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Scorch The Ground — Hidden Tree 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Set some night before <a href='http://relic-lore.net/index.php?showtopic=2104' target='_blank'>this thread</a>.

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Despite the fact that he and Triell had spent quite a lot of time together on the way back from Fireweed Rise, Ice hadn't broached the subject of Copper Rock Creek nor of Volkan - or Rhysis, for the matter. In fact, Ice had seemed to be intent on speaking as little as possible, something that concerned him in hindsight. If he wanted to get it straight who Volkan was and how many nasty little lies Rhysis had told him, he had to talk to Triell, hadn't he? So why did he keep avoiding the subject, as if thinking about hit scorched his brain and talking about it scalded his tongue? Gnashing his teeth together, Ice stared at whatever was in front of him as if he could incinerate it by will alone. Instead of following his black pack mate into the safety of the Grove, he'd taken off west, into the Wildwood. He knew he ought to stay close to home now, but two things had him holding back: first off, he didn't want anyone to see his face, to question what he'd done. He knew it had been stupid. Secondly, the Grove just felt... oppressive. That he thought he'd caught the scent of Indru hadn't helped either. He needed space to think. Space to breathe.

And so he'd disappeared into a forest he traversed often, though never lingered in. The ground was soft underfoot, the sky was dark and star-studded, but... Ice drew to a halt, casting sad glances all around. Charred tree stumps told a tragic story, showing where once the majestic forest of the north had stood even south of the Heartleaf. Now, it was nothing but a ruin, broken remnants of past glories. Giving a soft keen, Ice gave the place another good look. Ash is good for growing, though, evident in the numerous little saplings awakening from long winter sleep. Still... It was a ruin. A broken thing. Shuddering, Ice began to walk again, but he was restless, his thoughts running amok in his skull until it felt like his head was about to split open. Suddenly the darkness of the night wasn't peaceful, but too dark, too gloomy, too.. quiet. Giving in to the urge, Ice broke into a run, weaving between the dark, dead trunks. Without heed to the surroundings he upped his pace, as if running could leave his worries behind - but, as always, when you run things catch up and bite you in the ass.

The difference in level on the other side of a root was what felled him, his momentum too large for him to properly counter it. With a grunt and a thud, Ice crashed on his face and rolled a couple of yards before sliding to a stop. The world spun on without him, though, and he lay winded for a moment, waiting for the stars to stabilize themselves again. Once the surroundings had taken on their proper shapes again, the Aesir male hauled himself up on all four. "Yerlgh," he said while drooling out mouthfuls of sticky, salivated loam. It tasted of earth and ash, not at all a pleasant taste, but something akin to the vile taste in his mouth after he'd fought Rhysis. Shuddering, he continued to spit the mess out before checking for cracked teeth. When he was satisfied he wasn't broken in any way, Ice gave a slight growl and set out again. He had no clear direction in mind, but leaving the patch of disturbed earth felt better then remaining by it. Though, his restless energy refused to contain itself, and after a moment he broke into a trot. His little accident had him more cautious.

Then, out of nowhere, came a large tree. Surprised, Ice halted again, though in a more orderly fashion then the last time. A black hole gaped, visible even in the night's darkness, and his eyes were drawn to it. Charred as it was, just like everything else, it seemed to have had something akin to a purpose. It was as good a place as any to stop and think. As if suddenly exhausted, the pale wolf sank down on his haunches, bushy tail carefully draping itself around his left leg and brushing across his paw. Then, his head tilted back and he sat still, gazing at the sky. The stars were bright, the moonlight casting the world in silver, and as he settled into the familiarity of stargazing, the other thoughts receded from his mind and faded away together with the background noise. Nothing existed but the sky and the cold air that slipped in and out of his lungs. Despite the fact that he was alone and none of his problems were solved, Ice felt peace settle across him again, like a warm, comforting blanket.

And as he watched, the northern lights began to slowly dance across the sky.
.ice aesir
(This post was last modified: May 02, 2012, 02:12 PM by Corinna.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I did this like they were coming home, and were separated for a bit? If that's not too confusing.
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

They often seemed to exchange the role of adult and child. They each took turns being the one comforting, and directing. He did not mind this. It was like a silent agreement between them, or maybe simple a natural part of their relationship. Who could solely be the strong wolf all the time? It was much easier to share burdens....and secrets. The Tainn was a bit surprised how close they had become in the time they'd known each other, in Indru's absence, and in the first steps against Rhysis himself. He had been so grateful when they started home in silence. Triell was certain a load of questions were waiting to be unleashed upon him. Ice deserved answers to them, but he was not sure where to start. It was like explaining things to Naira all over again, and even now he wasn't sure he'd didn't it right. What really kept consuming his thoughts when their paws rose, and fell....why Ice had launched himself on the silver and black wolf. He had reason to dislike Rhysis alright. But the young man couldn't help think that was only half of the anger that burned beneath the silver coat.

His golden eyes, tinted with orange would now and again cast sideways Ice a look. He had injuries, where Triell had none. It did not seem right, he wished they could trade that too. He was sure he caught some sound, teeth on teeth he knew they were not headed to the Grove. They were headed to the Wildwood. No Ice, he thought as if trying to pass this information to the wolf without him knowing who it was from. It was no use trying to use telepathy on his friend. Ice meandered further, and the Tainn was frozen to the once deadened ground. He too realized he did not want to go back to the Grove. Definitely not like this. Who knew what Corinna would say. Maybe there would have been no war, but they had put spark to further reasons for it. Yep, he sure was using his head these days. Eyes closing he tries to decide how long he can stand, avoiding the impact, how long Ice won't notice him. Not long, is the simple thought. Triell took a deep, almost final breath before pushing himself to enter the remains of what had been his parent's grand kingdom.

Unlike Ice he is not running, he jogs at an easy gait following the scent of the older man weaving around the still charred trees. Where are you going? Does he really need to ask. He's sure he'll find it. His birthplace, and Triell is conflicted. Again he wants to sit there being help captive by the memories and the hurt. Somehow remembering Ice, he bounds forward in pursuit.

"Ice!" He calls, the darkness feeling cold, and a reminder of the rest of the blackness. Triell pauses, concentrating on the musky odor, turning this way and around. He did not witness Ice's clumsy accident, he was too far behind to really catch him. How long had he stood at the edge of this place? Long enough he did not know where Ice was. He became worried. What if Rhysis had come back? It wasn't beneath him to fight unfairly, and he did not believe he was much for keeping his promise. "Ice!" He calls again, half winded, the cold air burning his lungs. He wanted his hollow tree, but in an ironic way he was going running to one.

Just as he suspected there he was staring at the sky as the lights danced wildly across the sky...in front of the Tainn's first home. "Ice," he breathes in relief. In a moment his paw his dangled in the air wanting to make it to his friend. He pauses, ashamed for disturbing him, and places his paw down to the ground. He looked like he was not a prisoner of his thoughts. Maybe he had wanted to be alone.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.

Eyes that had closed opened to the darkness, hearing the faint echo of a familiar voice carried in by the winds. It stirred a response in his heart, like blowing slowly on cool embers, and slowly, as if in a dream, the pale wolf's head turned to peer curiously in the way he'd come. He knew he'd abandoned Triell somewhere outside of the Grove, but the silence of the dark male had been taken as.. well, some sort of acknowledgment of being left behind. Maybe not - or maybe he just wanted to talk. Talk. Suddenly he wanted to shy away from the word, but he couldn't, and so he patiently sat waiting, peering over his shoulder and into the charred darkness of the night. "Ice!" came the call again, and taking pity on the young man, Ice barked out his name in response. "Triell!" Hark, and be guided to me. He'd given the help he could, and with that, his gaze returned to the sky. The northern lights were intense, bright, their colors flaring and shining and reflecting in his upturned eyes. They danced, and he did not; Triell's breathless whisper of his name sent a wave of emotions rushing through him, and for a moment he didn't move. At times, Triell was the teacher; at others, he was the child, the young one. What were the roles now?

He twisted where he sat, peering at Triell again - so dark against the forest, the patch of white on his chest standing out, his eyes so bright and yet so... dimmed. Perhaps he was the child now, and with a small yet warm smile Ice came to his feet, turning round to face his friend. "Triell," he said, pleased despite his earlier uncertainties. Still slow, and still the world felt somewhat unreal and blurred, Ice approached, tail swinging at a sedate pace. Without hesitation he placed his head next to Triell's, muzzle trailing along his head before pressing cheek against cheek. A moment he held there, drawing in the warmth, the scent of the black fur. The cold night air stung his wounds a little, but he ignored it, pulling back a fraction to once more stare at the sky. "Isn't it beautiful?" he said, somewhat absent and amazed. With effort, he took his gaze back to Triell, a small unreadable smile playing about his features. Like you. But he didn't say it, instead drew a deep breath of cold air. His head felt as if it had been pounded against a rock, and he needed to clear it. With an encouraging nudge, Ice turned and padded closer to the large and charred tree, sniffing cautiously at the black wood. Rain had washed it clean of telltale scents.

"I wonder what it was," he said, thought it aloud, without expecting an answer - not knowing that there was an answer, and so close at hand. Breathing steaming fog into the air, Ice looked inside the hollow, but there was only soot and ash and darkness there. Frowning slightly, he pulled back, and sank down on his haunches again; head back, eyes to the sky. "The Wildwood is beautiful - too bad that so much of it has been.. destroyed." A murmur in the night, a cautious glance at his black companion. He seemed so much more quiet and heavy than usual, as if the energy he usually exuded had been stolen. It worried him slightly, which reflect in his eyes, and in his voice. "What bothers you, Triell, hm?"
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    If I go crazy then will you still call me superman?

His ears are welcomed by his name being sounded. It did a bit to strike a chord in him perhaps he was not a bother to Ice exactly at this time. Ice seemed pleased to be found, and Triell's paws were ready to make head way to the silver brute, when instead he was shifting, moving to him instead. Holding his place he takes a moment to try to collect himself, and half manages by the time a more intimidate greeting is given. Somewhere he feels his tail brush against his hocks, and he leans into the comfort of his friend if for a second or two. The fight with Rhysis seemed distant in this embrace, and if it were not for the smell of blood he might just believe it. He gingerly nosed the lighter locks of the man, and too looked at the wild rhythms of the night sky. It certainly was beautiful if not more grander, but words special enough he could not find in the confines of his mind. The colors swirling movement made him light-headed almost, like he was somewhere else in time. The night air clung to his breath, his nose, and partially burned his throat. His body had gotten use to spring's warmth, and was struck coiling like a snake to the return of the harsh cold. Ice broke his trance, his thoughts, and his eyes almost like a topaz liquid shifted to the sharp silver. He saw something there, a hint of what may be Ice's thoughts. Triell was far from decoding Ice's gestures, and mannerisms. They were sporadic, he wasn't' sure if there was to be a pattern. Really, he hoped not.

"They are," he half mumbled, a smile trying to make itself known on his face. The cold, the atmosphere was like a huge splash of water in his face. He felt dis-oriented. He watched Ice like a captain would keep an eye on the shore, and suddenly was aware of his prodding. What would he have Triell do? Shifting uneasily like some spooked horse, he swallowed again seeing just where Ice was headed. If it was any other wolf, Triell would have fiercly guarded the tree. It was Ice, and it did not bother him to see Ice inspecting the ruins. There was no harm, nor intent of harm on the male's part. It did no less to free the hostage of the Wildwood.

Ice continued his studying, speaking something about beautiful, and destroyed. Triell was barely there. How could Triell move. He'd said goodbye to this place a million times, and here it was beckoning him again. It seemed more personal with Ice, and how he did not know the story. Then again, maybe Triell was wrong. Indru could have mentioned it. Wait...when he got a hold of his senses Ice would have known this was the Wildwood...the only place struck by fire. He wouldn't be wondered what was wrong. He would know. The young man found his paws pulling him closer, and he let his nose twitch taking in the air. It brought back the smoke, the flame, and fear so he had to hold his breath. And most quickly he closed his eyes as if to shut the world out...to shut all the memories bad and good. Yet Ice was there calling to him, breaking him free momentarily.

"I," he began, his ears flattening against his head while he shuffles a single paw at the rough ground. "This is where I was born...this is where my parents..." Deep breath, deep breath Triell, now let it out, "lived......and died."

(This post was last modified: May 05, 2012, 06:10 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He'd never seen Triell this distracted, never mind that he himself felt as if walking in a dream. The black youth, while young and all, had never seemed anything but steadfast and solid, as if nothing could unhinge his mind or push him off course. He'd always reminded Ice of a river - dynamic, different, powerful, and yet it was always steady. Constant in its changes, but always flowing the same way. Rivers didn't randomly choose a new path to go gallivanting down, except when rains made them rise out of their beds. This black wolf... it wasn't his Triell. This black wolf looked like him, down to the white patch and color of eyes and voice, but it didn't behave like him. He seemed so distant, ready to bolt, as if this place made him sick. True, the Aesir wasn't much better, moving slowly as if afraid to break, or shatter the spell the night had put on him... But while he just seemed some level of high, Triell looked absolutely ready to throw up or faint or run off. Concerned, he kept watching his young friend, trapped in his own nightmare in which Ice couldn't help him - for he had no idea what his nightmare was. Pained, worried, silver eyes tracked his dreamlike approach, but he smothered the low keen building at the back of his throat. He didn't want to startle him.

Finally, the black wolf stopped, not as close as Ice but not as far away either. Memories reflected themselves in those fiery eyes, and yet the pale wolf couldn't possibly see what they were, and what they meant. But words, words came, and Ice's ears perked upright, drinking them and the voice in. It soaked into his skin like water on dry grass, and yet his mind refused to make sense of the words until all of them had been spoken. "This is where I was born...this is where my parents... lived......and died." Several seconds held Ice in thrall to silence, the wheels in his mind turning. Triell had been born here? Lived here? In this charred old tree? He was about to make some stupid comment on it being an awfully weird choice of den, but managed to strangle the words before they escaped. He had a notion his friend wouldn't take kindly to his random stupidity right now, and if there was one thing he didn't want to do, it was to hurt Triell. In silence, his gaze ran back to the dark entrance. Some of the colors in the sky were forcing themselves onto the world below, red and green and blue touching everything like witch-fire. Lived and died. In there, not just around here. Dead. He wouldn't have thought twice about mourning his ass of a father, but his mother? Now she was just lost - but likely alive. It had been the way things were meant to be, the natural course of life. This... Triell's voice, his look, the words - it all indicated that this had not been the natural way of things.

Still quiet, the large male padded across to his friend, destroying what space there had been left between them. He felt mute, but knew he had to - wanted to - speak, and yet for once, he never had the words. Triell had always affected him - and perhaps it was safe to say he was slightly besot with him - and yet when he the most wanted to spew his stream of words to comfort his friend, he had nothing but silence on his tongue. Strangling yet another sound of displeasure, he forced his mind to work, and his jaws to spit something out. "I'm sorry," he said quietly at last, gently touching his black face. "Was it the fire?" Maybe he wouldn't like talking about it... but if he didn't want to say anything, Ice trusted him to slap his friend in the face and walk away. And yet... when he followed him here, he must've guessed where the trail would take him. So, unless he was the biggest martyr alive, he had made the choice to come. Either he'd not believed it'd still affect him, or... or he'd decided to take the risk, and see what happened. Still somewhat disturbed, Ice ground his jaws together once, the dry, alien sound reverberating through his head. He hated it when he did that, and yet he always did! He threw another glance at the sky, before peering back at the ruined den. Some of the world had lost its dreaminess, perhaps because Triell's words had grabbed him by the tail and yanked him back to reality in a mildly painful fashion... or maybe just because whatever effect his time left alone had had was wearing off.

Hesitantly, he pulled back from Triell again, just a step this time. This meant that Indru's parents had died here, as well. .. knowing how large the Tainn family was, it meant a lot of someone's parents had died, except the parents were always two. It was the children that were numerous. Giving his head a small shake to toss the tangled thoughts away, he pondered the wisdom of asking Triell to come closer... likely, he'd been here before, and yet he hated feeling this powerless. He wanted to help him overcome this, to be able to visit this place without looking as if his entire world was about to burn down around him... Now, more than ever, he wished the tree was close enough for him to slam his face against it and hide.
.ice aesir

Random Word of the Day trivia: "besot", which also can be used as "obsess/ed", is very similar, both in spelling and pronunciation, to the Swedish word "besatt", which depending on context means either "obsessed" or "possessed". I love how closely related the languages really are, despite having become so different over the last couple of centuries :)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
That's pretty cool Fenrir. :) Never have guessed how intertwined they were.

    If I go crazy then will you still call me superman?

He had thought he conquered this place, that it had come nothing but the place of good memories. The only memories of his parents. Apparently, it was worse then it had been. He didn't understand it. He'd been here several times, and he'd always managed to escape. Even with Indru they had put aside the signs of death. Why couldn't he let it go now? He was not sure, was it the stress of everything? Was it all the damn thunderstorms, that one night when he'd encountered fire again? He couldn't say. It made no sense, and he was sure Ice was more confused then him. He swallowed stiffly, if that might dry his parched throat when it only did to make it worse. He found himself shifting uneasily again, the energy inside him wanting to be free instead of chaining him here like a tormented soul. Briefly he let his eyes flicker to Ice trying to see the impact of the situation upon his friend. He was extremely quiet, lost for words even? The Tainn could only guess. Ice, he'd learn, usually had something to say. But not now. Who could ever say the righ thing. The strange white female had offered her comfort, but he had only accepted it not to offend her. Indru could always share the good memories, but he never did share the bad, let them recall them. Kinis, well he had seemed to let some of the horrors die out. Why could not he?

He was raking his brains for an answer, a will to treat this as any normal place. He really wanted to scream, and demand them. To curse this place, and the death of his family. It had never been fair what happened to the Tainns. He liked to think they were good, so why all the bad? What made them deserve it? Ice had come back to him, but he seemed so far away. If he couldn't find words to say, Triell might take a while to recover before he was able to say more...pretending this didn't happen. The words softly came, ones that most would say hearing his news. They never did much those single words, but he took them, and the comfort Ice offered. He would nod his dark head at the question. Fire had stolen them away from their children. It really shouldn't bother him this much. It'd been almost 2 years...almost. He stiffly walks up to the base Hidden Tree. He wished it looked normal, not this charred core. He remembered being out and exploring with his siblings. Then the sky had began to blacken, growling, and spitting out sharp bits of light. They were all going to go home in shelter. Home had become a new threat, and all he remembered was running, running as fast as his short chubby limbs would take him. He had found safety in a river bank against the rocks. He often wondered if that's why he liked water, why he clung to it so. It was the one thing that had not deceived him. He remembered Kisla, and the flooding and half snorted. Nothing ever stays the same.

He partially let his head hang in the entrance, letting the light of the sky show him the inside. It could have almost been the same of his memories in this setting. Here he curled up safe and sound with Borlla,Kinis, and his mother. Who would have thought it would be where anyone died. A sad look, he recalled looking out for the first time in a blurry green world. He'd tried to start talking immediately, but he more squeaked in excitement of the grand world. His mother would laugh, and his father would coax him out. There was often someone to play with when Borlla and Kinis had no want. "I was very little then," he began in a voice that sounded like someone else. He had a small, sad smile, and he taking a step back fell to his haunches. "Most of us were out, hunting, and us pups learning the basics when the storm blew in. None of us really knew what was happening when we all headed for home. We thought we were escaping the rain..." His voice died, for most was knowledge he collected after, not at the time. He vaguely was aware of the whereabouts of his many siblings then..much like now. "I actually found safety in a river bank, and it was days until I found Indru...found them."

He let a rough sigh, and raised his shoulders when a fearful shiver shot down his spine. These feelings were both new and old. "I've told this place goodbye so many times, I didn't think it would be harder. I thought things are suppose to get easier. What is these days?" He frowned, but felt a surge of anger in his question, quaking in his bones. "What bothers me Ice is how I can't protect everyone. You, Indru, Kisla, and Volkan. The list goes on. What am I if I can't keep anyone safe?" His frustration was clear in his deep tone, and marred his dark mask. He was tired of this helpless feeling.

(This post was last modified: May 12, 2012, 07:59 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He stepped back gingerly, wincing as his hock told him going backwards was stupid, and allowed Triell space to approach his birth den. It was somewhat alien to him, the way the Tainns placed so much value in family and in the past. Maybe it was trauma, though. If Ice came back to find his birth pack wiped out by fire and his blood family dead, of course there'd be a twinge of sadness, maybe of regret at not having been there to look Snow in the eyes once more and tell them they weren't brothers only now, but for forever. But... it didn't hold his heart the way this seemed to ensnare Triell. Time would wash his sorrow clean, leave it nothing but a thin and transparent veil that only sometimes fogged over and got tangled up in his heart. The dazed, distracted look on Triell's face told him his sorrow was more likely thick and black. Suffocating. Heavy, and cold. Worriedly he watched his friend, as he stuck his black head into the dark opening. A stray ray of moonlight lit it for him, painting the ridge of his spine silver as well. Under any other circumstances, he would've given a bemused smile, but now he just stood silent and watched the moon-washed wolf, ears perking up at the sound of a voice. It still wasn't Triell's, but it came from him all the same, though - distant. Matching the look on his face, and in his yellow eyes. He saw something that wasn't here anymore, things that he'd never see again. He saw something Ice would never know.

"Most of us were out, hunting, and us pups learning the basics when the storm blew in. None of us really knew what was happening when we all headed for home. We thought we were escaping the rain..." Ice followed Triell's example, sinking down where he was, about half a yard or so from his friend. In respectful silence he listened, glad that the storm their own den had been ruined by had been a very wet one. Unpleasant, but it was easier to fight water than fight fire. While his black friend never outright said my parents burned to death, he, for once, made an effort and put two and two together. Triell hadn't denied his theory of fire, and they certainly hadn't drowned. If he'd known how fast trees grew, he would've been able to check the theory against the age of the saplings, but... he'd never felt the need to watch a tree grow up. And so, he just decided that the wildfire had incinerated the faithful couple that had brought so many generations of Tainn's into the world (at least two that he knew of). Still, what does one say when your perhaps closest friend is sitting there with a forlorn look on his face and tells you his parents died in a fire when you were but a pup? Ice opened his mouth and spoke silence, surprised when Triell went on. Well, it certainly saved him from trying to say something comforting...

What surprised him more, though, was the sudden note of anger in his voice. Ice raised his 'brows, somewhat pleased with the change - better a somewhat vehement Triell than one that looked very lost. The words caused his 'brows to rise even further, and it was with a sort of bemused silence that he watched Triell. So, they'd come to the root of the problem. His young black friend was upset he hadn't been able to save his parents from burning to death, and by the fact that he couldn't clone himself and be everywhere at once. Still, he had a notion Triell wouldn't appreciate Ice laughing at it, so he kept his mouth shut for a moment. It wasn't that it was amusing, really, more.. that it was so Triell it made his heart ache. And at the same time, he nearly pitied him for it. It wasn't easy, to bear that burden. Nor was it easy to accept the truth: you cannot always protect everyone.

"Mortal," he finally said in an even, low voice. The silence stretched for a few seconds longer as Ice rolled the words around in his head. How could he possibly phrase it, to keep Triell's heart intact and yet tell him, there is no way? The result was that he spoke slowly, weighing each word. "Triell... You cannot protect everyone all the time. There just isn't enough of you. Sometimes... sometimes bad things happen. When Kisla fell into the river, you dragged Rihael and Fenru out of the den, while I was standing around being useless. You protected them, because they were close at hand. Your friends - Corinna, Naira -" Her name was bitter in his mouth. "- and I protected Kisla." He wasn't quite sure where he was going, but it made him both a bit abashed and pleased that Triell wanted to protect him. He hardly needed protection, though. He was passable at the rudimentary skills required for life, and thick enough to not take emotional hurt easily. "I guess..." he started slowly, after a moment's pause. ".. you could consider us, your friends, as a medium for your protectiveness. While you cannot be everywhere at once, some of us can be in other places. Most of the time, neither Indru nor I need protection. I guess what I'm trying to say is, no wolf in the forest can protect everyone they hold dear. Don't hold it against yourself, Triell."

You'll only break your heart that way.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<3 sorry for waiting and the quality of this post.

    If I go crazy then will you still call me superman?

The dark threads at the base of his skull began to bristle, and his jaw muscles went tight. He was ready to lash out, but not at Ice just the world, and it's gods, creator. Whatever may it be. Those damned things were invisible, and seemed to only mock him in his misery. Indru had tried to help him let go, and he thought he had. Being here, aware once more how fragile life was brought all of it gushing to a surface. If he was alone he would have left, and he would have ran into he found Volkan. Finding her would not really be an escape, just a temporary leave. He closed his eyes, closing his mouth tight to keep any growls from bubbling out of his lips. He'd never had much of a temper until this year, and it was going to get the best of him one day he presumed. What more could be thrown at him? Would something happen to Corinna, or the pups? A cold ache pressed in his heart. Maybe, Ice would understand better than Indru. He loved Indy, but he always marked things on the logical side which sometimes infuriated the young man. Some things did not make sense, somethings had to be cursed, and bad things didn't happen for no reason. He gave a wild lash of his tail, whipping it around his side when Ice broke what had to been very awkward moment in time.

He knew everyone was mortal, and what he wished was impossible. Really he should let it go. He could not. His bright eyes flashed open, and his ears drawn to the deep melody of that voice. He held onto the words needing something to keep him from his burning thoughts. He knew this, and understand what Ice was getting at. No one could save everyone, no one had that power, sometimes other wolves did the job. Some had the power to look after themselves. It wasn't news, but helped pull him out of the darkness, out of the pain, and out of the overwhelming crush of his life torments. "I realize that, I just...I hate it. I never feel like I can do anything when the world is spinning, I'm just walking on it hoping not to fall off with everyone else." He bit the air in a swift snap, and popped to a stand. "I just keep thinking what next?" His baritone voice first came smooth then cracked. He lifted his nose, his eyes burning while staring at the top of the tree.

"Rhysis said he believed in Karma. I think if Karma was real, then his life should be more hurt not mine." His tone was dark full of venom, and his ears pinned to his skull. His black banner flicked in his idle energy which craved to put that silvery brute to rest. He'd never loathed anyone, and his hatred surprised him. "I'm a stupid leaf blowing in the wind waiting to be struck down," he chimed in a tone of someone not the least bit humored. He swiped at the ground with his paws, letting his blood boil a little further. It wasn't logical or the best idea to feed the monster within. It would go dormant, and he took in some long breaths to bring back his focus --collect himself.

A sniff of his nostrils to rid of his dribbling nose, he turned on heal and faced Ice. His anger was gone, and he looked at him in a peculiar way. "You know, I still don't understand....why you did that. Was it for what he did to Naira...to Cori?" He asked almost in his regular voice, with a quirked brow needing answers. Ice must have his own things to inquire about, and Triell preferred to get them out. What else could hurt?

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Don't worry. <3

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He'd never seen Triell this livid, and wondered if the wildfire hadn't burned him anyway - not his flesh, but his soul. It certainly seemed like a flame raged in his heart, and Ice's eyes narrowed slightly. Would it ever go out, or would it keep burning until it devoured everything within that black body? Would it burn until his skin was feverish and cracking, bleeding, until everything was charred and no more life remained? It was an unpleasant thought, and a shiver traveled down his spine. He didn't want to lose Triell to the demons inside his soul, and thinking about it made it so much more real. While he didn't truly believe that he could physically die from rage, he guessed that the Triell he knew - the one that was both friend and little brother - could very well be killed, replaced with something volatile and furious... violent. Still, though, maybe there was hope; he didn't seem like he wanted to destroy the world, only not feel so helpless. Being angry at yourself wasn't going to help, but he didn't want to interrupt Triell's tirade. Slightly wary and worried he sat, watching the black yearling pop to his feet. The movement was too sharp to be relaxed and natural, and the scent of tension was nearly choking him. Still, he didn't move nor speak, though he snorted at the mention of karma. Just like Rhysis to claim such a thing...

As Triell fought with his rage, Ice decided to speak a little, his voice bordering on scornful. "Karma's subjective and easily eluded. I don't believe that there'll be balance forced upon us for what we do, only that those who believe in karma will, knowing it or not, atone for their sins. What if what you believe you do is good and just? You'd not go around doing evil acts to balance it then - so if you're warped and believe that.." He strangled a sigh. "Rhysis is warped. There's no higher might to smite you down as a punishment for doing bad things, karma's only a guide of sorts, if you want it. While I'd not be opposed to a lightning strike bringing Rhysis down, I'd not count on it to happen." He felt like chuckling, but refrained; instead he turned his head to the sky, watching the northern lights and listening to Triell's slowly calming breath with half an ear. He wanted to reassure the male, but how could he? What could he possibly say? The notion that maybe he should pin him and proclaim him "struck down" crossed his mind, but what then? Was a stupid trampled leaf any better? Saying I like you even if you're a stupid leaf felt cheesy. Ice sighed softly, drawing his gaze down to the burnt hollow. Two wolves had died - in there? Or outside in the forest? A lot of creatures had probably died that day... Fire was a destroyer.

The next question caught him entirely off guard.

Ice's body froze until it resembled his namesake, pale eyes glued on the charred tree as his heart skipped a beat. There was no mistaking what he asked about - why an enraged Ice had tossed himself at Rhysis. For you, but the words couldn't make it past his throat. What could he possibly say? Nothing but the truth. Ice would never lie. Realizing he'd been holding his breath, he forced it out as a guttural sigh. Slowly he forced his eyes from the tree and onto Triell, trying to not feel as stiff and tight as a wound-up coil. An entirely strange way to react to a simple question! "That's the reason I hate him in the first place," he managed to say, his voice quiet. "What really set me off, though, was that he had the audacity to push into your space." He gave a small shrug, trying to appear - and feel - casual about it. Easier decided on than done, though. He knew what Triell felt for Volkan - he didn't need to know what Ice felt. His lips twitched in a mirthless smile. "Oh, and-" He'd nearly forgotten the blinding rage at the fact Rhysis might've told him lies about Volkan. "- he's Volkan's brother. I ran into him before he joined Swift River, asked a little about her." He lowered his gaze to Triell's paws, staring at them. "I hate lies, Triell. Rhysis... I don't know if he lies or not, but he's slippery and breathes untruth and deception with every breath his useless body takes. Everything he was in Swift River was a lie, a pretense. What he said about Volkan - that he sat there on his birthday and most likely told me lies... I hadn't thought about it until then, but, damn, it pissed me off." He was tense again, energy running like snakes under his skin. He flashed Triell a grin that spoke of a desire for blood and vengeance. "Still does, it seems," he muttered, wondering how much of his little rant that had made sense.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

Ice's tone sounded more harsh, like a unyielding sword on the matter of Karma. There was no regret bringing it up, just the opposite to have it explained to him in this sense. Of coarse Ice was right. Thinking of it like that, it sounded like a sour excuse, and was extremely clear why it might be Rhysis chosen logic. "I suppose," he humbly began wrapping his mind about it further. Of coarse hoping something bad just happened to Rhysis wouldn't work. If Triell knowingly sought him was that apart of it as well? He let out a snort deciding to let the idea rest because it made no sense if that's how the universe worked as he had thought all along. "You make it sound more logical than I ever comprehended," he let out a short, dark laugh of sorts at himself before stilling his black form against the serene Wildwood with the dancing lights of glory. They were quite lovely in the night sky, striking different poses in beautiful waves of colors he'd rarely seen. The child in him was eluded by what they were, why there were there, and where they'd come from. Any sort of knowledge what they were really, but the mystery appealed to him too. Made them magic.

He patiently awaited a reply, and his ear twisted to the sound of what could have been inward trouble. Triell was no judge, and wouldn't realize there could be a simple answer to his question. Seeing a mild struggle, he was only more bemused by what went deeper. His black jaws were sealed tight, and he casually rested his attention on his companion.

Naira and Corinna were part of it, and he leveled his chin awaiting what more would come. The next phrase, Triell was not so naive to not see Ice had stepped in for him. It touched a cord within the young man. They were pack mates meant to look after each other, but Ice and him felt like they went much, much further than that. The Tainn had put his trust into other wolves a part of his family. Masrh and him had this...relationship no words could explain. This with Ice...it did him good to have some one with answers, but at the same time still questioning of the world. He simply bobbed his head, afraid he might embarrass Ice if he got into it. Though Triell did not mind awkward Ice, he preferred one he might be able to anticipate.

He really meant to mumble oh back, or a quiet thank you. The mention of Volkan, he felt the shadow of rage growl in the pit of it's cage. Rhysis had talked to Ice about it too huh. A new fire seemed to light in his eyes, so intently he listened. It wasn't preciously what he was expecting, but enough to give clue to white was beneath it all.

"Rhysis doesn't exactly lie, he just doesn't tell the whole truth which in my mind is more deceitful than lying to begin with because he knows the whole damn story, and the whole damn story makes him out to be the bastard he is." His words merely hissed, and growled from his half raised lips, and sharp white teeth. "He made me think Volkan was the one full of lies, but I realized why would she want to share the whole story of her past? It sounds damn awful, than you throw what..what he did to her." A snarl ripped from his throat, and the ridge of his mane raised in a wild eruption. He snapped his teeth, and let the anger blaze before shaking his body to relax again. "One day he'll have to watch for my teeth in his neck, because I'm going for blood...for everything."

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]