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running around leaving scars — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Silence enveloped them gently, or well, as silent it can be on a night when trees creak and the wind howls. Down on the ground though, where some lonely bushes offered moderate wind cover, it wasn't as bad as when he'd been sitting. Of course, it wasn't pleasant still, but he banished the thoughts of physical cold with thoughts of joy, of happiness. A pleased sigh escaped him, snatched away by a gust, and Ice gave a huff of laughter. Not only wolves who played tonight, or so it seemed. The swaying trees, the willows with their whips and lashes, hummed lullabies contrasting sharply to the ghost-story wind, but the sound of their ancient bodies moving was comforting, enchanting. Relaxing even more, Ice sunk into the ground, head back as he was content to simply exist. He'd been thinking far too much the past weeks, and it did him no good. This state of empty head, but full heart, was much more pleasing - but first and foremost, it was who he usually was. Perhaps not who he really was, but.. the deep, wise wolf was one few knew, not because he liked to keep it secret, but because thinking wasn't one of his favorite pastimes.

It was nearly surprising to find that she agreed with him about the stars, but still not surprising at all. Ice raised his 'brows all the same, even though she couldn't see it. "Glad to have helped," he said quietly, watching the dark trees dance against the black sky. "Seems like we sent the clouds of your mind into the sky." A wry grin accompanied the words, before he gave a cat-like stretch of all legs while, of course, still lying on his back. Awkward, but possible. Relaxing again, he blinked a couple of times before rolling his head sideways. Ava's pose mirrored his own a little, her bright eyes open once again as their characters had been shed. Perhaps their fight would resume another night, but for now the assassin and her hunter the knight slept fitfully inside. It was strange, to find no words on his tongue after they had spoken so much and then played - at least Ice had been a lot more open then he could remember ever having been in Relic Lore. Maybe that first encounter with Triell, though... he gave his head a tiny shake, wriggling sideways until he lay shoulder to shoulder with the black female, sharing his warmth with her against the thieving wind.

"It feels strange," he said, voice slow as if he weighed each word as he spoke it. "Like someone has stolen all my words. I want to speak, I want to say something, but I have nothing to say - except, that I have nothing to say." Frowning, Ice raised his paws up a little, staring at their large, pale shapes outlined against the dark sky. Clumsy paws. With a grin, he tilted sideways, trying to grab Ava in a hug and pull her a little closer, not out of amorous intentions but simply because it was getting a wee bit cold and it'd been quite some time since he'd lain so close to anyone. He'd missed the physical contact.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
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Ava Attaya
Rarely ever did one describe feeling empty inside as a thing of pleasantry; it was more often associated with a painful numbness and desolate depression. To be fair there was a little numbness in Ava's experience, particularly of her extremities, but that was caused more by the night wind whipping her toes rather than some soul-eroding grief within her heart. She felt the lightness as though she were laying upon a golden cloud rather than the near-frozen earth, elated by the absolute <i>nothing</i> that existed in her mind for the moment. Ava didn't know how to describe what was typical behavior for her - sometimes she wondered if she was too impulsive to have "typical" behaviors - but regardless she knew this kind of absolute, stopped-mind happiness was an extremely rare occurance. As plain as she looked on outwardly was a <span class='word'>bona fides</span> indictator of her inner silence. Those amber eyes of hers weren't bright with any form of emotion, they were just shining on their own, alive, free. And for a while they stared directly up ahead, until she turned her head and directed her fiery gaze at Ice's cool, silver-toned eyes.

His humor never failed to catch her, laughing gently so as to not disturb the bruises at his cloud comment. But instead of responding to his thought she merely mused aloud, "<b>We could be best friends, you know?</b>" There wasn't sadness in her voice, as though she were lamenting their existances, that he was a Swift River wolf and she was a Poison Path wolf and they were supposed to be at odds like spitting cats. Rather, she felt quite fine about her observation. Once the bad times passed, good times could arise once again. And she knew that their friendship would be one of her good times. Providing she wasn't like slaughtered or something anytime soon, but Ava really didn't foresee that in her future the way she anticipated the closeness between her and the pale-bodied male at her side. But that was all she said, glancing away before her thoughts went a-reeling again. Luckily Ice spoke once more, preventing the spark in her mind from flaming.

"<b>Maybe that's a good thing, to finally be free of some itch that you couldn't stop scratching? I mean its definitely weird... I've never heard such a silence in my own head.</b>" She laughed a little again, realizing her description made her sound almost like a psychopath. Ava knew she was far from her psychotic break, though, and that Ice would understand what she meant. Instinctively she followed his lead when he wriggled closer; the temptation of warmth pushing her a little closer to him as well. So when he reached out to scoop her forward she was actually quite grateful and in return would roll toward his warmth and press her wind-frozen face into the nameless male's fluffy chest, disregarding how unpleasant her cold nose probably would be to him, and exhaled happily, "<b>Ah coo pwobwy full asweep hurr.</b>" That would be the best ending to this night - to let go of the threads holding her awake and to let her body sink into the ground in a full rest someplace she knew she was safe and sound.

Of course, she couldn't. Eventually she would have to return home. But for now, the fantasy was enough.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He wasn't quite prepared for her musings, and as he blinked in silence he wondered what she meant. She didn't sound regretful in the least, or sad, not as if something was in the way - Ice's first thought on hearing her words had been something along the lines of "if not for our packs", but... her tone didn't indicate that. Nothing in her voice indicated anything but the easy joy they'd shared. A small smile played on his face. "What's to stop us?" he asked playfully, though it was more of a rhetorical question and he didn't truly expect an answer. Unless he'd taken her observation entirely wrong, there was nothing to stop them from being friends - not even their nameless states. Girl was the only name he had for her, and unless she started to complain about it, she'd be stuck with that agnomen. That he didn't know where she lived could possibly create problems, too... but she knew he was of Swift River, she knew where the Grove was. She could always find him, and that was a comforting thought.

But, he was curious as to where Rhysis and Naira had settled - though asking would be to put Girl in a difficult position, and so he bridled his tongue. She spoke again, though, and he grunted. Maybe. He was used to the silence of the mind, but.. seldom did it feel this light, this fine. As she wriggled closer to him, he laughed a little, chest vibrating with the sound. Awkward as wolf hugs are, she was willing enough and it facilitated the whole thing, pressing her dark form close against his pale one. As her cold nose found its way through the layers of fur on his chest he gave a small yelp, nipping towards her neck as "punishment" for it. At her comment he laughed again, and once more it felt like his heart and soul soared on the wings of an eagle - it felt purifying, like release. "Aah... then do?" he teased her, rolling his own long neck to rest his chin against her black fur, trying to shield his nose in the longer hairs of her scruff. "There's a long way off until dawn, and... truth to be told, I could fall asleep here, too." He blinked a little, before closing his eyes and pressing his head deeper, ears flat against his own skull in order to not have every speck of warmth snatched from them. "In fact, I'd love to," he added quietly, body and mind already growing heavier.
.ice aesir

wrap it up in your next post? and I've absolutely <i>loved</i> this thread, one of my favorites! <3
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
(yesss <3 this was such an awesome thread!)

Sleep was doing its damn best to take Ava from her consciousness, only half aware of his playful nip of punishment and her own laugh in response. In her body she could feel the draining of all energy while her breaths deepened each by each, while every second responses became more and more difficult to make. <i>Truth to be told, I could fall asleep here, too. In fact, I'd love to.</i> They shared the sentiment much like they shared so recently discovered curious little similarities. It was altogether too comfortable to remain still as she was and to give in to temptation. Where they lay was warm, and safe, much unlike the cold-hardened night that surrounded the two wolves. Yet, while her body was slowly escaping the awakeness, her mind was incapable of letting go of the notion that she had a belonging, and a duty, and she had to face reality by morning come.

Goodbyes were always sad, regardless of occasion, but she hadn't expected it to feel so heartbreaking when she pushed away from Ice, rolling on to her belly and rising to her height. It was difficult work thanks to all of her muscles having checked out for the night, but in her mind she was aware of the repercussions if she stayed the night.

"<b>I can't,</b>" Ava finally admitted sorrowfully, holding herself small. Her lack of eagerness was quite apparent in her uncertain posture and mournful gaze. "<b>They're quite on top of things back home. Everybody is almost hyperaware. Don't know why, it's almost as if we have some kind of threat breathing down our necks.</b>" She joked, though in her words there was truth. Athena seemed to be taking her role entirely seriously - on her daily hunts and explorations she would always catch sight of the white female running the borders, sniffing and marking and being absolutely sure the home that Naira would bring her little ones into was absolutely safe. Ava felt a pang of guilt for being the quiet stranger; it probably made their lives more difficult not knowing if they could fully trust her yet. It wasn't anyone's fault, truth be told, as much as she would have liked to been able to place the blame on someone rather than herself. But if she spent a night away from the packlands, with a wolf her pack feared, there would only be Ava to blame for a lack of trust to follow.

Ava's brilliant gaze fell upon Ice once again, nearly drinking in the sight of him. There was not even an <span class='word'>agnomen</span> with which she could identify Ice but she knew she would not forget the male, not his eyes nor his fur nor his scent. Satisfied that she would recognize him anywhere, she let herself become theatrical one last time, bowing her dark head and giving her goodbye with a grave tone: "<b>Until we meet again.</b>" But she made sure the last thing he'd see of her was a genuine smile, reflected in her eyes as it played along her lips, before she turned away, retreating into the darkness, and her former place was consumed with the night.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Despite the fact that he knew her desires might clash with the loyalties of her heart, it hurt when she pushed off against him. Cool air lapped against his belly and he protested with a pleading whine, but didn't make a move to pull her back. She was a woman grown, with a duty he understood all too well - she made the choice to go home now, and he respected it.. even if it brought pain to him. She felt like a long lost sibling, and the thought of not having her near on a daily basis nearly cracked his heart. Strange, how some friendships - like the one he shared with Corinna - formed over months, while others were forged in a single night. He couldn't let her see how sad he was, though. He didn't want to test her loyalties, for he admired her honor in sticking by her pack. And so he summoned up a small smile, and a faint laugh at her little joke. "I have no idea what you mean," he retorted in a sleepy, teasing voice.

Then it was time, and Ice hauled himself to his feet, nudging her cheek. "Bye," he whispered, inhaling her scent. Naira, Rhysis, Athena, and the spice that was entirely her own. He took a step back, laughing a little at her comment. "Watch your back, dear assassin. You can never know when the next hug will come flying." She smiled and he smiled back, until the darkness had swallowed her and the wind muted out the sound of her passing. Then, like embers dying, so did his smile. For many more minutes he stared after her, before sighing in a resigned fashion. "Take care.. stranger girl." A heartfelt whisper to the wind, and then he turned north by west and began to walk. Despite the peace she had given him, he no longer felt like sleeping, and so he let his paws wander while his mind dreamed.

[ end. <3 ]
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul