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It Hurts, y'know? — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The day was cloudy and cool, the trees in the small clearing rustling in the breeze. A recent fight had occured and a female, one from the Creek had gotten injured. . .her back leg fractured, shattered and it still hurt. She had continuously tried many herbs to try and heal her leg, but so far she had had no such luck. Even Niara, a good friend of hers, had tried to help, but had not suceeded. The golden brown female had also run into Swiftr River territory to help a wolf, Finn, her name had been. She had smelt of Jedd when she had found her, but she hadn't said anything for the female's sake, just in case something bad were to happen. Now she was making her short journey to River territory to pay the small silver female a visit to make sure she was doing well. Nina happened to do so often and she had never had a chance to talk to the female for she wasn't in the proper mind set at the time. Now was a time to rest for the lady though, she was panting, harder than usual. . .her leg was hurting her exceptionally worse today, but she was pushing through the pain the best she could. She didn't know what to do. She needed to find Finn though, to make sure she was okay.

Blinking her eyes she sighed. She wasn't close enough to the territory to call for the female yet, and she couldn't go any further at the moment. Resting her head on her paws she sighed and looked off into the horizon. The sky was an orange purple color tonight, giving her a slightly calming sensation in her mind. The air even smelt good tonight, the flowers in the clearing blowing the breeze, almost as if the pollen was noticable as it flew around in the sky. She didn't know why, but tonight she didn't want to be alone, she wanted to do something, to jump for joy and scream out to the world, singing about how happy she was. Though she knew her singing wouldn't sound good, not now, at least. She hadn't spoken much since the incident in the Fireweed, had not talked at all, that's what it seemed got her in so much trouble. . .talking. She had only spoken to Kashikoi so far. .but she hadn't really had a choice, he was her pupil, her resonsiblily to teach. . .she knew she couldn't let him down, but she still limited her talking about him. She understood words and what not but otherwise she would give a nod of her head or just silently stare at them, answering someone with her eyes. . .she didn't know what was wrong with her, maybe she just needed to see someone, anyone, possibly someone she cared about, to finally bring her to her senses.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
I'm going to play this after Finn gets booted from SR, if that's ok <3

The pain...ohh, the pain. Why the hell did it have to hurt so much? Every step brought a sore muscle, a pang of stinging sensations throughout her limbs. Her brown eyes were narrowed, her ears tight against her skull. Silver-gray fur was tattered like an unwanted animal. The woman loped along, lithly sliding between the cherry trees.

Hunger pulled at her stomach and formed an intense knot. Growling softly to herself, the petite shewolf dragged herself beneath a tree, lowered her head down slowly. Muzzle crinkled as she sucked up cherries from the grasses below, her face turning to that of disgust. The flavor of the berries was something she obviously did not favor, but there was nothing else to eat, so it would have to do for now. She would certainly be unable to catch her own prey for a long while, and perhaps a diet of berries would become more palatble to her- hell, it better.

She flopped on the ground now, wincing as pain shot through her body. With a frown striking across her elegant face, she closed her eyes, wanting to scream out. Why did this have to happen to her? Why did Jedd do this? She wanted someone right now...anyone. Someone who would help her. She did not want pity, no, but more so of a motivational speech. Finn no longer belonged with Swift River, so life as a lone would triple in difficulty for her.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
OOC: Absolutely fine with me, I could perfer this. . .perhaps Nina could help her somehow.

Her eyes were slowly starting to droop. . .she needed to get some much needed rest, but she also needed to get back to her leader. . .Aeylen. The lady was good but she wanted to make sure she didn't fret too far from the borders. . .otherwise, something bad might happen. And Nina didn't want anything bad happening to her lady. She was just about to slip into unconciousness when she heard it. . .pawsteps. . .soft ones that were eventually padding towards her. . .as the wolf, she supposed, got closer, she got a whiff of the scent. It was a slightly stale scent from Swift River. . .either a lone wolf, or just another wolf had been away from River pack for awhile now. Her doubts of who the wolf was quickly dispersed when she saw a small wolf. It seemed as though she were a dot on the horizon. And it seemed that the gaint the wolf was carrying was too much. The wolf. . .looked like she was limping. . .therefore she would definitely need to help out this wolf.

Bringing herself drowsily to her paws she padded forward, keeping her mouth shut. . .but she knew that this wolf, whoever she was would hear her. The golden brown female's pawsteps were uneven and heavy due to her leg problem, the sudorific, quickly dripped down her forehead and near her lip. Quickly and efficiently she licked the small bead of sweat away. She was now closer to the other wolf. She could now see the little female closely. . .it was Finn. . .clear shock snapped in her mind. . .but she was so mentally and physically tired she didn't notice that she was unable to show the emotion on her face. She continued not to say anything as she approached the silver female; she didn't plan on speaking anytime soon. But as she approached the female she limped forward, her back leg dragging on the ground as she appraoched the injured female. She couldn't believe this. . .what kind of pack makes an injured wolf leave their pack, injured and unhealthy. Shaking her head she put it on herself to take care of the she wolf in front of her. Stretching her head out, she knew it was risky, but she carefully licked the female's muzzle, proving to her that she meant no harm, she was just here to help.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn rose up slowly as the female loped towards her. The small silver-gray woman's ears flattened against her head and she raised her ebon lips, exposing her ivory fangs. Her chocolate eyes were lit with a miserable flame, showing the pain and fear she was in. Releasing a low growl, she tried to step back, but stumbled. Within the next moment, something had taken her surprise- the soft swipe of the woman's tongue came across Finn's muzzle. Eyes narrowing, the gray woman now lowered her inky lips, staring in confusion at Nina.

No, she did not recognize her one bit. "Who are you?" She demanded, hackles beginning to rise down her furry neck. Finn did not wish for this to become a pother, for she just wanted to get away. A moment ago, though, she was wishing for company...what was wrong with her? With an airy woof, she tried once more to step backwards, but the pain that pulsed through her body forced her to stay put.

Why the hell did this wolf lick her muzzle? Finn could not register her odor as anything familiar. Looking at the ground, the small lady eyed a cherry, feeling her stomach turn. She really ate about six of the damn things? What was she going to say to the woman? Pardon me while I vomit, miss? Or, maybe she could just throw up without warning and the wolf before her would take off in disgust. Face crinkling, she looked to the wolf, waiting to see how she would reply to her question.
(This post was last modified: May 08, 2012, 07:22 PM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The silver female in front of her was obviously still sick. . .very very sick. She wanted to reach out to the other female, and maybe tell her that she understood. . .the only problem with that was. . .she didn't. She understood the pain that the female might have been going to, but she would never be able to understand exactly what kind of pain she was going through. When the girl asked who she was it didn't shock Nina one bit. . .she was the wolf who had healed the female when she had, obviously, been attacked, and she had not expected the older female to remember her. Now looking over the female she had healed she saw a weak little defensive girl who was scared and needed someone. . .anyone to care for her. Something that Nina could give with open paws. Opening her mouth to speak she said softly, "I am Nina Hervok. . .I am the wolf who healed you, not to long ago. You are Finn, correct?"

The Hervok had recently heard about her brother, Ash, and was shocked to find that he was here, in Relic Lore. She hadn't had much time to discover what he had wanted from her, for she had been too busy caring for Aeylen. Though when she was with Triell, and the two mysterious wolves with Finn she was slightly irked by the fact that the male, who had been much larger than her, who hadn't smelt like Swift River, had a green eye color, one that resembled hers. . .and his eyes. . .slanted. . .just like hers. . .how odd it had been to see a wolf that had the same body structure as her. She had not gotten the male's name, for she had been busy, and quickly after the small incident the female had ran. . .ran as fast as the possibly could with her slight limp back to where her leader would be. , ,probably waiting for the brown lady to check in on her as she did everyday.

An airy woff brought Nina back to her senses as she studied the silver lady in front of her. Her concerned eyes watched the little silver girl in front of her carefully. She seemed to calm down slightly, but she expected nothing less from the girl. She had been attacked recently, and a random wolf approaching her and licking her muzzle. . .she must think the golden brown female nuts as she did so. Finn almost seemed to look sicker than she had when she had first arrived to the scene back near Swift River territory. She looked very sick, as if Triell hadn't taken good care of her like she had informed him of doing. . .what had happened to the point to where the female couldn't stay near home?
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn relaxed from her withdrawn state. Her face seemed to soften; her eyes swirled with curiosity. Blinking rapidly, she stuttered on her next words "Ni-Nina...Ok. Th-thank you...." She did not know what to say. Since the attack, she seemed to lose her stability with thoughts; she was constantly on edge now. Paranoia followed her like her own shadow. Ears rising up now, she stood awkwardly before the tawny shaded woman. "It...was...my brother." It came out of her mouth automatically. She wanted a wolf to support her, damnit, and one appeared- it was best to put her words into this wolf. Nina was the one who healed her, after all.

Her jaws closed once she finished her sentence. She could feel her muscles in her face tensing as she thought of her brother, Jedd- no, wait...he wasn't her brother anymore. He was a bastard and deserved to die. Why on Earth would he want to attack his own sister, when she had never done anything to him? A frown now pulled at her ebon lips, pulling them downwards in fear. Her chocolate eyes peered shyly at Nina as she carefully watched the wolf.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The female seemed to stumble over her words as she spoke, post-relief of stress or just plain shock she wasn't sure. . .but what the silver lady in front of her said next shocked her more than anything. It was my brother. . . Her brother had been the one who had injured her. . .what a cruel fate to fall to. The poor girl in front of her. . .attacked by her own brother and left for dead. What the little unlukcy bastard didn't know was that Nina had healed the silver lady in front of her before she could die, but now looking at the girl she had saved she couldn't feel proud, not with what she saw in front of her. . .the female was weak, she needed somewhere to live, another pack. something or somewhere that she could call home. The female avioded showing any emotion on her face, but she let her eyes show silent sympathy for the female.

Calmly lifting her head her emerald eyes seemed to perice through everything. Now the female was mad, who the hell hurt their own sibling. She herself had recently found out that she herself might even have a sibling. . .something that she had always urned for but decided against making it much of a big deal. Now looking at the female in front of her she coudn't see how someone could hurt such a tiny wolf. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. . .I can't really see how that feels for I have never met my siblings, if it is true that I have one. But why aren't you at home with Triell? He said he would take good care of you." She couldn't think of a reason for Triell, the male that she had put much of her trust in, would just not fulfil what she had asked . . .and for it to be of his packmate. . .what had happened?

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
The wolf was full of broken thoughts; her mind was a shattered mirror. Blankly, she gazed at Nina, words from the woman's mouth going through one ear and out the other. She grasped the last question though with firm paws, her eyes narrowing. "I am no longer welcome there. I lacked in participation in Swift River....they gave me the boot." Her words were emotionless, her face a canvas of no feeling. Brown eyes looked to the ground as a whir of pain swept through her body. She was most likely to be a loner for quite awhile- life was going to be difficult.

The small woman turned her frame now, eyes lifting towards the nearest cherry tree. The ripe orbs of red hung from the branches, awaiting their turn to fall or be eaten by a creature. Mind ran like a record with no song, blaring silence through the emptiness that was now her being. She related herself to the deep red fruits on the tree. I wait to fall, and if I fail to do so, I am eaten. My fall had not been successful; for instead I was eaten by my own blood. My own blood. With chocolate pools glazing over in tears, the silver-gray woman blinked rapidly to shoo them away. Her head came around slowly, and she looked to Nina, her jaws closed and tense.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The silver girl in front of her seemed numb, something Nina had experienced before with other wolves, but never with herself. She didn't know what to say to the girl though, nothing to comfort her. Offer her something, Nina. You have to. She had not been to a pack meeting? Had something been distracting the young female in front of her? Shaking her head to clear her thoughts she said in a soft, slow, unstrady voice, "Well, Copper Rock Creek pack is looking for new members. If you ever need a family. It might be best for awhile, Finn." After her recent mistake with Treena she couldn't risk another one. She wasn't sure if her offer was good enough, but she knew enough to prep the young wolf in front of her before going to her leader this time. No more mistakes on her part, she couldn't risk the fact that she might not make it out without a scratch this time.

Her alphas trusted her as their healer and protector against some things. Though Nina was sure that she could protect her leaders she figured she should wait awhile until the pups were born. But she couldn't leave Finn out here by herself. That wolf. . .the one that had been at the incident, who had he been? Opening her mouth again she spoke quietly, "That male that was there. Brown fur, green eyes. You knew him," Nina paused her statement ringing clear, "Who was he?" The words were out and NIna knew she couldn't bring them back, but she was curious. This fact might be important.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Her eyes were empty; her soul seeming to wander from her. She gazed at Nina, who asked her about a wolf that was on the scene when she was found injured. "Ash." Her voice was quiet as she spoke, nothing altiloquent. She growled as she sat on her haunches, eyes wincing as she did so. Pain was distracting Finn from the healer's question, but she forced herself to inform the wolf- she did save her life, after all.

"Y'all look alike..." She peered at the woman's eyes, and they had the same slanted appearance as Ash's had. Looking at her with fascination, her gray-silver head began to bob. "Yeah....Ash. He's nice. Why are you wonderin', if you don't mind me asking?" Good. She was getting herself back by talking. She began to feel her soul be absorbed back into her flesh; her eyes began to light up again. This is what she needed...social interaction. A tiny smile crept onto her face, but she still remained like a statue before Nina. Finn reeled her head back as her stomach growled, begging for food. Seems those damn cherries didn't work anything for her.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."