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Paralyzed & Wrong — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Mo who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Delilah "Murder" Devant

Fear forgot to properly introduce herself to the yellow-eyed girl, and had barely touched her pelt when she found herself braving the mountain, paws aching already from climbing. She didn't know how long it would take to get to the top, whether it was hours, days, or weeks, it didn't matter to her. She was determined to get to the top and to survey the land from there, looking over the forest and seeing what else this place had to offer her. She hadn't seen much and already she was growing bored. The forest, or what she had seen of it anyways, was rather nice, and it would be a shame to have to leave this place out of mere boredom of the place. It was pretty from where she stood right now, and while the looks of the land didn't quite matter all that much to her, the sights were nice on the eyes.

For a moment she paused, she wasn't too far up the mountain but she was far enough up that she wasn't going to turn back now. A quarter of the way and she was already wishing for another gasp of breath, wanting her lungs to be able to hold more oxygen so she wouldn't be constantly stopping for a breather. She would get used to it, as her journey went on, her muscles would no longer ache with the effort of pulling herself up the side of the large landmark. As of now, she was breathless, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. She was vulnerable, and this would be a horrible moment for another wolf to sneak up on her and to bring her to the ground. They could topple down the side of the mountain and that would be that. One slip up here and you would be dead.

With these happy thoughts running through her head, Murder set herself on the ground, trying to get a decent amount of air in her lungs so that she could continue on her trek through the mountain. As long as no one found her here vulnerable, she would be okay.

(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2010, 05:15 PM by Honijo.)
Played by Shadow who has 30 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Honijo Ithil
<span style='font-family:quot'>
After much time, speculation, and travel Honijo had finally made his decision. The mountains had always been a place the male felt familiar and comfortable with. After all, he had been born in a similar setting; why not die here? Not to say that the new leader was ready to fall off the face of the earth any time soon. Not in the slightest. If anything, Honijo was perfectly healthy and strong, save for the haunted thoughts and dreams still taking over his mind whenever he closed his eyes. The image of his sister, Lani, still filled the forefront of his imagination when the night was late and he was lonely. After the fire and the new re-establishment of everything, after the children forged together under the command of Indru and brought together a new pack by the name of Swift River, an odd feeling had cast across the Uncle. He had felt unattached, or rather... that he was intruding on something private that ought to carry on without him. While he loved each and every one of Lani and Rihael's children dearly, the fact of the matter remained: they were not his. They were not linked by direct blood, only oyalty and a history that the older male felt he was no longer bound to. Lani, his darling sister, the one who he fought for and sworn to protect from harm, had been taken by the wrath of a raging fire.

The mottled gray male traipsed idly down the mountain. The slope was difficult, especially so because he had just woken up. The previous night he had found a hidden den not too far away to settle and rest. Now, with the sun hitting the sky and the heat waves hot and heavy, it was his intention to make his way down to a winding stream Honijo had come across in his travels. Today was to prove an interesting and challenging day, one that would include the beginning of marking his borders, perhaps sending out a note or two to the skies in request of other wandering desperado's like himself. What he didn't expect in the slightest was to stumble across a wolf figure, the unfamiliar female scent suddenly strong in his nostrils. Honijo pulled up to an abrupt halt, pausing for a second to analyze the resting figure. She did not seem prepared in the slightest for a potential attack, and he knew if he really wanted to and tried at the right angle, it would only be too easy to jump her and take her down, or worse... send her over the outcrop she was relaxing on. But what was the point in getting territorial just yet?

He had just hours ago claimed the land as his own and was still in the middle of making everything official. Pondering this for a moment, the large male waited patiently for a few more seconds, just watching this strange female from a distance before taking a step into the open. <b>"Must be a good reason for your determination in this heat, ma'am."</b> Since when was he so polite? Honijo racked his brains. Perhaps since first setting off on his own. Rudeness could only get you so far when you were alone and vulnerable, searching for numbers to back you up. Nonetheless, he found it amusing that the girl was focusing so hard on making the climb, looking beyond exhausted in doing so, while he was simply descending for a drink of water. Such opposites. Honijo remained a few levels above the wolf, yellow eyes shining with the light of the sun as he waited for the other to respond.
(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2010, 07:10 PM by Honijo.)
<center><img src='http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/mp2.png' title='Leader of Midnight Plateau' /></center>
Played by Mo who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Delilah "Murder" Devant

For a while she just sat there and overlooked the land, examining with critical eyes the place where she had been living for the past few days. She had yet to properly explore, and her adventures had resulted in her sleeping quietly in any place she could find that was secluded and apart from the rest of the world. She didn't mind not having a permanent place to stay each night, for she was used to moving around and finding any place to stay that she could fit herself. Murder actually enjoyed moving around, switching things up each night as to make sure that no one was following her or planning on killing her. She was a spy, born and raised as one and she would be ready for whatever would be thrown at her.

Of course, she wasn't expecting the being behind her on the slope to speak, or to even be there. She spun around slowly, trying not to make it obvious that she had been surprised by the appearance of the male. He was handsome, a few years older than her, and quite large. It would be smart to run from him if she saw any sign of him being hostile. She would stand no chance in a fight against this male, and her small size would only help her in evading death in a tight situation. <b>"I merely want to survey the land, that is all."</b> She said with a smile, sitting sideways so that she could see the land out of the corner of her eyes while also being able to see him while she was talking to him. <b>"What is a male like you doing out on a day like this on a mountain so steep, anyways?"</b> She asked. Hopefully he wasn't an assassin, he didn't seem like it, but one could never tell by the looks of another. She was one, and you couldn't really tell with how she looked.

She let her eyes wander back over to the landscape, seeing how large the place where she now lived was. It was incredible, how small she was compared to e verything else. But an ant in a huge land that could easily choose to destroy her. She turned back to the male, her eyes examining him. While he may not have been approved of by her quite yet, he was okay. He had not attacked her yet, and that was good. <b>"It's wonderful, isn't it. How large this land is that we live in and how small we are."</b> She spoke her thoughts, turning back to the view after a few moments of looking at the male. What would he say in response to her words?

Played by Shadow who has 30 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Honijo Ithil
interested in joining MP? feel free to throw your wolf in here after this post!
<span style='font-family:quot'>
Survey the land? Well he supposed it was a good enough excuse. She looked simply famished, and he didn't have the nerve, nor the cruelty to chase her down the mountain. When he made his presence known, Honijo waited, standing prideful on the top of the rock. She could survey the land; he would survey her. He watched as the female turned her back to him, although it was evident she was keeping a watchful eye on him. Minutely, the brute noticed that they seemed to have similar eye shades. Both yellow, alit with wonder at the Ruins of Wildwood below. It was just that-- ruins. Even from such a far altitude, the crumbling remains of what had once been his home tore him to shreds on the inside out. If he had been trying to run away from it all, why had he chosen such a close place to start this new pack, to call home? Curious, but there must have been something symbolic there. Maybe deep down Honijo liked the idea of keeping watch of his old pack, of being their Guardian even though he was gone. He was still above them, still had a clear view, would still be able to see if smoke billows up over the treetops again one day. This time he would surely be there in a flash.

The male grunted in response to the she-wolf's question. A male like him? Ha. And what on earth did she mean by that? Bright eyes narrowed as he took another step closer, not quite right beside but enough to give her space, nothing to scare her. <b>"Oh you know, nothing in particular. Just claiming some lands. No big deal."</b> And just like that, he lifted his leg and marked the nearest jagged bolder. Black lips pulled back into a slight smirk, but it vanished almost instantly as he trod around the perimeter of the area. He had a boastfulness about him, something that would surely help now that he was intending to start a pack. Just up above where he had came from, there was a plateau that would serve its worth. Well hidden from any potential intruders, you had to slink past a deadened tree slanted into the rocks to enter the den he had picked out. It was sheltered well from the elements and not too far a stroll to the nearest water source. Another head tilt to the side, and the male decided it was only proper to introduce himself, <b>"Honijo Ithil."</b> He said it in greeting, nodding his head down once before forcing it back into the air with a low guttural sound, a powerful and loud howl which would carry down the slope of the mountain and hopefully everywhere around. In it was a message for every lone wanderer, every broken heart, anyone who needed a home, a place to call their own. Somewhere to rebuild and start anew.

When he howled, the call sounded young and promising. Happy. Honijo felt elated and excited of what would or could possibly come. When he had finished, the male snapped his jaws shut tightly, clapping his white fangs together before yawning. Then, he turned to face the she-wolf who had yet to introduce herself, <b>"Terribly sorry miss, but if there are no intentions for you to prove yourself to me, I would kindly suggest you take your leave now."</b> His eyes were hard, yet soft as the male folded himself into an almost feline-like sitting position. For a male of his size, it was a difficult task to perfect. There was an unspoken challenge feasted in the front of his eyes as he surveyed the female onlooker, just waiting for her to get peeved and frustrated with his lack of tact. Her resting spot would soon become the place where the first wolves of Midnight Plateau assembled. She could either walk away now, or stay for the party.
(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2010, 05:43 PM by Honijo.)
<center><img src='http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/mp2.png' title='Leader of Midnight Plateau' /></center>
Played by Sharpie who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Carne Vaedal
I apologize for the long long post. It's a habit I'm trying to break lmao. I just have a lot of built up muse right now. Once I get going they'll probably be more brief.

Irises the color of molten lava smoldered in the glare of the sunlight, shifting back in forth in the skull from which they sat, eagerly swallowing the sights which were bestowed upon them. In murky pupils the wide scene of a vast land was reflected one in which was beautiful and flourishing in many ways - decorated with the lush forests known as Relic Lore. It wasn't the vibrant greens and browns which she feasted her eyes upon though, but the ashy remains of a land now forgotten which probably once harbored life but was now left with little but blackened dead foliage, littered with embers. Interesting she mused, her expression reading nothing of passionate emotion - neither awe nor anger nor fear nor joy. Easily she could see that burnt horizon from where she lingered and in truth she made sure to count her blessings that she had not came from that direction but rather the opposite. Nothing would have put a damper on her life more than racing infernos.

A gust blew through the inclines, upsetting her fur and bringing a host of new aromas to her awareness. Carne paused to inhale deeply, filing the many new scents away into recognition. There was not a terrible amount of urine placed around the area, but by now she could interpret the mountain was soon to be claimed. There were others nearby, and this sent her into a frenzy of calm vigilance, curious and wary and slightly irritated with her new found company. Stepping away from her stony perch, she ventured through low-lying thickets and scampered up the cliff side toward the others, hesitating only in her mind to question herself for this behavior. Usually a nomad with nothing but contempt for many beings, it was abnormal for her to even think about desiring the company of others. What did she do now but seek them out in order, perhaps, to gain a home?

Carne justified her actions in a matter of minutes: the land was unfamiliar, she was getting on in age, and she needed something of excitement in her life. She had grown up in turmoil, a pawn for her mother's crusades against another family, a weapon of great destruction but an independent none the less. Never thrilled with that pointless lifestyle, she had split off on her own. For what? The life of a loner was somewhat alien to her, and she needed to find something to feed her growth. She had an appetite for.. what? Power? Indeed perhaps, but she was sharp enough to know she wasn't ready.. yet. Carne had never even experienced a true dynasty and legend, only the fruitless life of an army for anger. She wanted to see what life was like on the outside.

Sort of.

There really wasn't a good way to describe it. It was more like nature pushing her to make this choice now - no logic involved at all. And even so, there was no turning back. A few thoughts and meandering later and a cadence ripped through the air with tremendous force and suddenness. Carne jumped, her black and brown mottled fur suddenly standing on end. Reflex permitted a low snarl to roll from her lips until the surprise wore off and she retained her aloof demeanor. Before her eyes were two creatures: a male larger than herself and humble in his stance; and a female who seemed less than certain of her place here.

In the event that they didn't notice her abrupt and rude appearance, Carne decided to clear her throat. She seemed somewhat crude, standing there all proud and undaunted. She was callow in the sense that she had no experience in respect or pack-dealings, but at the same time, she didn't really care. "Hope yeh dun mind my - er - lack of couth," she offered, her voice and tone so casual and unpolished it was almost insulting, "Then againnn.. if ya did mind, there's not a whole lot ya can do 'bout it."

A wide, Cheshire grin spread across her scarred, murky face, a poor excuse for friendliness and mirth. Even her tail wagged slightly - perfect acting. The charade was all too familiar. It wasn't that she particularly disliked these two, or had any reason to at all, but she was still very much a miserly cynic and portrayed a poor attitude toward others. Therefore, in order to even survive she had to put forth the best and most manipulative drama she could in order to present a more likable and socially acceptable Carne, a game she had grown far too comfortable with. "Name's Carne," she blurted, purposely leaving out the surname as she found it entirely unnecessary. After all, it was only a reminder of her sinister blood.

(This post was last modified: Aug 27, 2010, 06:51 PM by Carne.)
Played by lor who has 1 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marx Tristis
With tentative steps her figure slides past the line of trees, legs and muscles weaving systematically; organic clockwork. Morbid curiousity had coaxed her from the sidelines and into the ring - her thoughts flippant and overwhelmed with her wonderment at the mottled patchwork of strangers in her midst. She stops moving, still in the backdrop - but now her presence ever so obvious, her emotions a subtle mystery - there is nothing of interest to bring her in closer. Her eyes, sliding cooly from face to face, land on the male - her sole reason for showing - and her head cocks dryly to one side, ears flouncing against the slope of her skull. "Hmph." She snorts with simple satisfaction, unable to disguise the slight disappointment in having followed the howl to end up at ... this. This group of ragtag strangers seeming so uncertain of themselves - and her nerves are sent into a buzzing frenzy at the sight; anxious bubbles of bile coating the back of her throat, forcing her lips to part and her tongue to slide slowly against the pastel pink of her gums, washing away the copper tang flavor and forming a shining gloss against the black leather of her lengthy lips.

As soon as Carne speaks Marx spins her gaze to the female, eyelids narrowing against wide, glassy green eyes. Slowly, tenderly, a growl rumbles from the base of her chest and slithers from those serenely parted lips, growing louder as it slices the nervous atmosphere with fatal tension. "Your arrogance is atrocious," she hisses coldly at the stranger, the tapered point of her snout lowering to hang in front of her chest, thick black hairs bristling against each elegant sinew of her tensed frame whilst her legs shift only to point herself directly at the ignorant female, sharp shoulder peaks cutting the air as they roll in repetitive shrugs of tense aggression, her thick tail whipping in circles at her heels.

Played by Sharpie who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Carne Vaedal

The gut-wrenching gurgle of a grisly growl came as a reluctant irritation to Carne, a sound she grimly wished would have been kept muffled. Her muscles froze and tightened in an instant, her skin itching with the first pumps of adrenaline that seeped into her bloodstream. The cheerful masquerade that she had so carefully built upon her face faded into oblivion and then came the return of the cold, gray seriousness of a more veracious Carne. After the newcomer threw her first verbal punch, the older female decided to turn around and face her new found rival, burning eyes locking into the image of Marx.

A long, tense moment lingered, squeezing the life out of the encounter in a dreadfully depressing and almost terrifying manner. Her lips pursed for a moment, her clockwork mind working out the situation in careful patience. No good or bad expression flickered in her face besides that of a mulling stranger, until at once the corners of her lips broke her stillness and twisted upward in a surprisingly warm but completely false smile. "And your prejudice is insulting," Carne retorted. Her demeanor was confusing, standing there as tranquil as a summer breeze, an inviting smile upon her face, a wild defiance in her eyes, and a burning tenseness in the stillness of her tail.

"It's only the product of mah personal accomplishments," she spoke oddly, "All of ya harbor arrogance if ya have any sense of self-worth. Me? I juss find it disrespectful to mahself to hide my nature like a whimpering, chained up dog." That was true. Carne was not brought up to be blindly obedient, polite and robotic. She was taught some form of respect and subordination because of her mother, but she was mostly raised as an independent, dominant and powerful weapon. In her eyes, no one was being harmed by her lax attitude and odd mannerisms, so more power to her! After all, no one had yet demonstrated anything to earn her complete submission and formal respects. Carne was just being casual and in that sense, comfortable.

But suspicion crept around her and she deduced it really didn't matter to Marx what Carne said. Her words were more than likely just wasted breath as she had already been judged. The aggression and spite that radiated through the air was thick, and her nose crinkled with the sensation of it. Her head was hot with a temper that boiled because of Marx's venomous greeting, and she found it impossible to control her Stepford smiler approach. The stature of the other female was nothing short of a challenge in some way and at least deserved an equal response in return.

Her lips curled first - her nose lifting far above her gums to reveal every single yellow incisor and canine, wrinkling up her muzzle until it met at her furrowed eyebrows. Irises resembling the fires of hell contracted to give birth to a piercing, narrowed and demonic stare, so wild and unforgiving it could have been too much for the faint of heart. The behemoth of a female seemed only to grow in size as every strand of fur around her nape, shoulders and spine suddenly stood straight up as if static had run through the air. But it was the sickening, deathly, roar-like snarl that came last... but far from least. It ripped through the tenseness with a forceful, almost taunting, wrath to match that of Marx's, and only faded to a lower, steadier rumbling when the initial explosion had dissipated.

You don't know me.

In that instant, she had practically forgotten the presence of Honijo or the other stranger, completely pushing aside her first desire to maybe, actually try and get involved with a pack. She didn't think to wonder if this sudden, arrogant turn in attitude would affect her chances, for at this moment, she was just doing what came naturally to her. Honijo would just have to understand.

(This post was last modified: Aug 27, 2010, 06:51 PM by Carne.)
Played by xem who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lyra Murdor Acghon
<blockquote>There was a gathering of adults and the smell of some male’s markings fresh and still gleaming upon the rocks along his designated area. It wasn’t hard to guess what was going on or what might be going on, and the youth was not shy to it.
The mountain lands were a challenge to get past and get through, but she had certainly found something worth the trek. Whether or not she found this new Alpha worth masquerading under was another thing however, pending worth. Nonetheless, she would exit from the shadows of rocks and come into the open, making herself known.

Lyra giggled with a bit of charm or haughtiness, whichever way one would like to hear it as. She had not heard the whole amount of words to be gifted to the airs, but she could certainly tell that the woman of muddy earth and clay colors, had a sure amount of self-worth. Her words were correct, but no sense in allowing them to stay so high, right?
“<b>I’ve seen dogs and some look just like us.</b>” The yearling, not quite mature, walked lazily into the meeting area and gave herself a standing place near to Carne. “<b>But you can always tell they’re no wolf when they make so much racket and trouble -- only gaining themselves a tighter chain with their overconfident effort.</b>” Words could be seen as arrogance, and Lyra would react accordingly. For now she spoke as a means to wiggle her way in and make her own place. How they reacted would be remedied.

Eyes turned to the male, whose scent was splattered freshly on these mountains. He wished to create a pack, yes? Then what invitation or reason did he give for those gathered to follow him? “<b>Wolves show, not tell. They are never chained up in the first place. Still, for conversational purposes, I’m interested in hearing what a proud pack in the mountains is to become. Care to share your motives? Or have I made my place too far into the borders, sir?</b>” Ah, what business did a wandering little girl have among such organization talk? For one, she was genuinely interested and liked the look of those gathered to be honest. Second, she held a natural confidence that took much to depress, and she could be counted on to do what was needed to maintain the status quo. That being said, she would not follow one who was weak willed or wished to rule weak individuals. She would have no issue with turning and leaving his borders if that was the case.
(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2010, 05:07 PM by Lyra.)
Played by Mo who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Delilah "Murder" Devant
moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

She snorted slightly, and now opened her eyes to the confidence that the male showed, revealing that he was indeed searching to claim lands and to stake out a territory for his own. Murder nodded in respect, a sign that she used to be polite to every alpha that she came across. If he had anything interesting to show her, she would most certainly consider joining this little pack he was creating. Her eyes sparked with a glint of amusement, wondering how one male could possibly uphold and start a pack with a bunch of loners that were previously strangers and listening to no one but themselves. Murder found it difficult sometimes to even control herself, one male who was only getting older than his current age trying to control several others who were younger and with more oomph in their life? She had to give it to him, he was ambitious and confident.

When he lifted his chin to her and released a booming howl to summon those who wished to prove themselves to him, she cocked her head and waited for him to finish, listening to his words before feeling the need to speak once more, before other wolves began filing in. "Well Honijo, I hate to dissipate any possible hopes of me leaving your presence to those more worthy of a position in a lovely pack I'm sure you will lead, but I am interested in showing you what I am worth and to possibly join the ranks of your wolves," she glanced around, snorting quietly, for there was no one there. Yet. "Murder Devant's the name, and my profession is that of spying. If you are in need of anything of the sort, I assure you I am the girl for the job," she finished her introduction, standing to move her back to the land she was looking at before, her attention drawn to him and what he had to say.

When the first female came, she looked at the older girl with that of wonder. She spoke a little strange, and Murder was put off by the way she spoke to Honijo. Almost as if she didn't respect him and what he was here to do. If she didn't, why in the hell had the answered his call with her presence? It almost made her laugh the way she just barged in and spoke, not a care in the world for respect or politeness. Carne, Murder already disliked her with the beginnings of a burning passion. If she acted like this all the time, it was no wonder that she was still a loner. Quite frankly, the attitude that rubbed off of the bitch was harsh and arrogant, had Murder been the one to make the call and have a female answer her like that, she would have simply put her in her place, for clearly nobody had in all the days Carne had been living.

The second girl who came was more interesting, with dangerous green eyes and a coat of pure ebony. She reacted to Carne in the way Murder would have, had she the courage, and Murder snorted once more in silence by herself, for she was away from the two females and liked it that way. The tension that built in the air suddenly became very taut and strained, and it amused Murder to see two perfect strangers almost go at each other's throats for the lack of respect the first girl had expressed. The black one was not afraid to voice her opinion, no matter how dangerous it was, and an admiration for this trait grew in Murder. Something about the female told her that it was possible for the two of them to be friends and companions. She made a note to herself to converse with the female and see if a friendship of sorts could grow from it.

There was another girl that came after that, younger than all of them, and Murder rolled her eyes to herself, finding that this was not a pack any more than it was a harem. "Seems to me that if your pack idea is successful, you won't only be in power of four fiercely independent females to start off with, but four fiercely independent females who clearly aren't very fond of each other." She remarked, speaking to Honijo and afterwards letting her gaze wander over each girl's face for a few seconds before returning to the only male. Raising a brow in sheer amusement, she waited for more conflict to arise, for it seemed that was the only option now.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky
Played by Debain who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hallie Riott-Kringle
Just getting up a quick post so that I can be involved in this too! xd

Ever since she accidentally stumbled across Honijo the other day overlooking the Midnight Plateau she had become intrigued by him. Hallie was still a nervous wreck and although he was not entirely comforting or interested by her the same could not be said the other way around. The fact that he had not treated her with instant dismissal or aggression led the young broken yearling into following him. She kept her distance and tried her best to keep herself hidden remaining at a good distance behind. Bright jade green eyes fixing upon the brute as the gerent called into the heavens with a howl and a claim.

It was official now, he was an Alpha. Her eyes lighting up imagining what it would be like to be inside a pack once more. Hallie was so excited she ever unknowingly broke her cover from a ledge a little way above them, her malnourished and neglected body lifted from the dark shadows the Dire Mountain provided only to lose her fore footing on some lose shingle and find herself sliding down a dusty slope a little way behind the main group of wolves. Hallie however crouched down low remaining quiet unsure of whether or not a girl barely a year old like herself was welcome here. Would Honijo be mad that she was stalking him?