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Silver and Gold — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<i>Silver and Gold</i> - City and Colour

Clear — Current Temperature: 36° F/2° C Random Event

<blockquote>Dawn was approaching, and although he could feel it's gentle presence he wouldn't stir as he lay nestled in a patch of dead vegetation. The night had brought unwelcomed dreams; Trisden's disappearance weighed heavily on his heart, a feeling with which he was much to familiar, and sleep had only served to haunt him with her memories. In addition, Elettra's scent had begun to fade, and for days he'd wandered in hope of acquiring a fresh trail - an aspiration that gradually deteriorate. <i>Where had everyone gone?</i> Grizzly Hollow had beem teeming after Borden's resurfacing and the induction of many new members, they'd even come together for a grand hunt and the first pack meeting he'd attended since seeking out Jaysyek the previous fall. Although the winter had been a rocky, winding road for him - mostly due to his abrupt rise and the consequences of it - the man thought that there was hope beneath all of the turmoil. Now he found himself nearly lifeless, a gargoyle upon the ledge of the brokedown palace of Cedarwood forest.

In his waking moments thoughts of the ashen lady, Jaysyek, slowly took hold of his mind. For weeks he'd pushed their memories far from his heart as he'd struggled to cope with her scent as it clung to the vegetation. <i>She was with child</i>, and there was no doubt in his mind who the father was. He had been foolish to have thought that he could have ever made her happy, or given her what she truly needed. Really, did he even know what she wanted? Or needed? What did he truly know of her now, save the memories they'd shared? She no longer needed him, though he knew in his heart that he was a part of her, and it left him wondering what it was that <i>he</i> nedeed. The confines of Grizzly Hollow were no prison, but there was a world out there waiting to be seen and touched. The pack would survive, should Borden rise to be the husband and leader that Jaysyek needed. But would Kade survive? He couldn't let his life slip away - a mate, children, a home of his own...Would he die with no one to carry his bloodline, an elderly guardian with no love but for his pack and leader? It had all been very real, and now the reality was that he'd given her his love, whether she knew it or now, and it had left him <i>empty</i>.

The pain of the growing void inside him caused his tired eyes to finally open, and he stared at the leaves at the end of his snout emotionlessly. Something was different today, off. His body would remain still as his stoic silver gaze swept over the forest floor and up to the tree tops. In amazement the coal pelted brute realized just exactly what the change was: <i>fog</i>. Swiftly the man rolled to his feel, shaking the debris from his coat as he took in the moment. It was thick, hovering just above the ground in every direction, as though instead of waking from his dream he'd woke into it. The towering trees were, eerily, the only beings to look down upon it, save the birds.

Overhead, the navy shade of night had begun to fade but the world was still dark, and there was still time to enjoy the phenomena that reminded him of the place where he truly longed to be.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 06, 2012, 03:15 AM by Kade.)
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Hope you don't mind if I join? :)

The cream toned female traveled stealthily through the fading darkness; through the
fog. This was new. She had pondered through open areas, so now pawing through
this forest was a whole new realm to her. Nostrils were opened wide, taking in the scents
of the land around her. Rounded ears were raised and intently listening. It was cool, but
she did not mind. What she really was, though, was hungry. Chantille's stomach whined
for food, creating an uncomfortable knot in her stomach that lasted for a few minutes. Shak-
ing her head, she continued along, perhaps to find some sort of small game that was early
to rise in the late hours of the night.

Chantille felt as if she was near something- a pack, perhaps? Scents began to whir through
the air and into her nose. She paused now, in a light beam of fading moonlight. The soft glow
lighted her pelt, creating an eerie yet captivating white glow. Turning her head, her deep choc-
olate eyes scanned the area for any signs of wolves. Where was the borderline, exactly?
With an exasperated sniff, she stepped forward, sure that she did not hear any other wolves

Aside from the cool air, the slowly receding night brought in the creepy fog, making her more
wary than she would have been without it. Light paws stepped gingerly as the wolf flicked
her tail in curiosity. This forest was quite captivating. The trees looked rather eerie with the
fog surrounding them, and it seemed as if something or someone were to appear at any moment.
Chantille seemed to spook herself, for her hackles rose as the fog clouded her milk chocolate
eyes. Smiling softly to herself, she released a light titter How foolish of me... she thought
to herself, rolling her eyes. Fear of the fog? She was acting like a pup.

(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2012, 12:20 AM by Chantille.)
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Not at all :)

<blockquote>He could have easily been swept from his path, misguided by the thick coverage, if he were less adpt concerning the forest's distinct geography. Nonetheless, the man had come to know the area well and, despite his dark mood, he appreciated the challenge it posed.

The morning songs of the black birds now echoed high above, and the male's careful steps carried him from the depths of the territory. It would be only a matter of time until the treeline approached, and a weary gaze swept over the border as he came to a silent halt. A collective pack scent lined the area, and for a moment he wondered if this, <i>perhaps</i>, had been Trisden's route of departure...

A sudden ruckus left the canopy bare as a horde of ravens took flight, and something about the thick air and the quiet scene now had the Guardian on edge. A ridge of fur bristled down the length of his back as his head lowered, nostrils flaring, narrowing his eyes in the direction of the clearing beneath the emptied trees.

Then his heart skipped a beat. He'd done well in avoiding the angel of his nightmares for some time, and didn't believe his eyes as they fell upon a ghostly figure fidgiting in the thick of the fog. Had his expert navigation led him straight to the one being who had the capability to dismantle him? The black and silver man stood still, gulping down any traces of weakness and doubt as silver eyes watched the female from a short distance. </blockquote>
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Someone else was here. Someone was within the fog. If the hands of time
moved extremely slow, this would be the moment it had chosen to do so. Once
more, Chantille froze, feeling her fur rise on end. Her head turned slowly, like an
old and rusty doorknob. Dark eyes fell upon a figure- he seemed unsettled. The
creamy woman felt her body grow light, her legs preparing her to flee. Instead, she
rebelled against her body's natural instinct.

"Hello?" her smooth voice called out to the fog and towards the male standing
close. She continued to remain still, like a statue made of blankets of cream. She
let a concerned look spread across her face, her eyes now narrowing at the wolf.
Tail lowered, as to indicate she meant no harm. Hesitance bit at her like an annoying fly
before she decided to speak once more.

"I...I'm sorry if I stumbled across your land..." She did not know what to say, so this
sentence fumbled from her throat like a newborn fawn rising to its hooves for the first
time. Dawn was approaching, the grasp of light overtaking that of darkness. With the light
soon to arrive, she hoped that the creepish fog would vanish- it unsettled her something

(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2012, 01:44 PM by Chantille.)
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Sorry for the wait <3

<blockquote>His fear was replaced with suspicion. The spectre he believed to be his leader was no more than a wandering stranger, whose hesitant words echoed through the empty borders courteously. Proudly, the male's flag would raise above his back as a visual warning of her proximity to Grizzly Hollow territory as he fearlessly, and boldly, moved toward her.

His piercing silver eyes roved over her features as her scent was interpreted through quivering nostrils. <i>A pack wolf</i>, though the odor was, to him, novel indeed. Had it not been for the pleasure he'd derived from the weather and fog, the ash stroked female certainly would have suffered the Attaya's wrath.

<b>"What is your business here,"</b> he inquired plainly, his even tone carrying an explicit warning.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 01, 2012, 01:32 AM by Kade.)
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
No prob!

Chantille met the man's steely gaze; she was unafraid, but would properly show submission. Her fluffed creamy tail drooped downward, tucking neatly between her hind limbs. She lowered her head slowly, ears flattening softly against her elegant head. "My apologies, sir. I was just passing through, and the fog had me at a bit of a loss." Her gentle brown eyes looked up to him, her face now stoic. His tail was raised high, indicating his alpha status. She respected this, although she was not a part of the Hollow. It was pure accident that she had lingered close, for the fog had swallowed her up and spat her out near this dark wolf.

And so she stood, like a pearly statue in the soft moonlight. The fog crept around, slowly and sluggishly weaving itself around the trees and bracken. Chantille's fur was smooth, not a single hackle raised. Patiently she awaited the response of the man infront of her. She had picked up the slight threat within his tones, and would not dare to challenge him.

(This post was last modified: May 01, 2012, 03:17 AM by Chantille.)
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>The ghostly shewolf's show of submission was enough to temper his rigidity toward her, and with a careful glare his own posture relaxed in turn. The pale light that now colored the morning sky revealed the iridescent quality of her creamy coat, and for a moment he would note the tone of her chocolate hued eyes.

<i>"My apologies, sir. I was just passing through, and the fog had me at a bit of a loss." </i> The polite gesture was processed accordingly, and his gaze would shift to the meteorological display. Canting his muzzle, his reply was as gentle as his best nature.

<b>"It is easy to become lost within its allure."</b> He was well aware of this himself, as he'd spent many days sorting out life within the safety of the phenomena's obscurity. <b>"Perhaps...next time you'll take in it's beauty with an air of caution."</b>

<b>"I am Kade,"</b> he offered, put off by the fact that his lingering sour mood may have came across in a way he hadn't intended, and with a hope that the wanderer might offer a name of her own.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 02, 2012, 01:19 AM by Kade.)
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

"Yes... I most certainly will." The dark male's tone seemed to be decreasing in its threatening tones, so she began to relax. "I am Chantille, Kade." With her introduction, Chantille put her right paw infront of her, and bowed to the man before her. Dawn was quickly approaching, and with that would come the activity of small game. The fog continued to roam, but seemed rather displeased with the arrival of the sun. It seemed to enjoy lingering within the darkness of night, softly lit by the glow of the moon. She was glad that it was easier to see now.

Looking at Kade, she spoke softly: "What is the pack you are from, Kade, if you do not mind me asking? I am new to these lands." She admitted this lightly, and hoped that the man would not mind her presence near the Hollow's territory. Chantille was still learning her way around the Lore, and it would take her quite awhile to embark all the way through the lands.

Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote><i>Chantille.</i> It was certainly an elegant name.

To her respecful bow he ofered his own, mirroring the gesture. It occured to him that he'd never been regarded in that way, by anyone, and it felt good, whether he deserved the reverence or not.

<i>"What is the pack you are from, Kade, if you do not mind me asking? I am new to these lands."</i>

<b>"Grizzly Hollow, in the Cedarwood forest,"</b> he replied proudly, nodding back to the scene he'd wandered from. There were only a handful of places he considered to be more beautiful, though few of them held so much sentimental meaning. If the shewolf was new to Relic Lore, had she been here long enough to find a pack of her own? Where had she come from?

<b>"How about you - are you affiliated with a pack? What's your story, if you don't mind such personal questions from a...complete stranger?"</b> He didn't want to commence an interrogation, but he was, now, rather curious.</blockquote>
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

A smile came across Chant's elegant muzzle as the man stood, proud of his pack. With a slight wag of her tail, she opened her maw to speak. "It's quite beautiful here." Brown eyes lit up as the sky slowly turned a pink-purple hue, signifying that dawn was almost here. Listening to his question, she was more than willing to reply, for she thought this stranger was respectable. "I lived South from here in a pack called Moss Stream. They consisted of mainly hybrid Bay wolves, but I was birthed from two pure ones." Unnoticing it herself, she had puffed her cream chest out in pride of her bloodlines.

"My mother was not a leader, though. She mated with another Bay wolf who did not belong in the pack. I was only allowed to live because I was of pure blood." Shrugging her shoulders lightly, she continued, answering Kade's other question. "Oh! I'm currently in a pack called Poison Path....I'm new there...just trying to fit in. The wolves don't seem of kind heart, though... It's rather upsetting to me." After she had finished talking, her brown eyes looked to the sky before returning to the man.