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Too Much. — Lost Lake 
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
Terror. Betrayal. Heartbreak. All combined into one didn't give anyone any breaks, if anything it would scar you, until there was nothing left. Too much had been going on in the young male, Ash's head, that he could comperhend. His sister had been in another pack for awhile now, and his beauty, Finn, was injured and yet he was here, not knowing what to do. Maybe he should join the nearby pack, at least that's what he had thought, unless a lone wolf had a very large amount of territory. He could go there, to clear his thoughts and maybe join a ranking.

THe clear sky overhead put the male in a light mood none the less. He appreciated that SOMETHING was at least going his way after awhile. He couldn't help but thinking of anything else except relaxing today, by himself, alone. Nothing to bother him except his own thoughts. His sister and beauty remained in his head, leaving him clueless with his next steps of action.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
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Ava Attaya
Her hunt for that day had concluded with the murder of three stoats. It wasn't quite the kill she had wanted, but the goats evaded her entirely today and she figured they needed a break to return to their comfort zone before she could strike their herd again. The dark she-wolf had taken her kills to the pack cache and followed the literal poison path back out into the depths of the mountains that they called their home. It had been her intention to drink her fill of cool, fresh water to soothe her post-hunt thirst (as well as was the blood off her maw) but to no avail was this her first order of business. The moment she stepped from their secretive den site, the scent of a lone wolf smacked her in the nose. It appeared the water would have to wait.

The black female took off immediately, her pawsteps hurried as she took toward the lone wolf's scent. Luckily his position in their lands was entirely without obstacle; the unknown male was just at the base of the mountains, no sneaking or creeping around. She made her presence well and clear as she stalked forward, tail and head raised high as she proudly carried the scent of Poison Path toward him. But there was something in his expression that prevented her from releasing the snarl building in her throat - post bloodlust aggression, of course, that's all at it was. Ava was no nasty-tempered girl on her own. She stopped a length or two from the large male, her amber gaze cautious.

Delicately she questioned, "<b>Come to contemplate your thoughts? The Lake's about as deep as minds come.</b>" She would get around to the interrogating part, but first she needed to test the waters.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The lonely male heard pawsteps behind him. Sniffing the air he determined the stranger female, and she smelt of the borders nearby. It was obvious that she wasn't trying to hide her scent from him, for she was being as loud as thunder. Pricking his ears at her approach her pawsteps ceased, completely stopping. Was she hesitant now? Turning his head to meet her gaze, sadness and grief were in his gaze as he sat their. The black female had pretty amber eyes and she was smaller than him. Her raised hackles seemed to him threatening but he continued to just stare at her. The female was showing high dominace, which he appreciated, it was better than most, for showing submission to him due to his size.

THe black female was staring at him cautiosly, probably thinking about what she would say to him, and finally words came out of her small maw. The question the female asked didn't make sense to Ash's brain at first, and it took him awhile to sort out what she was saying. Contemplate his thoughts? Hell yeah, but what was the brief speech about the Lake. He didn't give a shit about a Lake, but it seemed the Lake might have been important to the female so he kept his mouth shut. He should speak though, just in case the female decided to attack him, he would be ready though. He was a large wolf, and he would have strength on his side.

"Yes, tough time, I hope I didn't interrupt anything. I can depart soon if you need me to," the male spoke truthfully, not really caring where he would go from here. As long as it was away from damn Copper Rock Creek pack he would be fine. If anything he should join a pack. Not River or Creek but something different. WIth a glare at the ground he flattened his ears slightly against his head in submission, just in case that was what the female wanted, you could never know, but if he truely was near the pack boundaries and she was in the pack, then it would have been disrespectful for him not to do so.

OOC: Sorry it's so long. I'm venting through my character.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Ava was pleased to see his submission, though its appearance didn't change the pride she held in her chest. He did not intimidate her; her pack was nearby in the mountains, though she didn't actually worry about possible aggression from the male. confidence was abundant in the smaller she-wolf - not cockiness, just the assurance that she'd be just fine on her own. Remaining in her place Ava sank to her haunches, sitting tall while her gaze trailed from the male wolf, across the mountains, and fell upon the Lost Lake. A gentle breeze threw ripples across the water, the reflections of the mountains swaying in their mirrored image. It was true that she found the lake entirely enchanting and beautiful - it was her favorite place in all of Relic Lore and she was so damn blessed that this was where Rhysis had decided to take them home. She hadn't grown up in the mountains but now she adored them.

With these thoughts her gaze returned to the strange male and his words. Ava chuckled lightly. Interrupt anything? She wasn't even here when he arrived. He was incredibly polite though, which was always a neccessity for any lone wolf tredding on a pack's borders. Though she would defend the Poison Path if need be, she saw their encounter more like those she had beyond the mountains - just her and another wolf, in good company. She didn't need to chase him out. <i>I can depart soon if you need me to</i>. "<b>I only need you to if you're here to cause trouble or don't plan on staying long. But I don't mind visitors,</b>" Ava quipped. She showed him no submission, but he was quite welcome to sit down with her if that was what he wanted to do. It'd been some time since she had wandered out of their borders, and she quietly welcomed the encounter despite how her duty told her to be harsh.

She took the time to lick the blood off her maw, since it was probably making her look deranged or something before speaking once more, "<b>Have a story to share?</b>" Maybe he would and maybe he wouldn't. Ava was only trying, after all.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The female looked happy from his submission, he didn't mind though, better than her showing submission to him. He honestly thought this useless but it was the ways of packs, something he would have to follow to survive. The blood on the female's mouth was slightly irking him. He didn't know why, but images of Finn's bloodied body popped into his head. Blinking his eyes furiously he focused on the small female in front of him as she sat down. Deciding to take this chance to say down near the mountian's lake he watched her, listening closely to her response. Not mind visitors? Well that would be a good thing for him. When the small, brown female answered his ears twitched in amusement. If he were to cause trouble? Trouble was his middle name, but he just wasn't in the mood at the moment. The small wolf's next words shocked him, a story?

Though before he answered the female started to lick the blood off of her maw, thankfully, for Ash's mental sake. Opening his mouth to speak he said in a rough voice, "I came here to get away from everything. Find a pack, stay a lone wolf, anything just to get away from the other packs. I finally found my sister, I'm not too fond of her but she is my sister, I just needed to find somewhere new to go. This is the first time I have been over here actually." The male's answer was a long but accurate one. All truth were in the words he spoke and even though he was in pain he couldn't help the next words that came out of his mouth, "Are you a pack of one or do you actually belong to a pack? You smell of the borders nearby." The words were a simple question and statement. Ash was a curious wolf and if he possibly had a chance to join a pack he would jump on the opportunity.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
"<b>Sister?</b>" She mused, ear twitching. More and more she heard about siblings. There were pack families, of course, but apparently siblings followed one another to the lands of Relic Lore quite often. There was a teeny pull of regret on her heartstrings, wishing that one of her own had followed her on the way down. Then she remembered she was the one who had turned around on them and felt even worse. Ava closed her eyes, holding them for no more than a second longer than a blink, then opened them with a clear mind. <i>No more pain.</i> The sight of the mountains rising into the clouds eased her mind particularly, sneaking a glance in the direction of their pack den. There was no need for pain because Poison Path was her family now. Truly.

She knew by the way pride rose in her chest when he asked about the scent adorning her dark fur. Lifting her head a little, she turned her vibrant gaze on the stranger once more. "<b>I wouldn't be so frequent on the borders if I wasn't a loyal wolf of this mountain,</b>" she stated matter-of-factly, though a sly smile played along her lips. But Ava would not be too open - their scent was strong on the borders but they still did not openly invite others around. Their location was one that had to be sought out by the loners, if even that. She knew their newest recruit had been brought here by Rhysis himself, and <i>that</i> had been following a Swift River run-in. One could never be too safe.

"<b>What's your interest? I'd assume that, if you have a sister within the lands, you'd seek out her pack. Besides, what's your name? I've met a few wolves of neighboring packs already - I might know your sister.</b>"

The last part was a white lie. She hadn't met <i>that</i> many wolves. But between Rhysis, Naira and Athena they had the most of them covered. Nothing showed externally, but Ava was taking all possibilities into account. Best case scenario, he was nothing more than a mere loner with no bad connections and was looking to join a pack. But there were many more options than that... If he was a Swift River relative she would be more than quick to send him on his way. Ava inhaled deeply, eyes remaining on the stranger. For now, she'd just have to wait and see.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The large male was quick to become comfortable around this female. She was easy-going and she wasn't gushing out her feelings or asking too many personal questions. Though he was sure she wasn't always like this, he was near her territory and he slightly expected her to be slightly more tense about her being on his land. With a small snort he listened to her intently. She might know his sister....it seemed everyone knew his sister. "I honestly don't care about where she is right now. . .I kind of have a grudge against her right now. I'm Ash. Just a lone wolf traveling around. . .looking for somewhere to be."

The male was actually telling the truth. . .he didn't want to know where his sister was. . .he just needed time to think, and a pack to join possibly. He just needed to get away. . .to find a family and be happy for once and just live his own life. He couldn't possibly do any of this without starting from scratch.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
With a twitch of her dark ear she listened to the male's words. Well, it was good if he wasn't too close with his sister who was in another pack. Poison Path wasn't really friends with any of them, so not being connected to the others was sort of a must. Ava didn't deign to ask him about his grudge with his sister - she didn't particularly care at this point, nor was it relatively important to his value to their pack. Once more the glanced around the mountains, as though she hoped to catch a glimpse of one of her own roaming the stoney paths. From afar she couldn't spot anything, not even a mountain goat, so she returned her attention to Ash.

"<b>First of all, I'm Ava,</b>" she started, having momentarily fogotten to introduce herself after asking his own name. "<b>Second, you're obviously a large male. You're a likely candidate to be a profitable asset to pack,</b>" she stated matter-of-factly, adopting her business demeanor and peering at him with a critical eye. He needed somewhere to belong, they needed large, fighting males, perhaps there could be a match here. Of course the decision was not in her jurisdiction, but she could always pre-screen him and chase him off if it was glaringly obvious he would not fit in their family. "<b>But that is only face value. What would you bring to a pack if they would take you? A close-knit, very loyal pack, mind you.</b>" Her words were not cold, merely professional, though her expression remained kind. She wanted an honest answer, not to scare him off.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon

Her nose twitched with anticipation as she stared ahead at the hare ahead of her. Her body was low to the ground, stomach skimming gently across the cool rock as she stalked forward. The grey hare was just in leaping distance and Athena was determined today to catch the little sucker. Just a little bit more… Her footsteps were as light as a feather and her amber eyes were trained on her target. A flash of white leaped at the helpless hare. Far too fast met far too slow this time as pearly white teeth met flesh. The metallic smell of blood filled the air as Athena enjoyed the victory.

Indeed, it was a small catch, but in the weeks to come, everything is going to count. Happily trotting down the mountain with the rabbit in her mouth, she did not notice until she was almost on top of them that Ava was with a stranger. Her intimidating eye focused on the lone wolf and she had to hold back a snarl building up in her throat. She dropped her hare besides Ava as she advanced forward with tail and head raised in dominance and pride. She gave a loving nudge to Ava, but kept her eyes trained on the male. ”You are a rather close to pack borders.” She said sternly, but she did not show any aggression unless the need arrive.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The small female had a decent name, not one that disgusted him, not that many did, but not one that impressed him either. The large small nodded his head, showing the little female that he was listening. He had to control imself from laughing as she commented on his size. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he caught the next part of the black wolf's speech. What would he bring to a pack, how the hell was he supposed to know. He could only think of answering with honestly, "Ava, I honestly don't know. . .honestly I suppose, some build. . .I suppose I would be a loyal one, I would definitely defend everyone in this pack you speak of as much as I could." Just as the male's rough voice answered the small female, another female. this one white with similar amber eyes.

As small female approached the duo, he dipped his head as a sign od submission, for she smelt similar to Ava, only the scent seemed slightly stronger. Obviously a packmate and friend of Ava;s he watched as the female gave the black female a friendly nudge. Then she spoke, speaking of how close he was to the borders of her pack. He was hoping this wouldn't be a problem, but the female wasn't showing any sign of aggression, which was probably a good thing for him. Opening his mouth to answer her his deep voice boomed, "Apologies, miss. I was just trying to get away from the other packs. I am, in no means, here to bring any kind of trouble to you." He spoke politely to the female, this was her territory.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.