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Friends in Holy Spaces — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
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Borlla Tainn-Argyris
even though i'm sure it's clear in the post, i want to point out that she isn't climbing the mountain. she's just at the base of it/around it. x3

Since Indru had shown her the mountain, she'd wanted to see it. This was as far as she'd gone by herself. But she decided to stick to her promise. Borlla would not climb the mountain. But she just really wanted to get a look at it. It was a lot more than a big gray hill though, like she'd seen it as from the Orchard. Now it was a huge, heaven-reaching mass of spiked and shelved rock that would kill you the moment you put a paw on it. Even if she hadn't made a promise, she wasn't sure she could even get to the first rock.

Insecurity picked at the back of her mind, but she tried to push it aside. She was only a few hundred yards away from the falls. She hadn't been there all that long ago. A few extra steps, that was all. A hawk cawed overhead, and she crouched in surprised fear, keeping herself low. She wasn't sure how much a threat that bird was too her, but the caw alone had frightened her. Even if it had been a little bird, she probably would have done the same thing.

She moved a bit closer to the base, and placed a paw on the cool, yet dangerous looking stone. Well, it didn't try to engulf her or pierce her. Leaning back, she could see a small out hang a few feet above her, creating a sort of shelter, minus the walls. A light drizzle began to fall, and Borlla was glad to have found such a dry space. The rain began to pick up, however, which caused her immense worry, but only for a short time. She could sort of see a patch of clear blue not far in the distance. She could go back home when the rain took a break. Hopefully she would be able to reach the forest before it picked up again.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Sabrina who has 45 posts.
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Hope you didn't mind if I join. (:
<blockquote>The mountains had always been a source of interest for the monochrome yearling, not because he was in awe of the majestic monolithic peaks powdered with frosted snow, but because he was determined to one day climb to the top just to show the world how great he was. But luckily for his well-being, Spooks was not foolish enough to climb the mountain yet, not even a fully-fledged adult quite yet. Not to mention the fact that he was rather small for his age (and would likely remain that size) but he didn't concern himself with thoughts of his diminutive stature.

Instead, Spooks recklessly traversed the mountain's base and was blessed with the extraordinary luck of making it unscathed as he zoomed about like a careening car with an intoxicated driver with a predilection of speed. As it began to drizzle slightly, Spooks stopped his energetic dash to stare up at the sky. Although he certainly didn't care about cleanliness or hygiene for the slightest, often caked in a mixture of mud, leaves, and various debris, Spooks didn't fancy getting wet at the time.

Bright green eyes roamed the fortress of rock and narrowed in on a small outcropping of the rock that would provide some shelter. Instantly he made a beeline for it, loping towards his soon-to-be shelter at an easy pace only to pause upon spotting a small creature - a puppy already there. How dare she take his space (even if there was enough room for the two of them)! "Hey! I saw this spot first!" he scowled at her, tail agitatedly lashing from side to side.</blockquote>
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
:D not at all.

Occasionally, while she waited for the patch of blue in the distance to approach, Borlla would outstretch her paw into the heavy drizzle. Her fur took on the appearance of thick brown wire, and she retreated back once more. Her long fur would quickly weigh her down in the rain, adding another reason to wait it out to her list. Not to mention it made her fur look icky. For a pup so small, she was already becoming concerned with the quality of her fur. Either that, or it was just worse when she really was aware of it. All those times where she'd roll through the dirt, well, her fur never came to mind. But she thought no more of her fur when another wolf approached, older than her, but looking about the same age as her sister Junai.

The wolf was irritated, but Borlla was less than phased. The words "stranger danger" hadn't been shoved into her easily influenced mind yet, or not enough, at least. Besides, he was no bigger than Junai, and Borlla wasn't afraid of her. "So? I was here first." She wiggled away from him, then looked down at the ground, carefully bringing her dark blue eyes back to him. "There's enough room for two. Unless you wanna fight about it. I'm dry, you're not." A delicate smile crawled across her muzzle as she spoke, as if she'd asked him if he wanted to have the whole mountain.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Sabrina who has 45 posts.
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<blockquote>The child appeared to be unfazed by his slightly hostile attitude and Spooks found himself rather annoyed with this pretentious pup. Briefly he contemplated picking her up to leave her somewhere higher on the mountain crags, but despite her current small size, Spooks didn't relish the idea of having to carry any dead weight up the rocky slopes. Still, he didn't at all appreciate her smug tone of voice and narrowed his eyes at her. "Watch your tone kid."

Then with a snobby huff, Spooks scooted himself into the place beside her. He glanced at the raining skies before turning his attention once more on the stranger with a frown across his face. "What are you doing here by yourself anyways? Don't you have any siblings or something?" The question was probably strange - normally one would have asked her if her parents were around. But Spooks didn't grow up in a conventional home to begin with. He never really had parents in the sense of the word except for his previous guardian, although granted he mostly spent time with his brothers and sister attempting to rule the other puppies of the packs.
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
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Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla simply flashed a pretty white smile at him, then rolled her eyes as he scooted in. Was everyone in Relic Lore like this? Other than her family, of course, she'd met some funny wolves. One that stuttered and barely spoke, and now there was this guy. He looked kinda cool, definitely a lot different than her, but he was a butthead. Borlla didn't have time for buttheads. As they both settled into their places beneath the rock, Borlla caught the rhythmic and calming pitter-patter of rain against the rock. It was pretty, and she nearly stuck her paw out again, but the funny-looking stranger decided to quiz her.

His frown was met with one of her own, which then twisted into an indifferent line and a shrug, "I wanted to look at the mountain. My big brother said he'd take me up there one day. It didn't look so big from the Orchards, but...it definitely is," Her neck craned around, trying to get a look at the face of the mountain without getting wet. It was a failed attempt, and she retreated before she lost an eye. "I have loads of brothers and sisters. My two littermates though, Kinis and Triell, well, they're not very fun. I'm the boss, and they like to argue and whine, and blah blah blah." She wobbled as she spoke about her two closest-in-age brothers. Why would she ask them to come with her? They'd just ruin her fun. "I'm Borlla," She sniffled, nose wrinkling up as she looked up at the green-eyed stranger. There wasn't much friendliness in her voice, but there wasn't much of a reason for it to be there.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Sabrina who has 45 posts.
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<blockquote>So she was the boss? Hm. Now that Spooks thought about it, she did bear some resemblance to Shiver, minus the diva attitude. But while his sister enjoyed being around her siblings (or as she called them, subjects) it was mostly just to boss them around. Although Spooks disliked being yelled at and often took great pains just to annoy his sister for revenge, he still enjoyed being in the presence of his siblings. It was always more fun than being alone.

"I have a lot of brothers and sisters too," he remarked. Exactly how many siblings he had was a complete mystery for he only knew a handful of them. "Borlla? Huh. That's a weird name," he responded in a haughty fashion with an arrogant tilt of his head. It had taken him a while to understand that not everyone had a numbered name in his childhood, but Spooks still found the names of most acquaintances to be strange (even if his was probably stranger). "My name's Number Two Eight Five Zero Zero, but you can just call me Spooks." </blockquote>
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Just because she spent the vast majority of her time assaulting and bossing around her brothers didn't meant she had minim affection for them. She didn't spend much time around the denning site, where she assumed they spent all their time, but when she did wander back they could have fun. Sort of. Borlla's kind of fun. But she, maybe in later months, could come to appreciate the time they dared to spend with her. Of course, when that happened fire might as well be falling from the sky.

So, the two had something in common. That didn't mean much to Borlla, although it sparked a question, "Do they live with you? All my brothers and sisters live with me." There was an accusing glare in her eyes as she tilted her head towards him, then jerked back as he insulted her name. The corners of her muzzle twitched as she thought over what to do about this. There were times when she thought her name was weird, but...It was her name. She couldn't do anything about it and she didn't want to. And he said his name was a number, well, and Spooks. "My name? Your name is a whole bunch of numbers! Well, I guess Spooks isn't so weird. You don't seem very spooky though." The girl looked him up and down, trying to find something that scared her.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Sabrina who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote>At her question, Spooks merely shrugged nonchalantly. It wasn't his responsibility to track down his scattered siblings anyways. "Well they used to, some of them. I don't remember everyone." He could vaguely recall brief glimpses of some unknown siblings once in a while at the facility, but he didn't really interact with them. But all his siblings appeared in monochrome tones of black and white, allowing him to easily identify them as his brother or sister.

He tilted his head with an indignant expression in his eyes at her next remark. Well it wasn't his fault that his name was a string of numbers! Spooks conveniently (and hypocritically) dismissed the fact that it wasn't Borlla's fault for her name either. "I didn't come up with that number name. 'Sides, all of my siblings have numbers too. But it's annoying to remember them so we had to make up different names," he retorted. "Huh. That's because I'm not trying to be scary right now. If I was you'd probably be crying and running home by now," Spooks asserted arrogantly with a flick of the tail. </blockquote>
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla shrugged. She had lots of siblings too, and she remembered them all. It seemed kinda mean to just push them all to the side like that, but maybe some of them were mean. "Why did they leave? Or did you leave them? Were they mean?" Desperate for answers, she barraged him with questions. No stone left unturned, she was new to the world, and everyone she met would be greeting with the same influx of nosiness.

"Did your mom name you that? All those numbers? Seems kinda funny. But if you'd rather be called 'Spooks', why not just forget the numbers all together? People would probably stop looking at you funny." Not that she'd ever seen anyone looking at him funny, other than herself, of course. Her tail thumped indignantly against the ground. "I'm not ascared of anything, especially not you. Try me." Her eyes narrowed and she stared right at him, not daring to blink until he did something.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Sabrina who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote>Borlla asked too many questions. Although Spooks had been guilty of the same thing when he had been a puppy. But Spooks did enjoy talking to others after all. "I don't know. Everyone just kind went wherever they wanted to. My sister was pretty mean. She was sooooo bossy! I guess she was kind of smart though, that's why she was the leader of our pack."

His mom? Well to be honest it should have been moms. Spooks didn't know who in the world was his biological mother, but he recalled the ones that had adopted him. Shrugging, he replied, "I don't think so. But I guess my first mom must have named me that. Or something. And I just can't forget it. It's stuck in my memories permanently!" His ears pricked up at her challenge, a glint in his green eyes. She didn't think he was scary? His eyes sharpened to a glare as he growled, contorting his facial expression into an aggressive one as he exposed his teeth in the beginnings of a snarl, looming up closer to her face. </blockquote>