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Survival — The Wildwood 
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Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
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Treena Rose Hervok
Treena walked slowly, her head swaying over her shoulders to take in the area. She was paranoid of the scents, constantly inhaling deeply to make sure nothing new was approaching. She wasn’t afraid of running into another wolf. She just wanted to avoid it. It was best for her to keep her strength for hunting, not fighting. Her golden eyes flickered around, almost desperately, and she walked with a confident prance through the forest. Her ears twitched at every sound, catching the soft breathing of any creature near her. Her fur freshly groomed and gleaming rested softly on her body, not turned upright in the wind but relaxed and patted down. It wasn’t long before her stride was cut even shorter and slower, her head dropping and eyes losing focus on the wildlife. A couple more steps and she stopped, eyes blinking shut and mouth opening to pant. She was growing tired and flustered. The life of a loner was physically exhausting and she was having trouble keeping up. She hadn’t had a worthy meal all day, small prey was hard to live on and it showed in her weight loss. She was still beautiful, thick muscles rolling under her multi-coloured pelt, long muzzle reaching towards the sky and bright orange eyes of fire full of curiosity. Despite her exterior, she was struggling with survival and full of loneliness. This wasn’t the life she wanted.

It was the life she was dealt.

Persevering through the lethargy she found herself standing once more, mental strength forcing her through daily patterns. It was a miracle she was still alive, unprepared for the sudden reality of being without a pack had left her drained. It was her determination and self-pride that kept her going, and going, but how long could she go without the physical durability? Shaking the thought from her head the she-wolf picked up the pace, this wasn’t the time to be weak. There was never a time to be weak. She needed to focus on hunting and staying alive, sitting in self-pity would get her nowhere and she was having none of it. She was taught from pup-hood that the world was unfair and she had no control. It may have been a harsh lesson, but she couldn’t afford to forget it now. Listening to her own heavy breathing she tried to imagine her father out there somewhere, but the idea only caused her pain. He was out there without her, with a new mate, and possibly more pups of his own while she herself was here suffering. She knew only the hard times, of loss and starvation, even pain. Love, a concealed courtesy that she didn’t have, was something she thought about. She visualised it many times, what it must feel like. It caused agony to swell up in her chest. She recognized the unlikelihood of ever finding a mate, she knew that it was something she may only dream of.

Not daring to think deeply of anything but her own needs the she-wolf stalked a near-by rabbit, head down and fangs bared as she dragged her body silently forward. It didn’t smell her, nor did it even have an idea of her presence until she launched off her heavy back-leg muscles and flew into the air. It looked at her with terrified eyes, but she felt no pity. It tried to run, but she was quicker. By the time the creature even had a chance of getting away the she-wolf’s knife sharp teeth were squeezing the life out of the bloody neck. She was gorgeous in a lethal way, standing over the limp prey with bright orange ears and a smug smile. She was positioned in the forest like a cruel goddess, blood dripping from her paws, yet a magical elegance in the way she stood mounted under the sun, preparing to feast.
(This post was last modified: Apr 15, 2012, 08:35 PM by Treena.)
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
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Nina Hervok
The day was warm but the trees in the area blocked any sign of sunlight as a golden brown female walked through the clearing. She didn't have her pouch filled with herbs with her today, for once, it was actually a first, but the female needed some kind of way to clear her mind. Taking a day off seemed like the best way to do so just having a day to herself. Though she had an uncomfortable feeling as if something were here, another annimal, watching her, following her. Then there was a sound, the sound of breathing from another animal. Taking a sniff at the air she classified the scent as wolf, female and not in the packs she had encountered. Warding herself against evil as her palladium she continued forward until another wolf came into view.

The wolf was definitely female, as she had confirmed earlier and just as she had appeared was when the other female had leapt. Nina winced, talk about fast reflexes, and Nina crouched down as the other wolf pounced, but after a few waiting seconds and no contact with herself she looked back up. The female had not infact seen her, but a rabbit, which was now her meal. Slight respect was gained from the wolf as she had finished off the life of another quickly, not daring torcher the prey that she had caught.

Right after the female had caught her prize she started to give into eating, quiet quickly, if Nina spent time to think about. Taking a closer look at the female she saw that the female was hungry, very hungry. The different colored wolf's bottom frame was stickig to her, some of her bones slightly pronounced as she ate. Clearing her throat gently to announce her presence, Nina stepped out of the shadows and towards the female.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Instinctively Treena’s upper-lip started to tremble in a growl, ears pinned to the side of her head as she stood defensively over her meal. She knew little about the wolves in this area, but there was no way she was losing her food. She searched the air for some sign of danger, but the she-wolf near her only smelt of pack. Her guard lowered every so slightly, but still her starvation was over-powering her welcoming nature and she kept tense. She kicked the rabbit behind her with a sturdy grey paw, eyes focused on every breath the wolf made. She knew she should avoid a fight with a pack-member. It wasn’t like her to be so defensive, but it was her food on the line and she wouldn’t go hungry again tonight. <b>“I won’t fight you.” </b>

She avoided eye contact with the she-wolf, but didn’t dare do anything more submissive than that. The rabbit under her stomach was half eaten and still covered in meat, so she wouldn’t give it up. She wouldn’t run away either, not until she knew it would come down to a battle. <b>“This is my rabbit.”</b> Her voice was clear, not tinted by a growl, or a stutter. She was comfortable, unafraid. <b>“I don’t want to lose it.”</b>

Her golden eyes dared flicker up for a second, but not directly into the other wolf’s. Oh no, she wasn’t going to dare provoke anything. She just was checking the space between the two, making sure the other wolf was a good distance away still. She didn’t have it in her to risk her own health by attacking. Not when she was already doing so much to stay alive as it was.
(This post was last modified: Apr 15, 2012, 09:29 PM by Treena.)
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Lone wolf or not the other wolf was protective, but the golden furred female wasn't here to fight the other wolf, if anything she wouldn't mind helping the starving female. Nina was shocked when she saw that the other wolf was being submissive towards her. The older female was almost taken aback before remembering that she was from a pack and being submissive was the proper greeting if one was near the borders of a pack. Watching the area she spoke quietly her soft, kind eyes watching the other wolf closely.

"I'm not here to fight you, nor am I here to take your food," Nina hesitated before continuing, "I'm here to help you." Offering help to a stranger was a dangerous thing, Nina knew from experince. Watching the other female's reaction carefully she made sure that her stance was easy, non-threatening. She didn't want the other wolf to see her as a threat, if anything she wanted the wolf to think of her as a friend.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<i>Help?</i> The word was like code, Treena’s body relaxed and she squinted her eyes in disbelief. She wasn’t going to reject help, not when she needed it so badly. She didn’t have such an ego that admitting she needed guidance hurt, quite the opposite really. Her ears lifted forward, a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth. Her tail swayed, almost wagging, but not quite, and she walked slowly towards the other wolf. She was alert still, curiosity was washing over and she needed to exam the she-wolf more.

Sniffing the other wolf’s pelt she tried to become familiar with her fur, then waved her head towards the rabbit she had seemed to forget. <b>“Please, take a little of it. I already owe you so much.”</b> It was in her mind set, justice, and fairness. She wasn’t as hungry anymore, excited really. She would still avoid eye contact. It was the proper thing to do, but the thought of having someone who she could trust was playing games with her mind. Letting the she-wolf have some of her prey was alot for Treena, wasn't it just seconds ago she dared protect it?

She'd give it all away now. Even then, she still felt it wasn't enough.
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The golden brown female watched the younger female closely, Nina had just eaten and this wolf obviously needed it more than her. But the female's change of attitude towards her was quick, something was off. The smaller wolf smiled at her slightly and walked towards her sniffing her pelt. Nina didn't do anything for she knew the brown wolf was remembering her scent, as she had already done with her, but the female's instant reaction to her help seemed quite odd, as if she were running from something or had just simply been abandoned. The smaller female was stilll avioding eye contact with her and she wouldn't have it, not right now. She was taking the female under her wing, to serve as her friend and protector.

With a small smile at the female she spoke softly and gently, "No thank you, dear. I have recently had a meal, I insist that you finish what you have caught, it is your prize meal." The female was content with her answer. It wasn't rude at all. Now was time to address the female's submission towards her, "There is no need for submission, now I am Nina, Nina Hervok, and you are?"
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena stepped back, taking a seat near the female, but not unnaturally close. Her chest fur blew in the breeze for a moment, and her tail stopped wiggling and instead rested calmly on the ground. <b>“I am Treena Rose. You may call me Treena.”</b> That was all the information she offered, nothing of where she lived before, or even if she came to theses lands alone. Explaining such things made her feel like she was living in the past, and that was something the she-wolf refused to do. If she were asked about such things though, she would answer honestly. Honesty was a key trait in the she-wolf. She stayed calm and collected, her face firm and so much more mature than her age. She looked at the rabbit from where she sat, debating finishing eating or not. Taking at look at her body it was obvious she needed it, and so she stood and slowly pranced over for the rest.

She wasn’t submissive anymore, trusting and loyal she could easily turn her back to Nina without hesitation. Dropping her soft grey and orange head to the ground, her lips pushed back so she could tear off bits of meat off. <b>“You smell of a pack, are they all as,”</b> She searched for the word as she chewed, <b>“accepting as you?”</b> She said it softly. Her voice was as gentle as chiming bells, ringing through the air on an odd, but high pitch.

She wanted a family. She wanted to be welcomed by wolves just like Nina, but it was unlikely. Not all wolves were willing to help, or accept another mouth to feed. She may be driven out instantly. She never dared pass a border to a pack, what was the chance of being attacked without an invite? She would never invade and put herself in that situation, she’d rather starve.
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Treena, the she wolf kept the scent and name in mind as she repeated it to herself and when the female turned her back to Nina to go finish her food she was shocked, this wolf was trusting, she wasn't sure if it was just Nina or if the female truely was this trusting. Nina accepted the female's answer without hesitation knowing that she for one, wouldn't give up her past either. The golden brown female sat down in a comfortable position making sure to seem fearless and easy-going. The younger wolf continued to eat her rabbit slowly, which was good, this wolf was smart enough to know that eating to fast would be a cause of a later to come stomachache.

Blinking her eyes she thought about the question. Was Copper Rock Creek pack as accepting as her? From who she had met they were accepting. Aeylen had taken one look at her and with a small nod and thought had accepted her into a pack, during breeding season. Was that luck or not? Thinking over her answer she slowly answered the younger female honestly, "From what I have seen and heard my pack is accepting. Maybe not like me but accepting none the less."

Nina liekd this female she reminded her of someone, possibly her mother? None the less, Nina knew she would keep her eyes on Treena even if the female did decide there were better things out there for her. Nina turned to like her sore back leg due to a recent fight she had been in with some wolves of different packs. She wasn't sure how the fight had ended but she knew that she had gotten a bad thumping on her leg for it. Wincing, she turned back to the female her emerald eyes watching the other female curiously.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena wondered what it would be like being part of a pack again. Knowing Nina was giving her confidence. It would help her eating, and her loneliness, but what it they had too many wolves already? Things could turn dangerous, and she’d be putting her health at risk once more. She couldn’t pass the border and expect open arms, could she? She shifted nervously, her tongue falling out to pant, claws scrapping the dirt as she thought. It was the best to ask Nina first before doing anything she’d regret. <b>“Do you think they would they accept of another member? Would you take me, to try?”</b>

The way she said it. It was harmless. She tilted her head on the side, orange muzzle finally shutting. She was quiet, her eyes full of curiosity. She wouldn’t hold Nina against her word, if Nina said no she would stay friends with the wolf, return to her life. It didn’t seem that bad now that her stomach was full and she had hope. All she wanted was Nina to take her across the border, then she’d accept her fate. If she was attacked, then she'd do what it took to stay alive. She'd run if she could, even if it wasn't something she did often.
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The female's emerald eyes seemed to smile at Treena. She would take her to the borders, but they wouldn't cross them, they would wait their and Nina would call for one of her leaders. The other female looked hopefully. She wanted to learn more about the wolf before bringing the wolf to her leaders though, she needed a presentation, one that would require information. smiling encouragingly at the female she spoke softly, "Well, it is certainly worth a try, Treena. I will take you to the borders and call for one of my leaders, but first I think more information is required so that I can indroduce you. What are you good at? Healing, defending, hunting, you name it. This might help your case."

The other wolf was obviously curious and hopefully probably. Would her leaders even allow her to recruite new members? She was new to the pack, the lowest at the moment, but she had to try. Her friend was in need and she wasn't going to just let herbe , she needed to protect her. Shhe felt the urge to protect the younger wolf, and she would do so if it came to it.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.