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A Lesson to Learn — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote> The tawny lady waited, gold tinted coat glinting in the sunlight, accented by her more dominant silver tones. Sunning herself was a rare occurrence and she was more than content to enjoy the simple silence until her student appeared, more than confident she would see trouble coming from her elevated perch atop a slightly rounded boulder. It would seem the wolves presence was enough to convince the wolverines to keep their distance for now. Occasionally she would still stumble across one of their paths, but they would take care of that soon enough.

The scent of meadowsweet permeated the air, and giant blazing starts spotted the banks of the lost lake. It was a good sign, while the plant was not medicinal, it gave her a good idea of what plants may be found in the vicinity. They would be headed up the mountain today. She would give a cursory mention of the plant that gave their home its name, but her main concerns for today centered around ergot and sap from scrub pine. Later, they would search out solomon’s seal, and wolfsbane.

They would probably also encounter skunkbush and white fir, maybe even the first shoots of mountain tobacco, but for now, they would only be collecting ergot and sap. She didn’t want to overload the girl all at once. She would also need to plan some excursions down the heights so she could point out other plants of importance, blackberries, buttercups and willows, yellow rattles and hellebore, wormwood, goldenrod and with any luck some ginger... But she wasn’t sure of her chances on the latter. She had managed to collect small portions of the rest, but still hadn’t come across ginger. Perhaps she would need to look closer to her old home in the ghastly woods?</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
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Ava Attaya
So far the day was proving to be quite wonderful to the dark she-wolf. She had risen early, well-rested and alert, and emerged from her rocky hollow to a day of sunshine. Today she was to meet Naira in the mountains to begin her healing lessons, and it showed on her face: there was an inescapable smile tugging the corners of her lips and shining in her bright eyes. Not only was she looking forward to the day because of the fascinating techniques Naira would expose to her, but also because it sounded relatively stress free compared to hunting down the goat herds so that she could bring back one or two for the pack's cache. They had grown accustomed to the dark female's presence and were now constantly moving around the mountain side in hopes of fooling her. She was lucky that her stamina allowed her to follow them for hours and that her speed let her take one out within seconds, given the proper shot. Besides, in a way she flattered herself with their fear of her: it was almost like she was a shadowy devil that they had terrible stories about now, always on the watch for when she would strike next. Or at least, those were the thoughts she amused herself with when the hunt was getting long. <i>Anyway</i>...

Ava wasted no time drinking her fill of cool water from the Lost Lake's edge before heading into the high-rising mountains. The activity was strenous, even though she was getting used to the rocky ground and the footholds and the jutting stones in the mountain's pathways, but she didn't mind at all the exertion today. If the stars aligned nicely for her, today would be fun along with informative and useful. She was eager to learn, and especially eager to learn from Naira. The yellow-eyed leader of Poison Path was high on Ava's list of admiration, to say the least. Ava, therefore, was the farthest thing from <span class='word'>obtuse</span> in mind today. She would show her respect with her absolute attention, although it wouldn't be difficult at all to focus with as excited as she was.

Naira was easy to spot, her gold and silver coat easily distinguishable from the grey boulder upon which she stood. She hurried forward and stopped before her leader's perch, head low and posture submissive despite the smile that remained on her face. "<b>Lovely day for learning, isn't it?</b>" She asked a little cheesily, cracking a grin at her god awful joke. Her low-lying tail could not help but begin to wag.
(This post was last modified: Apr 22, 2012, 09:01 PM by Ava.)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote> A smile tugged at the corners of her own mouth at the young girls obvious enthusiasm. It was welcome. She would need it, because she didn’t expect the plants they were searching for to be found easily. <b>”First, lets start with nightshade...”</b> she began with a small smile on her face. Usually a plant to be avoided she had come to love the heart-shaped leaves with their toothed edges and the little white six petaled flowers. <b>”Most pups are taught from a very young age to avoid this plant, the ones that don’t usually don’t even show signs until half a day has passed, by then it is far too late to help them... Surprisingly, it doesn’t seem to affect rabbits the way it affects us...”</b> She used her head to motion to a lone rabbit rustling amongst a small tendril of the plant. It was everywhere up here.

The thought her own children may be exposed to the plant had crossed her mind and so she planned on making sure all of her pack were well versed in how to cure such an ailment. <b>”The quickest solution is to make the one who ingested it throw up, either by excessive water consumption or something like skunkbush. She smell alone is enough for some...”</b> Dropping from her elevated position she paused at the base of the rock, nosing at a scrap of pine bark, <b>”This is scrub pine. Today is a perfect day for what we seek. We will be looking for plants that are leaking sap that has been loosened with the increasing heat. The sap can be chewed for bone pain and swollen joints, a great accelerator for the healing of broken bones.”</b>

Next she moved her attention to several dark pod-like needles no longer than the width of her nose. <b>”This is Ergot. It is a fungus that grows on grains and grasses, and is particularly laborious to collect, so generally I just take the whole stem and pull them off once I get home. It grows where the vegetation is dense, in the shade. It is used for treating severe headaches and helps to slow bleeding, but you must be careful. The person who takes it may receive pains in their limbs as it slows the flow of blood. Too much can be deadly.”</b>

Moving back so the girl could get a good sniff at each to take in its scent and know their targets she waited for her to be ready to leave. <b>”I suppose the important thing to remember when healing is that the plants you are using to try and save somebody are also just as likely to kill them if used in excess. You need to be able to tell somebody when enough is enough, regardless of how much pain they may be feeling. Feeling pain means you are alive.”</b></blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
( I swear my refuse to type nightshade. They only want to type nightlock >_> damnit, katniss! )

From the moment Naira began to speak the cogs in her mind started to whirl, absolutely determined to commit everything the she-wolf said to her memory. Ava was a rather quick learner, clever, with a good memory, but being eager to please often invoked that obnoxious nerve that caused one to become flustered and fail at the task they wanted to achieve. She wouldn't allow that to happen to her today. The smaller female would mirror Naira's movements, following her from plant to plant.

The first plant was not uncommon at all to Ava's memory. Its looks were almost deceiving, with its quaint leaves and pretty flowers, until she looked closer enough to find the razored edges of the leaves on the poison plant. The rabbit thing was entirely new, and she got the idea that if she ever turned into a sadisitic bastard she would trick someone into eating it by showing them a rabbit who was chomping away... <i>Nightshade kills wolves not rabbits,</i> was the first fact to be committed to her memory. <i>Make them puke with water or... skunkbush.</i> There was the second plant. But Naira mentioned nothing more of it than it could make you hurl on scent alone, yuck. Ava observed the pine bark that Naira noised, raising her chin slightly in awe. Well, there was plenty of bark everywhere, and pine trees weren't really an endangered species. Who knew one could find medicine so close to home? Of course, getting the sap was another story from the bark, but still. <i>Scrub pine. Retrieve sap from bark and chew for bone pains, bad joints and to help heal broken bones.</i> Nightshade, skunkbush, scrub pine. Ava would remember.

The next thing Naira introduced was completely new to the dark she-wolf. She echoed quietly, as if to herself, "<b>Ergot?</b>" Definitely never heard of it before - she wasn't even sure if she recognized it. Hearing that it was a pain to collect was less than fantastic news to go along with the fact that she didn't quite know what it was, but Ava stood resiliently and added it to her list. <i>Ergot needles - grows on grains and grasses where it is dark. Headaches and stops bleeding.</i> Her head tilted slightly at the mention of overdose. While being a healer was great work, it was entirely fascinating. One had to have a knowledge of such a variety of different-looking herbs with different purposes, but also the sense and intelligence to know how much needed to be administered at once. Ava knew Naira was a brilliant wolf, now she just had tangible proof.

Given the opportunity to familiarize herself with the first few plants she stalked forward, cautiously sniffing each of the samples. The sap smelled quite pleasantly, but the ergot not so much... still Ava got a good sniff, as she could already tell she would have the most trouble with that one. "<b>That's fascinating,</b>" she returned at the end of Naira's speech, entirely genuine in her intent. "<b>Are there any signs to help you know when enough is enough? Or is it entirely trial and error, different every time?</b>" She couldn't see it being the same insight wolves used in hunting at all. There they had to find the weakest animal and wear it out and strike at the proper moment. They didn't have to judge how many bites it would take to kill it - you just kept sinking your teeth in and tearing until it went limp. You never had to judge the amount of life it had left in it. Her bright gaze returned to Naira, but it was not discouraged.
(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2012, 04:52 AM by Ava.)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote> She looked on happily as Ava dove into the samples eagerly. It pleased her the girl was so eager to learn and was offering insightful questions. <b>”It will vary from wolf to wolf, obviously, Athena would need far less to overdose than Rhysis. When a wolf takes too much ergot, their limbs will begin to feel as though they are burning. The best way to judge is by asking the patient, most of the time they should be able to tell you how the plants are affecting them...”</b> Happy that Ava had observed as much as she could from the plants she motioned with her head that the girl should follow.

As they walked amongst the trees, she indicated to which trees were scrub pines, although none were currently leaking the sap they required. <b>”We are fortunate here, we also have access to White Fir, but I won’t go into that in depth today... beyond to mention the bark can be chewed to relieve joint pain, much like willow can be used for general pain and inflammation.”</b> She would reinforce these lessons several times over, she didn’t expect anyone to absorb it all the first time it was mentioned.

Later in the year, when the days grew to their warmest, they would be able to collect mountain tobacco for sprains, bruises and cuts but for now they would have enough to get by. </blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Naira's explanation made perfect sense. So it was just proper proportioning, then, based on mass. A small, chubby wolf could probably ingest the same amount as a large, lanky wolf. Useful knowledge for if ever there came a time that they'd have to heal both Athena and Rhysis at the same time for some reason, which would hopefully not be anytime soon... Her tail gave a pleasant wag when she was given one sure-fire tip about the burning sensation in their extremeties. At which point, they'd have to vomit again so they wouldn't die. She'd thought healing to be almost an art form, gentle and almost magical, but it was turning out to actually be quite a grueling art. Plus it would suck an awful lot for whoever she was treating, if they were bloodied up with a broken bone and they ate too much and then they'd have to force themselves to empty their stomachs with a broken bone and all their aches and bleeds... It definitely did give a wolf a surprising amount of power over another.

Following Naira among the mountain side she paid close attention to the lessons, her bright gaze falling upon the scrub pines with a furious intensity. Oh, she would certainly memorize what they looked like today. Like the razor-leafed nightshade and the needles of ergot the tree's shade found its way into her memory, though they apparently weren't good enough subjects - that had produced no sap yet. As Naira explained other trees with medicinal properties it became a little more complicated. At least the plants looked intensely varied from one another, but trees sometimes just all looked the same... well except willows. She made it her personal homework to know the difference between a scrub pine and a white fir by the end of the night.

"<b>Sap from the scrub pine, bark from the white fir,</b>" she half-mumbled to herself in hopes that the repetition would help it stick.

Though the lesson had barely begun, Ava was already more in love with their mountain home than she already fallen. There appeared to be plenty of herbs here for their use. Sure, there was bound to be plenty of other kinds of plants based around other kinds of environments, like the water and the forests, but if worse came to the worst they wouldn't be shit out of luck.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote> The small thicket was a little away from the goat track they were taking, but she knew from a previous jaunt that they would find ergot here. As they got closer, a break in the mountainous surrounds bathed a small copse in sunlight and it appeared a few of the scrub pines were weeping small gobs of sap. Finally things were going right. Rising herself onto her rear legs, using her forepaws against the trunk for balance she reached out with cautious jaws to collect a small lump of the golden liquid, thick trails sticking to the tree like cheese on a well cooked pizza, whatever one of those things was.

Hoping Ava would follow suit, she walked amongst the trees, harvesting what she could reach, and cursing what she couldn’t. If only she had wings. When she was convinced they had collected all they could, she left the little balls in three small piles on top of a flat boulder in the sun. <b>”The individual sap balls aren’t enough. If we leave them here while we look for some ergot, the sun should soften them enough that they will become three usable balls instead of small flecks that may become lost of get carried off by ants. They are quite fond of the stuff...”</b>

As they moved closer she came to quickly realise that something was terribly wrong. The stench of death permeated the air and her nose wrinkled in distaste. Whatever it was hadn’t been there several days before when she had scouted the area and she became tense and cautious. Inching forward, every fiber of her being straining to detect the slightest movement a small groan sounded and her hackles rose on instinct. It wasn’t dead yet... but it soon would be without intervention. Her nose now told her of underlying hints of wolf, with no pack scent remaining on its bedraggled, blood and puss soaked fur. It would seem her theoretical lesson was going to turn into something slightly more practical...</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
wooo, morbid thread-hijack incoming~

<blockquote>That he was still alive was nothing short of a miracle.

The events of the last month were still a blur, a chronological jumble that he hadn't been able to decipher. It didn't help that he spent a lot of time unconscious.

Where was he now, anyway? Still on the mountain, he believed, but he wasn't sure. It was difficult trying to think past the pain and the hunger. The only reason thirst had not claimed him was because there was something out there, something powerful, which had taken small pity on him; the rains had been generous to the battered boy, and in his moments of lucidity, he had devoured the puddles formed with blind need. But water could not sate him in all the necessary ways.

It didn't help that he was also sure that his hind leg was slowly dying. Nothing alive should hurt that much.

The sound of nearby voices and movement did not even register; Kinis was lost to the world, his eyes open but blank, his sides fluttering as he panted and fought with the burn which permeated his body. <i>It was the fire, come to claim him.</i> He saw nothing but orange trees, burning orange trees. The sound of crackling beneath his feet - the sound of crackling in his skull. It was everywhere. His bloodied, fractured leg twitched, and the fresh wave of hot pain drew a helpless moan from his weak lungs, and then he fell still again, each second a struggle. Curled up underneath a raggedy bush - for his increasingly deranged mind had, at least at one point, had the sense to seek somewhere dark and safe - the broken boy sat, much of his lower body covered in blood-matted fur, the bite-wounds around his neck and shoulders still horrid and scabbed and very close to infected. He had not been able to clean himself - it had taken everything he was to escape with his life. He hadn't really had time to plan beyond that.

<i>He had to get home. But where was home? Where was he now?

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Why was everything on fire?</i></font></blockquote>

All the fire imagery is in his head - bad childhood memories. Don't want to confuse anything! <3
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Like a pup would to its mother she followed Naira's movements exactly. Perhaps to be said more accurately she mimicked them, holding little of the grace the tawny lady did as she scouted her own trees, reaching upwards and attempting to grasp the little amount of sap she was able to find on her own. The restraint in her jaws neccessary for collection was something she would need to improve on - on her first little ball of sap she put too much pressure and it stuck to her sharp canines, causing her to growl as she dislodged it from her paw. It was stubborn, but it came off well enough. Ava didn't say anything aloud about her beginner's failure, but she did see what the ants were getting at - it certainly had a woody taste but over-all it was alright for the little bit she had in her mouth. She didn't want to equate her eating habits to an ants, however, so Ava pleasantly sought more sap in silence. Where her hunter skills excelled her gather skills were less developed. She could find the sap, but excavating it from the bark was a different matter. Ava came up with a decent amount, still, and was proud enough of what she could contribute to the piles on the rock when they returned to allow them to melt together.

Ergot was next on their list. She rather enjoyed the job training, so her dark paws eagerly followed Naira toward a thicket. But it was not soon in their new voyage that the terrifying scent wafted toward the black she-wolf.

A scent so putrid, positively rank of rot. She could not help but to wrinkle her nose, lips curling as she bared her teeth against the horrifying smell that was clawing inside her nostrils. The sickly-sweet tones of blood and meat wrapped her, but the scent was askew from the usual reek of a carcass. As they padded closer, she understood what it was just as Naira had picked up on it - there was <i>wolf</i> in that forsaken odor. Her approach slowed, straying slightly away from Naira as they rounded on the partially-hidden creature, her bright eyes narrowing as she tried to identify it as a wolf, then widening when she could. The smell of blood was stale, permeating from the dark brown clusters of fur all along his body. She could barely distinguish the healthy parts from the matted, infected patches all among the wolf. His eyes shocked her the most - almost glazed over, such a dullness within them that had she not seen his twitch she would have assumed him for dead.

"<b>I don't suppose there's a quick healing remedy for... <i>that</i>,</b>" Ava attempted, desperately trying to find some humor to snuff the horror that was bubbling in her stomach. But she knew this was no time for jokes, lowering her head and asking quickly, "<b>What do we need?</b>" They'd have to move quickly if they ever wanted him to be responsive again.
(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2012, 06:45 PM by Ava.)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote> Her honey golden eyes finally picked out the tawny scrap of matted fur and bones. Her heart sunk with his chances but she wouldn’t give him up without a fight, one of her own or not, he was someone’s son, and barely old enough to be out on his own. Ava’s attempt at humour was lost on the golden tinted leader as her sharp eyes observed the rapid rise and fall of the young males chest. <b>”No, but it looks as if you will be getting hands on learning earlier than anticipated...”</b> she responded as her mind took note of his injuries and what would be needed if they were to stand any chance of saving him.

<b>”Go get the sap. Two lots.”</b> she ordered her student, her tone brokering little argument. Pain relief was the most important component for now, because they would need to move him, and the pain had the potential to kill him if it wasn’t properly managed. The hind leg was broken, the chewed up flesh infected, and already crawling with maggots. While a little disconcerting, it was a good sign. They would only consume the dead flesh, leaving that with the chance to recover untouched. If he did survive, she wasn’t sure his fur would ever cover it again. It would make the winters harsh on him, and the break would always ache with the cold.

With each twitch, another groan would escape his mouth and she visibly flinched in sympathy. The bite wounds about his neck and shoulders gave off a rancid stench, as did most of the cuts he bore. They would need to clean him. Between them they should be able to manage, but again, the pain could be enough to kill him. A wash in the lake would be less painful than scouring the wounds with her rough paws. Once he was clean, they would no doubt discover more wounds concealed beneath the mud and pus.

They would need fireweed, probably more than she had. They could combine some solomons seal with the sap to help his bones heal quicker, and thankfully her recent jaunt to the blackberry fields left her with an ample supply of blackberry roots for a poultice and leaves to close the open wounds. They would have to make them bleed to ensure that they were clean. She needed more Hellebore. She would have to send Ava to collect it, and while she had a sample to show the girl she was concerned. It would mean a trip close to the River wolves. Goldenrod and Willow just wouldn’t cut it this time.</blockquote>
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[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]