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Played by Fenrir who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valkyrja Blödhgarm
<i>Clear — Current Temperature: 42° F/6° C </i>

I think that the first to post here should be Kisla.. and that she and Kyrja will interact for a bit, before Marsh shows up. Fírnen might show up at any time, and if Rhysis wants to come, it has to be as the PP leader because I get a headache otherwise. xP I am fairly certain Triell will show up at the end, too. If no one minds I'd love for Ice to appear when everything is pretty much over, as to not get in the way of the planned things but still have been here and seen it. If someone else wants in on this, please go to <a href='http://relic-lore.net/index.php?showtopic=1652' target='_blank'>this thread</a>, because that's the "planning center" for this event! Happy roleplaying :)

Restless, with the need to stretch her legs overwhelming, Valkyrja had abandoned her post as the beggar Hollow member that flinched at any sound. Coming here, no well there, had been a mistake. The cacophony of crows in the Ghastly Woods had promised greatness, but all she'd gotten was a second with a stick up her arse, a plateful of pack politics, and a more or less missing brother. She'd found nothing but filth, a waste of time, a waste of oxygen even speaking to her pack mates. Every breath they drew was an insult, and not even a well-needed bath in a freezing creek had erased the stink of Grizzly Hollow from her sleek fur. Frustration and disgust had locked her mind down and it wasn't until a goodly while later that she found enough composure to think again. She'd taken a thorough spring rubbing among the trees, blowing out old winter fur and getting out some nasty grit, and after a careful grooming, she looked her old self again - slender, a pale beauty with eyes of liquid shadows. Her fur was soft and smooth, but most importantly, clean. She still smelled of pack, but.. there was noting much she could do about it.

She'd done a few excursions here and there to get away from the oppressive existence in a pack, enough to map out the most nearby pack - Swift River. She'd not met any of them nor gone close enough to actually figure out who they were, but she'd seen some youngsters, and guessed they were last year's pups. Spring had Valkyrja torn between the desire to rip off the faces of anyone who wasn't Fírnen (and sometimes him too), and the desire to.. have children. The last notion scared her so much she preferred to imagine doing nasty things to young pretty girls instead. It was effective at keeping vanity and sanity intact.. though from an outside point of view, the latter could be doubted. Now, though, the pale female had grown tired of her life. She needed action. She needed to pull strings and laugh as the puppets danced.

With precise motions she loped through the Sacred Grove, feeling strangely vulnerable without her black raven shadow hovering nearby. But, he had only himself to blame... She didn't even know where he was, and that was rare. She pushed the gnawing worry aside, and focused instead on this afternoon adventure. The sun was slowly sliding towards the horizon, the shadows lengthening while warm golden sunlight still lingered, filtering down between budding branches. Pleasant enough, and to stretch her limber legs felt good after weeks of running about crouched. It was a wonder no one had demoted her to "lowest" simply because they could. Oh, well - try that and they might get a set of teeth in their noses. Valkyrja did have limits on just how low she'd stoop for the games she and her brother played.

She was homing in on her target like a well-aimed missile, the stench of Swift River going stronger and stronger with each drift of wind against her face. A smile curved her dark lips, a flash of worn teeth in the shadows before she commanded her face to relax. Smile like that, any even the mice knew you were up to no good! Still, her own special brand of eudemonia settled in her belly like warm wine, spreading contentment through her body as she moved. This was what she thrived on, even though she had no plan. Just skirt around their area, not close enough to warrant any real inspection, but not far enough away not to encounter someone. Then, she'd see what opportunities presented itself... and just go with the flow of whatever happened.

In the waning light, she smiled again, but her dark eyes were cold as death.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Corinna had made it very clear that the training for the pack’s youth’s was to commence and soon – in another month Kisla would join the adult ranks as a Yearling, and while the thought thrilled her, the girl had never felt more unprepared in her life. Her hunting skills were pitiful – her tracking skills even more so. In fact, the young she-wolf was still feeling the uneasy burn of embarrassment from the episode at the den site just a few eve’s ago – the clumsy thrashing of her lithe figure in the water.. the bow of her muzzle beneath the surface and the rescue that had taken place from Naira before the she-wolf had betrayed them all and left.

Her slender limbs carried her to the Grove, each step carried with a light bounce that revealed how anxious she was to prove herself – a tender youth so naïve and young, she did not understand the spider’s web she was about to encroach upon. With her tail waving behind her like a proud banner (after all, her mother was leader to these lands, did that not mean a sense of entitlement ran in her blood?), the girl prowled the borders, her imagination stirring the belief that she belonged there – a veteran to such pack duties.

The scent of another stirred upon the warming breeze. Halting, one pale creamy paw held midair, Kisla’s mind reeled at what to do. What would her mother do? What would Marsh do? Or uncle Triell? Of course, the simple answer was to find the source and see what they were doing so close to packlands, and without any thought to her safety, the youth trailed toward the scent, her muzzle held high and her limbs stalking stiffly now with practiced dominance.

As the stranger came to view, Kisla’s young mind could not help but place awe to how pretty she was – the sleek pale fur that gleamed in the dim light.. the shine of her silver eyes. Pushing past this, KIsla offered a yip to announce her presence. “What are you doing so close to Swift River lands?” In her mind, that was exactly how she envisioned Triell would ask an unknown wolf so close to their homes.

sparking up my heart

Played by Fenrir who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valkyrja Blödhgarm
She was getting closer to the pack lands, the strong scent sending creeps skittering under her skin. She had no desire to barrel into their home, and so she checked her pace, slowing to a purposeful trot as she angled off her straight path. Eventually, her pace slowed further, and she drifted through the dappled lighting between ancient trees. She was close, so very close, and a shiver of anticipation ran down her spine, thin legs trembling for a moment. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation, but she silently berated herself anyway. Someone was bound to show up, and soon. She couldn't be standing here like a fool then, she had to have some sort of direction! Just an idea of what she wanted, so she had something to start with... Blinking her dark brown eyes, she drifted into a patch of sunlight. With a squint she threw a glance at the sun; it was nearly below the mountain peak, just a couple of more minutes and there'd be nothing of it here on the pitiful ground.

A scent came drifting on the winds, and Valkyrja's head snapped around. With deadly precision she turned on her dainty paws to better face the arrival, Swift River and female being key components of this individual. It spelled disaster, but the Hollow female didn't mind.. it wasn't to be her disaster, after all. In the silence of the evening, her heart picked up speed, adrenaline sharping her senses. Quick breaths brought the air into her lungs and nose, and her eyes were bright as she waited for the unfortunate little bitch to come into view.

When she did, Valkyrja nearly cooed in pleasure.

She was a very pretty little thing all right, confident and dominant in her pose yet she seemed.. young, somehow. Unblemished. Adding up what she knew of the pack, Kyrja decided she was last year's female pup. Dark eyes ran over her body, both pleased and devastated by her looks - tawny and cream, beautiful green eyes... Every mother's dream. Only through effort did she keep her lips from creeping into a snarl, though there was definitely something in her gaze that couldn't be called anything but sinister. Hopefully she'd be able to brush it off as the shadows cast by the trees darkening her gaze. As if she had no care in the world, Valkyrja's own head rose up, staring down the length of her pale muzzle and onto the young female. Silly child, trying to dominate her.

The question brought a flash of an insolent smile to her beautiful face, and movement. One front paw snaked out, the rest of her body following gracefully as she stepped in an arc around the girl, taking in her appearance from these new angles too. "Exploring," she said smoothly, all innocence despite her behavior. "And oh my.. such pretty little things one finds when exploring! Your mother must be so proud of you, darling." There was no biting sarcasm, no acid dripping from her words, nothing that truly gave her away as the witch she was except for the darkness that lurked just beneath the surface of everything she said and did, like a cold undercurrent in a lake on a summer's day. Still, the smile she gave was pleasant, intrigued, for she approved what she saw.. and couldn't wait for the game to be well underway.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Kisla was unaware of how the she-wolf was looking to her – the devious intent that was masked so carefully in her words was lost upon such a naïve and innocent girl, and at what appeared to be a compliment from such a pretty stranger, the girl could not help but feel flattered. Preening at such a compliment, the little wolf gave a roll of her shoulders, her eyes lighting up with confidence toward the other female. Of course, all thoughts of potential trespassing had fled from her now, and instead she was far more interested in learning more about this mysterious stranger with the most unique eyes she had ever seen.

“Do you explore often?” Instantly, the small guard that Kisla had disappeared, and the youthful wolf reclined to her haunches, both ears perked forward as she intently awaited to hear of the adventures such a mysterious and beautiful wolf had been on. “I’ve lived here my whole life,” she shared, scooting herself a bit closer to the she-wolf, an unspoken trust and invitation that the female should come closer so they could talk.

It seemed strange how quickly life would change. In only a matter of months, the girl would reach adulthood, and while she would still be recognized as a youth of the pack, she would be able to finally offer herself to the duties of pack life. Despite everything – her father’s coming and going, the coming and going of other pack members, and her near drowning experience, Kisla felt confident that she could be a loyal and headstrong member to her pack.

sparking up my heart

Played by Fenrir who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valkyrja Blödhgarm
It wasn't even hard to seduce the little girl, and Valkyrja wasn't certain if she should laugh or weep. She'd been fairly certain the start of this game would be half-assed, for truly her comment had been carelessly constructed - she'd just not voiced the sarcasm, but it was so easy to imagine it... But no, the girl just looked at her as if she was some kind of goddess. Blinking a little, her finely featured head tilted to the side as she watched. If the Blödhgarm female was to be completely honest.. another time, another life, and she would've stolen Kisla and raised her as her own little princess. But now? Too old, likely too indoctrinated with her current mother, too beautiful already. Little princesses had no place in Valkyrja's life, and her life was the world, and so they had no place at all.

With the same kind of ethereal grace that nearly her every movement seemed to exude she mirrored the near-yearling's move, sinking down in a dignified sit. A small smile played on her face as she replied. "Every day is an adventure, a forest is never the same the second time you enter it. There is always something new to learn, something new to see. I've traveled quite a lot, though..." Valkyrja's lithe frame leaned in closer, her dark eyes mysterious. It seemed to suggest that she was going to share the world's biggest secret, and only with Kisla. "I was born far from here, but I've never truly been alone... My brother - such a pity he's not with me now - is nearly always with me." She peered curiously at her, as if silently asking her if she had protective brothers, or perhaps a young sweetheart somewhere..? A knight in shining armor that she wished to tour the world with.

After a moment's silence, the pale wraith leaned back again, briefly glancing at the setting sun. Speaking of Fírnen made her so much more aware of his missing presence, of the comfort of his raven's embrace and his ragged voice. Even if she got herself into a mess, he was there to drag her out, and she'd do the same for him. She missed his spiky fur and his mussed-up appearances, missed smoothing out his hairs and grooming him to look like the handsome young man he was. Valkyrja smothered a longing sigh, and instead looked back at Kisla, an air of slight sadness around her. "He would've been quite taken with you, dear," she said softly, dark eyes sincere. Truth to be told, she'd never let her beast of a brother anywhere near a young lady as pretty as this one, not out of any care for the young lady, but because she hated when his pale eyes landed on females that weren't she. He knew she hated it, and he loved to torment her. Perhaps she was better off without him.. but, no. His absence was the only thing that could possibly bring a pain to her cold heart, and truth to be told, it felt like someone had hacked off one of her limbs. She just couldn't imagine a life without Fírnen.
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>The feeling of anticipation had been festering in his gut for so long that it had mutated, grown into a kind of angry tension that kept him forever on edge. He had never experienced anything like it. So in tune with his family, with his environment, Marsh Barrew had always taken such things for granted, and to be so disquieted... it made him uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he had been able to keep his general uneasiness from his kin, unwilling to concern them with superstition and ill feelings. It wasn't his job, and it didn't help anyone. Besides, he had no viable way of sharing his worries, and though the pack had accepted his silence, for which he was eternally grateful, it did not mean that he was willing to brave wrapping his tongue in knots and making a fool of himself. A foolish Second was not something that Swift River needed. If Marsh was not the wolf Corinna wanted, she would have made it clear. Her acceptance of him had been all he needed for a long time now.

He would do anything for her without hesitation.

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>The sound of voices caught the beast's attention. Simply performing the usual daily rounds, he could afford a distraction. Ears turned towards the sounds, he stood for a moment, accustomed to picking out familiar voices. Kisla's sweet tone was instantly noted, and he waited for a reply, expecting the tones of a wolf he knew... but his gut clenched when that did not happen.

Usually, Marsh did not encroach on others' conversations, being so unable and unwilling to participate. But this was different. Immediately he felt on edge, something in his gut heavy and foreboding but ignored. They were well within Swift River territory, so if the unknown wolf was little more than a trespasser, Kisla was not well suited to deal with it. If the situation was more innocent... well, Kisla was still not suited. If necessary, Corinna could be summoned.

Without further hesitation, the copper wolf strode forwards, making no secret of his approach. The sound of the unknown wolf - a young female from the voice, and the hints of scent that he was beginning to pick up - drew him closer, and she had finished speaking just moments before he made his appearance, ragged and beastly and automatically distrustful. He huffed to announce himself, glancing at the child under his protection. Marsh made his way to Kisla, making his role in the situation more than clear; touching his nose to the girl's cheek in greeting and support, he stood beside her, tail held high.

Finally, his steel gaze turned to the pale trespasser before them, sat neatly on the ground with barely a concern. He did not like the look in her eyes or the air on her coat. She smelt of a pack he was familiar with, a pack he was not worried by, but that was not enough to dissuade the dark feeling in his chest. Instead he stood, silent, allowing Kisla to continue the conversation if she desired, trusting that the girl would let him know if this was not an innocent meeting. He had no qualms with running out a trespasser, no qualms at all.</font></blockquote>
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Like a meek mouse to a lion, Kisla looked to the beautiful she-wolf with awe in her naïve gaze as the lady described the world to her. How could a forest not be the same? At the mention of brother’s, the pale tawny girl shrugged her lithe shoulders, a small smile playing to her lips. “I have two brothers,” she confided with a hint of pride in her tone. Rihael and Fenru were her best friends, and she adored them dearly.

Kisla did not understand what the stranger meant – her mind was innocent, and the first notion was that her brother would have enjoyed meeting a new wolf, or, even telling his tales of adventurous travel to the inexperienced pack wolf. “Where is your brother now?” Of course, even after the question slipped past her lips the she-wolf did not question that it might have stirred offense to the female, or sadness to his absence.

Before she could question more of the alluring stranger, the presence of the dutiful Second was noted. Emerging from the foliage like a guardian angel, Marsh swept to her side and Kisla, unaware of his concern or hesitance, practically beamed at the large male. Lifting herself to a stand, the pale female touched her nose to Marsh’s chin in return before her muzzle rounded to their visitor. “Marsh! This is my new friend..” There was a blatant pause as Kisla blinked to the other wolf, her slender figure neatly placed between both adults. “I.. I’m sorry, what’s your name?” She had forgotten to ask!

sparking up my heart

Played by Fenrir who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valkyrja Blödhgarm
Two brothers? Valkyrja gave her a small smile in return, understanding the pride in her voice. Any siblings that were close would understand it. Perhaps one of them would've been suitable to grab and make a run for it, but unfortunately, it was the little princess of the pack she was stuck with. No jealous mentions of unruly sisters, so she assumed there were only three pups at this time. And, perhaps, soon they'd have a new generation of siblings to pick on! She chased the darkness from her eyes, her smile widening in a mildly disconcerting manner at Kisla's eager questioning. Her innocent eyes were so eager, so bright, so shining... It tasted so sweet, this meeting, despite the sorrow that she allowed onto her visage. It laced every word she said. "I don't know," she said quietly - truthfully, even. "We came here together, but now... I guess he's out on some grand adventure, and will come home full of stories." She masked her bitterness at his solo game, instead pretending to be content to be left behind while he was off doing gods know what.

It was at that point that a stranger made itself known. Her eyes, too sharp and probing to be innocent, snapped up with startling speed as her heart skipped a beat. More players? How.. interesting. She withheld judgment for now as a large and silent brute drifted up. Scars marred his ugly features, and she felt instinctive dislike. He was disheveled, looked like he'd slept under a rock or something, his fur the color of mud. Only through a great amount of willpower did she keep her lips from curling back; instead she mellowed her gaze, watching the young girl greet him in a somewhat excited fashion. And, of course, she had to show off her new friend... Her nameless new friend. As politely as she could, the slim female rose up with a fairly proper submission; ears back, eyes averted, tail low, posture slightly slouched, head low, heart burning. "Valkyrja," she said in a pleasant voice, gathering that this silent, ugly blemish on the face of earth was called Marsh. With the hint of a mysterious smile she took a step forward, to stand beside Kisla. For a moment she didn't do anything but stand there, but then her smile widened a fraction and her eyes seemed to darken.

She didn't directly challenge him. She merely raised her head and ears, her intense gaze focusing on his as the mad little smile played about her face and in her eyes. "I was just talking to this little darling here," she purred provocatively, raising one slender leg to gently brush it against Kisla's side, dainty head lowering itself towards hers. Every nerve in her body was on fire, every muscle ready to spring as the tension built up inside her. It felt like playing with fire, guessing that Marsh could snap at any moment and spring at her. Unless either of them stopped her, she'd gently groom the base of Kisla's ears, giving her deliberate licks and playful little nips, slowly heading closer to the back of her head. Valkyrja's heart was beating rapidly, hammering in her chest, adrenaline heightening the sensations and sharpening each sense; every breath was quivering with tension, tasting both sweet and foul at the same time. Despite the attention her body was giving Kisla, her dark eyes - for a moment unveiled - were fixed on Marsh, daring him to snap.

It was too long since the last time she'd felt the sweet rush of play.
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
BITCH DON'T GO THERE. I'm sad that Marsh is the one to die in this thread. He would be so happy to tear her a new <s>one</s> <i>everything</i>.

<blockquote>Kisla's sweet greeting was registered, but no more than that. The stranger had him fully on edge, and as much as he loved the young Tainn, he did not trust her judgement. Innocent, naive, all these things suited the child perfectly, and he had feared that it would get her into trouble.

Well, she wasn't getting into trouble on his watch.

<i>Friend</i>, said Kisla, and his ears went back in distaste. Well, so be it, but it would take more than the approval of a foolish yearling to persuade Marsh of that. Though she held herself well enough, the stranger set off an uneasiness in his gut that he could not sway, and he was too tuned-in to his instincts to ignore that. Calling Corinna was the way forward. He was preparing to do just that when the stranger's name was offered, and she moved.

Instantly, his eyes narrowed, and he watched the upstart move towards Kisla with a fire in his chest.

Her words went over his head, but her tone did not, and the moment her face was out of Kisla's sight, Marsh saw the transformation. A furious, dangerous growl bubbled in his throat, his tail curling up higher, his lips pulling back to reveal veteran teeth. With horror, he watched as she groomed his ward, using her as bait and protection. He could not risk attacking her with Kisla stood between them, and, no doubt, the child was totally oblivious.

The heavy growl ripping from him with obvious intent, he turned on his heel, marching about the back of Kisla to confront this hateful trespasser. He would not allow Kisla to be used as a shield for sick games. With any luck, Kisla would trust his instinct over her own, over the influence of a perfect stranger, but if she did not - and that disgusting excuse of a bitch did not take the hint that this was <i>not</i> something she was going to win - then Marsh would more than make good on that promise to run her out.</blockquote>
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Kisla was far too entranced with the stories of her new friend to truly notice any disgruntlement from Marsh – a picture was worth a thousand words, yet not to the youth who had not taken a moment to study his features and attempt to interpret his silent thoughts. Marsh never spoke with his tongue, but the little female knew he could be quite vicious with his teeth, for she had seen him in action in the pack hunts.

Valkyrja’s paw smoothed down her back, and like an aching kitten for attention, the tawny female bent to her will, casting a small smile up to the she-wolf, though never once noticing anything but friendliness in her eyes. Before long she was being groomed, and only when she cast a pleased look to Marsh did she notice his distaste.. and what seemed to be rage.

Blinking, the naïve she-wolf stilled in her confusion, and both ears preened forward in alarm as his lips pulled back to reveal those deadly fangs she had witnessed in action. For a moment, a wave of protectiveness surged through her for her new friend – surely Marsh would not hurt such a beautiful wolf?! Then, the feeling of unease crept through her chest with the notion that something was wrong as the Second’s growl reverberated through the cool spring air. “Marsh,” she whispered, her tone uncertain and the fear ebbing in her vocals as she felt her figure stiffen considerably. At her adult size, she was still frail – lissome and slender, while her muscles had only been used for play rather than fight. Casting the male a horrified glance with her emerald eyes, it was only then that the female made the attempt to raise herself and creep away from the she-wolf who was trespassing on their lands.

sparking up my heart