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A Hundred Highways — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
His life within the wildwood was interesting thus far. He had joined and left
a pack, and joined a new one. He had located his sister, and left her horribly
injured. He felt as if he did not know who he was anymore...he was lucky that
he even remembered his name. He lingered around the forest, head droop-
ing low. Ears were up, his right one listening to the sounds of the cedarwood around
him. Who am I now?

Jedd's large paws seemed to carry him lazily along. Why is the sky blue today? It
should be gray and clouded like his mind is. He stopped suddenly, black-gray coat
dappled with small specks of light piercing through the canopy of the tall trees. Looking
up, his maw possessed a frown which seemed positively glued to his rough face. After
a moment, he dropped his rump, letting it hit the leaf covered forest floor quite hard.

Hopefully his new pack were not liars and cowards, but made of hsien.
Hope seemed to be something he did not possess anymore, but he tried- he really did.
As much as life seemed to throw negative events at him, he would try to find that glimmer
of hope. A glimmer like that on a rushing river. Everyone had hope.. why should he give up?

He was now wanted by Poison Path. Knowing that Rhysis wanted to tear his fur off his
back almost made him laugh- did this make him a bad wolf? No. He did not care for the dark
colored male, who was not deserving of his pack. With a snarl, Jedd tossed his head before
now lowering the front of his body and laying in the leaves. Whatever. He really should stop
thinking about that worm. Resting his head upon his white paws, Jedd closed his pale eyes,
trying to relax.
(This post was last modified: Apr 21, 2012, 06:29 PM by Jedd.)
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
I just pictured him around the den area if that's alright.

    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

Things had kinda settled around Grizzly Hollow. Which was saying a lot because everything was constantly changing, wolves coming and going. Since Elettra's departure, and Trisden and Hocus' disappearing act it could be said things were quiet in the Hollow....for now. She had not yet found Alexander to speak to him. Avoiding him was easier than facing the truth she had never been born here. Part of her did not want to seem him again, it would be a long hard talk. Whilst the other part of her wanted to know more of the story. She knew she would eventually find him, they were all that was left of the mountain family. She was not quite ready.

Instead she kept a watch for the gray, and white form while skirting the edges of the den site. With no trace of him, she figured maybe she could sneak into the den. She'd love a nap, or at least somewhere private not to be disturbed. When her cream paws stretched out, she thought she caught yet another new recruit. Her jaws tightened, half annoyed. She'd wanted no holdups, and surely she would have to speak to this... Her nostrils flinch trying to pick up more information. Ah, a male. Her white ears twist, the tip of her tail flicking back and forth. Should she just meet him and get it over with. A ruffled sigh she composed herself, and casual jogged to the familiar area.

Deliberately she made noise announcing her presence, she had noticed his eyes barely closing and figured she had had no chance to sneak past him any way. "Afternoon sir," she said merely matter of factly, no smile, no warmth. Her yellow eyes blinked, regarding his huge form. Everyone was so much bigger than she was.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
One could say she had taken the not-so-scenic route to the Cedarwood Forest. She had been lost, wandering about the scorched Wildwood for longer than she would have pleased, and it had left her russet pelt in a sorry mess, ash and soot galore. But it seemed she had finally reached the forest of cedars. They loomed high above her as she moved across the needle-strewn ground, slinking along at a lope. She kept her head low and bronze eyes cast upward, checking the boughs for any sort of threat. The immense swath of towering trees were both reassuring and terrifying. They told her she was in the right place, the home of her new pack; yet they were intimidating, concealing, and made the sky look like tiny, distant patchwork between the evergreen branches.

Sibyl had been so preoccupied by the daunting cedars that she had nearly not noticed that she was drawing near to some others. She abruptly stopped, paws sliding along the ground for a moment. All that stood between her and them was a sad looking shrub, mostly sticks and twigs with a couple of withered leaves. She hunched down and peered through the bush. She could see two wolves, a white one about her size but with the gangly look of youth, and the other quite large and disgruntled looking. Sniffing at the air, she could tell it was female and a male. With any luck they hadn’t spotted her, she had no plans on getting on the male’s bad side.

Sibyl watched the girl approach the male and saw her lips move briefly and heard the gentle hum of speech, but she was too far to hear the words. These were probably pack members, and she should probably make herself known, but her feet remained planted to the ground. The girl looked nice enough, but the man she was not so sure about.
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
"Afternoon sir."

The words reached his right ear, for he was deaf in his left. The right ear
twitched, and his right eye opened, peering around. It fell upon a small white
wolf, and he huffed, head still resting on his front white paws. Damn. It seemed
like he would never be able to rest without someone bothering him. Taking
a deep breath in, the large wolf put his weight on his heavy paws, lifting himself

Eyes still on the small wolf, he released his deep breath " 'Lo there, little lady."
He was not in much of a chatty mood, but he would try his best to remain polite. So
many thoughts whirred throughout his mind, and he was growing more and more irri-
tated by the second. If this younger wolf pulled the wrong move, he was likely to snap.

His coat was smoothed out, his hackles flat. Pale teal-green eyes were like calm pools
of water, settling on the wolf. She was one of his packmates- he had to be polite. He
had just joined, after all...well, it was a temporary joining. He was hoping that the Hollow
would become his permanent home.
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
Bridget had Jedd killed and said it was okay to just powerplaying him leaving this thread if you'd like to continue. :)

    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

The man was not much of a gentleman, and her ears twisted back in first reply. She probably should have let him sleep, maybe she would not have bothered him after all. He moved upward, she easily backpedals merely out of instinct by his tall stature. Though when he spoke it was a bit more sweeter then his initial greeting. "Hi," she offers back. She strides to her first position, and then flops to her haunches. She isn't sure about staying, but feels pressured after waking him to hang around. He seemed bored, or tired. Her eyelids partially closed, studying his features. He says something about nice to meet ya, but adds a brief explanation of finding a better place to nap. Just like that she is alone.


She can't stand it, but it's certain company she seeks. A snort of her displeasure she falls to her stomach. She stretches out her gangling limbs, her jaws stretching in a wide arc. Fine, I don't want to talk to you either. She thinks seeing the last part of the brute fade into the forest. She couldn't say she hadn't tried to meet her fellow pack mates.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>Oh, I was wondering about that. But that sounds good we can go on</span>

Bronze eyes peering through the leaves, Sibyl watched the male make his exit. She huffed a sigh of relief, a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. The young white wolf had been left alone in the clearing, and wasn’t intimidating like the grouchy looking man had been. Now was as good a time as ever to meet at least one of her pack mates, she supposed. The solitary pale wolf looked like a good place to start. Practically ignoring the scruffy shrub she had been using as a hiding place, she shoved her way through it. If she had been thinking, the easier way would have been to walk around the shrub. She was small and lithe enough to fit her way through the woody stems with not too much difficulty. With a bit of rustling she emerged on the other side, twigs and leaves sticking haphazardly out of her fur. She gave her fur a shake, knocking a fraction of the mess out of her fur, and looked at the lounging wolf.

She kept her snout low to the ground and her tail down, but with ears focused on the girl. Sibyl gave a meek smile and took a little step forward, as it testing the edge of a pool of water. Given her noisy entrance through the bush, she was very quiet now. She stared at the white wolf for a silent moment, and then finally spoke.

<i>“Ermm- Hello, Miss. I don’t suppose you know, well I was hoping you would know- Of course you would, but, this is Cedarwood Forest, right?”</i>
(This post was last modified: May 04, 2012, 07:44 AM by Sibyl.)
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

She closes her eyes to the world. A change she holds onto the darkness, the gentle brush of the cool breeze balanced with the warm strokes of the sun weaving through the emerald cover of the trees. It was peaceful for a moment. Everything was disrupted when her ears heard some commotion. With her muscles tightening she hovered closer to the ground not sure what was trying to fight it's way out of the brush. It could be anything, and the thought of a bear had her heart beat quicken. Surely a bear would be afraid of all the wolf scent...wouldn't it? She swallowed the stale taste in her throat, almost wanting to shut her eyes to simply not know.

Instead her nose was greeted with a wolf, and her pale, yellow eyes popped opened. There infront of her was an equally timid female of rich brown colors, and bold golden eyes. A bit startled she flinches slightly, but notices the hints of a smile, the attempt to come close. This was awkward. If she was friendlier then the brute Lettie would gladly take her company over his. It was pretty quiet, Arlette fumbles for something to say but she stares, and the lady stares back. Soon enough she seemed to realize the silence, just maybe, and asks a most peculiar question.

Firstly her pale brows touch not sure where a question like that would come from. It seemed obvious this was the forest, but if Arlette took a different outlook....trading places she probably would not have known either. "It is," she offered with a partial smile. She then continues with, "You must be new. I'm Arlette, Jaysyek and Borden's daughter." When she said it, the words didn't sound right, but saying she was Alexander's...the last mountain pup seemed a lot to place on this wolf. Her smile became half forced for a second till she regained a more steady composure to assure the new lady.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
Upon hearing the girl speak, she seemed to perk up just a little. Her brow lifted in an expression between surprise and delight, and her black-tipped tail gave a single wave. She had made it to the right place, and while this girl, Arlette, was not a familiar face, the familiarity of her mother’s name was reassuring. The pack leader had left a good impression on her, and she could only hope her daughter was as kind. Sibyl lifted her head up, nose no longer brushing the soil but her neck still slouched, to see Arlette looking uncomfortable for a fleeting moment; however it was such a brief expression she almost thought she imagined it. Unsure of what to make of the off smile, she ignored it. Sibyl was sure she made just as many ambiguous facial expressions, anyways.

<i>“Well it’s nice meeting you then, Miss Arlette.”</i> Sibyl took a couple cautious steps forward before stopping again. <i>“I am new here, my name’s Sibyl.”</i> She said softly, not considering that with the distance she might be a little bit hard to hear. She flicked her eyes to the sides then up, checking the concealing trees for any threat, then looking back to Arlette. She looked like she expected some ferocious beast to jump out for her at any moment, as if it was not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’. She had gotten more used to them, the trees, how they constantly loomed overhead and around every turn, but she still didn’t trust them.
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
sorry not the greatest, but hate to leave ya hanging.

    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

Her pale, yellow eyes were wide open, trained on Sibyl's face. Since she was not inches from the dirt, Lettie could view it much better and was intrigued by her golden eyes in her brown, silvery visage. There was kindness too, and her own white tail beat the ground in hopes to coax the female further. Arlette was definitely not a rough and tumble wolf. She had her moments standing up for herself, and family, but she was in no way a rude nor dominant wolf. She liked things in the middle, she liked things quiet. Life wasn't exactly "quiet" and she had no idea she had more siblings on the way.

Her smile was brought to life easy enough by Siby's polite words. She side tipped her white head, watching how gingerly her paws touched the ground as she dared venture closer. The young lady imagined this was a lot how she looked. Except Arlette was not afraid of the trees. The trees offered protection, and she cocked her head further. "You're not use to the forest?" She asked, quite bemused, but she tried to keep her tone polite as well. She didn't understand living somewhere open, except maybe the mountain, and it was high enough to see the dangers lurking. So she had thought.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
Sibyl tilted her head, unsure if the question was a joke or in earnest. Either way there didn’t seem to be any malicious intent in the girl’s voice. <i>“No, not really…”</i> She started, voice low. She turned her head up to the branches to fully take in the arrays of green and brown spread out across the sky, reminiscent of a web or a net waiting overhead. She squinted at them, nose wrinkling for a moment before she looked back down to Arlette. <i>“So many trees,”</i> she continued, <i>“Where I grew up it was just a lot of grass. There were some forests, I guess, but they weren’t very big, or so tall.”</i> Her voice had steadily increased in volume and she seemed to relax as she spoke. The placid manner of the white wolf was soothing on Sibyl’s anxious nerves. She would occasionally meet Arlette’s gaze, but more often she would focus on some random thing, the girl’s ears, or her paws, or the patch of dirt to her left.

If this was where she was supposed to be then she might as well get comfortable. A little bit hesitant, she lowered her rear to the ground and sat. She went on speaking from where she had left off, <i>“You could just run as far and as fast as you’d like, and you could see where you were going, where things were. It’s a lot easier to get lost here than it was there.”</i> Sibyl didn’t seem to consider the fact that her unfamiliarity with the territory was probably what had gotten her lost. Any new place would be easy to get lost in, trees or no trees.
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]