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Reconnoiter — Hush Meadow 
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Played by becuffin who has 16 posts.
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Bardou Amoux
<blockquote> The large grey man ambled along at a comfortable if uneven lope with the pale young lady at his side. She had bought him back from the edge after everything had gone to shit, and now he was repaying his debt. A small part of him screamed at the prospect of ever having to let her go, but the logical side of his brain told him he would have to. He was good enough company, if gruff, but he just wasn’t made to give her all she deserved.

He had tried to provide for someone once, to lead a pack and look where that had gotten him. He had lost everything and been given a permanent limp to boot. It could have been worse though, he could have lost his leg entirely, or died. Bears were heavy hitters and he very nearly threw it all in... until she came along. She offered him the perfect distraction at the perfect time and an opportunity to escape the burn he felt each time he saw them together, each time he was relegated some menial task. It had cut him deeply, but with each day that had passed he grew closer to the girl. She had transformed in front of his eyes, and when he learned of her family he knew she needed to make amends, and he had to get out of there before <i>their</i> pups were born, so the unlikely pair had set out from Stone Shelf and headed to the lands of Relic Lore.

They had been traveling for almost a month, and it was beginning to show. Even with the two of them, hunting hadn’t been the easiest. He occasionally took note of their surroundings but it had all blurred in the last week or so. Now he took note and wondered if they were getting closer. The grass swayed about their feet as the breeze blew through the green expanse, leaving little but a whisper in its wake. His steps began to slow until he finally stopped. <b>”Are we getting close?”</b> he questioned the Tainn lady. Surely it wouldn’t be much further now...</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 18, 2012, 02:23 PM by Bardou.)
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
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Borlla Tainn-Argyris
The girl was beginning to tire of walking. She'd been tired of walking since they'd left, but for him, she'd keep going. In the end, this was better for the both of them. Bardou would be free of his terrible situation, and Borlla would be walking right into hers. But hopefully it could be set right. The Tainn's were kind, a group that Borlla would be more than willing to share with Bard. That is, if they'd let her. She feared Corinna's relentless gaze. Something that not even Indru could cuddle away. Borlla had sought for Corinna's approval since...Well, forever, even if it didn't seem that way. But at this point, that seemed an impossible goal.

Regardless, she would try. Bardou wouldn't allow her to run away. Especially not since they'd been traveling for such a long time. Still, her paws wished to retreat. They were too close now. In Relic Lore, actually. Her scent was here, and someone would find it and Indru would find out, and everything would turn to shit. She couldn't leave. Determination began to flow through her, and she pressed close to him as they walked, tipping her head back slightly as the wind blew. <b style="color:#32527a">"Almost," She said, her voice low. <b style="color:#32527a">"This place is called Hush Meadow. Still a few miles yet, but not too much longer. We could rest now, though, if you'd like." Her honey-hued eyes shifted towards him, his limp in mind. It would take more effort on his end to walk. <b style="color:#32527a">"Swift River will still be there in the morning." She tried to force indifference into her voice, not necessarily wanting to pity him. No one wanted that.

<b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by becuffin who has 16 posts.
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Bardou Amoux
<blockquote> He knew of her reluctance to get to where they were going any sooner than they had to, and he knew she would be justifying their delay with his limp. In truth it rarely ached anymore except for in the cold, but none the less he would allow her this small reprieve. She was such a brave girl. A tiny grin quirked at the corners of his mouth when he acknowledged that he couldn’t deny her anything... except that she must face this one fear. Once she was at peace with that part of herself she could truly be free.

<i>Hush Meadow...</i> It fit. The noises that were whispering about him sounded like a thousand mothers soothing their children. <b>”Of course sweet.”</b> he could tell she was tiring too and didn’t want to push her too close too fast in case the turned tail and ran. He’d never be able to keep up with her. <b>”But only for a short while. We still have to eat. I won’t have you collapsing from hunger at the borders you know. They’ll run me off for neglecting you if you do, and we both know I’m not the fasted wolf around.”</b> He teased lightly as he settled on his haunches. It seemed like as good a place as any to be.

He took a moment to scent the breeze, there was plenty of prey about, both large and small. There shouldn’t be any reason for the pair to go hungry this afternoon. They would need to find somewhere a bit more sheltered to sleep for sure, but that need was a little while off yet.</blockquote>
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
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Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla paused in the meadow, nose twitching, ears shifting as her nerves acted up. Who knew who they could run into. She wanted to face them, but she didn't want them to find out before she was ready. But things seemed relatively quiet. They fell back, folded to her head. A half-hearted grunt lifted out of her throat as she shot a look over her shoulder at him, then weaved around him again, settling by his side. <b style="color:#32527a">"They'll do no such thing," She chided, making a face. <b style="color:#32527a">"Because they'll have to go through me first, and I certainly won't starve." Gently, she butted her head into his shoulder, then looked up through thin lashes at him.

<b style="color:#32527a">"Smell anything?" She asked, still glued to his limb. After a moment, she lifted her head, her own nose taking in any interesting scents. <b style="color:#32527a">"A rabbit or two should certainly hold us over." Borlla said, absently, honey eyes shifting around. <b style="color:#32527a">"Then some place to sleep..." It was clear now that she was mostly just mumbling to herself, and was now wandering absently about the small space they occupied. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by becuffin who has 16 posts.
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Bardou Amoux
<blockquote> A deep chuckle worked its way from his chest at her chiding. He didn’t move away as her head pushed against his shoulder but he did look down at her with a teasing raised brow. Surely she wasn’t going <i>this</i> soft on him? He could feel her ribs rubbing against his own and his gut twisted, ashamed that he couldn’t provide for her better. <b>”Maybe not today, but tomorrow, who knows?”</b> he muttered to himself grimly.

She was right of course. Rabbits would tide them over for now. In fact, he had figured out a neat little trick when it came to the flighty little buggers, but it required two wolves to pull it off. If one wolf waited at the entrance of the warren while another with a particularly keen nose went and dug roughly where a sleeping chamber was they tended to panic and bolt straight into the jaws of the waiting wolf. Of course, it wasn’t successful every time, warrens had more than one exit, and there was always a chance the bunnies weren’t at home, but it was worth a try.

He observed the pale girl pacing about and realised just how nervous she was. She really needed a distraction. Raising himself to his feet he set out, not needing to worry if Borlla would follow, she had so far, and he didn’t expect her to bolt now. The further they moved into the meadow the more diverse he realised the landscape was. The waving grasses betrayed the eye. Ups and downs and little thickets, it truly was a place designed for prey rather than predator, but that wouldn’t stop the hungry wolf from providing for his ward today.

Finally finding a suitable warren he looked to the pale tawny wolf and indicated she should wait near the entrance. Nose close to the ground, he inhaled deeply, searching for the tell-tale scent that would tell him he was on his mark. He made several passes to be sure, and when he found what he was looking for he bagan to dig furiously. With any luck it would be a nesting burrow and if the adults were missed they could feast on the still blind kits that would not be able to avoid the avalanch that was about to land on their tiny heads.</blockquote>
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
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Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla scowled at his words, and paused in her tread. She began to walk slowly again, before giving up entirely. She was tired of thinking about it. In fact, she regretted asking if he wanted to stop. They should have just gotten this over with. But she wouldn't back out of her offer now. Her tail flicked as he headed off, presumably towards the rabbits. Borlla followed now, her trod heavy and her head low. This would be a welcome distraction. Watching him stop ahead, she kept her steps light. She wouldn't let them lose a meal because of her frustration.

With nostrils flared, she took his sign with a nod, and moved around towards the entrance of the warren. Her eyes searched for a moment before she spotted it, and then nodded at him as she took her position. Crouched over the hole, she watched as he began to dig, and braced herself for a rabbit to leap into her jaws. But there was silence. Lifting her head, she shot him a quick glance, then looked about silently checking to see if there was any oddly moving grass or rabbit blurs disappearing. But it was silent. <b style="color:#32527a">"Nothing," She said, shoulders rolling. Hopefully there'd be something in there though. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by becuffin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bardou Amoux
<blockquote> The further he dug the more evident it became that there was nothing down there. A heavy huff exited his chest as they moved on to the next warren and the next with equal results. His chest and stomach were dusted from the holes he had dug but all were equally abandoned. Perhaps they needed to try for something bigger? Or maybe it was best to just call it a night?

<b>”We could always try for something bigger.”</b> he suggested half heartedly as they approached the last burrow. If there was nothing in this one it would seem the locals had snapped them all up. All he could do was hope there was something under the earth this time.</blockquote>
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
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Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Scowling, she watched him dig through the various tunnels and rooms. They had to find something. Although, perhaps catching something bigger would be their only chance. If the rabbits hadn't tried to escape yet, she didn't have much faith that they were actually in there. <b style="color:#32527a">"Wait!" She said suddenly, shaking her head. <b style="color:#32527a">"Leave the last bit. If there were any rabbits in here, they would have been out a while ago." Letting out a long breath, she looked back across the meadow.

<b style="color:#32527a">"I think we'll have to find something bigger." Borlla admitted with a groan. <b style="color:#32527a">"Unless there's somewhere to fish around here." The idea came upon her suddenly, though it seemed unlikely. She was out of practice, as if she'd had any to begin with, and it was still probably more likely that they'd take down a doe then catch enough fish to feed them. After a moment, she shook her head. <b style="color:#32527a">"We should just find a skimpy deer to pick off."

<b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by becuffin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bardou Amoux
<blockquote> He watched her scowl and fought back one of his own. She was right. There was no point destroying the rest of the warren, it was simply a waste of energy. Enough of which had been expended on the journey here. Fishing could go either way. He had been adept at the task once, but now he was rusty from lack of practice. He nodded his ascent to the younger wolf. Would he ever deny her anything?

Their best bet was to make their way amongst the trees, willows from the look of them. He had never seen so many in one place. He had to wonder if his bad luck had been bought on himself. Sometimes, it seemed as if he couldn’t do anything right. But not today. Today they would eat, and tomorrow they would make their way to see Borlla’s family. It was all about to turn around for them, he was sure.</blockquote>
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
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Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Her tongue swept over her teeth, mouth beginning to get dry. Perhaps fishing would be the best idea. Thirst was beginning to kick in. At least if they didn't catch any fish they wouldn't die of dehydration. <b style="color:#32527a">"Let's fish," She said, moving forward, into the drooping trees. <b style="color:#32527a">"Keep an ear out for water. It's rather cool, so hopefully the fish won't be too hard to catch." Her ears twitched, listening for a running sound. A yawn parted her jaws, but she tried to cover it. The sun would disappear in time. They had to hurry. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

idk if you wanna play the hunt out, or just skip ahead to night? so i left it open ended, but ugh short i'm sorry ;-;
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention