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Rain, Rain, GO AWAY! — Swift River 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Somehow, the children kept moving, though Fenru seemed at the edge of breaking. Only nudges kept him going, and Ice felt his heart both break and harden. He may hate water, but this wasn't the time to give in to fear. Together, he and Triell herded the young Tainn males to safety, but Fenru didn't even crawl towards the rock formation - he just collapsed on the wet grass, and Ice took the moment to breathe and stand over his sodden body. His sides were heaving, gaze cast into the world, but the downpour and mist rising from the river limited his vision and he couldn't catch sight of the females. The possibility that they'd been swept away by the current presented itself, but mercilessly he dashed it against a rock. He'd not believe that until he found it to be true. He couldn't falter now.

"Hey hey Fen Fen," he said, his voice brighter than he felt. "I'll go fetch her in a moment, but if you stay out in the rain, you'll get too cold so your eyes will freeze and you won't be able to see her, so c'mon, get up and into cover." With that, he gave the youth another nudge and stepped off him, allowing the rain to touch his form again. Nudging Hael and Triell in passing, Ice ducked in among the scattered slabs. Here and there it formed enough cover to keep the rain out, and he gave a sharp back to draw Triell and the boys there. "In here, you'll be able to curl up safe and sound with each other and dry off. Listen to Triell, and have heart. I'll be back with Mum-" In the heat of the moment, he didn't really register that he used Fen's name for her. "- and Kisla and Naira soon enough, you'll see." And then he was gone, bounding down the slope like an expert mountain goat.

All the desperation, worry and fear that he'd not dared show in front of Fenru broke out as he made his way back down. His step lengthened into careless leaps that nearly sent him tumbling head over heels, his heart hammering and his breath rapid, trying to smell them but smelling only water. Finally, with a grunt, he landed elbow-deep in the water around the den entrance. It was submerged, and he waded around before finding the place where Kisla had shown up, only to tumble down into the water. If I hadn't called her... Too late for that, though. Perhaps she would've been taken unawares otherwise... Slogging through the muddy water Ice burst up on the ruined bank. The water wasn't as deep here, and it was easier to run. Grunting with the effort and eying the river warily, Ice pushed himself into motion. The water clung to him, threatening to topple him but he kept going, refusing to give up even if he had to search the banks for hours, until he nearly collided with Corinna. He'd been so busy worrying he'd not picked out her gray-and-tan form against the equally gray-and-tan rainy world.

"Oh by the stars, there you are!" But he quickly sobered, seeing the sodden form of Kisla lying beside Naira. He froze where he was, standing still as a statue as he feared the worst.. but a faint rise and fall of her wet flank betrayed life, and he let out the pent-up worry in a rushed bark. He bounded around their leader, latched onto the scruff of Naira, and began to back up, dragging her out of the water. He assumed Corinna would grab Kisla. Once they were a couple of yards from the waterline, he let go of the sodden Second and stood there, panting again. They were far from safe, but at least more safe than they'd been at the waterline. Ice bent down for a moment, touching his nose to Naira's cheek and standing over her as he'd done with Fenru, to keep the rain off her. "Triell and the boys are safe up the slope, sheltering among some rocks. It keeps them out of the rain at least, but they're very worried about you." Ice was, too. It was evident in the way he kept staring at Kisla, hoping she'd open her eyes. His gaze skipped over to Corinna. "The question now, is.. how do we get you up there?" He guessed he had enough strength to carry/drag/coax one of the two sodden females along, and even if Naira was awake, her brush with the river might've left her too weak to be able to climb the slope on her own, and unless Kisla woke up, they definitely had to carry her. Despite the movement that kept his muscles heated, the wind blew cold and stole the warmth from him - how mustn't it then be for those who had had the misfortune of bathing..?
.ice aesir

If you disagree with anything in this post, just let me know and I'll gladly change it. :)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote> She felt pressure around her neck as Ice began to drag her through the mud, but she just couldn’t manage to get her feet beneath her yet. She was grateful to finally be free of the water swirling about her lower body. The large male nosed her cheek and then stood over her, protecting her from the majority of the rain. Opening her eye a crack she checked on Kisla, still breathing if a little raggedly. Lifting her heavy head she managed to get shaky legs beneath herself to manage a somewhat defeated sitting position. He was right. They needed to get to the others.

The unseasonably cold wind cut through her sodden fur. Corinna had been for a swim as well and she hauled her ragged frame upwards to inch closer to her leader and offer some shared warmth. Kisla should awaken shortly, it would save them the need to drag her, but it was best to get moving before the water separated the two groups. <b>”We should get moving...”</b> she said flatly. She simply didn’t have the energy to inject any enthusiasm into her voice. Her head was hanging low and her knees were shaking. But they had to reach the others.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
<blockquote>His next few moments came like a torrent, as quick and strong as the downpour. The soggy, gloppy mud swallowed his paws, and yet Rihael struggled to climb and climb, painfully becoming aware with each tense second that his efforts were in vain. And then— strong jaws closed around the scruff of his neck, and he felt a force pulling him up, up, out of the den entrance. His dirty paws kicked up mud as he broke free of its squelchy grasp at last, coming to a halt outside the den. The initial moment of shock wore off quickly, and Hael was back facing the den, only becoming aware that it had been Uncle Triell pulling him out as he watched him return for Fenru. An overwhelming moment of relief hit him the second he saw Fen's face emerge from the inky darkness of the entrance, but it was short-lived, for though his brother was now safe, they were being commanded to <i>run</i>.

He felt Uncle Triell's nudge, and didn't think twice. With an <span class='word'>aperçu</span> at Fen, Hael barked urgently, instinct to flee, to <i>survive</i> powering him even through the oncoming shakiness of his limbs. Only barely aware that Fen and Ice were in tow amidst the blinding mist, he stopped at the place Triell had sent them to, stopping and turning to survey the flooded world around him for the first time. Murky, dark water engulfed the hills, its entire width expanding, swollen. He blinked, and it was bigger. And then came the realization, just as Fenru shrieked <i>Kisla's name.</i>

Eyes wide, he stared incredulously as Ice did his best to comfort his brother. Fear haunted his face, and yet he stood still, forcing his gaze through the mist— he could just barely see the river, could swear he was seeing wolves bobbing around just beneath the surface, but— they had to keep running. Accepting Uncle Triell's nudge with a stoic, distressed expression, Hael fought the rigidness of his body and turned again to run farther up the slope. And then they were running again, higher and higher, toward the cover of some rocks, and then suddenly they were there. They were safe.

But, <i>she</i> was still down there, and so was... <i>Mom!</i> As Fen voiced the worst truth of all, Hael stood in the rain, the fat drops pounding him mercilessly as he cried a remorseful, desperate howl— as though, somehow, it could bring them back. Never in his life had he felt so helpless. A fire burned within his chest, and he growled as he fought to suppress it. No, he couldn't go back down. He <i>couldn't</i> put himself in danger like that again— Ice and Uncle Triell would have to do it on their own. The futility of his own powerlessness crushed him, and he simply collapsed, in utter despair in the pouring rain that had destroyed his home, and possibly his family.</blockquote>
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Oh, sorry guys! I had thought I was skipped this round.

Time passed but the girl was unaware of the panic that had swallowed her pack and family. There were no thoughts that came to the girl in her blackout -- no wise moments of insight nor revelations to the world around her. All Kisla knew was the burning pain in her lungs as she came to -- the sudden choking cough that raised bile from her stomach. Everything felt completely heavy and the girl could do no more than shift her lithe figure, her body curling as she promptly hurled the sickening water she had taken in when she went under.

A low moan escaped her lips as she quivered now, a sudden chill surrounding her. Her nose and throat ached with a raw need, her lungs felt as if they were on fire. Her eyes fluttered open now to be met by her pack, her green eyes instantly taking in her mother first. "Mom," she whispered, her words coming out a small croak. Shifting, the pallid tawny wolf attempted to scooch her way to the silver she-wolf, only then noting Naira and Ice's presence in her confused state. With a rushing flood of memories, the girl recalled what had happened and instantly bowed her muzzle in embarassment.

sparking up my heart

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
OOC: Okay, to get this moving along, I will be archiving this post on May 5th. Great thread guys <3

Gone Tomorrow

Fear. Panic. Terror. All of these were filling Corinna Tainn's heart, and it was with a desperate hope that her eyes clung to Naira's form. The Second managed to maneuver her way through the water with Kisla bobbing along behind. They caught themselves on the tree, and with what little strength they had left, managed to get partway up on dry ground. Immediately, the leader lunged forward, grabbing her daughter by the scruff and pulling her forward and fully out of the water. Out of nowhere, Ice appeared, following suit and dragging Naira along. Relief hit her, and she dipped her head curtly in thanks. She did not have the strength to pull Naira out of the water's clutches, and even if she did, she was far too concerned with the safety of her daughter to be of much use. Only when Ice mentioned her other two children did Corinna look up, green eyes drifting to Ice's face before flicking behind him, searching for the high ground.

Hearing a wretching sound, Corinna's attention was yet again diverted. Looking to her daughter, she stepped closer, nosing her cheek and ears, warm tongue licking the girl's forehead. Trying to rouse her, the mother was pleased to hear her daughter's voice. "Shh....it's going to be okay..." she whispered, placing a kiss of sorts upon the girl's cheek. Instinct was crying out for Corinna to curl herself around the sodden girl, trying to reheat her after her ordeal in the River, but knowledge knew better. Shaking her head, trying to clear the rain from her eyes, the leader took a deep breath, calling on inner strength. "Okay...We'll need to move. We might not be able to join the others, so we'll have to just get as far from the bank as we can and join them later." Tugging on Kisla's scruff, the mother tried to hoist the girl to her feet, shoulder meeting the girl's to lend her support. Green eyes looked to Ice, begging for support. "We can do this." Pausing only a moment to lift her muzzle to the sky, she howled, her voice high and hoarse. But it was enough to get the message to Triell and her sons that all would be well. They would be okay. Sure that they would know, and be able to relax Corinna began to walk slowly, using her body to support Kisla as they walked.

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<i>That was fun. <3</i>

<blockquote><i>"Hey hey Fen Fen,"</i> Ice's voice nearly went unnoticed but the sound of his 'nickname' twice got Fenru to look up at him. <i>"I'll go fetch her in a moment, but if you stay out in the rain, you'll get too cold so your eyes will freeze and you won't be able to see her, so c'mon, get up and into cover."</i> <b>"Y-y-you w-will?"</b> the boy warbled, closing his eyes a number of times now in attempt to blink the rain from his vision. The guardian nudged him and the sensation of feeling the icy raindrops soak into his coat again made him shiver. <i>"In here, you'll be able to curl up safe and sound with each other and dry off. Listen to Triell, and have heart. I'll be back with Mum - and Kisla and Naira soon enough, you'll see."</i> Fenru watched as the blurry form of Ice run off. <b>"'kay..."</b>Trembling as he made an effort to stand back up, Fenru crawled to where the rain couldn't directly reach him. He tried to shake the excess water from his pelt but found his energy reserves running empty. After a few tilts of his head and wiggling his paws a bit hastily than they already were, he curled up into a tight circle against the rockface, hoping Uncle Triell and Hael would join him... and that the rest of the pack would find them soon. Where a whine and whimper would have built up in his throat, Fenru fell quiet, succumbing to both anticipation and anxiety as he and his brother were left to wait.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
<blockquote>The rain pounded down all around him, and yet nothing changed except that the fire of determination in his heart flared up again. He couldn't sit there any longer, and got to his feet again, staring off into the haze through which he couldn't see, hard though he tried. Quickly he glanced back at Fenru, who was huddled up in the shelter of the rocks, and then back out to the stormy abyss here his pack, his family, was trapped. Bitter shame and helplessness caused him to growl to himself, softly first, and then louder, as Hael realized there was absolutely <i>nothing</i> he could do—

And then, he thought he heard a howl through the rain. It was... <i>Mom.</i> Somehow it lifted his spirits a little, as though a ray of sunshine had burst through the relentless clouds overhead. Were they okay? Was it... alright to go inside now?

Unsure, yet clinging to the hope that howl had brought him, Hael trudged to his brother's side. It was all he had left, that hope, and Fenru's comforting presence. Eyes shut at last, Rihael went to lie next to his brother, as if to shield him from the torrent outside. "...It's okay, Fen," he said softly, though more to comfort himself... and there he lay, with his brother's warmth and his mother's howl his only solace. They... had to be okay. He... knew it.</blockquote>

Aww, SR. <3
(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2012, 01:43 AM by Rihael.)
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
As he guessed, Corinna had grabbed onto Kisla and dragged her away from the gurgling waters of the river. Breathing hard in the pounding rain Ice stood still, steaming as the cold water hit his warm body, watching. The two Tainn females were managing, and he nodded in the haze. It was unlikely the tired Second would be able to climb the slope, maybe not Kisla either - though Ice could carry her if worst came to worst - but... they couldn't leave Naira here. She'd done a heroic deed. Exhaling a shuddering sigh he bent down to nudge Naira's cheek, offering support. They'd make it, they were pack. Through the storm Corinna's ragged howl boomed, and as it was fading, Ice smiled, albeit tiredly, in the rain. Hopefully the boys had heard, and would relax now... He didn't want Fenru to worry more, for the boy had looked on the verge of breaking.

Gathering the last of his strength, he began to follow Corinna in the rain, helping the Second along if she'd accept it. They'd made it, and now it was just to weather the storm.. and wait for the sunshine to dry their wet, wet world again.
.ice aesir

let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote> Naira took the offered shoulder of Ice gratefully as she stumbled after her leader and the youngest female Tainn and wondered what they would ever do without him. Happy to simply continue to put one shaky paw in front of the other she began to wonder what had become of their home, and how they would continue after this. Where was everyone else? Where they safe?

For the ringing in her ears and the swelling of the earth beneath her feet it was a miracle she could decipher Corinna’s message to the rest of the pack at all. Squeezing her eyes shut tightly she fought down the nausea that threatened to pull forward the contents of her stomach (although at the moment it was most probably excess water anyway). Stumbling a short distance from the gathered she retched noisily into the mud, and hoped the rain would stop soon.</blockquote>

Misses SR :( <3
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

The rain had to stop sometime, and God or whoever was up there, could not be so cruel to take Kisla from them. Where Ice would offer words of comfort, and real piece of mind Triell would put himself close to his nephews to be solid support they could lean into. He did not need as much assurance as them, what Ice said did the trick to keep himself calm, and in control of his emotions. He followed Fenru more closely than Hael. When it came to both he was certain they were on a thin line of anxiety. His eyes sharp on the hillside, and his ears perked as far as they could go he too heard the faint call. "See, they are on their way," he yipped. He quickly stood guard outside the shelter point, trying to protect both against the cold.

Knowing they were on there way he could be the strong figure he needed to be. He could believe again the world was not entirely cruel, and may sometimes good things did come. The miserable thoughts that had bothered him so much before melted away in the drops of the rain.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]