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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi walked shyly up next to Ruiko and drank some of the water. He listened to his leaders answer of the rocks before replying. "It makes the water taste different." After voicing that thought he looked up at the mountain that Ruiko said was called Mountain of Dire. It didn't sound like a safe place to be or look like a good place either but yet he said there used to be a pack there. "How did a pack live there? It looks dangerous." It didn't answer what had happended to the pack though. What could of happened to the pack to make it no longer exist.

"If you don't mind me asking sir, what happened to the pack to make it not be there anymore." Realizing his mouth was still dripping after his drink he licked his muzzle dry. He must seem like an idiot to Ruiko, not knowing about all of this. He was sure that all the wolves in the pack already knew all of this maybe even the lone wolves. Thinking of him self made him <span class='word'>grouse</span> slightly at his uneducation.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The Leader remained silent as the wolf voiced his thought on the water – at first, he had thought so too, and had worried the taste had meant the water was unfit for consumption. Yet none had fallen sick, and within days the taste had become familiar to him – far more so than the clear waters of the Swift River pack which only fuelled the male’s possessive streak of his home; this was where he belonged now.

As the two wolves looked to the daunting mountain, Ruiko’s tail gave a flick of amusement. He had been surprised when Honijo had claimed the steep heights as his home as well, but his uncle had been nothing but hardcore, and Ruiko had only admired him all the more for it. Wherever he had disappeared to, the Tainn could only hope he had found peace since his sister’s death.

The tawny male nodded, indicating Kashikoi should continue to follow him as he skirted near the base of the sloping mountain. The foliage that stretched before them would fill soon with spring’s entrance, and the regal wolf looked forward to seeing their land flourish green. “From my understanding, the alpha female disappeared one night shortly after she birthed. Quickly after that, a cougar attacked the small pack, and the alpha male sacrificed himself for his pack and children.” There was a small pause before his shoulders lifted in a shrug, recalling the days when Alexander had been the only other leader in Relic Lore besides himself, when he had lead Swift River. “The pack was disbanded and the pups were taken to the Hollow pack.”
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
After getting his fill of the metallic water he returned to Ruiko. It seemed as if the regal male had no reaction to Kashi's prior comments about the water. It seemed as if the large male had a great deal of dicipline in concealling his thoughts from others. Before he could dwell longer on those thoughts he was led toward the mountain of Dire. Kashi followed him obediently, this was the wolf in which he placed his life in. He knew that he would follow this wolf and his commands till the end.

As they came to the feet of the mountain of rock and stone Ruiko began his story of the pack that had lived there. It seemed like a tragic and short tail but true none the less. He felt as if there was more to the story that was being concealed but he didn't press for answers. Instead he asked a different question. "You seem to know alot about that pack Ruiko, why is that?"
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
As they continued their slower-paced walk, the tawny male cast a quick eye around, looking for anything of significance he should reveal to the youthful male. In truth, Copper Rock Creek was still being explored, and while he was beginning to know every crevice of his territory much as he had his birth pack and Swift River, it did not mean that there was much for him to show to the newcomer. Instead, the regal could only hope the Yearling took comfort to know where the pack borders lie, though he could easily scent them with his nose.

Kashikoi’s question was not a surprise to the large male, and Ruiko offered a shrug of his shoulders in turn. “I’ve lived in Relic Lore my whole life – there have only ever been five packs that fully settled here, and the Creek is the newest in that count.” For now, at least, until a newer pack would establish itself.. little did the male know, the valley would become shelter to the pack lead by a wolf he would quickly despise.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
It was clear to kashikoi now that he had much to learn. For now it seemed that this pack would teach him the things he needed to know about this once foreign land. From the fall where he first met Kano and Anyu he had a feeling that they would meet again and they had. Every gut instinct he had led to staying in this pack as long as it existed. Family, friends, that is what a pack was, not brutality and strength.

"Five packs...." He muttered this quitely to himself. How big was this land that he now called home. What was it that determined the end of Relic Lore and the beginning? What had the Five packs started as and where had the large male come from? He sniffed the air feeling the reasurance that the pack smells brought. "My old pack... It was nothing like this... The smell of the borders brought fear to me..."
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Thought we could fade this here since it's an older thread? Once you're ready/back to the game we can definitely have a newer one. <3 Thanks for the thread!

Ruiko cast a quick glance to the youthful male as he spoke of his old pack, and while the tawny wolf was certain the other wolf would explain what he meant, Ruiko did not pressure him for an answer. Generally a wolf of few words, the regal male would listen to his pack comrade if ever needed, but never would he lure him to answering personal questions unless need be.

With a nod, he rounded another corner, his ears swiveling at the light sounds of the forest and creatures around them. “The borders continue along this way,” he mentioned casually, his paws leading the way with ease from memory. The day would grow older as the two continued, and only when Ruiko felt the Creek’s newer recruit felt at home and comfortable would he bid the youth farewell before returning to his den once more to his mate.