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I Like Mustard on My Biscuits, Mmm Hmm
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Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
Before she'd wandered to Lost Lake.

<blockquote>Things sure were quiet on the homefront these days. Aside from Kinis' untimely and mysterious disappearance, which had left the pack utterly broken, the shewolf had come to notice that the Secluded Spring was increasingly empty. Beside Ruiko's signature and Nina's, virtually every other scent she'd come to know had grown stale or faded completely. What was going on around here? Apathetically letting go of a melodramatic sigh, Aeylen rolled to her side. Wasn't pregnancy supposed to be a wonderful, and challenging, thing? Yes, she would often lay around for hours poking at her now very round belly, talking to the kids when there was no one else around, or just to see if she could get a rise out of them. But what felt like a huge part of her was just...<i>missing</i>. She'd always been healthy, happy, and full of life, but lately she wasn't feeling quite like herself. Was it the air here, which was muggier than it had been in the winter months due to the rise in temperature? Was it the fact that she'd never really been anywhere, aside from the Secluded Spring, save Bramble Falls, where she'd found her other half? Was it the fact the the territory had grown empty and quiet? All of these things, she considered, were a source of utter depression. She was listless as she spent more recent days sun bathing and eating - ferociously, quite like a monster. It was no surprise that her appitite was now ridiculous, but sometimes she swore Ruiko had impregnated her with a horde of giant wolf pigs, each with a bottomless pit as a stomach. It had been only hours since she'd woken to find a fresh meal at the mouth of the den, as there usually was - Ruiko was relentless about supplying her breakfast, maybe because he <i>knew</i> he'd given her wolf-pig babies - but the rumbling in her tummy soon prevailed. <i>Just shut up!</i> she would yell at it when no one was around - like a true psycho. Nonetheless, she wanted her children strong and healthy, so with a deep breath the woman would rise to her feet from her chosen, shady place at the densite. Though afternoon was coming to a close there was plenty of daylight to burn, which was good, because she hated tripping and stumbling her fat way to the cache in the dark (which she did most nights when it was time for a midnight snack). Stopping by the creek on her way to lap up some water, the disgruntled leadess followed the obvious, worn path to the store. <b>"What'll it be today, fatty?"</b> she mused to herself as though she weren't losing all of her marbles. Quail, half of a recently slain boar, a few deer legs...Mmmm, it all sounded really good...Perhaps she could have a nice liver appetizer before dragging out something bigger. And so she did shamelessly, licking the dirt and grease from her lips with satisfaction. Mustering the strength she hadn't devoted to consuming her first round, she drug the half boar back to what she considered the living room outside the cavernous pack outcrop. With a final heave she left the dirtied remains right there, plopping on her butt as her hind legs stuck out awkwardly from her round belly. <b>"Any time now..."</b> she continued to talk to herself, knowing that at any moment one of her family members would magically appear from the beautiful emptiness of the Spring or neighboring wood. Butttt...no one came. Where in the hell were they all? Probably out working or patrolling like she should be. And then it hit her - another wave of self-pity and sorrow as she sky gradually faded from blue to pink. She didn't want to eat alone; she didn't want to be alone (although she wolf-pigs were wonderful company). She held her breath until it felt like her chest would explode as tears streamed down her face. How much more could she take? It made her feel guilty that she was selfish enough to allow herself to react in such a manner, but damn it! her heart just hurt. With a quivering bottom lip, she sucked up her pride (or weakness), rose from her huge, round ass and lifted her muzzle to the sky, calling out for anyone who might hear. The alto tone would rise and fall a few times as she sang her sorrows and sorries away, hoping that they would all gather round for a family dinner she wasn't about to consume by her lonesome. Not again.
(This post was last modified: May 05, 2012, 03:49 AM by Aeylen.)
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

Pakuna was padding along, her nose to the earth as she did so. She was on patrol, marking the borders as she went along, smelling for any lone wolves. Nothing. It was unexciting, but the way it should be. Lifting her head, the tawny toned female listened as one of her leaders released a long howl into the warm air. With a tilt of her head, the woman now turned, kicking up dirt as she boosted towards the song.

Within moments, the gruff woman appeared in the clearing, only to see her pregnant leader seated beside a boar. The scent of the hog rushed into her nostrils immediately, and it took her almost all she had not to begin slobbering and drooling like a fool. Lowering her head and ears, she stepped forward, tail drooping downward in submission. " 'Ello, Aeylen." She spoke, her pale green eyes now upon the woman. Damn, was she round. Pakuna did not stare, for at first glance of the plump belly, she lifted her eyes to the woman's very own. It would be rude to stare!

With a smile crawling across her face, she soon figured why the lady had called her pack. "Family dinner, ma'am?" Pakuna questioned lightly, although she already knew the answer. Although her banner was lowered, it wagged slightly, as to show her excitement for this event.
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
<blockquote><b>"...and then as soon as you come on out of there, Daddy is going to-"</b> Her inward-outward monologue would be cut short as Pakuna emerged into the quiet clearing. The red hinted female smiled a genuinely ecstatic, toothy smile, feverishly wagging her tail, which beat upon the ground sweeping the dirt to and fro. She waddled to her feet in an instant to greet the tawny shewolf who had been one of the only members to have apparently stuck around.

<b>"Good evening, Pakuna! I am so very glad to see you."</b> <i>I was just rambling on with Vaeta after explaining to the boar corpse that we were about to finish him off</i>! Naturally, she held the later statement back for herself, the last thing she wanted was to run off good company. Instead, she honored the greeting with a quick and tender lick to the subordinate's cheek before returning to the 'dinner table.' <b>"How are things, out there? Did you happen to stumble upon any new adventures today?"</b> She was quite ready to hear, well, anything from her companion, who she was ashamed for now having devoted more of her time to. After the children were born, maybe she'd take her for a hunt, or sight-seeing.

Deciding she would wait for the others to make their ways, hopefully, before digging in, Aeylen hunkered down in the crater her ass had made in the ground with her full attention directed to any and everything Pakuna had to offer up.</blockquote>
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Though the day was a perfect day for a nice dip in the cool spring, today was not the day for one certain female to do so. Instead of going for a little swim in the creek to see Kashikoi she had decided today would be strictly devoted to collecting a herb for Aeylen. Though she wouldn't classify the plant as a herb, it was high in nutrition and would definitely be good for Aeylen due to her pregnancy. The female had taken most of the day to do so, but she didn't mind. . .she wanted the small pups in Aeylen's stomach to grow strong and healthy. As she continued to pick through the plant she finally got three stalks from the medium sized plant. She had pricked her mouth a few times while picking off the small spikes from the plant, but she was now proud of herself, all of the spikes were now off of the plant and buried underneath the ground. Nodding her head in determination she picked up her plants and kept them firmly in her mouth, but that was when she heard it. . .the strong howl of one of her leaders. She thought it of Aeylen for it sounded like it was near the denning area, where her female leader should be resting.

Her leader didn't sound panicked, but just in case the golden brown female picked up her pace to get to her leader just in case something was amiss. But when she arrived at the scene and put the three stalks of the plant down she heard her leader speaking to her belly, she supposed. . .it had been Aeylen, , ,though she wouldn't have been surprised if it was Ruiko either. The call she had sent out was obviously for everyone and as she entered, the familiar face of Pakuna appeared. Walking closer to her leader she remained in a neutral position, not showing any sign of dominance. Dipping her head silently in greeting to the two wolves she listened to what her leader had to say. Asking how things were going, eh? For her, she kept busy, she just couldn't sit on her butt all day, but would have been, she didn't know why but it just seemed to happen to be like this. The golden brown female made sure to keep a light weight on her still fractured back leg and sat down in front of the wolves. . .she only hoped they wouldn't see this as rude. Her recent run-in with the Poison wolves had not done her well.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

Pakuna felt the quick swipe of her leader's tongue across her cheek. She was happy she was there. With a smile of her own, Pakuna shook her head. "Nay, there be no excitement, unfortunately. There be no new scents." With a shrug of her shoulders, Pakuna spoke again. "Guess that be a good thing, of course!" She looked back up to her leader, tail and ears still lowered. The boar looked delicious, and she teetered on her front paws, looking at it.

Nina arrived. Pakuna had briefly met this wolf, and she did not seem too bad at all. Turning her head, she nodded to her, the friendly smile still on her muzzle. For some reason, the woman seemed a bit pained, but the tawny female would not question her until she spoke for herself. "Nina" She said simply, dipping her head in greeting towards the wolf.

Pakuna watched as a vulture circled overhead, its interest obviously on the feast that the wolves would be taking part in. She looked up, rolling her pale eyes at the bird. There would not be any scraps left for the feathered critter, she already new that. He would have to find a snack elsewhere.
(This post was last modified: May 05, 2012, 10:30 PM by Pakuna.)
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
<blockquote>The tawny shewolf listened intently as Pakuna spoke of the condition of the borders - untouched, as she agreed with a nod that they should be. Shortly thereafter, the pack's medic, Nina, appeared into view with a small mouthful of herbs the Leader concluded to be for her practices. Utter delight tickled her insides as the golden brown female took her rightful seat before (and beside) them, and Aeylen's gaze would sweep over the leg that she favored with concern.

<b>"It appears that you've been hard at work, Nina. Perhaps a good meal would serve you well?"</b> She spoke softly, not having lost any fervor for the occassion. A gentle breeze would sweep through the open clearing, carrying a refreshing mist from the territory's hallmark creek in their direction. Briefly, her gaze would scan the treelines for any sign of Ruiko, or the boys before falling upon the ladies and the mouthwatering hunk of lifeless boar. She was certainly ready to eat, but she would wait (at least a wee bit longer) in hope for the Creek pack's men before moving in on the cache's finest.

<b>"Ladies, please, help yourselves. I imagine the boys will be here soon, and I'm sure they will be hungry enough to tear that thing to shreds."</b> A warm smile replaced the inklings of insanity she'd been toying with all day, and - gratefully - with her family close, things felt back to normal, at least if only temporary. <b>"Nina, how is your leg? I see that it pains you..."</b> she inquired curiosly with a tilt of her head.</blockquote>
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The small brown female nodded her head to Pakuna in greeting, perfering not to speak at the moment as she picked seeds from the herbs that she had gathered for Aeylen. She wouldn't force the female to eat them, but it wouldn't hurt the female to have them. She hadn't strayed far from the denning area since her incident with the pack wolves in Fireweed. Luckily, Niara had found her to help her on her way afterwards. Though her attention was on the herbs she was picking she didn't miss the quick glance that her packmates gave to her leg. She should have known better to sit lopsided. . .it would have been more obvious then it already was. Her lady leader spoke up from her spot on the ground, her quiet voice reaching the young wolf's ears. A meal. . .hard at work. . .it sounded tempting, but she remained quiet nodding her head to her leader. She had become quiet now. . .not really talking to anyone. She had recently used most of her energy healing another wolf. . .but Nina could be happy by the face that neither of the female's brought up her leg injury.

After a quiet, comfortable silence Aeylen spoke up, inviting the two girl's to the meal and the two were greeted with a warm smile from the female. Nodding her head once again, Nina kept her head in the point at hand. She would eat after she gave the seeds to Aeylen, she was almost done putting the small seeds in a pile too when Aeylen commented. . and if on anything it had to be her leg. Glancing up at her leader she nodded her head and sighed mentally. Now she didn't have a choice but to speak. In a ragged, soft voice that obviously hadn't been used too much recently she spoke, "It is going better than it was before. I had a run-in with some pack wolves. It seems Rhysis and Niara have joined together to join a pack. Athena, she rammed me." She figured she might as well give the story to her leader, she had technically asked without asking, and it was better getting the story out quickly rather then have to wait. She was just glad Volkan wasn't here to hear her small tale. . .she probably would have been pretty pissed. . .as would have Ruiko. Though Nina couldn't hide the hint of shame she felt for getting injured so easily. Nosing some of the seeds she had picked over to Aeylen she said softly, "Some herbal nutrition for the little angels growing inside of you. It will do you good."
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

Pakuna gazed at the boar, tempted to sink her fangs in. At her leader's words, she was about to tear into the flesh, but stopped. Turning her head, she listened to Naira's words. A new pack? Interesting. With a small grunt, she looked to her leadess to see what she would say about it. Lowering her head, she nibbled at the boar, ripping at the flesh of the neck. She would not eat too much, for she wished to be polite.

At Naira's words about the pups, she chuckled full-heartedly "We can only hope they be little angels." She smiled sweetly, looking at Aey's large belly. It would be quite exciting to see how the pups would turn out. Pakuna would take her turn in helping them grow, and teaching them to hunt. She had limited experience with pups, but it was certainly something she would give a lending paw in.
(This post was last modified: May 13, 2012, 08:44 PM by Pakuna.)
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote> He had heard the howl, from the other end of the territory, but truthfully had been avoiding company since Kinis’s disappearance and the realisation that Wille too, was gone. Being with the others... just made him depressed. He missed her bright eyes and melodic laugh, missed Kinis’s wonder and stories... The last thing he felt like doing was sitting about and listening to stories or whatever the plan was for tonight but he had been summoned and so he picked up his pace, making a beeline for the gathered females.

The scent of hog crossed his nostrils first and his stomach growled angrily. It was truthful he hadn’t eaten from the caches, well, ever really. He preferred his dinners fresh caught and the caches were for the pregnant, the young and the injured. Those unable to hunt for themselves. He missed Nina’s mention of his sister (by far for the best because it wouldn’t take much to push him over the edge). He was glad to see the brown girl was still there, and Pakuna, who he hadn’t really gotten a chance to get to know properly.

Tucking his tail and whining an apology to Aeylen for taking so long to get here he crouched low and approached, offering her a lick to the cheek in greeting. He had even moved from the denning area to sleep closer to the borders, so he would have less distance to travel to mark their borders. He didn’t want anyone slipping past him with her carrying the future of the pack... and didn’t it show...

He kept his eyes planted firmly in his skull despite the feeling they wanted to fall on the floor. It had only been a few weeks since he had seen her on the borders where Kinis vanished. It couldn’t be long now, and it lit a fire in his chest that had been absent since his return. She would be safe. They would all be safe, because the <span class='word'>mensch</span> would make sure it was so.</blockquote>
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashikoi was in the process of finding new herbs which was not always the most pleasant job. It often required that he try tasting a little of each plant and hope it didn't make him sick. So far though all he had found by himself was a bright red flower with black center that made you numb. He had shown that plant to Nina not long back. Smelling the air every so often Kashi manage to pick up the scent of something strange and fresh.

As he ran towards the smell he heard the others of the pack as well as smelled them. What was that smell though? As he came into the clearing where the other wolves were gathered it was apparent that he was missing out on a pack feast. In the center of the group was a large fat dark thing with large teeth protruding from the front of it's mouth. As Kashi approached he sunk low to the ground in front of the alpha's in apology. "I'm sorry, I didn't know there was a hunt and what is that thing?"
With death comes life and with life comes hope.