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I want wings — The Wildwood 
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Played by Thea who has 20 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Ren Zhèngzhōu (郑州)
OOC: Stupid title, I didn't know something better ._.

<i>Little catch need fast legs, things that can fly and you must jump high.
Time is your friend and your enemy, have patience and watch carefully. </i>

The brown wolf lay on the ground. Focused she didn't lose her prey. Slowly she came a bit up, crawled closer. Not much but in the end every centimetre counts with this kind of hunt. Ren repeated the little rhyme in her head while she waited until the bird would hip away again. Little catches, they were nice practice but she didn't ate them often. Before this she had the luxury to ate from big bloody elks and deer’s. They never bothered to catch small preys like birds and bunnies. Those little things were practice and playthings for little cubs. Unfortunate that good time was history. Small prey must do but first she needed to catch it. Ren knew she had a disadvantage with the speed, and she had no wings what would allow her to fly trough the air without any limits. Again that little rhyme played in her head nonstop. It was something she had learned from her mentor. Every time she would hunt on small prey she would get to hear that stupid rhyme. Her mentor kept her promise, after she would go hunt for her own she would be reminded by that rhyme. Ren didn't knew if she must be happy with it but it had something.
The young wolf prepared to go after the little things within a second waited, her patience was almost gone. Sitting still and waiting was what she hated every since she was little, but necessary she found out after some failed hunts. Her legs began to tickle, now she must go before she would go and rush into things. The brown she-wolf shoot towards the birds who, as soon they saw her, would use there wings to find safety in the air. Ren was ready to jump and picked the slowest among the five and jumped. It wasn't a full hit but she had damaged a wing. If she could stay another five seconds in the air she could have take the bird down with her. Now the only thing she had in her mouth were feathers. Irritated by the another failed hunt she spat the white feathers out of her mouth. She lifted her head, using her nose to smell the blood. With some luck she could target that stupid bird again, but she was afraid that she had to look for some other prey..
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Mind if I join you? :D

<blockquote>Home. Strange really. His home was far from here, burried within a hidden woodland, veiled by the moutains and unreachable unless you knew where it was... that was his home now, but sometimes it didn't feel like it. He often felt as if he was just watching it by, watching his life being run by someone else... In truth, he missed his fallen, hollowed out log burried within the Wildwood and had returned today for some peace, to think.

Yes it was risky, the River wolves weren't far from here... in fact, nor were the Creek wolves but he had been careful to stay away from their marked trails. He just needed to see where he had lived the last winter, where he had felt as if he were at home.
No, he didn't regret what he had and where he was now. He slept with a full belly, he slept next to a beautiful female he called his own and of late, had been woken up often during the night by her fidgeting and the little kicks and punches coming from in her belly; though they were small, the felt like the bigger thing in the world. Fatherhood... he still hadn't quite got it into his head that it was coming, for the time being it was Naira's problem... he ran the pack, she dealt with what was coming.

Sitting now within his old home, his scent now long gone from its bark walls, he sighed. The sound filling the empty air around him and breaking the silence... it was enough to sooth the quiet from his ears. That was until the cries of birds echoed all around him, niggling at his head from the high pitch. With a wince, he poked his head out, cautiously to test the air around him. A predator had scared them, but who? With a tentative sniff he detected another wolf. At first he worried it might be one of the <i>enemy</i> but with partical told him otherwise. Female. Loner. Not in the best condition... curiously, he stepped out into the woodland and followed his nose, drawn by the scent in the air until he spotted the brown wolf with a moutful of feathers just through the thickets that seperated them, and hid himl.

With the birds now gone, he didn't worry about interrupting her hunt. So he took bold steps, on his newly healed paw, and introcued himsef by clearing his throat. She was young, perhaps too young to be out on her own but he had experienced that first hand, and would never judge. <b>"I wouldn't bother with the birds... rabbits or squirrels are much easier."</b> he said, his southern drawl filling the silence between them. He stopped, a good distance away as not to scare her. He was intreiged, rightly so for one with such a curious mind, as to why she was here alone. What was her story?</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2012, 04:21 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Thea who has 20 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Ren Zhèngzhōu (郑州)
Of course not ^0^

Her eyes looked at the high branches of the trees. Looking for a bird with a wounded wing. If they just hadn't those wings they would be so much easier to catch, or someone from above should be very nice and give her wings too. Like that will ever happen, it didn't really matter cause she would never fly even if she had wings. Floating in the air with some clouds, nothing for her. She preferred steady ground under her paws.
The sound of clearing your throat came a bit by surprise. Her head turned around and looked at some large black male. Ren sniffed up the air, now she wasn't focused on the birds her surroundings became back to her. She didn't sensed a other wolf yet, right now it was just this male.

Ren gave a strained smile. <b>'Yeah, probably.'</b> When she came into this unknown land, what gave her the feeling to be in the middle of nowhere, she had already seen and smelled the different animals that lived here. A smart wolf would probably go after something else if they failed in a hunt. The problem was that she wasn't smart, not at all. There was no way she would give in and turn her back at those feathered brats. Those things were just mocking with her. Laughing behind her back that she couldn't get them if they were high in the air. Just forget it, she won't give up until she had taken that bird down on the ground. Her playground.
Her eyes had strayed to the trees again but now came back at the wolf again. <b>'It's just that birds will taste much better than a rabbit or other prey this time.'</b> It was just the taste of victory and the fact she was being stubborn. Ren knew she hadn't eaten for a while but she wasn't near dying so there was no need to take go and look for something else yet. She didn't even know if she could something else than bird this time. Stupid but she had never thought about herself as smart or talented.

Observant Ren looked at the black male. He was older, or just looked older but that wasn't really surprising. She was quite young if she thought about it. Not like it bothered her. The only disadvantage was that she was totally inexperienced to be standing on her own four feet. Even though she thought about herself as independent. Ren was independent, but if something would have happened she had her pack behind her to support her and to break her fall. Ren didn't want to admit it but living alone was harder than she thought it would be. Now the safety net was gone she could break something the next time she would fall, with no one to catch her.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
If you want your HTML to work, put dohtml in []'s and end with [/dohtml] and the bold tags will work! :)

<blockquote>The dark yet handsome male tilted his head as he listened to her. She was picking taste over her health? Oh dear indeed. Clearly she'd been left, abandoned, or however she had gotten here, with little survival skills. He'd been booted out of his own pack when he was a similar age to her, and he ate whatever he could, including scat when times were really hard. Winter that had just left the land, he'd munched on beavers to keep himself alive. Of course, with spring at their door food was more available but still, one couldn't be too picky when it came to staying alive.

<b>"I see. Though might I give you some advice from someone who was as young as you when they walked the earth alone?"</b> he asked with a cocked brow and his southern accent. <b>"You can't be too picky around here. You need to set your goals to be achieveable... no matter how little they might be."</b> he said, thinking back tot he struggles he had faced when he was younger compared the live of, well, not quite luxuary but it was close, that he lead now. It had taken time, patience and hard work... but he had gotten there in the end by making his goals small and steady.

<b>"Mind you, your best bets would be getting yourself into a pack; then you can be as picky as you please about what you're eating."</b> he said as his eerie grey eyes floated across her body. She was small, but then she was young... mouldable. A perfect candidate; someone who he could teach. Her stubborness in regards to the food was useful, it could mean she had a temper and having a tempter was never a bad thing in his eyes. In some ways, her brief stubborness reminded him of his gold and silver female who <i>should</i> be waiting back on their territory like a good girl, though something in the back of his mind told him she wasn't. Stubborn. <b>"I have a spot I could offer you? In exchange for your loyalty..."</b> he then said with a casual smirk, though it was meant to be friendly- he struggled to smile at the best of times.
He wasn't too sure why he was so open to offer her a place in his home. Hell, he didn't even know her name but something about her, her situation, her pride at that moment in time reminded him of himself and well... he did love himself.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Thea who has 20 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Ren Zhèngzhōu (郑州)
Sorry Ren would already go into SR D8 [how ironic x)]

http://i46.tinypic.com/33ng85j.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 370px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 60px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">
In what she picked up it seemed that the black male also had no home when he was her age. Ren wondered why. She herself had chosen to leave after everything, she knew that all to well. But who would stay with wolves who had turned their back to you one second and stood at your side in the other. She wanted to know more about the black male but she couldn't ask. She wasn't in the position to ask such private questions. It was at least clear that he wasn't from here nearby. That accent in his voice, she had never heard of it but it sounded a bit strange in her ears. 'I know I can permit to be picky, however I don't learn if I do everything in the easy way. That's at least where I believe in.' Ren replied with and looked as stubborn as she was in his eyes. She knew that she should sometimes didn't make the best choices. But she had never learned very well in a good way. Unfortunate Ren was someone who only learned by falling and getting up, a way that wasn't easy if she should say it. However it made her strong and she was who she was. No need for change.

'Don't worry I won't die from feeling a bit hungry. But I appreciate the advice I'll definitely keep it in mind.' But not now, she thought after it. Ren didn't feel like dieing any soon but she couldn't turn off the advice the male was so nice to give her. It would be quite rude if she did so, but even so she stayed her stubborn self. If it annoyed him or not, that was to him.

'A pack?' Her smile dropped a little just like her ears. Yeah she probably should, however she didn't looked forward to it. A pack could betray you just like her pack did. Could a pack here have such a strong bond that no one ever betrayed his members? Ren wondered, could she be so loyal to a pack without anything she shared with it. She wasn't born her nor did she know anyone who lived here.Her ears popped up again, he was a leader of a pack? Her yellow eyes screened the black wolf, but he didn't looked that old? Or had he just the luck to not look like a old man? He smirked and Ren gave a smile back but she still was thinking. What he was saying was obvious a request to join. However could she just take this when she didn't even know about the pack or the wolf itself. 'I can't take a offer if I don't know the content. What kind of pack you have? Who are you?' Ren grinned, it was quite straightforward but there was nothing with that right? 'I'm Ren Narish,' if she would join or not she should introduce herself at least now that they were chatting.

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Awr, what a shame! Never mind. SR is awesome. xD

<blockquote>He had to smirk at her questioning. She had street smarts in some ways, but not in others. Yes she could afford to be picky and go hungry, but he hoped she had more sense then to let that continue. A hungry wolf was more of a hinderance then a help to themselves; they lost their better judgement, their straight thinking and all they were able to do was find a way to eat. Still, being so young he supposed she must have only just left her pack recently; she didn't look too thin, hungry yes, but not starving to the brink of death like some others loners he had met had been. With an absent minded shrug, he replied. <b>"Well that's your choice. I'm sure if you ever reach the brink of starvation, you'd change your mind however."</b> he added with a smirk.

He moved then to her questions, about his home, his pack. He was reluctant to mention anything; of course that wasn't really the best way to recruit a new member, keeping them in the dark and all, but he didn't want to go around bragging about their location, who or what they were. There was a lot of trouble knocking on their door, and secracy so far had been the only thing that kept them hidden away from the rest of the world.

<b>"Nice to meet you Ren, I'm Rhysis. I'm the leader of a pack quite far from here. We're small but loyal and offer freedom to our family rather then rules and regulations."</b> he said smoothly, but it wasn't as if the well rehersed umbrella pitch hadn't been finely tweaked over and over in his mind. Oh no, he was as natural as anything. </blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Thea who has 20 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Ren Zhèngzhōu (郑州)
http://i46.tinypic.com/33ng85j.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 370px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 60px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">
Well the male had no lack in confidence that was for sure. Ren listened patiently at his words. Her eyes were drawn by her surroundings. Yet her gaze didn't came further then some trees. How would his territory look like, if it was that far away. Ren hadn't explored any further than this. She knew that the land here had so much more to offer, there was time enough to travel and exploring. Alone or with others. Of course she couldn't just wander in pack territory.

'Well Rhysis it seems you're on the good way with your pack, even though it's still small.' Ren smiled briefly. 'I think it's very admirable to have a pack for your own. Looks like a lot of work. Even though I think you're the type that won't give up easily.' Rhysis may be a leader now and have a good life, from what she had heard he knew what it was to starve. He probably saw many more things in life that wasn't as pleasant then Ren had saw in her little journey. Because she was here now, and wasn't so bad here. There was prey, there were other wolves (that was good and bad). If it was a living hell here there wouldn't be so many scents of different animals. 'Sorry but I won't accept your offer. There are still some things I'm not sure about. I think I'll stay here but I'm not sure yet. I don't want to bind me to your pack. Besides I'm just a yearling I don't have any skills, yet.' She felt a bit curious about his pack and maybe she should give it a chance. However she wouldn't give her word or loyalty when she wasn't fully sure about herself. Maybe, there might be a day she would be one of his members, but that day wasn't now. Right now she didn't belong there. Ren had heard good things and they weren't unsatisfied but her feeling just told her that she shouldn't accept her offer. And Ren would follow her heart, how stupid it could be.

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He was dissapointed at her refusal of his offer, but well; he couldn't exactly beat her into changing her mind. He guessed she'd slink off elsewhere, find another pack with a bigger reputation. For someone so young, she had a smart head on her shoulders. He'd probably have done the same, in fact he did; he selected the River wolves to heal his wounds and build his strength based on their reputation and strength. They had big numbers and a solid place here in the lore, they were the easiest choice... though looking back, somehow having him hunt down the Hollow wolves might have been less stressful considering everything that had happened since he went to the River wolves for a home, a temporary home that is.

<b>"That's you're choice Ren, I respect it and I suppose I should wish you well; wherever you end up."</b> he said with a shrug, his expression remaind faultless as if the refusal hadn't mattered to him. He wasn't a proud creature, but he wasn't about to get all choked up that she didn't want to join his gang. That was her choice and so be it- besides, if she was happy to try and hunt birds on an empty stomach, maybe it was for the best. Birds were much easier then goats after all.

<b>"Being a yearling doesn't matter. I was a yearling up until a few months ago and in that time I've forged my own pack, gotten myself a female and a name for myself."</b> though he happened not to mention the name he had earned wasn't really a good one. <b>"You can acomplish anything, no matter how young or how old you are."</b>
(This post was last modified: May 07, 2012, 05:52 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]