looks.....miserable,"</i> Uncle Triell told him quietly, and Hael agreed. The thing seemed to be clinging to its life. He imagined how cold it must be, alone in the dead of winter, already having lost so much blood. Yet the pang of sympathy he felt for the poor creature was underscored by his hunger, and by the idea that they were going to <i>kill</i> it. It was exciting— so this would be his first real kill after all of something this big— but it made him nervous.

At his uncle's reassurance, he nodded, orange eyes narrowing on his prey. The familiar instinct of a hunter filled him, though this time it was stronger than ever before. This thing was bigger than he was. He knew it wouldn't be that dangerous, especially with his uncle's help, but... <i>Here goes nothing,</i> he told himself, muscles tensing in preparation for the launch, just like he'd practiced on bugs before...

Suddenly he was off, and like a spring, he shot through the bushes, perhaps gaining a little more air than he meant to. But being in the cold air felt amazing, and he seemed to fly in slow motion toward the creature, who turned to notice him much too late. And then— impact. Landing square on top of the thing, he wondered what to do for a split second before realizing he needed to try, however he could, to end the thing's life. So, jaws closing in on its neck, he bit down as hard as he could. But he needed Triell's help. It felt like ages, but soon, the beast stopped its weak struggling, and the life seemed almost to leave it.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 19, 2012, 04:04 PM by Rihael.)
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