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Heed my warning — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd nodded his head slowly, still looking forward. His voice was quiet
now, and he turned his head a bit, left eye gazing at the wolf. "Haven't
seen any deer around here in a bit. Gonna just have to catch a rabbit 'er
he whispered, shrugging his thick shoulder blades. He cont-
inued forth now, creeping ever so quietly, as not to disturb the peace around
him. Nostrils were flared wide, ear swiveling, and eyes alert as he kept along.
After about ten minutes, his body froze, and he became a living statue.

Rabbits. Plenty of them. There was a small opening up ahead, where the willows
drooped their sad branches towards. A large burrow came into his vision, and
his eyes narrowed as he spotted at least four rabbits out grazing and gathering
food. Turning his head back to Follko once more, he whispered yet again: "You
fast enough?"
he seemed to tease, the excitement of the hunt quite apparent
on his once stoic and apathetic face. He felt his blood begin to pump at a faster
rate. This always happened to him when preparing for a chase, whether it was
after a deer or something as small as a vole. Hunting was hunting.
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
"Yeah Yeah..." Follko was getting slightly tired of the
teasing, but the rabbits ahead of him smelled real good right about now.
He looked past Jedd and spotted the rabbits. Four fuzzy brown things
with real tall ears that just sat in the grasses munching down on the clovers.
Follkos jaws began to slaver and his stomach lurched at the sight
of the creatures. Though a doubt flew across his mind.
The two wolves would probably only catch two of the fuzzballs.
And that certainly wasn't going to fill his stomach.

At least it will keep starvation at bay for a little while... Follko
stared at the food."Yeah I can get one..." He spoke quietly while inching forward in preperation.
Although with the wind coming towards us I don't think it's impossible
to creep closer
. He measured the distance wondering if
the rabbits safe hole was close by them. Intent on the hunt Follko
slid sidways away from Jedd and positioned himself very slowly.
He planned to get at an angle to his stranger friend so that they
could trap the rabbits or at least scare some of them towards the other wolf.
So far the rabbits didn't notice Follko move at all. Now that he was positioned
correctly he hoped the other loner was catching on to his plan.
Waiting silently Follko watched what Jedd would do.
“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Move. Go. Kill.

Jedd could feel his heart thump within his chest as he saw Follko creep
around the side of him. His eyes narrowed as suddenly sprang forth, his
jaws opening wide. Pink tongue curled back as he saw the rabbits' eyes
open wide. Hunting was like a dance to Jedd- and in this case, he was an
excellent dancer. Let's tango.

Jedd did not know what Follko was going to do, but the gray-black creature
swiftly closed in on a rabbit. Its white tail was raised like a flag as it turned on
heel to scurry back into its burrow. No you don't... Jedd thought, feeling his
neck extend as much as it possibly could. Jaws snapped shut on the plump creature,
right around its flank. He pressed pounds and pounds of biting force upon the rabbit,
causing it to wriggle in terror. The wolf shook his head violently, in attempt to finish
the weakened critter off. The rustic blood stained his tongue, and he seemed to drown
in a lust for the meat. Raising his head, he snapped down farther up on the rabbit, feel-
ing the breathing cease. With a flick of his tail, he turned his head quickly, to see what
the other male had done.
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Follko watched the other wolf speed forward
His own senses were tingling while he had waited for
Jedd to make his move. Now with a frenzy of excitement
Follko put on a burst of speed. His eyes glinted with bloodlust
as he watched the rabbits flee.

"BLAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" The rabbits scared strangled
cry came from the maw of Jedd who quickly finished it.
And with all the noise around them the
three other rabbits all dashed for their burrow.
However Follko was closest to the burrow now since he
had positioned himself, if only accidentally and non-knowingly
in between the rabbits and their home.
With a huff Follko sprang at one of the jumping brown rabbits.
The blackish wolfs' daggers sliced through blood-filled veins and
tendons as he bit rabbits back. The small vertebrae crunched
underneath the bite force of the wolf. Follko smiled as he
tasted the iron filled blood of the limp rabbit. Then with a quick
aperçu towards the other two rabbits he snarled in delight.
The other rabbits were fleeing across the grasses
between the two wolves."Hahahaha!! That was a great one!" Follko laughed through
the fur of his rabbit and looked back towards Jedd.
"So what's your name anyway buddy." Follko trotted happily
towards the other stranger wolf.
(This post was last modified: Apr 18, 2012, 12:11 AM by Follko.)
“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Laughter boomed from Follko's maw like thunder during a storm. Jedd
turned his head, rabbit hanging from his jaws. He grinned a bit, but it
was barely visible from the tawny toned pelt of the dead creature in his
muzzle. Jaws parting, he let the corpse plop to the ground. Crimson blood
stained his white chin. "Name's Jedd. What about you?" he asked with
a lift of his brow.

He was enjoying the company of this older wolf. Judging by the actions of the
animal, he'd guess that he was either six or maybe even seven. He wasn't going
to ask, though- it wasn't of him to do such things. Flicking his tail, he lowered his
head slowly, eyes focusing upon the rabbit infront of him. Jaws tore into the flesh,
teeth working the gamey meat. Delicious. Not as good as rabbit, but it will have to

If his stomach could breathe a sigh of relief, it would right now. He couldn't imagine
how the other wolf would feel once he started eating- he'd probably inhale the damn
rabbit. He looked as if he hadn't eaten for days. The odor of the internal organs of the
corpse were quite pungant, but he did not mind at all. To a wolf, that was if saying
"Bon apetit!". The gray man had barely realized that he himself had merely inhaled the
rabbit, only really enjoying the first bite.
(This post was last modified: Apr 16, 2012, 11:18 PM by Jedd.)
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Follko could barely keep himself from tearing
into the lifeless creature in his jaws, but he waited to
hear the gray black wolfs' name. "Jedd?" Follko smirked again through the soft brown mammal fur.
Thats a stupid name...but I guess not as stupid as Folly,
mums nickname for me.
Follko dropped himself to the ground
and began scarfing down the rabbit. He couldn't compare
the taste to deer or some other creature since his hunger
made the rabbit taste like the best thing on earth. He gulped it
down and coughed when he cut the inside of his mouth on a bone.
Follko didn't answer the other male until he finished off
most of the rabbit. Then he answered in between licking each
of his paws clean.
"My name is Follko, Follko Theizkei." the brownish black wolf
smiled devilishly with fur sticking out from between his teeth.

Follko chewed on the bones softly while he watched
Jedd with orange eyes. Jedd seemed to have finished off
his rabbit. Follko hunger wasn't gone but the intensity
of it diminished.
"So what are you gonna do next country boy." Follko
wrinkled his nose in amusment then layed his head on his paws.
“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd watched Follko thoughtfully, a wry smirk playing upon his maw.
"Not sure, old man. What about you?" A titter almost escaped his
throat, but he held it back. Country boy? Western, thank you. Jedd
wanted to roll his pale eyes, but did not. Flicking his tail, he licked his chops.
"You gonna find yourself a pack, oldie?"

He pawed at the earth, boredom obvious in the wolf. Releasing a loud huff
into the still spring air, his rump thumped down on the ground. Flocculent
black-tipped tail wrapped 'round his right haunch, and he gazed around at
the willows before focusing his sights back on Follko. This wolf was interesting.

Jedd was in no pack at the moment, and would not explain why to the wolf. If
he did say he was to join a group of wolves, though, he would suggest something
other than Poison Path. Perhaps he could make up an excuse...they're...boring wolves?
He almost laughed aloud at this stupid thought, but bit his tongue. This wolf did seem
to admit that boredom irked him quite a bit. Then again, who did it not?
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Follko growled after the old man comment, his teeth
glinting in the light. He stood back up and began slowly walking around Jedd.
Then he smiled and lifted his head and tail
nice and high. His brownish black fur rippled over the wiry muscles
of his thin body.
"So what if I'm old." He smiled mischieviously at Jedd and flicked
his ebony tail towards him.
"Any pack would be happy to take a wise healthy elder." Follko
lowered his head and tail after he stopped walking and stood
over the rabbit carcass. Then he pawed and scraped at it for
a show of strength until pieces of the fur and bones layed everywhere
behind him.

"But yeah I'm probably gonna look for a pack who's willing
to take in a poor hunter like me." Follko stood still watching the ground
with his sharp orange eyes. Little bugs of every type littered the ground beneath him.
Follko had to stop himself from being stupid and show-offish in front of the
other male. The brownish wolf didn't want to lose another friendly aqcuaintence.
I might never find a buddy to stick with again if I keep being stupid
like just before. Follko snarled at himself for acting all high and mighty
with the rabbit carcass just a second ago. STUPID!! He shook his brownish
head and looked to the western skies.
"But yeah I'm looking for a pack Cowboy..." Follko smiled as he gazed into
the clouds while they shifted and raced on the wind.
“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Cowboy. Ugh. Well, it was better than country boy.

Jedd watched Follko as his claws tore at the remains of the corpse. He
grunted, shaking his head slightly. "Best of luck to you." he sneered,
eyes now looking to the trees once more. The way they drooped... it was
odd. There were never any trees such as these back in his homeland. His
cowboy homeland. Snapping his head back towards the older one, he
continued to speak: "Just don't join Poison Path. They're a bunch of cowards."

He didn't care anymore. He would tell as many wolves as he would like to about
Poison Path. Keep their pack a secret? Hah. Rhysis, you dumb wolf..

He sighed now, tail swishing around on the dirt. A small layer of dust came up,
and it didn't even seem to faze him whatsoever. "I need a new pack. Bein' a
lone wolf is borin' as Hell, I've got to say."
A smug grin slipped across his
face, for he knew that Follko would agree with his words. No, he was never...
cursed with xenophilia, but this wolf was interesting. His voice carried no
accent, which was a slight relief to his ears. One of the females in his pack had
an annoying (French) accent. Ugh. His right ear perked towards the wolf, listening
to what his response would entail.

(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2012, 07:31 PM by Jedd.)
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
"Poison Pack? That sounds like a salad of wild
mushrooms just waiting to give you the shits; nah I don't think
I would be interested in that place." Follko snorted in dislike and shook
his short fur. Just the name of the pack and Jedds disgust at it made his fur crawl
and his bristles stiffen.
"You know of any other place that sounds more appealing?" Follko wrinkled
his brown gray maw while sitting down again. He glanced back to the bugs
under his paws and wondered how many he had just squished by sitting on them.

The clouds began turning darker shades of grays, blues, and
purples as the sun slowly shifted lower in the sky.
Bright gaps of pink and red showed through in spaces where the
sun peeked through the many clouds. Follko picked up his head
and looked away from his bugs to the brilliant sky. Thoughts raced through
his head like a river as he sat comfortably on his mound of grass, dirt, and dead bugs.

(OOC: I wasn't sure if I'm allowed to use that word or not!! Please tell me before a Mod sees so I can edit it! Bridget)
(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2012, 11:52 PM by Follko.)
“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image