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Dazed and confused — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
The wolf was pissed. Infuriated. Whatever word you would prefer to
choose, he was mad. Why the hell had he joined that pack? The leaders
were cowards, running away from their old pack. Conceiving. How selfish.
He padded along, his head low, a bit below shoulder height. Pale eyes seemed
to be lit with what appeared to be utter confusion, and anger. He did not know
what to do.

Suddenly, the wolf stepped on a thorn...from where, he had no idea. "Fuck!"
he snarled hastily, throwing his head back. Ugh. It seemed like things were getting
worse and worse. He brought himself down onto a pile of dried leaves, licking at
his slightly bleeding pad. Eyes narrowed, and he grunted. He was fuming. How
was he to let this frustration out? Why did he join this pack? He could not speak
a word of it to other wolven... why? Oh, that's right! Because they are cowards!
The wolf was so stressed that he almost broke into a distraught laugh as he thought
of them. Boy, was he a fool. Hunting a goat for them... obeying them.

Jedd now lay in the leaves, sighing quite loud. His eyes fell upon a rabbit, which was
feeding about thirty yards away. Its tawny pelt blended in well with its surroundings,
this interesting forest in which he had stumbled upon. It was quite lovely, he had to
admit...better than those damn mountains that he busted his ass on.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She was sticking close to home. The Cedarwood Forest was home, and if she didn't dare travel too far she was going to wander it's ranges. She was not very tired yet, and had little show any evidence of the life inside her. She wanted to keep tabs on what was happening, aware of many howls that did not sound peaceful. She was on high alert, making her way slowly with her ears cupped forward, and eyes wide when she heard the loud obsenity. It was no doubt a male's voice or a very strange female, and it struck her to hear such a nasty word. This wolf better be dying.

Her gray dusted ears twisted back, and her crown raised her black nostrils twitched testing for where this angery stranger was. He might not be across her borders, but she would not stand for him being this close if this was his behavoir. She didn't need Arlette questioning her about what that word was. Down to businnes she thought she could smell something of a pack wolf. The weird thing was he did not smell of any she was aware of, and the scents were not very strong. It was odd, and she came to the conclusion maybe he wasn't. The idea he was in a rogue band didn't sound all that wonderful to the ivory lady either. Fear was nothing but to know she was alive, and she sought her target with a stiff muscles.

Then she saw the large black, and gray man down on the ground picking at his paw. Her pale brows lightly pressed, her lips twisted in a frown. What on earth was he doing? She silently stared at him, watching from a safe distance from some small greenery. He was a large wolf, but something was bothering him.

He either found the ailment or gave up on his paw soon a quite loaded sigh falling from his lips. She noticed he was looking at something else, and turned her head over her shoulder, stretching her neck to see a rabbit. He didn't look to be moving, or any want to chase after it. It was probably time to stop spying, and ask him what was wrong. She flicked her tail behind her haunches, she did not raise it but kept it at a high point when she walked from her hiding spot. Her head though she did keep somewhat upward, and she headed in his direction. <b>"I hope you don't often shoot your mouth like that, the leaders here might hunt you down, and scrub off your tongue,</b> she spoke quite seriously, but it was a playful lilt to her eyes that kept it from being true. </blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd gradually turned his head as he heard a feminine voice pierce the air.
Right away he could tell she was the leader of some pack...and he was near
their territory. He dipped his in a polite manner to the woman. " 'Pologies, ma'am"
he said, pale eyes meeting her different colored ones. "It's been a rough few
days on my part... just left some small group of wolves who called themselves
Poison Pack. Cowards, they are."
He released a slight growl out of irritation, and
partially frustration.

Looking at the ground, he now rose to his large paws, wincing as the one that landed
on the thorn sent a stinging sensation through his pad. Eyes crept back up to meet her
gaze once more, and he lowered his tail in a submissive way. "I'm sorry if I am near
your territory. 'Just didn't know where to go after I left them."
his face was stoic,
making it rather difficult to tell what sort of mood he was in- his voice gave it all away,
though. The gray-black brute was trying to remain calm, but his frustrated tones became
obvious as he continued to speak to Jaysyek.

He now came forth, his careful eyes still gazing at her. Right ear worked itself rapidly,
listening to the surroundings about them. Were there other wolves of her pack about?
Perhaps. Right now, he just needed someone to vent to, and she happened to stumble
upon him....so it was she who was to suffer with listening to him. He was not one to
complain, but what had recently happened had broken his last straw. Damn wolves...
he hoped Rhysis would suffer a very uncomfortable death.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She kept her eyes trained on him, but he did not hide the fact something was bothering him. She saw a chance to possible find out some new information. One being if there was a new pack either it be rogue or more official, and why he was no longer apart of it. She needed to know all she could what was happening beyond her home, her borders, and possibly might ask of her own wandering pups. Would Hocus and Trisden join another pack, or have passed this brute along their way? She was still pondering over their departure, fearful it was more permanent than the last. She was not about to ask, or let it be known she was worried about to of her own. She was not yet certain if this fellow was a good man or a bad kind of brute.

When he apologized she listened, aware he might not only be trying to save his skin. Her pale mask would smooth, going empty to hide her emotions. There was a new pack. Poison Pack. She tucked the important information away to recall it later. The name itself did not sound well, but then who was she to judge. She was the leader of Grizzly Hollow, and that name could come with all sorts of assumptions that were not entirely true. She was not exactly an angry bear, but one certainly should not provoke the members. <b>"Hmm,"</b> she quietly answered, pondering what had made these wolves cowards, while his growl only instilled something had not gone well. She took a second to take everything in, because she would not have her heartstrings played upon she needed to try to keep herself from becoming sucked in. Then she decided to get to the point.

Only when she wanted to question him he respectfully lowered his tail, saying another apology of being close to home. She took this into account while trying to decide his true character. When it came to it she didn't have any sense he was up to trouble, he only appeared angry with the news. <b>"Well, you are not extremely close just in the vicinity,"</b> she said trying to keep her tone casual, glancing from him to the surrounding protecting trees that were like <span class='word'>palladiums</span> to her. When he moved naturally her muscles would become rigid, but she held her ground only blinking with her eyes of interest. What was she to do? She didn't mind being a listening ear, and for the safety of her pack this wolf had knowledge she needed. <b>"Any way I think any harm could be forgotten, if you'd enlighten me to this...Poison Pack and the cowards they are? I have not heard of it."</b></blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd nodded his head to the female. Clearing his throat, he turned his
head, casting an aperçu in the direction in which he had arrived. Bringing
his head back around, he blinked, frowning. "Well..." the sooty man
started, "The leaders, Nairia and Rhysis, were once a part of a pack
called Swift River... I would assume you know of them."
he gazed at
the ivory female, eyes locked on hers. "They ran off from Swift River.
I believe that the darker wolf, Rhysis, impregnated the leadess before they
took off."
Looking to the sky now, Jedd's face turned to that of disgust.
That was all. No other word could describe how he felt to a T.

"I was speaking with another wolf, and the second, Athena, appeared.
Not long after that, Rhysis had come, and then two Swift River brutes. A
massive fight broke out. I fought for a moment, but decided it was not my
fight, and I took off. I told that pathetic excuse for an alpha Rhysis that I would
not be returning."
Finally. He got to tell someone. He huffed, obviously
out of breath from speaking this story to the Grizzly Hollow leadess. He hoped
it was not too much of an earful, but by gazing at Jaysyek, he could tell that she
was curious, listening intently to his words.

He pawed at the earth briefly, frustration flowing within his veins. "I do not know
what is to happen to them...but whatever it may be, I hope the Poison Pack is not
his tones were grave now, and the creature looked at the dirt in which
he had scraped up. A small sowbug scuttled away slowly, attempting to shelter itself
beneath a mossy rock. Jedd watched it briefly, pale eyes zoning out before he looked
back towards the white wolf, waiting for her response.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
If you use the word of the day Bridget put a {word } [/word] around it and it'll highlight it so it gets counted :)
<blockquote>She was quite worried, and intrigued by him. Something said this was not his usual character, but her asking to be told was the window for him to open up and share his woes. He did start, significantly still bothered, it must have been very recent they had parted ways. She made sure to hold onto his teal eyes to prove she was fully listening to every detail of his telling, and there was nothing fake about it. She knew Swift River, and gave a curt nod of her head. The Grizzly Hollow wolves were allies of the River pack, and she did not like what he said about this new pack. She tucked their names away, hoping her mind would not forget. She would need to find out who these wolves were for herself, but continued to listening. It could have been similar to her leaving of Midnight Plateau but she and Borden had left with their honor intact, and had said their goodbyes, not fled. Her smooth mask showed the thin lines of small hints of upset, but other then that she remained a calm figure.

She would not again putting the name Athena in the safe enclosures of her mind. Her pale brows furrowed deeply at the the word fight, but it sounded like it could have been a lot worse. It did explain though why he was mad, and had left. He did not want to be in the rift, or war this Rhysis might have started. She vaguely wondered who the River wolves were, but had not ever really met the members of Indru and Corinna's pack. It did not sound like they had been involved. She would blink quietly at his sound of annoyance, then raise her head letting her eyes rest to the peaceful forest. She was digesting all this information, and did not look at him as he wished them ill. She wasn't about to take sides, but fully understand why he was pissed off. It wasn't the best way to join a new pack nor find out how it was started. <b>"Sounds like they had it coming, not exactly the ideal way to start a pack nor recruit members,"</b> she said, aware she did not know the leaders side of the story, but felt they could have handled the situation better. What was done was done, and she was brewing ideas for someone if not herself to seek out this Poison Pack. The thought to ask Kade appealed to her, but she dismissed the idea.

<b>"But I can't say if it will cause a bigger battle. Everyone has gotten along, it would not surprise me if this was the end to peace. I am friends with the Swift River leaders and imagine they did not take this well. You must have come a long way from them...but what are you looking for now?"</b>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Sucking in a deep breath, Jedd listened to Jaysyek's response. What
am I looking for now?
. Oh goodness, if this wolf had hands, he would
be most capable of writing an essay of what he wished for in a pack. He
now released his breath, pale teal eyes looking a bit relieved. "A pack
that actually has honor, and was formed in a proper manner."
summed it up in this simple sentence, but he could talk his maw off all
day if he really wanted to.

He lifted his stinging paw, noting that the blood had stopped flowing from it.
He was pleased with himself that he managed to travel quite the distance away
from the dreaded fight, which may even still be continuing up to this very moment.
A bloodbath scene ran through his mind like an R rated film before Jedd parted
his jaws yet again to speak. "Name's Jedd Millinae, by the way, ma'am."
His voice was polite, attempting to escape the aggravation he had felt moments
ago. Telling another wolf of what had happened was a great relief to him, lifting
an invisible weight off of his back.

"I am willing to serve faithfully in any pack that has their morals set straight."
Pale teal eyes caught a ray of sunshine, casting a slight emerald tinge within them.
His gaze now shifted back to the leader, observing her mismatched eyes. He had only
seen such a thing once in his life- in an elder wolf within his pack. Feeling a pang of
sorrow shoot through his body, he swallowed hard, pushing it all away. He was here
now. There really was no turning back.

(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2012, 07:41 PM by Jedd.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She related to the weight he must have placed on his shoulders. What it was he carried she did not know. He had to be her age if not older, in the moment he seemed like a troubled young man. It was merely her impression. The draw of air, faintly her ears would rotate feeling it was a weighted answer. Apparently Poison Pack was not ideal any more, and she did want to know why it had appealed to him at first. This question remained unvoiced, and she listened intently. She could offer him a home in Grizzly Hollow. She did not know if the history of the pack would change his mind. She'd like to think they had honor, but she did not know what he would think of Borden. This only made her more determined to set the record straight for all members, and any new. He had gone in search of their boy, and the search had been very strenuous upon him.

<b>"I'd like to think Grizzly Hollow is so, but I would let you judge for yourself,"</b> she answered after a quiet moment. <b>"I could grant you temporary membership, and perhaps before the summer you could decide how permanent it would be..."</b> She offered, her tone more business like than warm. If he was looking for a pack to serve he would be a valuable member, but she did not want another Elettra fiasco. In her mind everyone thought differently, and everyone deserved a choice and a chance.

<b>"Jedd,"</b> she said saying it more smooth than he might have. The sound of his voice was interesting to listen too, she had heard the accent a few times before. How far he must be from his home. <b>"I'm Jaysyek Lyall, but most call me Jayse. It doesn't quite get caught on the tongue."</b> Then she would kindly smile, deciding maybe he wasn't so bad after all. Rough around the edges, and pissed but who wouldn't be after something like that? He stated how he would loyally serve a righteous pack, and she tried not to grin thinking how this would have pleased Kiche.

<b>"My offer stands for you, or I can point to two other packs."</b></blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd's right ear perked as he heard Jaysyek's invitation to the pack.
He looked up, smiling in a bit of a blithely manner. "Much obliged,
miss Jaysyek."
he said, eyes on hers. His mind began to stir with
thoughts- it seemed that this pack would be more suitable for him. Well,
at this point, it seemed almost like any would. The regret that pulled
at his mind for joining Poison Path felt as if it was going to drive him insane.
Forget about it. You can start over.

"I will accept your invitation" his voice was smooth now, for he had
become more alleviated since Jays had first stumbled upon him. The wind
blew gently, ruffling his canvas of gray, black and white furs. The clouds
rode the wind, sailing along in the blue sea of a sky.

His tail remained lowered now as he waited to see what Jaysyek would do.
From this moment on, he was her leadess. She seemed like a kind woman, and
also a fair one at that. He could see her eyes observing him, judging his character.
He hoped that she would be glad she had invited him to Grizzly Hollow, for he had
no intentions on letting the pack down.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She smiled back at the right moment, happy to make his aquaintence. One should never turn down possible allies, nor recruits. She remained quiet, letting him mull over what she had offered. A temporary acceptance. What he thought she couldn't say, his knowledge of Grizzly Hollow was based on what she had said, and her presentation of herself. It was not much to go off of, but she recalled asking to join the mountain pack only because of Borden. They way he had talked about Alexander, and place of home had her wanting to go there. Those memories seemed so distant to her now. Like they were years, and years ago.

<b>"Alright,"</b>was her respone, a nod of her head matter of factly. The tension, and anger were not so evident, and made her think she might see who Jedd was in a good mood. <b>"I'll grant you temporary acceptance. Some weeks we'll see if you want to continue as a Grizzly Hollow wolf."</b> This way it worked out for each of him. If he proved to be less than a gentleman the two weeks trial could be enough to see it. And if he decided Grizzly Hollow was not his place he did not have to feel he wasn't being loyal.

She would stand up, staring into his eyes if to make him pass one more test. Carefully she would take his large muzzle in her pale, realeasing it to rub her side along his body. Pullnig back, her white tail wagged high, but happily. <b>"Welcome to the pack, lets show you the den site,"</b> she gave him a final look waiting for him to follow.


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